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Unit 12 Wordlist Macmillan English Hub B1  

Part of
Word/Phrase speech IPA (UK) IPA (USA) Definition Sample sentence
News expressions
breaking news noun ˌbreɪkɪŋ ˈnjuːz ˌbreɪkɪŋ ˈnuz new information about a news Keep up with the latest
event that is still happening breaking news and politics
from around the world.
follow verb ˈfɒləʊ ˈfɑloʊ to be interested in the progress Have you been following
or development of someone or the election campaign?
get the news verb phrase ɡet ðə njuːz ɡet ðə nuz to receive new information Did you get the news
about the new project?
journalist noun ˈdʒɜː(r)nəlɪst ˈdʒɜrn(ə)lɪst someone whose job is It was an article by a leading
to report the news for a sports journalist.
newspaper, magazine, radio
programme, or television
news headlines noun njuːz ˈhedˌlaɪnz nuz ˈhedˌlaɪnz the most important stories in Here are the news
the news headlines.
report verb rɪˈpɔː(r)t to give information about The story was reported
something in a news article or differently on every news
broadcast channel.
share verb ʃeə(r) ʃer to tell someone something Many people share news
stories on social media.
episode noun ˈepɪsəʊd ˈepɪˌsoʊd a part of a television or I have seen this episode
radio story that is broadcast already.
separately and forms one of
a series
programme noun ˈprəʊɡræm a television or radio broadcast More people watch the
news than any other
season noun ˈsiːz(ə)n ˈsiz(ə)n a period of time when a There is a short season of
series of films or television films by the French director
programmes are shown Bertrand Tavernier.
season finale noun ˈsiːzn fɪˈnɑːli ˈsizən fəˈnæli the last programme in a series, The season finale was
especially one that is very gripping.
exciting or impressive
series noun ˈsɪəriːz ˈsɪriz a set of television or radio Tonight’s programme is
programmes that are all about the second in a three-part
a particular subject, person, or series.
group of people
advertising noun ˈædvə(r)ˌtaɪzɪŋ ˈædvərˌtaɪzɪŋ a series of things done to The new advertising
campaign kæmˈpeɪn kæmˈpeɪn persuade people to buy a campaign is very effective.
product or use a service
billboard noun ˈbɪlˌbɔː(r)d ˈbɪlˌbɔrd a large board for The billboard was eye-
advertisements in an outside catching to get people’s
public place attention.
brand noun brænd a product or group of products We stock all leading brands.
that has its own name and
is made by one particular
connect with phrase kəˈnekt wɪð to understand and relate to The adverts have
an idea connected with a lot of
eye-catching adjective aɪˈkæʧɪŋ attractive or unusual and The eye-catching design
therefore noticed was very clever.

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Unit 12 Wordlist Macmillan English Hub B1  

Part of
Word/Phrase speech IPA (UK) IPA (USA) Definition Sample sentence
grab your phrase ɡræb jɔːr ɡræb jʊr to draw or attract someone’s We need the front page to
attention əˈtenʃ(ə)n əˈtenʃ(ə)n attention grab your attention.
logo noun ˈləʊɡəʊ ˈloʊɡoʊ a symbol that represents an The logo is simple but
organization or company, effective.
used for example in its
advertisements or on its
message noun ˈmesɪdʒ the main idea that you want The film sends a clear
people to remember from message.
a speech, advertisement,
article etc.
slogan noun ˈsləʊɡən ˈsloʊɡən a short phrase that is easy The company revealed its
to remember and is used to new advertising slogan
advertise something or to this week.
express the beliefs of a political
party or other group

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