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Introduction: ...........................................................................4
Importance of Dirty Talk ...........................................................6
Balancing The Dichotomy ........................................................ 11
It All Hangs In The Balance .................................................. 12
Advanced Dirty Talk ............................................................... 16
It’s All About The Voice ........................................................ 16
Tease It Out ....................................................................... 19
Possession.......................................................................... 21
Context Is The Key .............................................................. 25
Switching Up The Spices ...................................................... 27
Keep The Fire Burning ............................................................ 31
Share Your Fantasies ........................................................... 32
The All Mighty Phone Sex ..................................................... 34
The RIGHT Way To Sext ....................................................... 36
Wrap Up ............................................................................... 40


The main course has given you the best foundation for attracting
and turning women on just with your presence and words. You can
have a dynamic conversation with her that includes the powerful
sexual words and phrases that instantly start to warm her up and
turn her on.

With that foundation set, you have the beginnings of great

interactions with women.

However, what do you do once you hook up with her? What

happens after the first couple of great dates and now you’re
sleeping together? What do you do next?

Of course, you continue to use the sexual power words and phrases
in your conversations. Always sprinkled in as added spice, not the
main course.

But what is the next step?

This advanced dirty talk course will walk you through

exactly what to say to her in bed to bring out her hidden
sexual side.

The phrases you’re about to learn are important to work up to after

you’ve already started sleeping together. That’s why it’s crucial that
you build that initial foundation with the sexual power words and

If you start trying out these advanced sexual phrases before you’ve
hooked up and started sleeping together you are going to creep her
out and she’ll close down.

Trying these too soon will put you in the pushy sexual horndog
category. Women don’t want to be leered at or talked dirty to in

These phrases are most powerful once you’ve established that

report with her and she feels comfortable to completely let herself
go with you in the bedroom. What you find in this bonus book is not
to be confused with the sexual power words and phrases in the
main course.

These advanced phrases are meant to inject a heightened sexual

energy into your time in the bedroom with her. When used
correctly, you can unleash the deepest sexual side of a
woman where she feels comfortable to totally expose herself
and dive into her true sexual nature with you.

You will never have to worry about a boring sex life or wonder if
she’s enjoying herself with you. You’ll have your answer with the
intense orgasms you’ll give her over and over again when you
employ the right dirty talk phrases.

Importance of Dirty Talk

As we established in the main dirty talk course, talking dirty with a

woman is an art form that, when done properly, can turn her on
just with a couple of words and the right inflection of your voice.

The foundational steps build that report with her so that when you
do use the sexual power words, she is ready to hear them and be
turned on by them rather than creeped out and turned off.

Sexual power words and phrases are important not only for turning
her on initially and making her feel sexual and attracted towards
you just being in your presence. They’re also essential to a happy,
healthy, and fulfilling sex life for both of you.

You know how you like hearing a woman moan and scream in bed?
Every guy likes hearing the woman he’s with be vocal.

It’s a sign that you’re pleasing her and satisfying her sexually. You
don’t want to be having sex with a woman who is just going to lie
there and be silent. You have no indication then that you’re on the
right track.

Likewise, women like when you’re vocal too but in a different way.
They don’t expect you to scream and moan but using dirty talk in
bed is your way as a man to be vocal with them and communicate.

No woman wants to feel like she’s banging a ninja. She needs to

know that you’re in it with her and she’s connected to you on some
level. You’re not just having sex with each other silently. That
would just be creepy.

Women need some indication from you and guidance as to what is

going on. You’re the man. You’re supposed to be taking the

lead and that includes being vocal and guiding her with your

It’s the yin and yang of sex. She moans and screams. You dirty talk
her through with sexual power words and phrases.

It’s all about balance.

This is the reason why sex can be totally lacking and people end up
breaking up over it. There’s no communication or meshing together
and that usually stems from the lack of dirty talk.

While it’s possible to have a sex life and find a woman who isn’t
interested in intense dirty talk at all, you will find that to be pretty
rare. Women won’t readily admit it but deep down they all secretly
crave for you to take the lead and unleash their extreme sexual
side through your voice.

A lot of times men are simply too afraid to say what’s on their
mind. They think that if they express their sexuality and desires
they’re going to scare the woman off.

This harkens back to the main course material. When you act or
don’t act out of fear of loss or fear in general, you’re going to
sabotage yourself.

You’re not being authentic when you hold back parts of

yourself and that includes your desire and the dirty thoughts
rolling around in your head that you wish you could say to

When you hold yourself back and bite your tongue, you’re
essentially being dishonest with her and keeping something from
her because you’re too afraid to be yourself.

The truth of the matter is, when you build that foundation and build
that report with her, you’ll be able to tell her the filthiest thing on
your mind when you do it in the right setting and context.

Obviously, there are things you’re not going to lean across the
table and tell her at a café while sharing a pastry on a Sunday
afternoon. There is a time and place for the extreme dirty talk.

But women are just as sexual (if not more so) as men are. They
just need to feel comfortable and safe enough to express
themselves around you. They need you to pick up and lead the way
for them.

If you don’t take the lead and you stay stuck in your fear then your
sex life will never reach its full potential. You won’t be able to
satisfy her on the deepest level possible. It’s a loss for the both of

When you can’t tap into your extreme sexual side, not only do you
miss out on a great sex life, but she never gets to explore her full
sexuality with you either. The majority of women keep that side of
themselves hidden until you help them unlock it, guiding them
through with sexual power phrases in the bedroom.

You’ve already seen how women are intensely sexual beings when
they feel safe enough to express that side of themselves. They
want sex just as much as you do. They want you to take control, be
the man, and be dominant.

When I say dominant I don’t mean controlling or being a tyrant. I

mean that you’re simply taking the lead and taking point on
painting the picture for her with your words and leading her
through the experience.

The key to this, as is said in the main course, is that you cannot
apologize for your desires as a man. To do so is to be indecisive
and wishy-washy.
To say, “I’m sorry. I’m just so attracted to you. I’m sorry” is such a
turn off to women. You can simply say “I’m just so attracted to
you” and she’ll get it.

You don’t need to apologize for being attracted to her. You’re just
being a man. You never hear women apologizing for finding
someone attractive. They tend to own their sexuality more than
men in that sense.

They don’t say to you, “I’m sorry. I just can’t help but to stare at
you. You just look so good. Sorry.” Women don’t see a need to
apologize for their sexuality like men do.

Sure, they keep that side of themselves hidden away on a

day to day basis, but they own up to it when it comes out.
They don’t make excuses or apologize for it.

Don’t apologize for something that comes naturally. At first these

phrases I’m about to give you might not seem that natural. They
might feel a bit too extreme for you or too intense.

I know a lot of guys are afraid of saying such things in bed. They’re
afraid they’re going to offend a woman or sound like they’re in a
cheesy, poorly-scripted porn.

The key is context. Just as we laid out the foundation for sexual
power words in normal conversation, these sexual phrases for the
bedroom are highly effective when used in the right context.

Just like you wouldn’t expect an athlete to run a marathon without

warming up their muscles first, you’re not busting these phrases
out the moment you get some alone time with a woman.

Once she’s properly warmed up and turned on, these phrases can
be slipped in during sex to heighten arousal and give her the
greatest pleasure ever.

Dirty talk is essential to an ongoing relationship. Not only are the
little sexual innuendos and joking in normal, everyday
conversation important but also the intense, deeply
personal, and dirty phrases you say to her during sex.

It keeps the fire burning and keeps things interesting. So many

couples suffer from a bad, boring sex life. There’s no passion and
no variety.

Metering out these sexual phrases in small doses will keep that fire
stoked and keep her on her toes waiting and wanting for more.
She’ll be thinking about what you said in bed last night and
wondering what’s going to come out of your mouth next.

She’ll have daydreams and fantasies just thinking about the next
time you surprise her with some sexual power phrases in the
middle of sex.

Balancing The Dichotomy

The reason why so many men have trouble with this is because
they simply don’t understand the two sides to women.

In all honesty, everyone has two sides to them. You have the side
that the outside world sees. The side that friends, family,
coworkers, and strangers on the street see.

It’s not a façade or an act, but you certainly don’t let the world see
every part of yourself. There are certain things you keep private
and hidden to yourself or that you only reveal to the most trusted
people in your life.

Your desires, your fantasies, and your inner thoughts are not
shared with others. You might not even share them with the
woman you are with.

Women are exactly the same way. What you see on the outside of
a woman is not necessarily who she is on the inside.

She has the same fantasies, desires, and private thoughts that you
have no idea about because she keeps them to herself. She doesn’t
let them become part of what the outside world sees about her.

Women tend to show a prim and proper persona to the rest of the
world while keeping their sexual side hidden. You can partially
blame this on society and the media for trying to repress women’s

They’re told that they have to be chaste and only engage in sex
when certain standards have been met and they can still be
respected as a “good girl”. They don’t give into or move about in
their sexuality with the same ease that men do. They don’t get a
pass from society to do so.
And thus, a lot of their desires and feelings are locked away,
only to be revealed by you when you use the sexual phrases
they long to hear.

Women would love to do away with the sexual restraints they find
themselves in and just give into their sexuality without inhibitions
once they’re with you. But a lot of women don’t get this chance
when they’re with men who don’t know what they’re doing.

She’s not going to take control and say, “Well, since you’re not
doing it, I’m going to just take the reins on this one.” She wants
you to know what to do and know how to turn her on like nothing

You can help her unlock that side of herself, please her, and in turn
have her wanting to have sex with you all the time and instantly be
turned on when you use these phrases with her.

She wants you to be in control and to dominate her and the

situation. A lot of guys simply don’t get this. They’re too afraid to
make a move like that or worry that they’re going to piss her off.

As long as you have the foundation set and you’re using the
phrases in the right context, you won’t have to worry about
overstepping your boundaries. If you do, she’ll let you know

But when you use the phrases in the right time and place, they can
have a tremendous effect on a woman’s pleasure and her desire to
sleep with you again and again and again.

It All Hangs In The Balance

One thing to note here is that as dirty and filthy as the phrases can
get, she still wants to be treated with respect. This is not about you

treating her poorly, disrespecting her, or bringing the energy of
these phrases into the “real world” so to speak.

You’re not saying these things to her in public, you’re not calling
her names at a party, and you’re not turning into the sexual pushy
guy mode. You can pretty much use the cliché saying “What
happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas” and apply it to the things you
say to her.

Whatever is spoken between the two of you, shall remain between

the two of you. She doesn’t want you to call her your “naughty little
bitch” when you’re out grocery shopping (unless of course she’s
into that sort of thing and explicitly asks for it).

She still wants to be treated with respect and feel comfortable and
safe with you. She’s letting her guard down in the bedroom and
giving you access to the deepest side of herself that no one else

She’s dropping her prim and proper persona that the rest of the
world sees and showing you her extreme sexual side. She trusts
you with that and expects you to respect her when all is said and

If you break that and you treat her poorly, embarrass her in front
of others, or try to use these intensely sexual phrases outside of
the bedroom, she will shut down and shut you out for good.

She just expects you to be the leader in the bedroom. You have to
be comfortable with your own sexuality and ability to lead. You
have to be firm in your convictions and know when to say these
things and when not to.

You have to lead confidently and firmly. Otherwise it doesn’t work

and she’ll keep that side of herself hidden, disappointed that you
can’t take the lead and draw it out of her.

You have to understand that you, as a man, are visually stimulated.
You’re already turned on no matter what. Whether she’s naked in
front of you, half-way undressed, or you’re watching her walk in
front of you as her butt wiggles in her jeans.

You have the luxury of being turned on simply by sight. She really
doesn’t have to do much if anything to turn you on.

She needs more than that. She can’t simply look at you and
instantly be turned on. Women are stimulated by words and voices.
Their minds need to be seduced first which is where the sexual
phrases come in handy.

The mild ones can be used to kick start her mind into beginning to
think sexually. As the energy rises and she’s getting more aroused,
the more intense phrases can push her over the edge into ecstasy.

Dirty words and phrases are powerful because they take on a

totally new meaning when used in the bedroom. The same phrase
can take on a new context when said during sex at the height of
arousal. It doesn’t even need to make sense.

It works simply because it’s said with authority in the

moment and that’s all she needs to hear.

Slang and euphemisms that would sound vulgar when said in

company can become the hot buttons that you push when saying
them to her as you’re being intimate.

If you were to use words like “pussy” and “cock” in mixed

company, it would be inappropriate, vulgar, and would even turn
women off. Using these terms and slang in mixed company or
outside of your alone time with her will make her see you as the
“pushy, horndog” type of guy and that’s not the image or
reputation that you want.

But when a woman is comfortable with you and warmed up, saying
those same exact words in the bedroom can ratchet up her arousal
and the intensity of her pleasure when used correctly. What’s
inappropriate in the “real world” can be intensely appropriate in the

It all comes down to the context.

For example, if you’re getting sexual with a woman, you don’t say
things like, “I would greatly enjoy it if I could stick my penis in your

No one talks like that. It’s unsexy and it shuts the mood down
immediately. While those are clearly correct, anatomical terms,
they have no place in the bedroom. They can be used in mixed
company or when describing something that’s clinical or medical.

But you never want to use those in the bedroom just as you
wouldn’t talk about pussy and cock in a normal conversation
outside of the bedroom.

It’s all about context.

So, let’s get down to business and I’ll show you exactly what to
say, how to say it, and when so that you can unlock her dirty,
naughty side and skyrocket her pleasure with you.

Advanced Dirty Talk

It’s All About The Voice

As you learned in the main course, the tone and inflection of your
voice are extremely important. Since women get turned on by
words, you have your voice as the vehicle to deliver the sexual
power words and phrases to them.

You’re not writing a sexy novel for her to read so the only other
way to get your words across to her is with your voice. If your
voice is strained, high pitched, or otherwise unsexy, it’s going to
put a damper on your ability to deliver these sexual phrases

Saying something in a different tone can instantly change the

meaning. The different emphasis you put on one word or group of
words can create an entire new context around what you are

It’s like saying “I would love some chocolate” when you’re out at a
café or bakery and saying “I would love some chocolate” as you
slowly drip chocolate body paint on her in bed right before licking it

The exact same sentence said in two different ways changes the
meaning of it. In the first example you’re simply stating a
completely normal desire for chocolate. In the second one you’re
lowering your voice, looking her in the eyes, and saying how much
you want chocolate but in reference to what you’re painting on her
with the intention of licking off her naked body.

You also need to speak clearly. Nothing kills the mood more
than trying to say something and mumbling it. Then she has
to ask you to repeat yourself which is verbal speed bump, slowing
down and interrupting the flow of things.

You can’t mumble or stumble over your words. Nothing is worse

than her asking, “What did you say? Did you say something? I can’t
hear you.”

Stumbling over your words or mumbling happens when you put

pressure on yourself or you try to act a certain way. You stumble
because you feel like you’re saying something that is rehearsed
because it is.

If it’s not natural and it doesn’t feel right then it’s going to come
out stilted and mumbly to the point where she can’t hear you or
she hears you incorrectly. When you’re comfortable and natural,
you don’t trip over your words, or if you do, you acknowledge it
quickly and move on. You don’t make a big deal out of it.

Having to repeat yourself or not speaking loud enough or

clear enough defeats the entire purpose of you taking
control and leading. You can’t be dominant and a leader if
you’re afraid to say what you want and what you’re

She’s not going to laugh at you or make fun of you for the things
you say. But if you try to put on an act or sound like you’re coming
straight off the set of a cheesy porno and you’re mumbling because
you’re embarrassed or fearful, then she’s going to get turned off.

Again, pay attention to your voice. It’s like the old saying, “It’s not
what you say, it’s how you say it.”

Of course, what you say is important too but if it doesn’t have the
how behind it then it’s going to fall flat or sound insincere and

If you’re hesitant to try talking dirty with a woman, start with
yourself first. Try talking dirty to yourself when you’re alone. This
may seem a little weird but if you do it while you’re in the middle of
something sexual it will feel more natural.

When you’re watching porn or getting yourself off, start saying

whatever comes to mind. There’s no one there to hear you or tell
you that you sound silly. The closer that you get to climax the
easier and more natural it will be to talk dirty as if you had a
woman there with you.

It doesn’t have to be logical or thought out either. What you feel

and say in the moment feels right because it is. You’re not following
a script or acting. You’re not poaching lines from porn actors and
trying to make it work for you.

You may say things that you hear in porn or hear in movies and
that’s ok. Overlap happens. But the important thing is that you get
comfortable saying what’s on your mind and you feel natural about
what is coming out of your own mouth, not trying to imitate
someone else.

Your voice should be controlled but not contrived. You’re

speaking loudly enough that she can hear you but not so loudly
that it sounds like you’re trying to be macho and “large and in

Remember, the same thing can be said with intensity at a much

lower decibel. You just have to enunciate and speak clearly. Don’t
rush through saying something or cramming your words together
out of nervousness. That’s only going to make you feel more
nervous and tense up, thus making her tense up and

Say what you mean and mean what you say. You’re not trying
something on her or putting on an act. Otherwise it falls flat and it’s
not sexy, it turns her off.
Remember, you’re taking part in something that is a natural part of
all healthy and satisfying sexual relationships.

Tease It Out
To start out with, you can get her warmed up and ease into the
whole sexual phrase dirty talk with an easy exercise. You can start
with a mild form of teasing and getting used to talking to her in a
naughty way that creates an atmosphere of comfort and arousal.

“When in doubt, tease it out.”

You start by simply talking about her body and telling her
what you want to do to it.

Now, I don’t mean that you’re telling her, “Gosh, you’ve got a great
little body. I can’t wait to fuck you silly.” Then she’s just thinking,
“Um, thanks?”

Instead, as you’re undressing each other or you’re starting to make

out, you tease her with descriptions of what you want to do and
what you plan to do to each part of her.

She might be unbuttoning her shirt as you say, “You have such
lovely, perky breasts. I can’t wait to get them in my mouth and
slowly lick your nipples until you can’t stand it any more.”

Here, you’re making it about her pleasure but you’re also

taking charge and telling her what you’re going to do. It hits
both points in the dichotomy of her wanting to be respected, feel
safe with you and comfortable, and her needing you to take charge
and dominate her.

You can use this sparingly or you can really heighten her arousal by
speaking in a continuous stream of everything you want to do. The

hook is that you only say it to her. You don’t actually do these
things just yet.

The more she has to listen to you without being touched or without
you doing these acts will turn her on more and more because all
she has are your words and descriptions.

She can lay there as you caress her legs and say, “I’m going to
slide my tongue up your sweet thighs, all the way to your wet little
pussy. Just teasing, nothing more. And you can’t do anything about

Of course, logically she could do something about it. She’s not tied
down to the bed or being held against her will or anything. But
hearing you say that gets the gears going in her mind where she
feels you taking control and giving herself over, putting her
pleasure in your hands.

This works double-fold because women like hearing about

themselves. They like hearing you tell them what you appreciate
most about them and what parts of them turn you on.

It can be as innocent as saying, “I love the way your nose crinkles

when you laugh”, or as dirty as, “I love fucking you from behind
and grabbing your luscious, round ass.”

When you combine what you like and appreciate about her
with the sexual phrases, it makes her feel comfortable and
respected but also phenomenally turned on by the dirty
things you’re saying and pairing it with.

Make it about her and her connection to you. When you personalize
the dirty talk she doesn’t feel like she’s just an object. She wants to
be possessed and dominated but she also needs to know that that’s
not all you think about her.

Remember, you’re laying the foundation for her to be comfortable
and feel safe with you to open herself up so that you can use these
phrases to turn her on and increase her arousal and pleasure.

If you just throw out phrases with no regard to how they’re

connecting with her, she’s not going to be turned on and you’re
going to be left wondering why it’s not working for you.

One way to connect your sexual power phrases with her is to use
possessive terms.

She’s not a naughty little bitch. She’s your naughty little bitch. Of
course, you can experiment with names and phrases but the main
point is that you’re making it about her being yours, taking that
dominance and possession a step further.

She doesn’t want to be dominated outside of the bedroom and have

to turn into a possessive monster. But in the bedroom she wants to
know that she’s yours. You’re taking charge and taking possessive
of the situation and enjoying yourself with her.

She’s not just some random slut. She’s your slut who you enjoy so

Here’s a list of examples you can use and tweak to your liking:

“You’re mine.”

“Your ____ is mine.”

“Your ____ belongs to me.”

“You’re my _____.”

You can fill those in with whatever you like or what she prefers to

“You’re my naughty little girl, aren’t you?”

“I love having your hot, tight little pussy all to myself.”

“You love being my dirty little slut, don’t you?”

There are a million ways you can work her preferences in there and
say things that you’re both turned on by and comfortable with.

Experimentation is the key to never being bored. While you could

get a good start by poaching off of a porn video or something you
read in a romance novel, you need to switch it up so it doesn’t get

You can get more examples of words and phrases to use from the
list provided in the main course book and browsing the top selling
romance novels that are on the market right now.

They’re selling so well for a reason. Something is in them that is

turning women on and compelling them to buy more copies. Find
out which ones work the best and that the woman you’re with
responds to the best.

Also, every woman has her own preference. Some might object to
the word “slut” but they love the word “bitch” or “bad little girl”.
Others might prefer to be your slut all the time. You have to play
around to find out what a woman’s limits are, what she
absolutely won’t tolerate, and what will turn her on the

Few women enjoy being called “cunt” or having that word uttered
at any point. Be very careful if you choose to experiment with that
one. It’s the most extreme example you can use when trying to mix
up your sexual phrases.
If she objects to anything, it’s ok. There are plenty of other
terms you can use in place if she objects to a certain word,
phrase, or line of speaking. Just reading through some romance
novels will show you how there are literally millions of ways to
describe sex, body parts, feelings, emotions, and sexual acts.

It’s pretty much impossible to be completely at a loss for something

to say. Later on I’ll give you some more ideas to help you if you’re
ever in a rut or bored with the usual phrases you use on a regular

Remember, as you’re talking to her and using dirty sexual phrases,

you’re still making it all about her. Even when speaking about
yourself and your pleasure or what you want or need, you’re still
connecting it to her in a way that she can engage in the act with

Don’t talk about what it does for you. She already knows you enjoy
sex and you’re loving every second of it. She doesn’t need a
reminder that you’re raring to go. She wants to know what that has
to do with her and how she factors into it.

Otherwise you’re going to come off as selfish and disconnected

when trying to turn her on.

For example, instead of saying, “I’m so hard right now. I can’t wait
to get off in you.” Say “Do you see how hard you’re making my

The second phrase shows her that you find her hot and she’s
turning you on. She’s participating and doing something. You’re
hard because of her and you’re acknowledging that. It’s her fault
that she is turning you on and making you hard. You can follow it
up something like, “You’re such a bad little girl getting me all hard
like this. What am I going to do with this now?”

You’re being dominant and leading her down the path to
submission. Because of her you’re hard and it’s all her fault. But
you’re being somewhat playful about it.

She already knows that you’re hard because of her. But adding that
it’s because she’s been a bad little girl it feeds her need for getting
turned on with words and allowing you to take things down a more
intensely sexual path.

You’re using your voice and talking to her in a way that ramps up
her sexual attraction to you, her arousal, and ultimately her
pleasure. It’s like squeezing lighter fluid on a fire and watching the
flames jump up.

A little goes a long way but that little that you put in there will do
the job. You’ve already got the fire built from scratch and lit. You
just need that little something extra to really make it burn.

Another example of spinning the obvious or selfish statement so

that it engages her is “Do you know how badly I want to fuck you
right now? I’m going to make you cum harder than you ever have
in your life.”

You’re telling her that you want to fuck her, obviously, but
you’re pairing it with a dirty, sexual phrase that also
engages her and focuses on what it means for her.

Sure, you want to fuck her. But when you do, you’re going to fuck
her so well and so hard that she orgasms like she’s never imagined.
You’re intent on providing that for her even as badly as you’re
focused on just wanting to fuck her to begin with.

Context Is The Key
She’s enjoying this because of the context that it’s in. If you said
this on a regular basis or over dinner, she’s going to be turned off.
But in the sexual environment of the bedroom, it’s expected.

You create a safe environment with you in the bedroom where she
feels comfortable accepting this language from you and actually
reveling in it. She won’t be turned on by it and accept it outside of
the context of having sex in private.

The purpose of talking dirty is to unlock her sexuality and free her
inhibitions. You are taking the lead and painting her a picture of the
situation. You’re guiding her to feel what you want her to and
leading her through the emotions and the experience.

If you say, “Baby, I can’t wait to be inside of you. I love you so

much” that’s going to set a much different tone than saying,
“You’ve been extra naughty today. I think you need a spanking.”

The context in which you say something completely changes the

meaning and sets the tone for how the experience is going to go.
It’s up to you to set that tone.

She’s not going to feel like a “naughty little slut” unless you tell her
that she is. The vast majority of women don’t initiate dirty talk on
their own. There is that rare woman once in a while who will take
the reins but only because doing so gets her off.

Most women will be waiting for you to take charge and paint
the picture of how the experience is going to go.

And as I stated before, not everything you say will be logical. Of

course she’s not a “slut” at her office job. Of course she hasn’t been
“so very bad and in need of a spanking”. It doesn’t always make
sense but it doesn’t have to either. That’s part of the fun of dirty
For example, by day she might be a rough and tumble chick who is
a “bad girl” in real life and not a demure office worker. Her idea of
a sport and hobby is playing a violent session of roller derby on her
local team. But your dirty talk will still carry weight because of the
context that it’s used in.

Even if her day job is being a corrections officer in a prison and

she’s got a tough professional demeanor, she’s still going to want
to relinquish control and let you take over when she gets home and
gets into bed with you.

The outside persona that women have has nothing to do

with their inner desires to be talked dirty to and dominated.

Just because she’s a sweet-as-pie research assistant it doesn’t

mean she wants to be treated like a delicate flower during sex. Just
because she’s a high-powered attorney who is used to calling the
shots it doesn’t mean she wants to call the shots in bed too.

Again, it’s all the context of the situation. Once you close those
bedroom doors she’s ready and willing to go down that path with
you and then leave it behind when it’s all said and done and you
get dressed again.

The true key to making this work is to switch it up. And I don’t just
mean swapping out a few words or phrases when they get too

I mean that you can’t and shouldn’t talk like this in bed all
the time. Just like in the main course where we highlighted how
you don’t want to be that guy who gets onto the topic of sex and
never lets go.

You don’t want to treat these experiences like a cheetah with a

gazelle in its mouth, latched on and willing to fight to the death
before letting it out of your grip. Otherwise you will crush and kill

the power and effectiveness of the sexual power phrases. Overuse
will negate the powerful effect of talking dirty to her.

In addition to the dirty talk and sexual phrases, you also need to
employ emotional talk as well. As much as she enjoys the sexually
adventurous and liberating stuff she also needs to still feel that
emotional connection to you as well.

She still needs to know that you care about her and you’re not
disrespecting her. Too much dirty talk and she’ll get bored of it and
start to feel like it’s really just about you. She’ll start to think you
just want to be dominant all the time and that’s the only thing
you’re about.

That’s when you start to slide into the pushy sex guy mode. Even if
you refrain from saying such things to her outside of the bedroom,
being the pushy sex guy and saying dirty, sexual things to her in
the bedroom every single time is also a turn off. It makes her
wonder if you’re only ever interested in rough, vocally heavy sex.

Switching Up The Spices

You need to throw some variety in there and turn the heat down
once in a while. It’s like having a pot of sauce on the stove. If you
keep it at the same high heat it’s going to bubble and overflow or
burn. You need to take it off the burner and let it cool off a bit
before heating it up more.

Now, some guys have a hard time reconciling the concept of

switching up dirty talk with emotional talk. The two are not
exclusive entities to each other. You can combine the two.

There’s no rule that says that if you start having sex and you start
on a nice, emotional note then that’s the way it has to continue. Or

if you start on a dirty talking note and get really intense that you
can’t switch back to being emotional with her.

You can do whatever you want and whatever works for you and

One way you can do this is to combine facts with thoughts. You
throw variety in with your own dirty thoughts mixed with things
that can be proven facts.

For example, “You know, you looked really beautiful tonight. You
were so friendly with everyone at the party. But I bet you just
couldn’t wait to get home and get fucked. You were just waiting to
get your little pussy filled.”

Of course, this is advanced and should not be used the first time
you’re sleeping together, unless she initiates talking like that first.
This is something you can use after a couple of dates and you’ve
been sleeping together and have established some history of
talking dirty.

But you’re combining a fact (she looked beautiful and she was
social with everyone) with your thoughts (you’re imagining what’s
going on in her head, painting a picture for her and turning her on).

Changing your tone when saying something like this also takes it
from emotional to dirty and back again. You can start that
paragraph with a casual, loving tone. But the second half you would
say with a lowered, knowing voiced that draws attention to what
you’re saying.

It’s deep, seductive, and dominant.

You can also combine the two saying something like, “I love how
you can be so nice to everyone and focus on work. You have such
an innocence about you when you’re talking to people. But I know
deep down you’re my dirty little slut who can’t wait to get fucked.
And then you go back to work and you’re carrying on like you’re
not thinking about it at all.”

You’re telling her, sincerely, the things you like about her
that don’t pertain to sex and mixing them with dirty, sexual
phrases while still respecting the fact that she’s not a “dirty
little slut” in “real life.”

This is important to keep in mind when you have sex with her that
is especially intense. She can get as deep into as she wants but she
still needs to know that what’s done in the bedroom stays in the
bedroom and you’re not holding it against her because she allowed
herself to open up to you.

You can think of it like a jet engine that’s just landed on a runway.
All of that mass and energy needs to coast down and come to a
complete stop and rest for a bit before taking off again. Otherwise
it will break or have other issues.

If you run the jet too often and don’t take the time to cool it down
and coast down to a stop, you’ll eventually crash and destroy the
entire thing.

Talking dirty and sexually intensely with a woman is the same

thing. You don’t want to do dirty talk all the time, every time. And
you want to help her coast down and cool down after intense

One way you do this, as I’ve stated before, is to not bring the
intense and extreme dirty talk outside of the bedroom (unless she
specifically requests it). She doesn’t need you bragging to other
people, letting something slip in front of company, or trying to
dominate her outside of sex.

If you’ve ever seen the movie Fight Club then you know the tagline
of it that “The first rule of Fight Club is you do not talk about Fight

Club”. The same thing applies to your dirty talk with her. You do
not talk about it with other people.

She may love having her hair pulled and being called a slut
in bed but that doesn’t mean she wants that treatment in
public or when not having sex. She can keep the two
separate and needs to know that you can do the same.

Of course, if you followed the foundation laying in the main course,

you already understand that it’s a spice and not the main entrée.
You’re adding spice to your time together with her and keeping it to
yourselves. You respect boundaries and know when to play your

Make it a point to respect her and talk about other things after sex.
Let her know that you’re not thinking of her as your “dirty little
slut” outside of sex. After it’s over, you’re back to thinking of her in
emotional and loving terms that respect her based on who she is
and not how she likes to have sex.

Just as you don’t want to feel judged for your sexuality and
choices, she doesn’t want to feel like she made a mistake in
allowing herself to be open with you and explore that hidden side of

Remember, balance is key. Just as you wouldn’t have an entire

conversation filled with sexual innuendos, your entire sex life is not
going to be filled with filthy, sexual phrases.

Keep The Fire Burning

I gave you some ideas earlier on how to get unstuck if you find
yourself at a loss of what to say. While you’re not rehearsing
anything or trying to put on an act for her, sometimes your mind
goes blank or the tried and true methods you use feel a little stale.

It’s natural for people to get bored with things after a while. So you
have to come up with new, creative ways to get over that funk.
Sometimes even just taking a vacation from something and getting
back to it will press a reset button for you.

But when it comes to naughty talk, I’ll provide you with a couple of
ideas that will jumpstart your sexual phrases and dirty talk if you
get stuck or find yourself away from each other and only connected
by a phone.

Dirty talk is essential to a long-lasting and healthy sexual

relationship. Without new ideas, experimentation, and creativity
then the energy falls by the wayside and you’re left with a
lackluster relationship and sex life.

One of the most important things to keep in mind about dirty

talk is that too much too will burn you out. Not only will you
turn her off with your over-sexualization but you’ll also run
out of sexual phrases and dirty talk to use in the future.

If you come flying out of the gate with heavy dirty talk. It’s a
gradual process just as laying the foundation to the sexual power
words is.

These aren’t magical phrases that you can simply speak whenever
and wherever and turn her on. They need that foundation and

progression so that she feels comfortable enough to open up to
them and they can be the most effective.

Doing too much too soon actually sucks the power out of it. Either
you turn her off completely or you use up everything you’ve got
and leave nothing for the future.

Always try to leave something for the next time. You want to leave
her looking forward to it.

I’ll give you a hint here, anticipation is a great tool to use

when you want to heighten her arousal and turn her on in
her own time just thinking about it.

When you can blow her mind and leave her wondering what’s next,
that’s what she’s going to be fantasizing about at work. She’s going
to wonder what trick you’ve got up your sleeve now. What dirty
things are you going to talk about this time? What new things are
you going to try?

Keep in mind that women get turned on with their minds and with
words. So thinking about things you’ve said and imagining what
you’re going to say next will help her to turn herself on without you
really even doing any work.

Share Your Fantasies

Another thing to try when you get stuck is to share your fantasies.
This may happen naturally as you’re experimenting and trying to
find out what she likes best. You may stumble upon a couple with
each other.

You can also just ask about them. If your well is tapped dry then
she always has her own ideas she probably hasn’t shared with you
yet. You can ask her about something she’s always wanted to try or
a fantasy she thinks about frequently.
This doesn’t mean that you necessarily have to act them all
out (or even act any of them out). But simply hearing them
and brainstorming some ideas can be enough. You can
incorporate some elements into your talk while leaving
others out.

Or you might brainstorm up completely different ideas that you

both want to try or that you want to surprise her with later.

The simple act of sharing your fantasies with each other can make
you (and especially her) feel more connected, open, and creative to
finding solutions to a rut.

A lot of men think that women don’t really have fantasies. They
never talk about them. They don’t share them with anyone. They
don’t explore them in porn.

But that assumption couldn’t be further from the truth. Women

have a great number of fantasies. They’re just very good at not
revealing them.

Meanwhile, everyone can guess what the top fantasies men have
are. Having a threesome, having total sexual control, having sex
outside, dressing up in outfits, etc.

On the other hand, the vast majority of men have zero idea what
women are fantasizing about. They can’t even begin to imagine.
And you won’t know until you ask.

You never know. She might have a fantasy about being your
secretary who bends over the desk picking up some folders and you
just have to have her right there. Or perhaps she has an
exhibitionist streak and would get off on others watching (or at
least you suggesting that’s what’s going on during sex).

For example, you could say, “I bet you’d just love for me to fuck
you in the living room with the shades up. With the windows open
your neighbors will see just how much you enjoy getting filled up
by my big, hard cock.”

You don’t even have to have sex in the open. Simply talking about
it in your sexual phrases can be enough to get her off on the idea.

Of course you can always tweak whatever you say to make it more
intense, use different wording, and give a different tone to it. But
that’s an example of how you can take a fantasy without actually
doing it and still manage to incorporate it into your dialogue.

She simply has to feel safe opening up to you and revealing them.
It might also help if you reveal some of yours first so that she feels
like she’s on equal ground with you. If you can share some intimate
fantasies and thoughts with her then she’ll feel better about
opening up to you about her own.

What if you’re not together though? Maybe you’re on a business

trip or have to go to a friend’s wedding across the country. Perhaps
you’re in a long distance relationship.

The big benefit to sexual dialogue is that it’s the one thing you can
do together that can overcome any obstacle in your way. When all
you need is your voice, you can make it work.

The only way this wouldn’t work is if you didn’t both have access to
phones which is extremely rare in this day and age. Pretty much
everyone has a cell phone now or at the very least a landline at

The All Mighty Phone Sex

Phone sex is a great way to work on your sexual phrases and
dialogue when you’re not together for long periods of time. It’s also
great if you are close by and just want to make a quick call to get
her riled up and thinking about you for the rest of the day.
Your vocal ability is of the utmost importance here since it’s
all you’ve got. It’s the only one of the five senses you have to
work with (unless you’re video chatting but that’s a whole other

Listening to radio hosts is going to help you here. In the main

course we went over how radio hosts are able to captivate their
audience using only their voice. Some of them use goofy voices or
put silly inflections in their voice which doesn’t work when you’re
trying to sound seductive.

But it’s still a great opportunity to learn how they are able to draw
people into what they’re saying and hang on every word using just
their voice.

When you’re initiating phone sex, you need to be in the mood for it
and really feel it yourself. Remember, you’re still being the leader.
If you drop the ball she might not know how to pick it up and carry

You need to set the scene for her (and yourself) so that she
can start to think along the lines you want her to. You want
to set the scene and be as descriptive as possible.

Women thrive on description, hence why romance novels do so

well. The novels set the scene, establish the tone of the situation,
describe everything that’s going on, and give enough description to
turn women’s minds on (and thus turn them on sexually).

A great way to establish a scene is using a fantasy you want to try.

If you’re sitting in a boring hotel room she’s probably sitting at
home in sweatpants on the couch. Neither situation is very sexy.

So you don’t necessarily have to say, “I’m sitting on my hotel bed

right now. What are you wearing?” In fact, I would advise against it
since there’s nothing sensual, sexy, or descriptive about it.

Instead, you can describe any scene you like.

For example, you could use the secretary fantasy and start out
with, “I’m leaned back in my cushy office chair just watching you
sway your hips around the office. I’ve never noticed before how
tight you wear your skirts but I love watching your ass in them as
you’re picking up files off your desk.”

You’re painting a picture for her to engage with so that she can get
into the mood and visualize herself in the situation.

It’s important to keep in mind the basic keys from the beginning of
this chapter. You’re still focusing on her and her pleasure. Even if
you are describing yourself as being in the position of authority as
the boss and she’s the secretary, she needs the focus to be on her
or else she’s not going to get turned on and orgasm.

Don’t underestimate the powers of phone sex. Even if you’re not

separated by distance and you’re just calling her on her lunch
break, you can still say some dirty things that get her mind going
and turn her on before she’s had a chance to finish her turkey

The RIGHT Way To Sext

You can also use text each other if you can’t be on the phone
talking. There’s also no perceived pressure when you’re typing a

You can wait 5 minutes or you can wait 5 hours to reply to her. You
don’t have to come up with things on the fly like you would on a
phone call.

A word on texting though, do not send her pictures of your

dick or anything visual (unless you know it’s something she
likes and turns her on).
The mistake a lot of guys make, not just in texting, is to assume
that women are visual simply because they are. Men are visual
creatures. That is a scientific fact. But women need words and

Just because you can easily get an erection looking at a picture of a

woman in lingerie doesn’t mean she’s going to get turned on seeing
a picture of you naked in the bathroom. Just stay away from
sending her sexual pictures. Stick to text. You’ll do a lot more good
with that.

Do send her descriptions and teases in your texts though. Words

warm up her mind and get things rolling for her to start being

Sending her a dirty little text right before she heads into a meeting
or when she’s out grocery shopping can jump start her mind to
start thinking about you.

You want her to be warmed up to the idea first. Unless

you’ve been together for a while, don’t come flying out of
the gate with a random dirty text in the middle of the day.

Establish some banter with her first so that it doesn’t come out of
left field and make you seem like the pushy sex guy who only
thinks about sex all day.

Here are some examples of things you can send her to get the ball

“What would you want me to do to you if I was there right now?”

“How badly do you want me inside of you right now?”

“What would you do to have my cock in you right now?”

“I think you’ve been naughty today. I might need to spank you
when you get home.”

“Do you have any idea how horny you’re making me?”

“I wish you were under me right now, moaning and screaming as I

make you cum.”

“Are you touching yourself and thinking about my tongue between

your thighs?”

“I bet you wish I was there to bend you over your desk and take
you right now.”

“I can’t wait to get home tonight. I’m going to make you cum until
you can’t stand up.”

There are a million variations of texts that you can send her
whether you’re long distance, away on a trip, or even just
separated by a few city blocks. It’s easy once you know what she
responds to and what she likes.

A word of caution though. If you say you’re going to do

something or you can’t wait to get home and do something,
you have to follow through. You can’t set her up to expect
something and then not do it.

It lets her down when she’s really looking forward to it after

thinking about it all day (or all week). It doesn’t come off as sincere
or authentic which defeats the entire purpose of texting her in the
first place.

If you say “I’m going to ravish you when I walk in the door this
evening” and instead you sit on the couch catching up on sports,
she’s going to be frustrated and even angry. You set her up and
raised her expectations by taking the lead and painting her a
picture. And then you don’t follow through.
It destroys the image you’re creating of being the man and taking
the lead. If you only tease her without actually taking the lead and
following through, she’s going to get turned off and shut you out.

The bottom line is, when you strip away the fantasy, the promises
you’ve made that lie underneath need to be kept. You can add all
the fluff and description on top of it but if you say you’re going to
do something, you need to follow through.

Wrap Up

While the main course gives you a great foundation for introducing
sexual power words and phrases into your interactions with women,
you’ve now got the entire toolset you need to turn her on in every

The sexual banter and innuendo only goes so far but she needs
more in the bedroom. When you can take the lead and bring her
fantasies to life with just your voice and words, you turn her on and
make her crave you like nothing else.

She’s just waiting for you to know how to unlock that hidden sexual
side of her and dominate in the bedroom.

Always remember, with any of the sexual power words and

phrases, they’re spices to be used sparingly and efficiently.



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