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Artificial Intelligence

Lecture 9

09/04/2021 1
Today’s Topics
 Expert System Intro
 Application of expert system
 Components of expert system

09/04/2021 2
Areas of Artificial Intelligence
Robotics Fuzzy

Speech Digital Image Machine

Processing Learning
Language Expert
Artificial Systems
Vision Neural

09/04/2021 3
What is Expert Systems?
In artificial intelligence, an expert system is a
computer system that emulates the decision-making ability of a
human expert. Expert systems are designed to solve complex
problems by reasoning through bodies of knowledge, represented
mainly as if–then rules rather than through conventional
procedural code.

09/04/2021 4
Expert Systems
• Assist human expert when integrating various decisions

• Replace human expert decision making when not


09/04/2021 5

A computer program designed to problem-solving ability of a
human expert.

Expert Systems Design and Development by Durkin

09/04/2021 6
Applications of Expert Systems

Used by accountant for
making Database,
Financial documents

09/04/2021 7
Applications of Expert Systems

Medical system for

diagnosing blood disorders.
First used in 1979

Gives advice to
designers of
processor chips

09/04/2021 8
Applications of Expert Systems

09/04/2021 9
Why Use an Expert System?

Experts are not always available. An expert system can be used

anywhere, any time.
Decreased decision making time
Preserves knowledge
Builds up the corporate memory of the firm
Improves worker productivity.
Provides second opinion in critical situations.
Especially valuable when tired or under stress

09/04/2021 10
Expert System Development Life Cycle
Phase 1 Reformulations
Phase 2 Explorations
Knowledge Acquisition
Phase 3 Refinements
Phase 4
Phase 5
Phase 6
09/04/2021 11
Expert System Development Life Cycle
1. Assessment
• Determine feasibility & justification of the problem
• Define overall goal and scope of the project
• Resources requirement
• Sources of knowledge
2. Knowledge Acquisition
• Acquire the knowledge of the problem
• Involves meetings with expert
• Bottleneck in ES development
09/04/2021 12
Expert System Development Life Cycle
3. Design
– Selecting knowledge representations approach and problem solving
– Defined overall structure and organization of system knowledge
– Selection of software tools
– Built initial prototype
– Iterative process
4. Testing
– Continual process throughout the project
– Testing and modifying system knowledge
– Study the acceptability of the system by end user
– Work closely with domain expert that guide the growth of the
knowledge and end user that guide in user interface design

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Expert System Development Life Cycle
5. Documentation
– Compile all the projects information into a document
for the user and developers of the system such as:
• User manual
• diagrams
• Knowledge dictionary
6. Maintenance
– Refined and update system knowledge to meet
current needs

09/04/2021 14

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