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PART VI: APPLICATION DEVELOPPERS/ LOCAL EREA NETWORK ADMINISTRATOR Text 1: The Internet The Intemet connects computers in three ways. First, one individual can exchange a message with another individual by computer; this is called electronic mail (e- mail. In a variation of e-mail, an individual can send a message to group of users who belong to an electronic bulletin board service, which is a kind of discussion group. By far the most common use of the Internet is e-mail, both for individuals and for groups. Second, an individual can enter the files of a computer at a remote site to access library holdings, scholarly information, and government documents. Third, if the individual finds important information in a file, he may transfer that file back to his own computer by means of a file transfer protocol, or FTP. Asaresult of his electronic communication, the world is shrinking. We are creating an information age. People who never meet face-to-face are communicating daily, across great distances, across political and geographic boundaries. For example, the internet is changing how scientists do their work. It is cheaper and quicker to display the results of research on the Net than to publish an article in print. Reaction to new discoveries is immediate and interactive. These days, scientists are discussing their work and reacting to others’ work on a daily basis. The networks are also influencing business practices in marketing, advertising, and hiring. Consumers are reporting their needs directly to companies, and they are sending suggestions for changes in product design. Unemployed workers are 42 turing to electronic employment services, which listjob requirements and benefits ina far wider geographic area than was possible before the Internet. In addition, the electronic discussion groups are creating a new style of social selations, People of similar interests are talking to each other using only text ona screen. Physical features such as age, appearance, and social class are hidden behind the screen, From their homes, e-mail usersare finding new friends to discuss movies, hobbies, family life, health problems, fashion, travel, and polities. These discussions can be private (if the message is sent to an individual e-mail address) or quite public (if everyone in the group receives the message). Politicians are paying attention to the political debate in electronic discussion groups, because the Internet is a good place to learn which issues really interest the voters. In some cases, politicians are changing their positions in response to the opinions on the Internet. (Adapted from Changing Perspectives, book 1, page 21, Patricia Wileox Peterson) > Comprehension questions 1. Mention from the text 6 groups of people whose life is influenced by the internet. .. The author says thet the world is becoming smaller because of electronic communication. a) Which sentence in the text states that idea by Doyouagree with the author? Give three reasons why you agree or disagree. 4B > Vocabulary Which words or expressions in the text are similar in meaning to the following definitions? a. Toshow on the screen. b. Activities people enjoy doing in their free time, c. Information on a computer that is stored under a particular name. d. Faraway e. Aplace in a computer information system where you can read or leave a message. > Change the following sentences into passive voice. a. The Information Revolution is changing the way we live. b. Did the child eat all the food? ¢. She wanted her husband to forgive her. d. People say football is the best sport. > Put the right article (a, an, they or OSwhere no article is needed. Do not copy the sentences. Write only the number and the article or & Example: 10, an Is, research. ...2....useful instrument in business? Yes, itis.....3.,..important aid to trade, Many Syrians are now emigrating to. ..4....Europe in great numbers. My unele has been.........niversity lecturer for several years. live in. ..«. two stores building in. ..8....heart of the city. > TRANSLATION a4 A- Say in French 1. The processing of data is carried out by a computer, controlled by a program settled by a programmer. 2, US computer manufacturers eam about half of their income from selling spare parts. B- Say in English 1. Les disquettes, clé USB ne sont pas autorisées. 2. Les TIC sont des instruments de communication, de recherche et de gestion administrative. 3. Avisez-nous dés que vous recevrez le message TEXT 2: Front pockets and purses are slowly being emptied of civilization’s most basic and enduring tools: the key. It is being swallowed by the cellphone. New technology lets smartphones unlock hotels, office and house doors and open garages and even. car doors. It is a not-too-distant cousin of the technology that allows key fobs to unlock automobiles remotely and key cards to be waved beside electronic pads at office entrances. What is new is that itis on the device more people are using as the Swiss army knife of electronies- in equal parts phone, memo pad, stereo, map, GPS, camera and game machine. The phone simply sends a signal through the Internet and a converter box to a deadbolt or doorknob. Other systems use internal company networks, like General Motors’ OnStar system, to unlock car doors. Because nearly everyone has a cellphone, a number of start-ups, lock companies and carmakers are betting on broad acceptance of the technology. Schlage, a major lock maker, markets a system that lets homeowners use theit mobile phones to unlock their doors from miles away and manage their home heating and air- conditioning, lights and security cameras. Customers buy locks that are controlled by wireless radio signals sent from Internet-connected boxes in their homes. > Comprehension questi 1. Choose the letter (a, b or c) that corresponds to the answer. Do not copy the sentence, Just write the number and the letter. Ex. : .D Pockets and purses are being emptied of: a Keys b-smartphones —¢- tools 2. Answer by TRUE or FALSE 46 a- Carmakers and lock companies are sure of the popularity of the new technology. b- With the new technology users can lock and unlock their premises a distance away. > Vocabulary A. Find in the text words or expressions that are approximate in meaning as 1 Device used for communication 2. Almost similar 3 The sum total of culture, belief ~ and way of life 4, Network connecting other networks and computers s. Device for changing radio signals from one frequency to another. B. From number 6 to number 8 choose the correct opposite lettered a,b or e: NB;Do not copy the words. Write Ex. 10.4 6,Remotely: a-distantly —_—b- elose omile 7-Customers:; — a- clients b- suppliers ¢- purchaser s-Enduring: —_a- lasting b-resistant —_c- ephemeral > Linguistic competence *Choose the correct answer from the brackets. Do not copy the sentence. Just write the number and words chosen. e.g.: 9, has travelled 1. Decades ago computers «weren't used, used, were using). 47 2, Our boss would have attended the meeting if he cwere, had been, was) present. 3. The sales manager has to give up, he has any, no, none) choice. 4, The staff discussed (about, with, @ the issue yesterday. Ge nothing *Put the verbs in brackets into correct tense. Do not copy the sentence. Ex.: 20. Will go 5, Before he repaired the computers the technician (to identify) the breakdown. 6. The manager will have his new car (to overhaul) next week. *Put into passive voice 7. The technician will repair the computers. 8. The boss bought the laptops from Japan technology. > Translation 1, Translate into French In October, General Motors introduced an app that lets owners of most 2011 G.M. models lock and unlock the doors and start the engine remotely. It allows car owners to warm up the engine ona frigid day or start the air-conditioning on a hot one. 2. Translate into English Réservée 8 la classe privilégiée africaine il y a quelques dizaines d’années, le téléphone mobile est devenu une véritable pacotille. Il est devenu un compagnon des jeunes qui ne peuvent plus s’en débarrasser un instant. Outil trés utile, il a aussi de nombreux inconvénients qu’ignorent la plupart des usagers 4g. Text 3: With Facebook's membership approaching 600 million and more features and applications continually being added to the site, it sometimes seems that it is the only social network around. But it is not the only one, even if it is dominant. Specialized networks are catching on, with users who say they prefer a more focused way to share photos, videos or music or who simply do not want everyone on Facebook looking at their pictures. Some of these networks leverage the existing huge audience of Facebook or Twitter to let their members reach the maximum aumber of friends. But if you are worried about Facebook’ s potential privacy holes and want to steer clear of them, there is a network for that, too. Instagram, a photo-sharing network built around a free application for the iPhone, is the breakout hit of specialty social networks. The service says that more than one million people have already signed up. Instagram’s secret weapon is its building photo filters, which modify your pictures before you upload them. Some effects are comy, but some work wonders at removing the often harsh lighting and jarring colors of cellphone photos. With the help of the filters, the images may look beiter than those uploaded to other social sites, like Facebook. To find friends to share your photos with, start the application and tap the profile option at the bottom right of its screen. Instagram offers several ways to find people: log in to Facebook or Twitter to see lists of yours friends who are already signed up with Instagram; search your phone’s contact list who have not yet signed 49 ‘up: search Instagram’s database of users and usernames; browse a list of suggested users whom the company has deemed worth following for their photos. > Comprehension questions 1. Say whether the following statements are True or False. STRICTLY write ONLY True or False a- Facebook is more popular than Instagram. b- Most people prefer Facebook to Instagram for its potential privacy holes. 2. Answer the following questions a- What are Facebook and Instagram? b- What do people use Facebook and Instagram fort > Vocabulary Find in the passage words or expressions that mean as follows a- apiece of software. b- anumber of computers and other devices that are connected together so that equipment and information can be shared. c+ approgram that stops certain types of electronic information being sent toa computer. d- tomove data from a larger computer to a smaller one. allow to begin to use a computer system. fan organized set of data that is stored in a computer > Linguistic competence 50 A. Choose the suitable answer from the brackets. Don’t copy the sentences. Ex. 6. About 1. *Please, switch (out, off, of) your computers and look on the board”, The teacher said. 2. ‘The manager the car (of which, of whom, who) was stolen came to work on foot. 3. Many students in Togo are good (in, at, about computer science. 4. Our boss will accept any misconduct exept (come, to come, coming) to work late. 5. If the business were, was, had been) expanding they would recruit more employees. B. Put into passive voice 1. The manager gave us a present. ( Begin with the word underlined ) 2. Users always take care of computers. C. Put into direct or reported speech 1. “The computers were repaired yesterday’, The technician said 2. Ourboss announced that the new computers would arrive the following day. > TRANSLATION 1. Translate into French Path isa network for sharing photos and videos. But Path limitseach user to sharing with fifty friends at most, rather than with everyone they know. Your friends need to check their Path applications or Path’s Web site to see your images. “The dramatic rise in Chinese imports into Europe and the US is actually good news for our economic prospects “We must try to prevent China from developing its economy by erecting trade barriers and by blocking its exports” 2, Translate into English La révolution des technologies de "information et de la communication a plus diefiets négatifs que d’eflfets positif’s sur le mode de vie des jeunes. Plusieurs chercheurs insistent sur cet aspect négatif de ces technologies. Les éléves et les étudiants ne s’occupent plus de leurs études. Méme en classe, des éléves souvent sont surpris en train de manipuler leur téléphone mobil. L. Jai travaillé la-bas pendant beaucoup d’années. 2. Je travaille la-bas depuis beaucoup d’années. 3. J'ai travaillé 1a-bas auparavant. 4, Il habite avec nous. 5, Hhabite avec nous depuis deux semaines. 6. Ila habité avec nous pendant deux semaines. 7. Elle nous a contactés récemment. 8. Elle ne nous a pas contactés depuis longtemps. 9. Elle ne nous a pas contactés pendant longtemps. 10, Elle ne nous avait pas contaetés pendant longtemps. PART VII: ESSAY WRITING 1- Letter writing A; Friendly letter. A friendly letter usually has six parts: a The writer’s address/letterhead. Example: [AEC/B.O. BOX:/Lomé, ‘TOGO. be The date: 25"November 2017. & The grecting/Salutation. F 5 muple; Dear, dearest, my dearest... 28 64 The IT revolution sdband intermet ‘One of the key issues in information technology (IT) is, of course. the fre of the Internet. ‘The Intemer may not have “changed everything’ in the economy. as some predicted a few years ayo, but it is still growing fast. On landlines ~ Fixed relephone lines ~ high-speed broadband access is snaking it faster ond easier to use the Internet and to download files with wat, pictures, video, ete Faster connections also allow better use of some applications such as videorvonferencing, where people in two or more locasions can see and tall 0 each thes Note: Broadband is also known as DSt (direct subscriber link) in the USA Mobile interne The next step is acvessing the Intemet via mobile devices such 2s snobile phones and PDAs {personal digital assistants, also referred to as handhelds), High-speed acvess is already available on wireless LAN (local area network) systems, also known as wih, To access the Internet in this wag, vou have to be in particular hotspot: a place stich as a calé ‘or airpott terminal, which is cauipped with the ncework High speeds are promised for 3G or third generation systems offered by mobile phone ‘companics, who paid very high prices for the licences to operare them. ‘They were expecting high demand hy mobile phone users for a wide range of information and entertainment services, for example replays of football highlights. Time will ell i these prices were justified. Moore's Lave Another factor in these developrnents is Moore's Law, the principle that che computing power of a particular size of computer chip, the basi component af eompaters, will roughly double every 18 months. This law can also be tsed re talk about cost = the cost of a panticuiar unit of computing power will continue to halve every 18 months for the foresceable future. The law is named aker Gordon Moore, co-founder of the chip company Intel, who made the prediction in 1965. urinese Vocebulary ln Use (odvanced) 28.1 28.2 Complete che crossword with expressions from A, B and ( opposite Across Down 3 See 12 down, 1. This device is for individnal usees: it's a 8 Demand for these services Sas 2 When people in diferent places use the Tutemnet to yet uncertain. (5,10) see and hear each other, they are WileO-sonmn « (12) © You can find these in some 4 No cables artached. (8) public places. (5,48) 5A computer's basie component. (1) 11 Normobile phone lines. (91 6 Another name for PDAs. (9) 14 What Moore’s Law relates 7 A place offering wii for Internet aecens. (7) 0. (9,51 10 Broadband gives high-speed 6 15. You ean do this much faster 12. and 3 across A principle relating to the cost of with broadband, (8,5) computing power (6,3) 17 and 13 down Things like mobile 13 See 17 across. phones and PDAs. (6,7) 16 Another name for wireless LANs. (2-2) Use Moore’s Law i € opposite to do the following caleulation: in 1974, the cost of a particular size of computer memory chip was $10,000. By 1997, the cost for the same sanit had fallen to: a $1,000 b S100 St fey Ae cued co Se ee ie vices would you ti aioe Pereea reece rete Pete suai nieet: epee) ‘Business Vocebulory i Use (advanced) 65 Internet security ack and defence Melissa Vorster is a consultant on Intemet security: “Lwork with companies tw try 10 prevent hackers from penetrating their computer systems in urder to steal or destray the information on them. Hackers are people who may write programs designed co overioad an organization's system swith requests for information so that users cannot aezess it. We call this a denial of service attack, and it causes huge inconvenience for customers and lost business for companies. Another problem is viruses. A virus is a small program designed to make computers misfunction, despite the Firewalls and anti-viras programs that swe install as che technical defences against chem” 86 ‘Some companies that { work with sell goods and services over the Internet and need 10 reassure their customers that their credit card details are safe and will not be stolen hy hackers. Credit card details and other confidential informacion to be tansmicied is encrypted, o coded, so that it cannot be seed by others. Companies thar sell on the inrernet will display the level of encryption thar users of their site benefit from. This is a defence against one form of eybererime~ criminal activity on the Intemet.” Privacy and confidentiality “When someone uses the Interner, they leave an electronic trail, a record of the sites they visic, and if they buy something, their personal details, This raises issues of privacy and confidentiality. Who should have the right ro access and analyze this information? This i all pare of the debate about she powers of surveillance (the powers to watch and cxamine the activities of private individuals} that law enforcement agencies, such as the police, should have. Criies eall this snooping, and there are big issues of buman rights aw and Giil liberties at stake because chese are freedoms that ordinary people should he able ro enjoy.” Business Yocobutry in Use (advanced, ‘ii citi ccs 29.4 Replace the underlined phrases in the headlines with expressions from A and B opposite. 1 paciy-inientioneg intruders penetrate Pentagon computers 2 Xenon’s system down for 5 hours in action desigmedito exclude access i 3 Companies’ system defences withstand latest attack p (2 possibitias) anneal 4 Latest methads of stanslating ta ende’ make confidential messages unccadeble by outsides | 5 Megat ingeroas activity increases three-fold g 6 2 attachments to company emails | fnetions found in ~! 29.2 Complete the article with expressions froin © opposite. (Two expressions ate used ovice.) 29.3 Snooping system is illegal, say police » penser allowany Law enforcement agencies «access the communications records, of telephone and Inietet asers are in sich 9 legal mess that they are omerable, one of Britain's most senier police officers will toiliy tell perliameniary inguicy. Jim Gane, assistant chick constable of the national crime squad and Acad of the association of chief police offioors” dala communications group, ill gdmit to MPS that the cornet system to abcess we, end and phe logs Is Megat ander 2) —. ‘he Guadian he eaned Fe il) aso conpiain tas Iya! effets wit the Iepisetion passed io reenter ths bent ars leaving the conmrications iedasiry unceriin of the legal positon Fis awonisting intervention on behalf of the URC law cenferccrient comunity pilss presse OW ministers Ho subink their raft of 3) messure. ‘Taese wlll wyuire commmunicoions providers to uscple cevstomers’ eeords for long periods and allow (8) seem : cee lo acesss them Without mead fora yudiciat or Richard Allan, Liberal Pesnoerat heme affirm spokesman ad the iequity’s joint chair, said CGanble's submission refiect. a climate change ia the Homie Office snd the police. Thoy have now realised that this A mates of mje poblic ltetest und) are ying wirtke 2 beter balnees etween catching crimisls tnd procuting the (3) 7 At the momen, companies store data only for slong as nocessry for hale osm purposes, such a biling aod ourkeing. (6) cay Ie they ean convince tbe service provider that they shoblel be exempt fom vats prevection lave beeanse tmere is enough evidence 10 believe the person ty Snealval in wrongdateg, Tre Guordion of innocent Find words or phrases in the article above that mear: 1 not able to be legally enforced 2 series of actions Sch 2 keep large numbers of Pa eee ey Consider these ways of ac Brrr acne Aiisicos cnCcs tee oR ne TOE rea Beccarny 4 formal staternent 7 not included in nge in arcimnde 6 take a fairer approach to mimunicating confidential information, such 2s credit card deals, ‘uses Vocabulary In Use (advanced) 67 Software engineer A software engineer is a person who applics the principles of software engineering to the design. A software engineer writing Java code development, maintenance, testing, and evaluation of the software that make computers or other devices containing software work. Prior to the mid-1970s, software practitioners called themselves computer programmers or software developers. regardless of their actual jobs. Many people prefer to call themselves software developer and programmer, because most widely agree what these terms mean, while software engineer is still being debated, ITalf of all practitioners today have degrees in computer selence, infosmation systems, or information technology. A small, but growing, number of practitioners have software engineering degrees. In 1987, Imperial College London introduced the first three-year software engineering Bachelor's degree in the UK and the world; in the following year, the University of Sheffield established 2 similar program[1] In 1996, the Rochester Institute of Technology established the first software Education engineering bachelor’s degree program in the United States, however, it did not obiain ABET accreditation until 2003, the same time as Rice University, Clarkson University, Milwaukee School of Engineering and Mississippi State University obtained theirs. [2] In 1997, PSG College of Technology in Coimbatore, India was the first to start a five-year integrated Master of Science degree in Software Engineering. Since then, software engineering undergraduate degrees have been established at many universities. ‘A standard international curriculum for undergraduate software engineering degrees was, . about 50 universities offer software recently defined by the CCSE. As of 2004, in the U. engineering degrees, which teach both computer science and engineering principles and degree was established at Seattle University practices. The first software engineering Master's in 1979. Since then graduate software engineering degrees have been made evailable from many more universities. Likewise in Canads, the Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board (CRAB) of the Canadian Council of Professional Engineers has recognized several software engineering programs In 1998, the US Navel Postgraduate School (NPS) established the first doctorate program in Software Engineering in the world. Additionally, many online advanced degrees in Sofware Engincering have appeared such as the Master of Science in Software Engineering (MSF) 1 dcaree offered through the Computer Science and Engineering Department at Calilornia State niversity, Fullerton, Steve MeConnell opines that because most universities teach computer science rather than software cagineering, there is a shortage of true sofiware engineers. [3] ETS University and UQAM (Université du Québec 4 Montréal) were mandated by IEEE to develop the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge (SWEBOK), which has become an ISO standard deseribing the body of knowledge covered by a software engineer. [4] Other degrees In business, some software engineering practitioners have MIS or computer information systems degrees. In embedded systems, some have electrical engineering, elecironics engineering, computer science with emphasis in "embedded systems" or computer engineering degrees, because embedded software offen requires a detailed understanding of hardware. In medical software, practitioners may have medical informatics, general medical, or biology degrees. Some practitioners have mathematics, science, engineering, or technology (STEM) degrees. Some have philosophy (logic in particular) or other non-technical degrees. For instance, Barry Boehm eared degrees in mathematics. And, others have no degrees, Employment Most software engincers work as employees or contractors. Software engineers work with businesses, govemment agencies (civilian or Profession military), and non-profit organizations, Some sofiwase engineers work on their own as consulting software engineers. Some organizations have specialists to perform all of the tasks in the software development process. Other organizations separate software engincers based on specific software-engineering tasks. These companies sometimes hire interns (possibly university or college students) over a short time. In large projects, software engineers are distinguished from people who specialize in only one role because they take part in the design as well as the programming of the project. In small projects, software engincers will usually fill several or alll roles at the same time. Specializations include: in industry (analysts, architects, developers, testers, technical support,

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