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Republic of the Philippines]

 Quezon City, MM               ] S. S.

                I, MA TERESA MENDOZA-ORTIZ, of legal age, Filipino, married   and with residence and postal
address at 48 Bakawan St., Project 7, Quezon City , under oath , depose and state that :
                 I am the registered owner of two (2) parcels of land with improvements covered by Transfer
Certificate of Title N-206613, situated at Bago Bantay, Project 6, Quezon City consisting of FORTY EIGHT
(48) Square Meters and Transfer Certificate   of Title N-282173, situated at 48 Bakawan St., Project 7,
Quezon City, consisting of  THREE HUNDRED TEN (310)   Square meters ;
 Sometime on 8 April 2018, I executed and filed an Affidavit of Loss with the Office of the
Register of Deeds for Quezon City of the aforementioned Transfer Certificates of Titles and the same
was  annotated on the original copies  of the subject Transfer Certificates of Title   ;
  That sometime in August 2020, while I was moving out the boxes containing some books and
old files from our stock room, I found the envelope, which containing the two aforementioned original
owner’s duplicate of the subject Transfer Certificates of Title and other important documents, in one of
the boxes;   
                 That  I am executing this Affidavit to inform the Register of Deeds  and have the annotation of
the lost on  the original  copy of Transfer Certificates of Title No N-206613 &N-282173,    be cancelled 
for the reason that I have recovered    the same  and to attest to the veracity of the foregoing  and for all
other legal intents it may serve
                                                                                                                MA TERESA MENDOZA-ORTIZ
                SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this  28th day January 2020,  Affiant exhibiting to me
her     ____________________   at Quezon City
Doc No _________;
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Book No ________;
Series of ________;

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