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Multiple Choice.
INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. Mark only one answer for each
item by marking the box corresponding to the letter of your choice on the answer sheet provided. STRICTLY
NO ERASURES ALLOWED. Use pencil no. 1 only.

In the hearing for the violation committed by the probationer, the latter shall have the
right to be informed of the violation charged and to adduce evidence in his favor. This
right is in pursuant to his right to _______? *

a. Equal protection
b. Due process of law
c. Miranda rights
d. Presumption of innocence

The BPP may recommend to the President the grant of executive clemency to a
prisoner when the following extraordinary circumstances are present, except: *

a. Such other circumstances when best interest of justice will be served thereby.
b. Inmate who is 70 years old and above who have served at least 5 years of their sentence.
c. When inmate is suffering from serious illness
d. When inmate is suffering from severe physical disability

An open institution usually a penal farm or camp *

Answer not given
Medium Security Institution
Maximum Security Institution
Minimum Security Institution

The BPP may consider petition for absolute pardon even before the grant official
release and discharge in any of the following: *
Petitioner is emigrating.
Petitioner is going to be appointed in a private placement work.
Petitioner is seeking re-instatement in the government service.
Petitioner is preparing for his final examination.
A warrant issued by the court bearing its seal and the signature of a judge, directing
the jail or prison authorities to receive inmates for custody or service of sentence
imposed is called *
Court Order
Confinement Order
Commitment Order
Court Decision

Where the pardon is conditional, the offender has *

A. No right to reject the same
B. The right to reject the same since he may feel that the condition/s imposed is/are more
onerous than the penalty sought to be remitted
C. Both items A and B
D. No right to reject the same because the President exercises his sovereign power where no
one can refuse

For security purposes, what is the minimum required ratio in escorting an offender
when in transit? *

A person place on probation? *

Probation aid

Pardon which is considered as private act of the President need not to be concurred
by Congress. What is then the other type of executive clemency that needs the
concurrence of congress? *
Absolute Pardon

It is the temporary suspension in the execution of sentence? *


Parole in the Philippine is governed by the *

Parole and probation administration
determinate sentence law
Board of pardon and parole
Indeterminate sentence law

They are in charge for the security and for the implementation of the recommended
inmate reformation program of each and every inmate while serving sentence. *
Security and Operations Directorates
Directorate for External Relations
Directorate for Reception and Diagnostics
Custodial Force and Reformation Personnel

They were known as Bridewells, which started in 1553 and served as training schools
for delinquent youths, provided housing and support for older and poorer persons, and
detained vagrants. *
Common jails
Penal colonies
House of Corrections

For amnesty to be granted there should be __. *

Recommendation from U.N.
Concurrence of the congress
Recommendation from C.H.R.
Application from C.H.R

What is the dual purpose of the Correctional System here in the Philippines? *
To Rehabilitate and Retaliate
To Punish and to imprison
To punish and Rehabilitate
To Retaliate and Revenge

The following are limitations on the pardoning power of the President, except one: *
On impeachment case
The power of the President to grant pardon is absolute
When the judgment is not yet final
No favorable recommendation from the COMELEC on election offenses

Can a detainee be granted GCTA? *

No because GCTA is only for sentenced prisoner only
Yes provided he voluntarily offered into writing that he will be treated as such sentence prisoner.
Yes if he qualifies the number of years
No because he is not a convicted prisoner
A method halting or suspending formal criminal proceeding against a person who has
violated a statue in favor of processing through non-original disposition. *

A deduction of sentence given to prisoner in recognition of his good conduct or good

behavior. *
Good Conduct Pass
All of these
Good Conduct Time Allowance

An alternative to incarceration granted after a convicted person served a part of his

sentence and is allowed to complete a sentence at large, subject to restrictions and
supervision. *
Halfway houses
Work release

It is an administrative arm of the president in the exercise of his constitutional power to

grant executive clemency. *
Bureau of Corrections
Secretary of Justice
Board of Pardon and Parole
Parole and Probation Administration

As a rule, when a jailbreak, escape or riot is in progress or has just been perpetuated
in the jail, the officer at the control centers shall immediately: *
Sound the alarm
Call the warden or the director
Locked prisoners in their respective cells
Notify the nearest police precinct

What government agency that supervises the administration and operation of the
Bureau of Jail Management and Penology? *
All answers are correct
Which of the following should a probationer avoid? *

a. Stay away from bad associates.

b. Work regularly to support family
c. Make periodic report
d. Go and play in the gambling den

It is an institution intended to detain or house political offenders. *

a. Sablayan Prison Farm

b. San Ramon Prison and Penal farm
c. Iwahig Penal farm
d. Davao Penal Farm

This is considered as the blueprint of the Parole system adopted in every country, it
was pioneered by Alexander Maconochie *

a. Good Conduct time allowance

b. Reward and Punishment System
c. Mark System
d. Good behavior Allowance

In what instances that Probation can be exercise? *

a. After Conviction
b. Upon filing of petition
c. Serve minimum sentence
d. When the accused is already charged of crime

Payment of civil liability to the victim by the probationer shall be given to the following
except the– *

a. Supervising Probation Officer on case

b. Paid directly to the victim with receipt filed with PO
c. Deposited to the victim’s account
d. Clerk of Court of the Trial Court

This statute was the beginning of the modern prison system in the US, for it is
established the philosophy that was the basis for the Pennsylvania and Auburn Prison
System. Inmate worked for an 8-10 hours a day in their cells, and they were paid for
their work. *

a. Auburn Prison System

b. The Auburn System
c. The Cherry Hill
d. The Walnut Street Jail

Those who have been once on probation under the Probation Law: *

a. are disqualified to apply for probation

b. are qualified to apply for probation
c. may be granted for another probation
d. should be confined in prison

This group consists of chronic troublemakers but not as dangerous as the super
security prisoners. They are not allowed to work outside the institution. *

a. Maximum security prisoners

b. Super security prisoners
c. Medium security prisoners
d. Minimum security prisoners

It insures a more careful selection of the institution in which the prisoner is to be

confined. *

a. Correction
b. Reception and Diagnostic Center
c. Courts
d. Quarantine Unit

This is a form of executive clemency which removes the effects of a crime but does
not remove the guilt itself. The grantee here is bound to follow certain restrictions,
violations of which may be a ground to recommit him back to prisons. *

a. Amnesty
b. Absolute pardon
c. Commutation
d. Conditional pardon penalty

Which of the following are the major goals of correction? *

a. Deterrence, retribution, punishment, treatment

b. Retribution, deterrence, incapacitation, rehabilitation
c. Deterrence, punishment, incapacitation, treatment
d. Punishment, confinement, retribution, treatment

Who is the Father of Parole? *

a. Edward Savage
b. Zebulon Brockway
c. Sir Evelyn Rugges Brise
d. Alexander Maconochie

These refers to information concerning an inmate’s personal circumstances, such as

the offense committed, imposed sentence, criminal case number in the trial, date of
the commencement of the service of sentence and other analogous information. *

a. Inmate’s Record
b. Carpeta
c. Prison Record
d. Prisoner’s record

Institution for the confinement of persons who are awaiting final disposition of their
criminal cases and also for the service of those convicted and punished with shorter
sentences, usually up to three years. *

a. Jail
b. Work house
c. Ordinary Jail
d. Lock-up

It direct, supervises and controls the administration and operation of all district, city
and municipal jails to implement a better system of jail management nationwide *

a. Bureau of Corrections
b. Bureau of Jail Management and Penology
c. Parole and Probation Administration
d. Department of Justice

What is the act of grace from a sovereign power inherent in the state which exempts
an individual from the punishment which the law imposes or prescribes for his crime,
extended by the President thru the recommendation of the Board of Parole and
Pardon? *

a. Amnesty
b. Pardon
c. Probation
d. Parole
An attached agency of the Department of Justice which provides a less costly
alternative to imprisonment of offenders who are likely to respond to individualized
community based treatment programs. *

a. Bureau of Corrections
c. Parole and Probation Administration
d. Provincial Government

A person convicted and sentenced to serve for not more than six months is classified
as – *

a. Municipal prisoner
b. Insular prisoner
c. City prisoner
d. Colonist

An early practiced that extended to an offender in which modifying the severity of the
law, and it was a temporary withholding of sentence? *

a. Probation
b. Commutation
c. Recognizance
d. Judicial Reprieve

Who among the following is a provincial prisoner? *

a. A prisoner serving a term of three (3) years and one (1) day
b. A prisoner serving a term below six (6) years
c. A prisoner serving a term of six (6) years and up
d. A prisoner serving a term of six (6) months and one (1) day to three (3) years

An early practice in England in disposing of an offender who received a reprieved will

be traveled to other country to supply a laborers? *

a. Recognizance
b. Hulks
c. Judicial Reprieve
d. Transportation

What does classical theory provides? *

a. Criminal behavior is learned in interaction with other persons in the process of

b. Crime and delinquency are symptoms of social and penalty disorders
c. The basis for criminal liability is human free will and the purpose of penalty is retribution
d. Criminal behavior is inherited and therefore could be controlled by regulating the
reproduction of families

Refers to those who are confined in correctional facilities awaiting verdict in their
cases *

a. Detainees
b. Offender
c. Probationer
d. Prisoner

It is a change of the decision of the court made by the Chief Executive by reducing the
degree of the penalty inflicted upon the convict, or by decreasing the length of the
imprisonment of the original sentence. *

a. Amnesty
b. Reprieve
c. Pardon
d. Commutation of Sentence

The following are legal effects of pardon, except one: *

a. Criminal liability are extinguished

b. Civil liability is also extinguished
c. Restore the convict’s civil or political rights as provided
d. All answers are correct

If you were convicted of a crime for a penalty of not greater than six years, where are
you going to apply your petition for the grant of Probation? *

a. The Probation and Parole Board

b. The Court that decided your case where conviction is the judgment
c. To the Office of the President of the Republic of the Philippines
d. In the Court of Appeal

This is a procedure which permits a jail prisoner to pursue his normal job during the
week and return to the jail to serve his sentence during the weekend or non-working
hours. *

a. delayed sentence
b. Good conduct time allowance
c. Amnesty
d. probation

Which agency exercise supervision and direction over jail management training
institute. *
National Defense
BJMP Training facilities
Philippine Public Safety College
Philippine National Police

The appointment of personnel to the BUCOR from Corrections Officer I to Corrections

Chief Superintendent under the R.A. 10575 shall be appointed by whom? *
Chairman of the Civil Service Commission (CSC)
Director General of Corrections
Secretary of the DOJ

Executive Clemency is the authority of the President of the Philippines to suspend the
execution of a penalty, reduce the sentence and extinguish criminal liability. The
various forms of executive clemency are as follows, except one; *
Commutation or reduction of sentence.
Reprieve or temporary suspension of sentence.
Grant of Pardon

Imprisonment is not always advisable. Placing a person to custodial coercion is to

place him in physical jeopardy, thus drastically narrowing his access to source of
personal satisfaction and reducing his self-esteem. This principle is based on the
______ of community based treatment programs. *
Legal aspect
Humanitarian aspect
Managerial aspect
Restorative aspect

The power of the chief Executive to grant pardon is limited to the following, except: *
Pardon is exercised only after conviction
Pardon is administered by the court
No pardon, parole or suspension of sentence for the violation of any election law may be granted
without favorable recommendation of the Commission of Elections.
Pardon cannot be extended to cases of impeachment.

It is one which if granted wipes away the guilt of the grantee without any condition
attaches to it. *
Conditional Pardon
Absolute Pardon

What is the modern concept of Penology? *

Reformation of offenders in a form of cruel punishment
Treated based on the treatment and rehabilitation program.
Be educated in a formal schooling
Punished inside the correctional institution

It is the authority of the President of the Philippines to suspend the execution of a

penalty, reduce the sentence and extinguish criminal liability. *
President’s Clemency
Executive Clemency

Where to apply a petition for probation? *

To the court where the accused was convicted
Any Court

Purpose of commutation, EXCEPT *

to save the life of person sentenced to death
to break the rigidity of the law
to extend a parole in cases where the parole law does not apply
None of these

The group having the responsibility of providing a system of sound custody, security
and control of inmates and their movements and also responsible to enforce prison or
jail discipline is the: *
Control Center groups
Escort Platoon
Security group for jails

A recipient of absolute pardon is ________ from civil liability imposed upon him by the
sentence. *
partially exempted
conditionally exempted
not exempted
The Director of the Bureau of Corrections or the warden shall forward the ______ of
the prisoner to the BPP for evaluation and consideration for parole. *
Clothes and personal belongings
Prison record and carpeta
Recommendation and investigation results
Result of publication of names of prisoners

Refers to the term of imprisonment with no definite duration w/in a prescribed

maximum. *
Indeterminate sentence

is symbolically represented by a blindfolded woman holding a sword and with a

balance, meaning it is? *
Administered without respect to persons. Equality to poor people
Administered with respect to persons
Administered with respect to persons, Equality and Treatment
Administered without respect to persons, equality to poor and the rich

Operation conducted by the BJMP where a prisoner maybe checked at anytime. *

Operation greyhound
Search and seizure

Under Article VII, Section 10 paragraph (B) of the Philippines Constitution, pardoning
power is vested with the *
Chief Executive
Department of Justice

Juliana was convicted of the crime homicide where she was sentenced to a penalty of
Reclusion Temporal. She appealed the case to the higher court, while the appeal is
pending; she filed a petition for parole. Which of the following statement is correct? *
Her petition must be acted upon because the penalty does not exceed 20 years
Her petition must be acted upon because the sentence is not yet final
It depends upon the Board whether to grant or deny the petition
Her petition must be denied on the ground of pending appeal
A prison model where incarcerated persons are allowed to work outside the institution
that houses them. *
Auburn Prison Model
Halfway Houses
Work Release
Pennsylvania Prison Model

Judicial disposition after which the defendant after conviction and sentence is
released. *

Pardon cannot be extended to one of the following instances. *


Which of the following are the functions of correction? *

Preliminary Investigation, Acts as counsel and Rehabilitation
Final Adjudication, Issue warrant and Custodial
Safekeeping, Rehabilitation and Education
Detection, Arrest and Safekeeping

Arnold having sexual intercourse with Monica a 14 year old virgin. Arnold committed
the crime of simple seduction, Is Arnold eligible to apply for parole? *
No, because the crime committed is a crime against chastity
No, because the penalty is not more than 6 years
Yes, because Arnold already served the minimum of his sentence
Yes, If the minimum sentence is accompanied by good behavior

A municipal warden must have the minimum rank of. *


An______ program employs prisoners in various product or good producing tasks. *

Prisoners whose sentences are more than three years to capital punishment are
considered *
city prisoners
municipal prisoners
insular prisoners
provincial prisoners

This facility houses prisoners convicted of offenses which the punishment does not
exceed 3 years of imprisonment and those with pending cases before the courts, it is
administered and run by the personnel of the BJMP. *
Jail Farm or Camp
Ordinary Jail
Lock up Jails
Workhouse Jail

A person who is detained for the violation of law or ordinance and has not been
convicted is a - *
Municipal Prisoner
Provincial Prisoner
Detention Prisoner
City Prisoner

Which of the following probationers may be recommended for the early termination of
probation? *
probationers convicted for offenses involving moral turpitude
cooperative and participative probationer in the programs
those recommended for further supervision
those physical and mentally fit for travel

Who is tasked with the gathering and collecting of information and other data of every
prisoner into a case study to determine the work assignment, the type supervision and
degree of custody and restriction under which an offender must live in jail? *
Classification Board
Diagnostic Board
Treatment Board
Board of Custody

Which among the following is The Reorganization Act of 1907: *

Law creating the Bureau of Corrections
Law creating the Department of Commerce and Police Act No. 1407 of 1905 placing Bureau of
Prisons under its control
Law creating the New Bilibid Prisons
Prison law of the Philippines creating the Bureau of Prisons
A standard minimum qualification of a Jail officer to be appointed as a District Jail
Warden? *
Answer not given
Have a mandatory supervisory training
Have an initial rank of Chief Inspector
Have a rank of at least Jail Superintendent

Which of the following statement DOES NOT AGREE to the basic principle of
correction? *
Justice shall be enforced with firmness but tempered with understanding.
Seek to promote discipline and to secure the reformation, and safe custody of inmates
Without discrimination on grounds of race, colors, genders, language, religion or other opinion,
nationality or social origin, property, birth and or other status, justice shall be applied impartially.
Justice shall be applied partially to all concern regardless of disposition in life.

Aside from those borne of the provisions under Rule 8, Part I, Rules of General
Application of the United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of
Prisoners and that of the existing regulation of the BuCor on security classification (i.e.
maximum, medium and minimum security risk), inmates shall also be internally
classified by the DRD and segregated according to; *
mode of reformation
security risk and sentence
Sociological background
crimes committed

If you have committed a crime and found guilty with it, then the court decided that you
will be serving a sentence of six months and one day. According to your sentence, on
what category of prisoner do you belong? *
City jail prisoner
Municipal prisoner
Sentenced prisoner
Provincial prisoner

Parole maybe granted if the inmate- *

Deserves to be released by reason of good behavior
Has considerable good conduct time allowance credit
Finishes considerable portion of sentence
Finishes minimum sentence

Expedito was convicted by the competent court and was sentenced to serve an
imprisonment of 1 month to 3 years. Under PD # 29, he is classified as a *
Provincial prisoner
Municipal prisoner
City prisoner
National prisoner

After release, from jail or prison, when does a parolee present himself to the Parole
and Probation Officer? *
Within 3 weeks from release
At least 3 weeks from release
At least one month from release.
Within the period prescribed in the Release Document

Pardon is given only after conviction, while _______ may be exercised even before
investigation trial or conviction. *

Provincial Jails were first established in 1910 under the American Regime. At present,
who supervises and controls the said jails? *
Provincial Government

XANDY was convicted of sedition; he is disqualified to apply for probation, because: *

The penalty for sedition is prision mayor
The penalty is more than 6 years
All answers are correct
The crime of sedition is considered as crime against public order

Under the Philippine Republic after World War II, two more prisons were created to
decongest the over-crowded condition of the New Bilibid Prison. Established in the
following year respectively, September 27, 1954 and January 16, 1973; *
Iwahig Penal Colony and Leyte Regional Prison
San Ramon Prison and Penal Farm and Iwahig Penal Colony
Sablayan Penal Colony and San Ramon Prison and Penal Farm
Sablayan Penal Colony and Leyte Regional Prison

This is group of prisoners who may be allowed to work outside the fence of the
institution under guard escorts. Generally they are employed as agricultural workers. *
Answer not given
Medium security prisoners
Maximum Security Prisoners
Minimum Security Prisoners

Detention prisoners who are awaiting judgment or trial of their case are under the
supervision and control of *
National Bilibid Prisons
Provincial Jails
Bureau of Jail Management and Penology
Bureau of Corrections

The following are grounds for disqualifying a convicted offender in applying for
probation, except one; *
Sentence to serve a maximum term of imprisonment for six years.
Who are already serving sentence at the time the substantive provisions of this decree became
applicable pursuant to Sec. 33 hereof.
Convicted of subversion or any crime against the national security or public order.
Who have been once on probation under the provisions of this Decree.

The continuing relationship between probation officer and probationer is known as- *
Answer not given
Affiliation guidance
Pre-sentence Investigation

Pardon cannot be exercised in what of the following instances except... *

Before trial
After conviction
Before conviction
Before conviction and before trial

Following are privileges of detention sentenced prisoners, except. *

To receive visitors during day time on prescribed
To wear their own clothes while in confinement
To be treated in a government or private hospital with authority by the court.
To cigars and cigarettes everywhere

What correctional facilities of the Bucor comprising an estimated total land area of
18,000 hectares? *
San Ramon Prison and Penal Farm
Sablayan Prison and Penal Farm
Davao Prison and Penal Farm
Iwahig Penal Colony

Upon arrival, the prisoner is ushered in the Receiving Office of the Inmate and
Education Center at the New Bilibid Prison and other prison authorized to admit the
prisoners. The following documents shall be presented accordingly by the escorting
party of the prisoner, except one; *
Commitment Order of the Court
Information filed by the City/provincial Fiscal
Warrant of Arrest Issued by the Court
Court Decision of the Case


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