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“A Homeless Polar Bear in London”.

Which are the various spaces in which the main character moves?
Define all different spaces-scenes. (Scene 1, Scene 2, …)
At first we can see the polar bear moving in an industrial area probably placed near a big
city(scene 1)
The second scene is probably located in a court, a playing field. (scene 2)
Subsequently we can watch the bear move near a trash bin probably somewhere in the city
now. (scene 3)
The fourth scene takes place under a bridge, on the coast of a river again in the city. (scene 4)
A gas station in the city (scene 5)
In the centre of the city, in a main street with a lot of traffic, among cars.( scene 6)
At park where the bear dies under a tree. (scene 7)
Which are their common features among the various scenes?
In most of them the weather seems cloudy and dark, but the most prominent feature is the
pollution which is everywhere, in every possible form.

Who are the participants in each scene?
Scenes 1 and 2 ,the bear.
Scene 3, the bear and the garbage collector who places a garbage bag beside the bin.
Scene 4, the bear and a man who is fishing under the bridge.
Scene 5,the bear, a man who refills his car with gas, a man who owns a cantine and a
Scene 6, the bear, a little girl in a car who looks at the bear in a kind of sympathetic way and
smiles. A driver of a car who sees the bear in the traffic and looks kind of surprised, and other
drivers of course.
Scene 7, the bear.
Do the participants establish any kind of eye contact in every scene?
No, they don’t.
Do the participants have any kind of eye contact with the viewers?
No, they don’t.
What does the presence or absence of eye contact reveal?
It reveals the indifference and the apathy towards social and environmental problems of our
planet, which is a common characteristic in modern societies.

What kind of emotions does the soundtrack cause to you?
The soundtrack causes a great deal of sadness and agony to me.

In what ways is the movement of the bear across the different scenes relevant to the
slogan of the campaign ‘Save the arctic’?
The movement of the bear is absolutely related to the slogan of the campaign “Save the
arctic’’.We can see the bear move in several places of a big polluted city, trying to figure out
this new strange environment, smelling garbage and plastic fish, trying to smell the food in
shop windows, smelling the fuel gasses of the cars in the traffic and in the end dying next to
some garbage under a tree at a park. All these scenes are engaged in pointing out the
implications of technology, industrial and urban development on the natural environment and
the crucial need for awareness and activation against the disastrous activities of the human
How is the title of the video connected with the language information at the end of the
The title of the video ‘A Homeless Polar Bear in London’ is directly connected with the
language information provided at the end of the video. The message at the end of video notes
that as the Arctic melts, the rush for exploiting its resources starts. So, the melting of the
Arctic is related to specific interests and economical circles which will profit from it.
Therefore the devastation of the Arctic is crucial for certain industries or other entities, but it
will be disastrous for the flora and the fauna (e.g.the polar bear)of the Arctic Pole which will
face the possibility of being homeless and eventually extinct.

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