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-first part-

Prezentul simplu desemnează un eveniment, o acţiune sau o stare care se întamplă

simultat cu momentul vorbirii sau care include momentul vorbirii.
Cum se formează? → Prezentul simplu este identic cu infinitivul, la toate persoanele
singular şi plural cu excepţia persoanei aIII-a singular, care adaugă –(e)s.
e.g. to cook to go
I cook We cook I go We go
You cook You cook You go You go
He/she/it cooks They cook He/she/it goes They go

Affirmative Negative

I am We are I am not(’m not) We are not(aren’t)

You are You are You are not(aren’t) You are not(aren’t)
He/she/it is They are He/she/it is not(isn’t) They are not (aren’t)
Am I? Are we?
Are you? Are you?
Is he/she/it? Are they?

Affirmative Negative

I have We have I have not(haven’t) We have not(haven’t)

You have You have You have not(haven’t) You have not(haven’t)
He/she/it has They have He/she/it has not(hasn’t) They have not (haven’t)
Do I have? Have I? Do we have? Have we?
Do yoy have? Have you? Do you have? Have you?
Does she have? Has he/she/it? Do they have? Have they?


1. Fill in the blanks with „am”, „are”, „is” as in the example given:
e.g. I am in vacation with Mary.
a)Eveline _____ a good girl at school.
b) Number one _____ a pencil.
c) You _____ a student.
d) She _____ at school at the moment.
e) Number six _____ two cats.
f) The pupils _____ in the classroom with the teacher.
g) My mother _____ at work and I _____ at home.
h) Number five _____ a lion.
i) She _____ a woman.
j) They _____ in the street.
k) The boy _____ intelligent and his sister _____ nice.
l) Mr Ionescu _____ an engineer.
m) You _____ a doctor and Paul _____ a poet.
n) All my students _____ in the park.
o) You _____ my students and I _____ your teacher.
p) Jim _____ a layer and Ann _____ a dentist.
q) I _____ an artist and they _____ poets.

2. Make the following sentences interrogative as in the example:

e.g. I am at school. → Am I at school?
a) You are an economist. → ________________________________?

b)We are in the park with Susan. → ________________________________?
c)I am a pupil. → ________________________________?
d) The teacher is at home. → ________________________________?
e) My brother is smart. → ________________________________?
f) The cat and the dog are in the kitchen. → ________________________________?
g) You are at school. → ________________________________?
h)My friend is a pilot. → ________________________________?
i) The dog is brown. → ________________________________?
j) The fish is in the water. → ________________________________?
k) The boys and the girls are here. → ________________________________?
l) My house is beautiful and big. → ________________________________?
m) The roses are red. → ________________________________?
n) He is in the schoolyard. → ________________________________?
o) The park is near our school. → ________________________________?
p) My books are in my schoolbag. → ________________________________?
q) Marry is at a party. → ________________________________?
r) These trees are green. → ________________________________?
s) My parents are at the cinema. → ________________________________?
t) The hamster is under the table. → ________________________________?
u) This is a boat. → ________________________________?
v) This is an interesting lesson. → ________________________________?
x) The apples are red and small. → ________________________________?
y) You are in the living room with Mike. → ________________________________?
z) The shoes are clean. → ________________________________?

3. Fill in the blanks with „have” or „has” as in the example given:
e.g. I have an English book today.
a) My brother _______ a notebook on his desk.
b) Alice _______ a red car.
c) We _______ a very smart English teacher.
d) I _______ a sister and my friend _______ two brothers.
e)Jim and Ann _______ a bird and a fish.
f) You_______ many books and she _______ many dolls.
g) My brother _______a new bicycle.
h) I _______ three friends at school.
i) Houses _______ room and windows.
j) I _______ a beautiful picture in my bedroom.
k) Jim and Carry _______ many questions for the teacher.
l) Tom _______ an exercise to do for Mathematics.
m) I _______ an expensive watch.
n) They _______ ten flowers in the garden.
o) My mom and my dad _______ breakfast.
p) They _______ a horse at the farm.
q) Mike _______ green eyes.
r) I _______ a new uniform for school.
s) Dennis _______ a beautiful photo album.
t) Peter _______ a new white blouse and Sandra _______ a blue dress.
u) His little brother _______ an exam tomorrow.
v) My sister _______ a mirror and a lipstick in her bag.

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