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Advertising is a non-personal presenation and promotion of

ideas , goods or services paid by an identified sponser.
Advertising helps in disseminating information about the
advertising firm, its products , qualities and place of availability
of its products and so on. It helps to create a non personal link
between the advertiser and the receiver of the message. There
are several features of advertising –Payment of money –Non
personal – promote products and services – identified sponsor .
Advertising can be defined as a non personal presentation and
promotion of ideas , goods or services paid by and identified
sponser . It is a non personal mass communication which has
become a potent means of education and mass selling. It
consists of all the achievements involved in presenting product
information targeting audiences through media such as
newspapers , magazines , catalogues , booklets, posters etc.
According to W.J Stanton, “ Advertising consists of all the
activities involved in presenting to an audience a non-personal,
sponsor-identified , paid for a message about a product or

Advertising helps in providing various information about the
advertising firm, its products, qualities and place of availability
of its products and so on. It helps to create a non-personal link
between the advertiser and the receiver of the message . The
significance of advertising has increased in the modern era of
large scale production and tough competition in the market. The
importance of advertising to different parties are as such
discussed -:
 Importance to Manufacturers and Traders
Advertising has become indispensible for the manufactures because of the
1. Introducing new products- Advertising helps in introduction of
products into the market.
(a) Increase in sale-advertising leads to increase in sale of exsisting
products by entering into new markets and attracting new
customers. The increase in the selling activities helps in increment
of sales in the market
(b) Create steady demand- Advertising helps to create the steady
demand for the products .
(c) Helps in meeting competition- Advertising helps in meeting the
forces of competition in the market place . If a product is not
advertised continously the competitors may snatch its market
through increased advertisements . Therfore , advertising is
neccesary to remain in the market and remind the customer about
its reputation in the market.
(d) Increase the goodwill- Advertising helps to increase the goodwill
of a firm by improved quality to the customers. It is necessary for
an organisation to increase its goodwill to sustain in the market.
(e) Increase the morale- It helps to increase the morale of the
employees of the firm . The salesmen feel happier because their
taskbecomes easier if the product is advertised and known to the
(f) Facilitates mass production- It helps to facilitate mass production
of goods in the market .It enables the manufacturer to achieve
lower cost per unit of product.Distribution costs are also lowered
when the manufacturer sells the products directly to the customers
(2) Importance to customers-
(a) To know about the existence of various products: Advertising helps
the customer to know about the existence of various products and
its prices . They canchoose from various brands to satisfy their
wants. It is very important for the customers to know about the
existence of the products available there in the market.
(b) Educates customers- Advertising helps educate the people about
new products and its uses . It creates public awareness. With the
help of advertisements we can be aware of the products which are
available to the market
(c) Utility of existing products- It helps to increase the utility of
existing products for many people . The utilisation of the products
is very necessary for the market. Without it , advertising will not
get effective
(3) Importance to the Society- Advertising is important to the society
because of the folllowing advantages:
(a) Provides employment- It helps to provide employment to persons
engaged in writing, designing and issuing advertisements.
Increased employment brings additional income with the people. It
increases more demand in the market . Employment is further
generated to meet the increased demand.
(b) Promotes the standard of living – Advertising helps to promote the
standard of living of the people by increasing the variety and
quality in consumption . It raises the standard of the people . As a
result , it helps in sustained research and development activity by

Brands create advertising campaigns as a means of boosting their
product sales and brand recognition. It is done over various
platforms and usually carries a central strategy or theme to it. A
brand may run an advertising campaign due to various reasons. It
can be to market a new product, to announce restructuring of
business, or to simply send a message out to its target market.
There are various aspects to strategizing an advert campaign. It is
also based on the goals and the business persona of the company.
These are some of the important steps in the process of developing
an advertising campaign.

Market Research
The market is where the advertisement will try to fulfill its goals, and
thus understanding the nuances of the market becomes primary
towards developing a successful advertising campaign. Every market
has its own requirements, be it age based, regional, or global. Thus, a
solid market research is usually performed by analytical experts
before developing a marketing or advertising campaign.
Define your Objective
Without a clear-cut goal an advertising campaign is bound to fall
through. Defining one or more steady objectives is must while
strategizing an advertisement campaign.
Define your Budget
An advertising campaign can be run simply on the city
billboards, brochures or be aired via international media. So,
understanding the budget capabilities and using resources to their
maximum capabilities becomes an important part of designing an
advertising campaign.
Target your Customers
The better a target you set the more chances you have of running a
successful campaign. From targeted emails to sponsored social
media posts, there are various technological means that can help a
brand target their customers. The usage of these means can define
success from defeat.

Theme of the Ad Campaign

It is always better to set a theme for the campaign as it also adds to
the brand value. A mascot, or a common running theme for multiple
advertisements within the same campaign helps the audience bring
together the commonality of your business and also adds to your
brand recognition.

Selection of Media Strategy

Not all campaigns suit all media. If the ads are to be text heavy, then
they would suit traditional media such as newspapers or magazines.
But a graphics heavy ad would serve best on social media platforms.
So, selecting of media based on the form of the advertisement
campaign is essential.

Schedule and Execute the Campaign

Advertising campaigns can run across an entire year. So, it is
important to schedule your campaign and plan the execution process
as well. Usually advertisement agencies have different teams set up
for each type of advertisement within an entire campaign with a
separate team monitoring the execution schedules.
Measure the Success
Understanding the success of your advertising campaign depends on
the goals you have set and the rise in sales and brand value that your
company witnessed. At times, the success of an advertising
campaign can be abstract, but setting clear goals can help bring the
success factors to life.

Most advertising campaigns can be called effective in their own

rights, although they may be absolutely different from each other.
Here are some common aspects of effective campaigns that
succeed in meeting their goals.

Appeal to the Right of Customers

Each customer and target market have a pain point. And the most
effective way to address this pain point is by letting them know how
they can take care of it by themselves, and how the product being
advertised will aid the process.

Draw Attention
An advertising campaign will only be successful if it is able to draw
enough attention. This means high levels of graphics and content
becomes an inherent part of the process. But on the other hand,
minimalism is also quite capable of drawing audience attention.
Educate the Target Market
If the adverts themselves provide value, then customer trust is easily
established. Thus, creating an advertising campaign that provides
useful information to the target market opens a communication
channel that helps in establishing value to the brand.

Trust is the Key

All successful advertising campaigns bank on establishing trust with
their targeted audience. This can be done through various means
such as giveaways, trial offers, etc.

Call to Action is a Must

Call to action is basically a command given to the viewer at the end
of an advertisement to perform a certain task. The most usual call to
action is to ask the viewer to buy the product or service.

Short and Sweet

Advertisement campaigns that drag on for too long are bound to lose
mileage and the successful ones usually get the message delivered
within a short time. Minimalism can pay off greatly if used by the
right person.

Easy to Remember
Memorable advertising campaigns featuring mascots or themes are
some of the best examples of successful ads. Creating a memorable
advertisement boosts brand recognition as well as sales.

Old Spice: The man your man could smell like

This was a television advertisement launched in 2010 and became
one of the most viewed advertisements at the time. They created a
follow up to this ad as well that featured the same actor, who then
became a sort of unofficial mascot for Old Spice. With the success of
this ad multiple scripts would be created for advertisements based
on the same actor. The lesson to learn here is regarding setting a
brand identity and how value is established.

Both advertising and PR help build brands and communicate with target
audiences. The most basic difference between them is that advertising
space is paid while public relations results are earned through providing
the media with information in the form of press releases and pitches.
For example, you have to buy online banner ad space, but you can pitch
a story to a news outlet. There is also something called ‘owned’ media
which is the content you create for your website, or photos and videos
you produce for social media. Now let’s get down to the nitty gritty, and
explore some of the other factors that make these two marketing
avenues very different:
1. Target: While companies and organizations are creating
advertisements that primarily target potential customers, PR
professionals are hoping to cast a wider net. Publics targeted
through PR can be internal or external. They can include employees,
investors, customers, the media, legislators, and many more. There
is also a new category called influencers, which refers to people
who have a lot of connections personally, like celebrities or
politicians, or who have a large following on social media.
2. Goals & Objectives: Public relations helps build brand awareness
and reputation. The goals and objectives behind a successful PR
campaign revolve around the fact that consumers place more trust
in and are more likely to do business with a company they know and
admire. Advertisements are generated for a specific target market
in order to generate sales. They usually focus more on promoting a
product or service than on building a reputation.
3. Control: When you buy an advertisement, you decide how the
advertisement will look, what it will say, where it will be placed, and
when it will run. How much exposure your ad receives is largely
dependent on how much money you have to spend. When it comes
to PR, and specifically working with the media, you have less
control. The media decides how your information is presented in the
news and if it will even be covered.
4. Strategy: With advertising, there is a shorter term goal in mind. Ad
copy is geared toward specific buying seasons (think holiday
shopping), pushing a new product, or promoting special deals to
boost sales. PR professionals are always looking at the big picture,
delivering meaningful information about their brand to build a
sustainable and dedicated base of “brand fans” that includes
consumers and other stakeholders.
5. Credibility: Consumers do not believe everything an
advertisement tells them. Why? Because whoever is paying for that
ad is dictating exactly what the ad says. They’re not going to say
“our product is likely to break within a year,” even though that may
be the case. Through PR, messages are communicated by a trusted
third party, the media, and are far more credible.
So far, the differences are pretty simple and easy to understand, but the
ever-growing popularity of social media has started to blur the lines
between advertising and public relations. Why? Because social media
can be used in numerous ways.

Let’s focus on Facebook. Your Facebook account is something your

business created and controls. Unless you hire someone to manage
your page, it is essentially cost free. You can, however, use Facebook
for both PR and paid advertising efforts. If you pay to “boost” your post,
that is considered advertising. Boosted posts appear higher in the news
feed, so there’s a better chance your audience will see them. You can
also expose audiences beyond just your fans to the content. On the
other hand, you may post a great photo of your new company mascot, a
cute puppy, and generate tons of likes, comments and shares at no cost
to you.

The best way to promote a business is to incorporate both public

relations and advertising into your marketing strategy in an integrated
and coordinated way. Leveraging both mediums enables you to boost
the frequency with which target audiences hear your key brand
messages and the ways in which they are heard. People must be
exposed to a marketing message multiple times before they will
remember it.

At Marshall Communications, we create integrated customized

marketing communications strategies for our clients, which we call
Marshall Plans®. We would love to have an opportunity to talk to you
about coordinating your advertising, public relations and Internet
marketing under one coordinated brand umbrella.

5. (b)

The mediascape has been witnessing massive changes in the last 20

years or so. From being dependent on ‘Traditional or Old Media’,
we’ve shifted to the use of ‘New Media’. Whereas the traditional
forms like print, films, TV, and radio constitute Old Media, New
Media primarily includes computer technology, the Internet and
smart phones.
Here are the key differences between the two

From Consumer to “Prosumer”

The older forms of media forced the audiences to be passive

consumers of the content provided to them, in the sense that there
was only so much that they could do.

The new forms of media allow the audiences to not only consume
content, but also produce content. Therefore we’re becoming
Prosumers: producers+consumers. Earlier the audiences could only
read or watch news. Today they can produce news through blogs,
social media or Citizen Journalism portals.

The Use of Multimedia

Print media for example, only uses text and still images. Electronic
media uses a number of codes, still and moving images etc., but
New Media (online medium) trumps both of these with its use of
multimedia. Text, images, hyperlinks, videos..a single page online
can make use all of it.

Multiplicity of Delivery Platforms

Unlike old media, new media can be delivered on flexible formats –

smartphones, tablets, laptops, PC etc.


New media allows for greater interactivity among both producers &
consumers- audiences can give instant feedback to reporters, news
channels through their Facebook page, twitter etc; and consumers
& consumers- through comment feeds, social media interactions.

Scope and Reach

Newspaper circulation is bound to a certain physical space, and TV

content, unless uploaded on the internet, remains within the
viewership of their country’s audience. Therefore, older forms of
media are limited in their scope and reach.

New media on the other hand, is far wider in it’s reach and scope.
Once, anything goes on the net, it becomes accessible for almost
anyone with a computer and net connection. However, questions of
“digital divide” make this argument skeptical. A vast majority of the
population still doesn’t have access to smart phones or the internet.
This increasing interactivity and greater scope of reach has
eventually lead to the formation of a “Global Village” – an
interconnected community that is not bound by space or borders.
This is just taking forward the concept of “Imagined Communities”-
a term that was coined by sociologist Benedict Anderson, who felt
that people reading the same news in different parts of the country,
far away from each other, felt connected, and part of the same

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