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Initiative and curiosity:

Competency Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4

The Honours student can ask questions and drags into a 1 4 - -
variety of matters, being interested in the theoretical
backgrounds, as well as in matters of applicability in
specific situations.

Milestone Action
1. Does already more than is minimally required in First, I looked at the blackboard course(s) to find any and all information about
what Honours would expect of a project and final product. Then I started
the assignment, task, or job description brainstorming together with Isabella about how we could realize our initial idea of
an art show.

I looked up online alternatives for art shows. I created an online environment in

which people could (in theory) walk around and watch the art that was planned to
be in the art show.

2. Does things before being asked or before the Preliminary research

- Blackboard
situation necessitates action - The internet
- Google searches
- Speaking with peers
Brainstorming about ideas

I look at the situation presented to me and look at all the different aspects that
might influence the task/job/assignment. Then I plan based on these observations.
3. Tries out new ideas after consideration of all The details that have especially attributed to the outcomes were
- The restrictions due the covid-19 pandemic
factors involved and potential consequences and - The ambition of both Isabella and I
outcomes - The mutual drive to get a finished product no matter what

Involve other students and have a brainstorm session to stimulate diverse and
different ideas
4. Acts before being asked and does more than is During the project we came across multiple difficulties, in planning, and to what
extent our ideas were realistic, etc. This resulted in us coming across problems that
required or expected in the job needed solutions and also a lot of extra work in terms of research that were not
necessarily required or expected but were still done to get the best possible end

Competency Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4

The Honours student can act before being asked and 1 1 - -
does more than is required or expected in the job.

Milestone Action
1. Identifies theoretical backgrounds and matters - The history of racism in the Netherlands was researched during the
period in which Isabella and I were planning on creating a book
of applicability in specific situations - The different racist encounters people have in the Netherlands was
research by listening to podcasts, talking to people, looking up
books on the topic etc.

These backgrounds were applicable in the creation of content for the final virtual

2. Seeks information from many different sources -

before deciding on own approach

3. Digs beneath the obvious to get at the facts, -

even when not asked to do so.

4. Asks questions and drags into a variety of -

matters, being interested in the theoretical

backgrounds, as well as in matters of
applicability in specific situations.
Competency Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4
The Honours student oversees upcoming problems or 1 1 - -
opportunities and takes appropriate action.

Milestone Action
1. Recognizes and acts upon opportunities. I work as a freelancer for the HanzeMag international, and I work as a social
media coordinator for them too. This presented the opportunity to reach people
from our target group, international students, for the idea we had at the time to
collect experiences from students.

I recognize an opportunity by always keeping my projects and goals in mind. That

way I will always be able to link experiences and recognize opportunities
2. Creates opportunities or minimizes potential -

problems by anticipating and preparing for these

in advance.
3. Seeks out and/or accepts additional -

responsibilities in the context of the job.

4. Oversees upcoming problems or opportunities -

and takes appropriate action.

Social citizenship

Competency Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4

Students can, through different communication 1 3 - -
channels, demonstrate an understanding of issues on a
local and global level

Milestone Action
1. Students can recognize local and global issues in Current issues concerning the topic of this project are:
- Racism, white privilege, and ignorance
current affairs These issues are local in Groningen but also global, looking at the Black Lives
Matter movement who is fighting for this.

2. Students can understand local and global issues Local issues concerning racism and white privilege that were uncovered during the
creation of the final product, the virtual workshop. People of color face racism in
Groningen every day.

This reflects into the global issue of racism.

3. Students can place local issues in a global Looking back at what I wrote in the past two milestones, the issues of racism,
white privilege and ignorance are local but just as much global issues.
4. Demonstrates an understanding of issues on a -

local and global level through different

communication channels

Competency Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4

Students can demonstrate in a professional context 1 4 - -
empathy with the perspectives, feelings and values of
different groups/people and their socio-economic
position and cultural backgrounds

Milestone Action
1. Students can recognize and identify their own I don’t have a clear culture I belong to; I am not Dutch enough for the Dutch and
not Bosnian enough for the Bosnians. This has given me a mix of values from
perspectives, feelings, and values in comparison these two different cultures and given me an intercultural perspective on the
to others. world.

This intercultural perspective has also shown me the injustice, the racism, and the
ignorance of people. Which is why I am passionate to widen people’s perspectives
and open their eyes.

2. Students can recognize and identify the Just like my perspective is unique due to my upbringing in circumstances, I am
aware that the perspectives, feelings, and values of others are unique as well.
perspectives, feelings and values of others and
put those in perspective
3. Students can empathize with the perspectives, By asking Mike Andy to join us as our guest speaker and asking fellow students
and peers about their opinions and perspectives. Isabella and I tried to make the
feelings and values of different groups/people workshop as inclusive as possible for different feelings, values and cultural
and their socio-economic position and cultural backgrounds.

4. Demonstrates in a professional context empathy Within the project we refer to the perspectives I mentioned in milestone 3. The
communication tools we used to show empathy were the Kahoot quiz, the
with the perspectives, feelings and values of workshop itself, asking for people’s perspectives on social media and starting
different groups/people and their socio- conversations face-to-face.
economic position and cultural backgrounds

Competency Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4

Students can design and implement an intervention that 1 2 - -
contributes to a more just and sustainable society

Milestone Action
1. Students can formulate the aspects of a more A more just society would be a society that does not let themselves lead by fear
which results in racism and making people feel ‘better-than’ and ‘less-than’.
just and sustainable society A more just society would be a society where people can believe what they want
to believe without repercussions or hate from others within the society.

2. Students can design the parameters for an A workshop on one aspect of the things I mentioned in milestone 1 is a small step
towards the goal of a more just society. But a step, nonetheless.
intervention to create a more just and
sustainable society For this to work we need the cooperation from the Hanze to be able to implement
the virtual workshop and reach more students each year.
3. Students can use a network of change agents to -

test the parameters for intervention

4. Designs and implements an intervention that -

contributes to a more just and sustainable


Competency Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4

Students can assess the impact of their own actions on - - - -
people, planet, and prosperity in the context of existing
theories and ideas

Milestone Action
1. Students can describe their own actions in -

relation to people, planet, and prosperity

2. Students can understand the impact of their own -

actions on people, planet, and prosperity

3. Students can demonstrate knowledge and -

understanding of existing ideas and theories in

the context of people, planet, and prosperity
4. Assesses the impact of their own actions on -

people, planet, and prosperity in the context of

existing theories and ideas
Creativity and innovation

Competency Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4

Consistently generates and employs original ideas for 1 3 - -
himself or herself and for others tackling both simple
and complex problems

Milestone Action
1. Generates new ideas regarding her job During the project I came up with new ideas all of the time, whether it was to
problem solve or to make aspects of the original idea even better I had new ideas.
2. Generates many new and unique ideas - For the art show I came up with the online environment
- For the book I came up with the idea to work together with the
HanzeMag to reach more people
- For the workshop I came up with the ideas to make it more
interactive and eventually to make it a virtual workshop which
would be a more sustainable way of reaching more people over a
longer period.
3. Develops innovative ideas and methods of doing I was constantly looking for new and better ways for doing things.
- Creating an efficient online environment for the art show idea
things - Figuring out ways to make the book virtual and therefore more
- For the first workshop idea I came up with ways to make it
interactive and new.
- For the virtual workshop, the entire idea of a virtual workshop with
different videos is a new way of doing things.
4. Consistently generates and employs original -

ideas for himself or herself and for others

tackling both simple and complex problems

Competency Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4

Can synthesize analysis and cross-pollination of 1 3 - -
information from one situation to another to solve
Milestone Action
1. Tries old solutions to problems, but will search For the first few problems we encountered which were covid-19 related, there
were no ‘old solutions’ yet because the pandemic was still fairly new. However,
for new methods when challenged for the workshop when we encountered the issue of ‘how can we make this more
interactive’ we looked at ways that other people had done this before, and then
came up with our own ideas.
2. Searches for new and more effective methods, Since we had multiple ideas which were abandoned early on in the process we had
a lot of ideas, research and methods we could connect to our workshop later on in
making connections between previously the process. Even though the initial ideas were unrelated, we connected them in
unrelated ideas. such a way that our project did come together.

3. Pursues new methods and solutions, thinks - The use of Kahoot as an interactive method for the workshop
- The idea of using an online environment for the art show
outside the box, connects disparate ideas, is - The idea of the virtual workshop
unafraid to use unorthodox methods.
4. Uses analysis and cross-pollination of -

information from one situation to another to

solve problems

Competency Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4

Positively influence colleagues in brainstorming 1 2 - -
sessions or one-on-one, leading them to discover new
connections, new solutions, and new ways of doing their

Milestone Action
1. Is seen as creative and a contributor in I bring contributions in the brainstorming sessions I had with Isabella and other
students we involved in coming up with ideas. For the risk of sounding selfish, if I
brainstorming sessions may say so myself, I am usually the one who comes up with a lot of creative ideas
during sessions like these.
2. Is seen as original and value-added in If I may say so myself, I add value to brainstorming sessions by bringing creative
ideas and solutions but also explaining new possible approaches
brainstorming settings
3. Is seen as a motivator and guide for others to -

generate new ideas in brainstorming sessions

4. Is seen as bringing out the best in others in -

brainstorming sessions or one-on-one, leading

them to discover new connection, new solutions,
and new ways of doing their jobs
Raising awareness

Competency Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4

Can open people’s eyes by knowing exactly how to 1 2 - -
communicate issues in a way that persuades people to
act or to change their point of view. 

Milestone Action
1. Understands various mindsets and the cultural During the project we looked at the way we were being though about intercultural
sensitivity in our own program, this was anything but intercultural sensitive.
aspects that influence these. Realizing this made me understand how cultural aspects influence various
mindsets and that this needs to be kept in mind when trying to raise awareness on
international and intercultural issues.
2. Can create communication products for different During the project I created a workshop, and various aspects that could increase
interactivitiy. This was in a later stage of the project changed into a virtual
communication channels to reach a group of workshop which could be easily distributed on different channels such as
people. blackboard so teachers can access and use it during their courses.

5. Develops new ways of raising awareness. -

6. Can open people’s eyes by knowing exactly how -

to communicate issues in a way that persuades

people to act or to change their point of view.

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