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The diagrams illustrates a headland which contains a huge

rock extends to the sea. Overall, the rock is slowly destroyed

with each stages. The reason is because of the erosion and the

At the first stage, a headline lay much further in the sea. The
waves continuously attack the bottom of the rock, where the
weakest area is. Then, the eroded rock forms cracks and over
time it gets bigger and bigger.

On the next stage, these cracks created by erosion will develop

into caves. Erosion continuously enlarged the cave and it passed
through the headland until it becomed an arch. For example,
Durdle Door, Dorset is the beautiful natural arch in the world.

Moreover, the water continues to flow through the structre of

the arch and it beats against the roof. As a result, it makes the
arch unstable and unable to support its roof. Then, it collapses
into the sea and becomes a stack.

On the last stage, stacks are constanly being eroded until

finally leaving a stump. Therefore, it causes the headland
retreating and its can be seen clearly that the stack is standing
independently beside the cape.

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