A City of Adjectives: Educandário Santa Teresinha

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Date: ______/______/______ Educandário Santa Teresinha

Teacher: Ruth Leal 26 anos Educando com Valores

Discipline: English
Grade: 8º Ano
Student: Number:
“Assim como as rosas exalam o perfume, nossa escola vem cativando a todos para a felicidade”
______ + _______
- Leia e releia atentamente cada questão proposta. Nota Qualit
- Responda com caneta azul ou preta.
- Não utilize corretivo e evite rasuras. = ______________
- Desenvolva corretamente todas as questões com clareza.

Leia o texto e responda as questões 01 a 05.

A city of Adjectives
Pete:” New York can be called a City of Adjectives . Do you know why?"
Dave:” I really don't know, but I suppose it's because in New York many World Records were broken"
Pete: "You're right! In New York was built the first building using the idea of vertical city in the world."
Dave: "Really? What building are you talking about?"
Pete:” The Empire State Building ! It was the highest building in the world in 1931".
Dave:"Yeah I know it! But after even higher buildings were built, like the Twin Towers in the World Trade
Center 420 meter high, that doesn't exist anymore. What else can you tell me about New York ?".
Pete:” Well, at Rockefeller Center you have the largest heater in the world with more than 6,200 seats.
Do You know its name?.
Dave:” It’s the Radio City Music Hall . I’ve been there to watch a Rock Concert."
Pete: "You have also Macy´s which is self named as the world's largest store and in Manhattan there are
the most expensive estates in the world. And the most famous statue in the world is in New York , It’s
Dave:” Don’t tell me! It's the Statue of Liberty, right?"
Pete:” Yes right! It is 154 feet high statue which makes it one of the biggest sculptures in the world."
Dave:” That’s the” Big Apple" I know. But there's a negative point in it. The worst crimes happened there,
mainly at Central Park at night."
Pete:” Well, nothing is perfect but the good part is bigger than the bad one. Don’t you think so?"
Dave: Yes I do. In New York there's always someone or something that is richer, higher, faster,
more beautiful or more dangerous than in any other place in the world."
Pete: So you see why it's called the City of Adjectives "
Dave: I do! Specially the superlative ones."
By the way:” Big Apple is the nickname of  New York City  " 

1. Why new york is the city called the adjectives? (porque new york é chamada a cidade
os adjetivos?).
a)Because it has many scientists. (porque ha muitos cientistas la).
b)Because if it uses more adjectives. (por que se usa mais adjetivos la). 
c)Because many world records were broken there.(porque muitos recordes mundiais
foram quebrados lá).
2. The largest theater in the world is in new york. what's his name?(O maior teatro do
mundo se encontra em new york. qual é o nome dele?).
a)Radio City Music Hall.
b)Rockefeller Center.
c)Empire State Building.

3. The text talks about ......?

a)About people who live in new york.(sobre as pessoas que moram em nova york).
b) On the record achieved by new york. (sobre os recordes alcançados por nova york).
c) On the adjectives most commonly used in English. (sobre os adjetivos mais usados
no ingles)

4. Fill using the comparative superiority:(preencha usando o comparativo de superioridade)

a) Well, nothing is perfect but the good part is ______________________ (big) than the
bad one. Don’t you think so?"
b)In New York there's always someone or something that is ________________________
( dangerous) than in any other place in the world."

5. Fill using the superlative of superiority:

a) And the _______________________( famous) statue in the world is in New York ...'‘
b)Well, at Rockefeller Center you have _______________________ (large) theater in the
world with more than 6,200 seats.

6. Write a new sentence so that it means the same as the first sentence. Use the word in

a. Ann’s car is more expensive than Gemma’s car. (less)


b. MP3 players are more fashionable than digital radios. (as … as)

c. Thrillers are more frightening than musicals. (less)


d. A computer is more expensive than a radio. (as … as)



A) 1) bigger; 2) prettier; 3) longer; 4) richest; 5) cleverest.

B) 1) biggest; 2) prettier; 3) longer; 4) richest; 5) cleverest.

C) 1) bigger; 2) prettier; 3) longest; 4) richest; 5) cleverest.

D) 1) bigger; 2) prettier; 3) longer; 4) richest; 5) cleverer.

8. Translate the sentences in to Portuguese.

a) Amanda is more intelligent than Carol.
b) In my opinion, Geography is more difficult than Math.

9. Os adjetivos também possuem formas irregulares para os graus comparativo e

superlativo de superioridade. Complete o quadro corretamente.

Adjetivos Comparativo de Superioridade Superlativo de Superioridade

little (pouco) less than the least
few (poucos) fewer than the fewest
much (muito) more than the most
many (muitos) more than the most
good (bom)
bad (mal)

10. Look at the pictures and read the information below.

1- The next sentences compare the vehicles. Fill in with the correct form of the
adjectives in parentheses. Use the comparative form and the superlative.

a) Chevette is not _________________________________ (fast) Mercedes-Benz.

b) Mercedes-Benz is ____________________________________. (economical)
c) Mercedes-Benz is __________________________ (old) Fox, but Chevette is
____________________ (old)
d) Chevette is not __________________________________ (expensive) Fox. It is much
_________________________ (cheap).
Boa Prova e Ótimas Férias!!!!

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