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INSTRUCTOR:SK.Jaheerunnisa Begum

At the end of the Course, the student will be able to:

S.No Course Outcomes Program Outcomes

Understand the concept of economics, principles and i
functions of management.
Have knowledge on forms of business organizations and j
2 conditions of different market structure

Have clear picture on the functional areas of the f

Understand the role on entrepreneurs and g
entrepreneurship in the present business world

Blooms Taxonomy of Learning Levels:

I. Remembering: Promoting retention: Recognize previously learned materials; ability to

recall; to bring to mind the material as it was taught.
II. Understanding: Constructing meaning from instructional messages including, oral,
written, and graphics. Ability to grasp the meaning of material; ability to comprehend
what is being communicated and make use of the idea.
III. Applying: Using procedure to perform exercises or solve problems. Ability to use
learned material in concrete or new situations; ability to use ideas, principles, theories
in new particular and concentrated situations.
IV. Analyzing: Ability to break down material into the component parts of its organizational
structure; ability to break down a communication into constituent parts in order to make
organization of the whole clear.
V. Evaluating: Ability to judge the value of material for a given purpose; ability to judge
the value of ideas, procedures, methods, using appropriate criteria.
VI. Creating: Ability to put together parts and elements into a unified organization or whole,
or form a new whole. Ability to form new points, or points of view.

Assessment methods of course outcomes

Assessment Tools:
Direct methods display the student’s knowledge and skills from their performance in the
continuous assessment tests, end-semester examinations, presentations, and classroom
assignments etc. These methods provide a sampling of what students know and/or can do and
provide strong evidence of student learning.

i. Internal Test
ii. Assignment
iii. End examination

Indirect methods such as surveys and interviews ask the stakeholders to reflect on student’s
learning. They assess opinions or thoughts about the graduate’s knowledge or skills. Indirect
measures can provide information about graduate’s perception of their learning and how this
learning is valued by different stakeholders.

- Course End Survey

Internal Test 1:

Internal Test Questions:

1. Question 1 is addressing CO1

2. Question 2 is addressing CO1
3. Question 3 is addressing CO2
4. Question 4 is addressing CO2
5. Question 5 is addressing CO2

Internal Test 2:

Internal Test Questions:

1. Question 1 is addressing CO3

2. Question 2 is addressing CO3
3. Question 3 is addressing CO3
4. Question 4 is addressing CO3
5. Question 5 is addressing CO4

Assignment 1:

As the questions are given from first half of the syllabus all the questions are mapped to
Assignment 2:

As the questions are given from chapter second half of the syllabus all the questions are mapped
to CO3,CO4.
Direct Assessment

a. COs Assessment (% of students who got >= 60% of marks in Internal Examinations)

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5
COURSE CO1 63/69 52/68 83.5
CSE 4.1.1 60/67
ES CO2 65/68 59/65 92
CO3 66/69 59/62 53/67 85.5

CO4 61/64 95

Note: The questions from internal-1 and internal-2 are mapped with corresponding Course
Outcomes with some percentage given above

B. COs Assessment (% of students who got >= 4 marks in Assignments)

Assignment 1 Assignment 2 Attainment of

P/A P/A CO %
CO1 i 70/70 100
ECE 421
CO2 j 70/70 100
CO3 f 70/70 100

CO4 g 70/70 100

Note: The questions from Assignment-1 are mapped with only CO1 with 100
percentage who got >= 4 and Assignment-2 are mapped with all Course
outcomes with 62 percentage who got 5

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