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Based on the information in the article, say whether the following statements are True (T), False (F).

41. Sales-driven companies tried to change customer's minds and make them like the products they
True False

42. The main focus of companies shifted from engineering to finance to marketing.
True False

43. The author claims that marketing is to fool the customers and to falsify the company’s image.
True False

44. Marketing today is to integrate the customer into the design of the product.
True False

45. What is wrong with focusing on R&D and creating new products?
A. You forget about the customer and the competition.
B. You forget about the customer, the market and the competition.
C. You forget about the customer and the market.
D. You forget about the market and the competition.

46. What is wrong with focusing on increasing market share?

A. It turns the market into crumbs rather than a whole pie.
B. It turns marketing into a smart effort to own the whole pie.
C. It turns marketing into an expensive competition over small targets.
D. It turns the market share into a whole pie.

What does each of the underlined words refer to?

47 “… it is a way of doing business…” (Para. 3) 
48 “… Others become absorbed in the competition …” (Para. 4) 

Find words from the text which mean:

49. not reacting or paying enough attention to something (Para. 2) 
50. spreading through or into everything (Para. 3) 
51. to trick someone (Para. 3) 
52. to change something in order to deceive people (Para. 3) 
53. a person’s particular way of thinking about things (Para 4) 

Fill in each gap of these sentences with one suitable word from the text:
54. Samsung can be considered as a ________________ driven business as it creates mobile phones in
various colors to suit all tastes of their customers.
55. In terms of marketing, some R&D companies show a weakness as they are so ________________ on
the creation of new products.

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