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_________________________] S.S.
            I,  ROGELIO J SAN MIGUEL  , of legal age, Filipino, married and with residence   at 1 T
Angeles St,  Sta Ana, San Mateo, Rizal , after having been duly sworn to in accordance with
law depose and state:
            That  I am   co heir  and the Administrator  of a parcel of land  covered by Transfer
Certificate of Title No ________, registered in the name of INOCENTE A JAVIER AND
MANUELA JAVIER SAN MIGUEL  , duly registered in the  Register of Deeds for City of
Marikina ,  situated at B Mariano St, Sta Ana, San Mateo, Rizal  ;
            That  by virtue of the above, I am giving consent    to REBECCA R SAN PASCUAL  , of
legal age, Filipino, widow and with residence at 32 Paso IV St, Sta Ana, San Mateo , Rizal  ;
that  she being  a niece and a rightful  heir of  a portion of the subject real property , for her
application  with the Office of the Mayor for her requirements with the Business Permit    ;
            That I am  executing  this affidavit  for the purpose of her application for Business 
permit and to attest to the truth  and  veracity of the foregoing
                                                                        ROGELIO  J  SAN  MIGUEL
                                                                        SENIOR CITIZEN ID NO _______
SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me this  6th day of August 2019  at San Mateo Rizal
Doc No ________;
Page No _______;
Book No _______;
Series of 2019 

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