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Q#1 :When a vector is multiplied by a negative number, its direction changes by an angle of:

  (A)00

  (B)900

  (C)1800

  (D)3600
Q#2 :Unit vectors are used to specify:

  (A) Magnitude of vector

  (B) Direction of vector

  (C) Magnitude as well as direction of vector

  (D) Unit of other vectors

Q#3 :Law of cosine is used to find:

  (A) Magnitude of dot product of two vectors

  (B) Direction of dot product of two vectors

  (C) Magnitude of resultant of two vectors

  (D) Direction of resultant of two vectors

Q#4 :……………is a vector quantity:

  (A) Mass

  (B) Distance

  (C) Torque

  (D) Work
Q#5 :If A .B = 0 and A × B = 0 then:

  (A)Either A or B or both or null vectors

  (B) A and B are parallel to each other

  (C) A and B are perpendicular to each other

  (D) A and B are opposite to each other

Q#6 :Angle θ which a vector makes with +ve x-axis in anti clock wise direction, when its x component is positive
and y component is negative ,will be:

  (A) 900 <θ>1800

  (B) 1800 <θ> 2700

  (C) 3600 <θ> 2700

  (D) 00 <θ> 90>0

Q#7 :According to commutative law:

  (A) A .B = AB

  (B) A .B = BA

  (C) A .B = B.A

  (D) B. A = BA
Q#8 :Dot product of two vectors gives:

  (A) Scalar quantity

  (B) Vector quantity

  (C) A number

  (D) Some times a scalar some times a vector quantity

Q#9 :i = 1 because:

  (A) i is a unit vector

  (B) i is parallel to i

  (C) i is perpendicular to i

  (D) a and c
Q#10 :A × B = B × A because:

  (A) their magnitude is equal but direction in different

  (B) their direction and magnitude both are different

  (C) their direction is same but magnitude is different

  (D) none of these
Q#11 :Cross product of two vectors gives:

  (A) Scalar quantity

  (B) Vector quantity

  (C) A number

  (D) Some times scalar some times a vector quantity

Q#12 :Cross product of two vectors A and B is zero , then:

  (A)either or both A and B are null vectors

  (B) A is perpendicular to B

  (c) A is parallel to B

  (d) a and c
Q#13 : A × B is vector quantity its direction can determined by:

  (A) Head to tail rule

  (B) Left had rule

  (C) Right hand rule

  (D) Law of sines

Q#14 : Dot product of vectors obeys:

  (A) Commutative law

  (B) Distributive law

  (C) Law of sines

  (D) a and b
Q#15 : i × j = k because:

  (A) i and j both are unit vectors

  (B) i × j gives unit vector perpendicular to i

  (C) i cross j gives unit vector perpendicular to j

  (D) i cross j gives unit vector perpendicular to the plane of i and j

Q#16 : i × k = ?
  (A) 1

  (B) -1

  (C) j

  (D) –j
Q#17 : The the magnitude of resultant of 3N and 4N force acting perpendicularly on o body is:

  (A) 1 N

  (B) 2 N

  (C) 7 N

  (D) 5 N
Q#18 : The dot product of two unit vectors perpendicular to one another is:

  (A) 0

  (B) 1

  (C) -1

  (D) ± 1
Q#19 : If the vector addition of two vectors of magnitude 3 units and 4 units has resultant of 5 units then the angle
between those two vectors is:

  (A) 00

  (B) 45 0

  (C) 900

  (D) 180 0
Q#20 :A force of magnitude 10N acting on a body produces a displacement of 3m. Such that the force and
displacement are in opposite direction .their dot product will be:

  (A) 30

  (B) -30

  (C) 7

  (D) 13
Q#21 :If cross product of two non zero vectors is zero, then:

  (a) Vectors are in the same direction

  (b) Vectors are perpendicular

  (c) Vectors are opposite

  (d) a and c
Q#22 :The resultant of A + (-A) is called:

  (A) Zero or null vector

  (B) Position vector

  (C) Free vector

  (D) Unit vector

Q#23 :A unit vector can be obtained by dividing the vector with its:

  (A) Direction

  (B) Negative vector

  (C) Perpendicular vector

  (D) Magnitude
Q#24 :When a vector is multiplied by -1, its direction changes by:

  (A) 450

  (B) 900

  (C) 600

  (D) 1800
Q#25 :The addition of two or more vectors is called:

  (A) Null vector

  (B) Position vector

  (C) Resultant vector

  (D) Negative vector

Q#26 :Two vectors are said to be parallel if the angle between them is:

  (A) 00

  (B) 900

  (C) 1800
  (D) 450
Q#27 :Graphically a vector is represented by:

  (A) Circle

  (B) Triangle

  (c) Straight line

  (D) Directed straight line

Q#28 :The length of the tail of the arrow represents the ……………..of vector:

  (A) Direction

  (B) Magnitude

  (C) Direction and magnitude

  (D) Resultant of vector

Q#29 :The magnitude of two equal forces F and F is F when they are inclined at an angle of:

  (A)00

  (B)1200

  (C) 900

  (D)1800
Q#30 :If j and k are unit vectors along y and x axis , then k × j is given by :

  (A) -i

  (B) i

  (C) 0

  (D) 1

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