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Running head: Kazein 5S Rule In Construction Industry 1

Kazein 5S Rule in Construction Industry

Industries have been produced for many years. Especially, in the last century, industries
take an important role for countries and humans’ lives. In the same time, big industry brings big
responsibility in all of the majors because old and small risks’ percentages become higher
potential risks such as work force, human safety, and technological competence. These
disadvantages of the sector are satisfied with high technology, knowledge and work practices.
Specifically, if we investigate construction sector, people use new huge devices like tunnel
boring machine, or huge cranes in the construction sites. When they use these machines, they
should apply a plan or rules. Otherwise the result of the work is too bad for both project and
human safety. The Kazein 5S Rule is one of the successful work practices for the industries. It
can applicable for many industrial are like construction sector.

The organization of industries are very complicated in these days. The industries are
dependent each other and so they should be operated part by part by directors. One of the
industrial operations contains hundreds of workers and some of these industries’ budgets are
nearly millions of dollars. Therefore, they must be managed very carefully and they should be
judged individually. Otherwise, the results of the operations could be catastrophic. People, who
are experts in their majors, try to overcome these difficulties with some rules and work practices.
These rules and work practices are thought by experts with respect to their experiences and work

These rules and work practices have some criterias. First of all, they must be economical
and they provide economic advantages to the whole operation. For example, engineers set up
production chain. This chain is created with connectable and changeable components. Thanks to
this chain an and intermediate components, the products are created fast and economically.
Moreover, the area of operation is so significant nowadays. Therefore, the operation managers
should use the areas as fully functional. Hence, the operational areas have to be organized and
they should be prepared for being ready to work in every section. For instance, in the work area,
tools and materials are placed in logical locations based on who needs them. Furthermore,
standardize of work is vital to marketing plan. In the organization process, the product has a
standard and the operation chain should continue this standard for every produced material. In
the planning part, the standard of the product had to be chosen and the parameters set as the
Running head: Kazein 5S Rule In Construction Industry 2

choice. In the last and the most significant criteria is sustainability. This criteria includes in every
section of the organization since every quality and choice should be sustainable and applicable
by workers such as quality of products, safety precautions and raw materials. To brief, these
criterias curve out almost all operation in all majors. Consequently, the rules and work practices,
which made by experts and engineers, are the most vital thing for impeccable industry as an
example of the most dispersed work practice is Kazein 5S Rule.

The Kazein 5S Rule is improved in Japanese industry environment. It based on high

relative, sustainable productiveness. 5S initially created with the Japanese acronyms of seiri
(organization), seiton (neatness), seisō (cleaning), seiketsu (standardization) and shitsuke
(discipline), is used as a platform for developing an integrated management system by the
parallel use of total productive maintenance (TPM) (Bamber et al., 2000). 5S is considered to be
one of the most well-known and extended workplace organizational methodologies as an
approach to continuous improvement processes. The reason why it is so well known is mainly
due to the immediate results it generates when applied . The methodology has been widely
accepted because it is easy to understand and apply, and today organizations from different
sectors worldwide have integrated it into their improvement systems (Jaca, Viles, Paipa-Galeano
and Santos, 2014). In the connection of the 5S methodology and Kaizen activities based on the
reduce waste materials and safety topics. If we investigate this topic specifically in construction
industry, we see that these applications and rules benefit to providing worker’s safety and work

Work health and workers’ safety are very important issues in the work areas. This
problem is accurate in every type of job and area. There are strict regulations and laws about the
work and workers’ safety in the all over the World. In the construction areas this problem takes
much more significant since there are thousands of death and catastrophic problems for the
almost all of the industry in every year. The Kazein 5S rule applications give big advantages to
organize safety regulations. Thanks to the organization, the construction managers and crew
could provide better work and safer results at the end of construction projects. For instance,
cleaning helps to minimize broken tools, scrap and obsolete jigs and fixtures in construction
areas (Harrington, 1991). Furthermore, organizing may be the most beneficial rule for the
construction. For example, if we organize the tool and work equipment properly in the
Running head: Kazein 5S Rule In Construction Industry 3

construction site, we reduce the timeline of the project. Also, this step enables the workers to not
only enhance their work performance but also improve their safety. For example, items should
be safely stored to avoid any ergonomic risks, scratches, or strains ( Fardhosseini, 2021). The
Kazein 5S methodology is world-known and proven method for construction industry. We can
say that the applications are very beneficial and provable for every construction now and future.
Lean construction is an organizational method designed to reduce waste, maintain flow,
decrease cost, enhance quality and safety on construction projects ( Fardhosseini, 2021). People
can see the idea in every researchers’ report and investigations for health and safety work areas
in construction industry.

The World civilization have continued to develop for many years. Humans should
improve their works and technics therewithal technology. Therefore, industry managers should
be open the new ideas and improvements in their workplaces every day. Specifically, the
construction industry has emergency requirements every timeline in the World. For example,
workers’ health still has not taken a full precaution requirement in the industry because people’s
friends still have continued to die in the construction sites. The problem’s vital reason is that
responsible people do not learn new techniques and search the new solutions of the problems.
The Kazein 5S rules is one of the solutions to improve work and workers’ health in the operation
areas for construction industry. To sum up, the main objectives of 5S are improving
productivity, reducing waste, continuous improvement, improving working procedures and
enhancing safety (Aslam et al., 2020a).
Running head: Kazein 5S Rule In Construction Industry 4

Aslam, M., Gao, Z., & Smith, G. (2020a). Framework for selection of lean construction tools
based on lean objectives and functionalities. International Journal of Construction
Management, 1-12.
Bamber, C. ., Sharp, J. ., & Hides, M. . (2000). Developing management systems towards
integrated manufacturing: a case study perspective. Integrated Manufacturing Systems,
11(7), 454–461.
Fardhosseini, Sadra & Soltaninejad, Mostafa & Karji, Ali & Ghorbani, Zahra & Ghanadiof,
Omidreza. (2021). Qualitative Evaluation of 5S Application Considering the Experience
of Electrical Construction Experts. American Journal of Applied Sciences. 18. 51-60.
Gapp, R., Fisher, R., & Kobayashi, K. (2008). Implementing 5S within a Japanese context: an
integrated management system. Management Decision, 46(4), 565–579.
Harrington, H. J. (1991). P. American Society for Quality Control Quality, Business
process improvement: the breakthrough strategy for total quality, productivity and
Jaca, C., Viles, E., Paipa-Galeano, L., Santos, J., & Mateo, R. (2014). Learning 5S principles
from Japanese best practitioners: case studies of five manufacturing companies.
International Journal of Production Research, 52(15), 4574–4586.
Srinivasan, S., Ikuma, L. H., Shakouri, M., Nahmens, I., & Harvey, C. (2016). 5S impact on
safety climate of manufacturing workers. Journal of Manufacturing Technology
Management, 27(3), 364–378.

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