Tensile Testing - Innovative Solutions For Materials Testing

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What is a Tensile Test?
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A tensile test (https://www.stablemicrosystems.com/MaterialsTesting.html) pulls (or stretches) a sample and, as
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a result, the extensibility/elongation and tensile strength properties are measured in terms of force required to
stretch and the distance something can be stretched to.
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It is a destructive test that measures force which can be

Newsletters translated to tensile properties or terms such as tensile
strength, tensile ‘break point’, extensibility, stretchiness, elongation, burst point, tensile modulus, yield stress
and strain, strength and strain to fracture, fracture
Searchtoughness etc.

In a simple tensile test, a sample is held in betweenBecome

two grips which are a set distance
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apart – this is uniaxial
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tension. The loading arm (attached to the top grip) moves up at a constant speed to deform the sample, rst
deforming it elastically then plastically.

The amount of force or stress (force per unit area) and distance or strain (per cent change in length) are
measured throughout the test until the sample breaks. 

Why are Tensile Tests Important?

Many materials are subject to tensile situations where these tensile properties then become important to
measure and control in order to be suitable or to maintain the required functionality of a product. For certain
materials, the ability to withstand tensile stresses can impact product damage and consumer safety.

In fact, measurement of materials under tension can be an imperative assessment that engineers and quality
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managers need to ascertain whether a material possesses the mechanical integrity to be used in their intended
application without any apparent weakness that could cause the material to fail and jeopardise safety and
ultimately consumer dissatisfaction. 

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Whilst tensile testing is common for the assessment of solid materials, there are exceptions – e.g. lms, dough,
gels, pasta, confectionery and adhesives – where tensile properties are very important and a necessary or
expected characteristic of the product.

In addition, packaging in all industries can be tested in this way and the force to pull apart or damage the
sample in this way is a valuable assessment or whether
About a product can withstand handling, storage and
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Solving Potential Tensile Testing Problems

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One problem with many materials (particularly those that are soft) is that of holding the sample so that the
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break occurs within the sample and not at the jaws that hold the sample. Preparing ‘dogbone’ or dumbbell-
shaped test pieces and holding the sample at
Equipment the wide ends often helps this potential problem.

The sample is then more likely to deform and(/materials-videos-index.aspx)
break in the narrow centre of the test piece in a more controlled
manner. Another method is to encase the ends of the sample between e.g. two pieces of perspex, or freezing
the ends before clamping to avoid cutting (/webinars-index.aspx)
of the sample at the grip point.

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Tensile testing is less common than compression testing, partly because it is more di cult to grip/hold the
sample in such a manner that a tensile load can be applied without the sample breaking at the grip/hold point.
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For this reason, a wide range of xtures have(/materials-journals-index.aspx)
Journals been designed to overcome sample mounting issues and prevent
grip point failures thereby allowing a successful measurement of tensile properties.
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Typical Probe/Fixtures Used
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There are a number of traditional tensile testing xtures that are widely used for solid materials such as:
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Left: Tensile Grips: General purpose knurled jaw face grips

Centre: Self-Tightening Roller Grips: Spring-loaded cross-hatched rollers provide a self-tightening mechanism
Right: Pneumatic Grips: Gripping pressure can be controlled precisely
Image Credit: Stable Micro Systems Ltd

However, new solutions are now available that are required for the testing of those products that could
otherwise not be held/gripped by traditional tensile grips. Here is a wide selection highlighting their use on
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Left: Miniature Tensile (/materials-equipment-index.aspx)
Grips: Smaller jaw faces used where testing stroke is limited (/newslette
Centre: Articulated Tensile Grips: Allows the gripping of thin materials whilst providing rotational exibility
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Right: Capsule/Loop Tensile Rig: Used to support capsule or small loop material for tensile testing
Image Credit: Stable Micro Systems Ltd 
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Left: Cheese Extensibility Rig: Allows the assessment of(/newsletters)

Newsletters molten cheese by the utilisation of a vessel and fork system
Centre: Kie er Dough & Gluten Extensibility Rig: A micro-extension solution for supporting soft materials via a
spring-loaded clamping system
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Right: Pizza Tensile Rig: Supports material with opposing diagonal spikes
Image Credit: Stable Micro Systems Ltd
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Left: Noodle/Pasta Loop Tensile Rig: Provides support for extensibility and tensile strength measurement of looped

Centre: Ring Pull Rig: Allows two stage removal of ring pulls from food and beverage cans

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Right: Slot Tear Rig: Measures the force to tear a slotted sample apart
Image Credit: Stable Micro Systems Ltd

Another approach is to perform a bi-axial tensile test

(https://www.stablemicrosystems.com/MaterialsTesting.html) where the sample is held like a circular drum skin
and stretched in all directions by forcing a ball probe
About through the centre. This type of testing is popular for
testing lms and certain foods, e.g. tortillas, where the measurement of burst strength is required.
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Whilst clamping a specimen for tensile tests may present di culties, these can often be overcome by careful(/newslette
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choice of the clamping xture.

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Left: Film Support Rig: Allows testing of thin, lm-like materials
Centre: Tortilla/Pastry Burst Rig: Allows extensibility testing of larger, soft materials
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Right: Lastometer Rig: The 'Ball Burst Test' identi es the strength and distension of leather grain
Image Credit: Stable Micro Systems Ltd 

What Does a Tensile Test Result Look Like?

Axes units can be chosen based on a standard method requirement, manufacturer’s material speci cation
requirements, academic literature submission guidelines or operator choice.

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Typical Texture Analyser graph with (/materials-equipment-index.aspx)
annotated properties of material tension to failure. Image Credit: Stable Micro
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Stress-strain graph from a tensile test on a tin sheet dogbone sample. Image Credit: Stable Micro Systems Ltd
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As with all tests, the force applied, the distance moved(/newsletters)

Newsletters by the probe and the time are all recorded. The force-
distance graph usually begins with a straight section that corresponds to elastic (reversible) deformation, then
most samples show a curved section that shows plastic
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Di erent samples will give di erent load-distance responses; stronger and sti er samples show higher forces,
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brittle samples break before any plastic deformation occurs and tough samples show a large area under the
curve corresponding to a large amount of energy required for deformation. 

Di erent materials show very varied graph shapes. Several useful parameters can be calculated from a tensile
stress-strain graph, using the standard engineering equations for stress and automatically collected in Exponent
software as long as the sample’s stress area has been input into the software. The more accurate this
measurement, the more accurate the stress data. 

Stable Micro Systems manufactures instruments that measure the tensile and compressional properties of all
types of materials. As with any manufacturing innovation, a large amount of research takes place during
development, and the end product must go through a quality control process to assess its physicochemical

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A Texture Analyser/Materials Tester (https://www.stablemicrosystems.com/MaterialsTesting.html) is a crucial
part of this procedure, giving a reliable way to test the mechanical properties of products or materials by
applying a choice of compression, tension, extrusion, adhesion, bending or cutting tests to measure a product’s 
physical properties e.g. tensile strength, puncture strength, fracturability and compressibility, to name but a few.

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A range of Texture Analysers/Material Testers (/materials-equipment-index.aspx)
varying in maximum force capacity. Image Credit: Stable Micro Systems
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Video Credit: Stable Micro Systems Ltd


This information has been sourced, reviewed and adapted from materials provided by Stable Micro Systems Ltd.

For more information on this source, please visit Stable Micro Systems Ltd.
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