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Good morning good people

With me here, the syahbilal and anom at the GoodNEWs, program which brought the updated news.

This time there are some news that we will inform, namely:

1. Robbery

2. E-Vote at school  

Let's start our headlines


 A man was caught by a CCTV camera on Bambu Larangan. The man became the target of residents'

Witnesses said that the theft of the character was caught by residents

there is already a friend of ours, brother Fauzan, we immediately connect there

Fauzan: thank you brother Bilal, this time I was in Jakarta, and I got an eyewitness who knew about the
incident, who are you?

Riziq: I am Riziq

Fauzan: how did this happen?

Riziq: Starting when I crossed this road I saw someone who forcibly took other people's belongings, and
the victim shouted for help and I quickly chased and caught the thief

Fzn: how about the stolen goods, have they been secured?

Riziq: yes, the item has been secured and has been returned to the owner

Fzn: what about the thief?

Riziq: the thief was secured and was taken to the police station

Fzn: Thank you, for the information. Yes, that's the information I got from the eyewitness, I returned it
to the studio.

bilal: thank you fzn for the information.


Anom: Okay, the next news, a school in Jakarta has already conducted an election for the student
council using an online / E-vote system, along with an example of E-vote

Bilal: wow, it's quite interesting to do an election with E-vote like this. Let's connect our colleagues who
are already in the school.

Fauzan: both thank you brother Bilal and Anom. Now I am at SMAN 95 JAKARTA, a school that uses E-
vote. I have been with the principal of Sman 95 Jakarta. Can you introduce your name?

Riziq: my name is drs.h.riziq

Fauzan: Is E-vote using this excess?

Riziq: a lot of advantages using E-vote. Like more efficient, fast, and practical

Fauzan: how to use this E-vote?

Riziq: just open the web provided, then select one of the candidates for the student council by pressing
the available image.

Fauzan: Thank you for the information. Hopefully this can be implemented in other schools. Thus was
the report about E-vote in Sman 95 Jakarta. I returned to the studio again.

Anom: thank you for the info, fauzan. In my opinion this is very good applied in all schools, because this
is very efficient. Then what do you think bilal?

Bilal: That's right, Mr. Anom. And this is also very practical. We don't need to queue like before.

Anom: that's the news we can convey.

Anom and bilal: thank you good people and s ee you

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