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Problems of Political System in Pakistan and its solutions

1. No democratic system
There is no democratic system in political parties in Pakistan. All major political parties are
accused of democratic malpractices. Their leaders appoint themselves as life chairpersons. Heirs
are groomed to take over their father's mantle. Party positions are distributed at a price to
favorites. With a few exceptions, political parties in Pakistan have never held elections within
their ranks. Often, influential politicians (landlords and industrial barons) sought and secured
important positions in major political parties on the basis of nominations. The heads of major
political parties are nominated by their so-called working committees or Central Boards, which
again comprise non-elected nominated members.
2. Family Politics
Parties are based on the influence either it’s the rich people or the strong and rich
people (i.e. business men or the landlords etc.). About the parties have Family politics.
Pakistan Peoples Party(PPP) is ruled by the Bhutto family, Pakistan Muslim League
Noon(PMLN) is ruled by the Shreef family. Similarly there are so many Politicians
who got their seats by someone of their family. These people get themselves nominated
to important positions in the party.

This way the lower class people can’t get any of the important seats in the party.

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3. No loyalty with the political party

Mostly the strong people are never loyal to their own party. They always give priority

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to their own profit. So they always chose the sides of the ruling party and start

commenting against the other parties. As in the current government Ch.Fawad
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Hussain , Firdoos Ashiq and Samsaan bukhari etc. joined forces with the Pakistan
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Tahreek e Insaaf (PTI) just for their own interest.

4. Media coverage is sometimes banned for the political party due to some reasons

(security issues like MQM,ANP etc.)

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Media coverage is sometimes banned for the political party due to some reasons like it
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was banned for the MQM Londan party coverage due to the terrorists attack in
5. Low literacy rate (awareness)
Most of the people are uneducated and unaware of the political issues. So most of the
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people don’t pay attention about the political matters. And at the time of elections
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they blindly choose any candidate rather he/she is worthy or not.

6. Political Manifesto
Electoral manifestos play a crucial role in visions of party democracy and political
science analyses of party competition. Ritualistically, every party has its manifesto issued
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at election time but these manifestoes hide many contradictions.


First, while they consciously try to be “all things to all people”, they are also high nuance
documents - nuances that only seasoned and native political analysts can adequately
fathom. Second, while manifestoes tend to address a long list of problems, they evade
prioritizing them - as well as the pledged solutions. Third, while they promise an array of
outputs, they rarely specify how resources, not only financial and economic but political,
administrative, cultural and social are to be generated and allocated to mutually
competing promises. Fourth, parties are rarely serious enough to sift through and solve
even serious contradictions among pledges made in their manifestoes.
7. Lack of Citizen's Participation
The political parties can hope to play a meaningful role only if they succeed in gathering
the masses around them. There are rarely any membership campaigns conducted by the
parties. Even those who joined them on one or the other pretext have been demoralised.

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Part of the problem lies in the inner working of these parties, which does not provide a
sense of participation to the members.


1. Increase in literacy rate

Literacy rate can be improve by the media and by the improvement of School
2. Rules and regulation
Poltical parties should have strong rules and regulation according to which the new
member have given some services to the party and then he/she can join the party
office as a party worker. All political parties should have followed the democratic
rules and regulation.
3. Minimize the Pressure group
The role of preesure groups in the political system should be minimize.
4. Elemination of interference of non polilitical institutions
All the nonpolitical institutions should not interfere in the political system.

5. All have equal rights to publisize their manifesto

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All have equal rights to publisize their manifesto

6. Minimization of the feudal

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7. Encourage the Educated and middle class people in national politics

8. Democracy
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Democracy means everybody with equal chance. In Political system, each and every member of
political party should have an equal chance of expressing their views. In democratic system each
and everybody should have a chance to vote, an equal opportunity to contribute towards

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9. Accountability
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In democratic system where the leader is elected by other members who is answerable to them
even after taking the oath. It is usually ignored and leaders start to think that they are above any
law. In reality, it is not. It is observed that the best democratic political system has the strongest
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accountability system.
10. Financial Resources
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In a mature and democratic political system, financial resources are best utilized. Extra
expenditure on unnecessary projects is always discouraged.
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11. Mass Contact


12. Political parties have to draw their strength from citizens for sustainable democracy instead of
looking for behind-the-scene intrigues to grab power. They should consider public the main
source of power in democratic system.


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