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Republic of the Philippines]

 Quezon City ,MM               ] S S

                I, MA TERESA MENDOZA-ORTIZ , of legal age, Filipino, married   and with residence  and postal
address at   Project 7, Quezon City , under oath , depose and state that :
                 I am  the registered owner of  two (2) parcels of land with improvements covered by Transfer
Certificate of Title  N-206613,  situated at Bago Bantay , Project 6, Quezon City consisting of  FORTY
EIGHT (48) Square Meters  and Transfer Certificate   of Title N-282173   , situated at Bansalangin St,
Project 7, Quezon City , consisting of  THREE HUNDRED TEN (310)   Square meters ;
 Sometime  last April 8 ,   of  last year , I executed and filed an Affidavit of Loss  with the Office of
the  Register of Deeds for Quezon city  of the aforementioned Transfer Certificates of Title    we moved
to our new residence in Bansalangin St, Project 7, Quezon City , together with all our  personal
belongings  and important documents and files ;
  ,   when   I was going over my files , I noticed one of my flies envelope, containing  the two
aforementioned  Transfer Certificates of Title and other important documents and papers ,  was missing 
                Despite diligent efforts exerted, L could no longer  locate, find or recover the aforementioned 
items  and to the best of my knowledge, the same is truly  lost;
                The said Driver’s License ,  and other personal items  has not been confiscated by any officer of
law  or the issuing office or agency due to a violation  of any law, statute, order, rule, or regulation ;
                In the event  that the lost Driver’s License and other personal  items should hereafter  be found
or located, I undertake  to forward  or surrender the same to the Office

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