Manager's View: M7011 © Peter Lo 2005 1 M7011 © Peter Lo 2005 2

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Manager’s View

„ Understanding Information System planning

methods help you plan and organize resources.
Redesigning the Organization with
Information Systems

M7011 © Peter Lo 2005 1 M7011 © Peter Lo 2005 2

Information Systems Planning Problems with Determining

Strategies Information Requirements
„ Familiarize with the methods used to specify „ Failure to understand information needs from a
Information System requirements. cross-functional perspective.
„ Take a proactive role in defining your Information „ Limited use of joint application design during
System requirements so the systems analyst can system user interviewing and data collection.
produce the Information System you need.

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Managing by Wire in a Complex Systems as Planned Organizational
Business Environment Change
„ Manage by Wire means being able to respond to „ The introduction of a new Information System
changes in market conditions by using information involves much more than new hardware and
as feedback. software.
„ Flexibility, responsiveness, and sensitive to „ It also includes changes in jobs, skill, management,
and organization.
changing customer needs are critical for
competitive survival. „ When we design a new Information System, we
are redesigning the organization.
„ Systems can be technical success but
organizational failures because of a failure in the
social and political process of building the system

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Linking Information System to

Information Systems Plan
Business Plan
„ Deciding what new system to build should be an „ It is a road map indicating the direction of systems
essential component of the organizational development, the rationale, the current situations,
planning process. the management strategy, the implementation plan,
and the budget.
„ Organizations need to develop an Information
„ To develop an effective Information System plan,
System plan that supports their overall business the organization must have a clear understanding
plan and that incorporates strategic systems into of both long & short-term information
top-level planning. requirements. It can be done by
‹ Enterprise Analysis

‹ Critical Success Factors

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Enterprise Analysis Enterprise Analysis
(Business Systems Planning) (Business Systems Planning)
„ It was developed by IBM in 1960s. „ It assists a business in developing an Information System
plan that support both short-terms and long-terms
„ It is an analysis of organization-wide information information needs.
requirements by looking at the entire organization „ This method provides a formal, objective way for
in terms of organizational units, functions, management to establish Information System priorities that
support business needs.
processes, and data elements.
„ One of the objective of BSP method is to develop a data
„ It helps identify the key entities and attributes in architecture that support Information System development
the organization’s data. activities – as most organization build their Information
System one piece at a time, it is later necessary to develop
a data architecture to improve management of the dozens
of databases.

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Method used in Enterprise Analysis Output of Enterprise Analysis

„ Ask Managers „ The shaded boxed indicate a logical application

‹ How they use information? group – a group of data elements that supports a
‹ Where they get the information?
related set of organizational processes.
‹ What their environment is like?

‹ What their objectives are?

‹ How they make decisions?

‹ What their data needs are?

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Strength of Enterprise Analysis Weakness of Enterprise Analysis

„ It gives a comprehensive view of the organization „ It produces an enormous amount of data that are
and of systems/data uses and gaps. expensive to collect and difficult to analyze.
„ Questions focus on existing information, result is a
tendency to automate whatever exists.
„ New approaches to how business is conducted are
not addressed.

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Critical Success Factors (CSF) Method used in CSF

„ Critical Success Factors (CSF) method is developed by „ Interview top managers to identify their goals and
Rockart at MIT. the resulting CSF.
„ CSF is a small number of easily identifiable operational
goals shaped by the industry, the firm, the manager, and
„ Aggregated personal CSF to develop firm’s CSF.
the broader environment that are believed to ensure the „ Build systems to deliver information on these
success of an organization. firm’s CSF.
„ CSF is used to determine the information requirements of
an organization.
„ CSF are operational goals. If these goals can be attained,
the success of the firm or organization is ensured.

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Strength of CSF Weakness of CSF
„ It produce a smaller data set to analyze than Enterprise „ There is no rigorous way in which individual CSF
Analysis. can be aggregated into a clear company pattern.
„ Questions focus on a small number of CSF rather than a
board inquiry into what information is needed.
„ Individual CSF and organizational CSF not
necessary the same. What critical to manager not
„ Can be tailored to different industry, with different
competitive strategies producing different Information necessary critical to the organization.
System. „ Biased to top managers.
„ Take into account of changing environment. „ Does not overcome the impact of changing
„ It explicitly asks managers to look at the environment and environment. Environment changes rapidly,
consider how their analysis of it shapes their information Information System must adjust accordingly.

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Organizational Change How IT Transform Organizations?

„ Information System can be powerful instruments „ Global Networks

for organizational change, enabling organizations „ Enterprise Networks
to redesign their structure, scope, power „ Distributed Computing
relationships, work flows, products, and services.
„ Portable Computing
„ Graphic User Interface (GUI)

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How IT Transform Organizations: How IT Transform Organizations:
Global Networks Enterprise Networks
„ International division of labor: Operations of a „ Collaborative work and teamwork.
firm are no longer determined by location. „ Customer and product orientation emerges.
„ Global reach of firms is extended. „ Widely dispersed task forces become the dominant
„ Costs of global coordination decline. work group.
„ Transaction costs decline. „ Costs of management decline.
„ Business processes are changed.

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How IT Transform Organizations: How IT Transform Organizations:

Distributed Computing Portable Computing
„ Empowerment. „ Virtual organizations.
„ Business processes are redesigned & streamlined. „ Knowledge & information can be delivered
„ Management costs decline. anywhere & anytime.
„ Hierarchy and centralization decline. „ Work become portable.
„ Organizational costs decline as real estate is less
essential for business.

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How IT Transform Organizations:
Graphic User Interface (GUI)
„ Everyone in the organization can access „ Using the computer to speed up the performance
information & knowledge. of existing tasks.
„ Work flows can be automated.
„ All can contribute from remote locations.
„ Organizational costs decline as work flows move
from paper to digital image, documents and voice.

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Rationalization of Procedures Business Reengineering

„ Streamlining of Standard Operation Procedure „ The radical redesign of business processes,

(SOP), eliminating obvious bottlenecks, so that combining steps to cut waste and eliminating
automation makes operating procedures more repetitive, paper-intensive tasks to improve cost,
efficient. quality and service and to maximize the benefits
of Information Technology.

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Paradigm Shift Business Process Reengineering

„ Radical reconceptualization of the nature of the „ Transactional

business and the nature of the organization. „ Geographical
„ Paradigm shifts and reengineering often fail „ Automation
because extensive organizational change is so „ Analytical
difficult to manage. „ Informational
„ Organizations are interested in it because the „ Sequential
rewards can be very high. „ Knowledge management
„ Tracking
„ Disintermediation

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Business Process Reengineering: Business Process Reengineering:

Transactional Geographical
„ Transform unstructured processes into routine „ Transfer information with rapidity and ease across
transactions. large distances, making processes independent of

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Business Process Reengineering: Business Process Reengineering:
Automation Analytical
„ Replace or reduce human labor in a process. „ Bring complex analytical methods to bear on a

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Business Process Reengineering: Business Process Reengineering:

Informational Sequential
„ Bring vast amounts of detailed information into a „ Enable changes in the sequence of tasks in a
process. process, often allowing multiple tasks to be
worked on simultaneously.

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Business Process Reengineering: Business Process Reengineering:
Knowledge Management Tracking
„ Allow the capture and dissemination of knowledge „ Allow the detailed tracking of task status, input
and expertise to improve the process. and outputs.

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Business Process Reengineering:

Work Flow Management
„ Used to connect two parties within a process who „ The process of streaming business procedures so
would otherwise communicate through an that documents can be moved easily and
intermediary (internal or external). efficiently from one location to another.

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Strategies in Business Process
Steps in Business Process Redesign
1. Develop business vision and process objectives „ Figure out how people will have to modify their
(e.g. time and cost reductions, quality behaviors and attitudes to make the change work.
improvement) „ Deal with potential resistance to change by
2. Identify processes to be redesigned. attempting to understand who stands the most to
lose under the new system.
3. Understand and measure existing processes. „ Allow managers to experience the problem. For
4. Identify Information Technology levers (e.g. example, create opportunities for managers to deal
opportunities to use Information Technology to directly with service problems.
support business processes) „ Solicit as much feedback from individuals as
5. Design/build a prototype of the process possible.

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Strategies in Business Process Guidelines to Business Process

Redesign Redesign
„ Effective communications. People can deal with transition „ Create task forces with representatives from key
more effectively if they understand what is going on and line groups, across functional lines.
how it may affect them.
„ Managing the transition resulting from business process
„ Have redesign team work closely with managers
redesign requires an understanding of organizational and staff in the units to be affected.
changes that occur. „ Build a new team of industrial engineers. The
„ The organizational impacts include less reliance on members should have strong interpersonal skills;
hierarchy, more cross-functional communication and an understanding of multiple functional areas; and
cooperation and more decision making in middle and an understanding of process measurement,
lower-level management.
systems analysis and business process redesign.

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System Development Activities of Systems Development

„ The activities that go into producing an „ Systems Analysis

Information System solution to an organizational „ Systems Design
problem or opportunity. „ Programming
„ Testing
„ Conversion
„ Production & Maintenance

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System Analysis Feasibility Study

„ The analysis of a problem that the organization „ Systems analysis involves a feasibility study to determine
whether that solution is feasible, given the organization’s
will try to solve with an Information System. resource and constraints.
„ Consists of „ Technical feasibility
‹ Defining problem ‹ whether a proposed solution can be implemented with
the available hardware, software and technical
‹ Identifying causes resources.
‹ Specifying solution „ Economic feasibility
‹ whether the benefits of the proposed solution outweigh
‹ Identifying information requirements
the costs.
‹ Identifying new opportunities for using „ Operational feasibility
Information Technology. ‹ whether the proposed solution is desirable within the
existing managerial and organizational framework.
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Information Requirements Systems Design

„ A detailed statement of the information needs that „ Details how a system will meet the information
a new system must satisfy; who needs what requirements as determined by the systems
information; when, where and how the analysis.
information is needed.

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Logical Design Physical Design

„ It lays out the components of the IS and their „ It is the process of translating the abstract logical
relationship to each other as they would appear to models into specific technical design for the new
users. system.
„ It describes I/O, processing functions, business „ It produces the actual specifications for hardware,
procedures, data models, and controls. software, physical databases, I/O media, manual
procedures, and specific controls.

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Programming Testing

„ The process of translating the system „ The process that determines whether the system
specifications prepared during the design stage produces the desired results under known
into program code. conditions.
„ Test data must be carefully prepared, results
reviewed, and corrections made in the system.
„ Three types of activities
‹ Unit testing

‹ System testing

‹ Acceptance testing

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Unit Testing System Testing

„ The process of testing each program separately in „ Tests the functioning of the Information System as
the system. a whole to determine if discrete modules will
function together as planned.

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Acceptance Testing Test Plan

„ Provides the final certification that the system is „ Prepared by the development team in conjunction
ready to be used in a production setting. with the users.
„ Includes the preparations for the series of tests to
be performed on the system.

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Conversion Parallel Strategy

„ The process of changing from the old system to „ A safe & conservative conversion approach in
the new system. which both the old system and its potential
„ Four main conversion strategies replacement are run to gather for a time until
‹ Parallel
everyone is assured that the new system function
‹ Direct Cutover
„ Very expensive, additional staff is required.
‹ Pilot Study

‹ Phased Approach

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Direct Cutover Strategy Pilot Study Strategy

„ A risky conversion approach in which the new „ Introduce the new system to a limited area of the
system completely replaces the old one on an organization until it is proven to be fully
appointed day. functional; only then can the conversion to the
„ Less costly if no problem, otherwise more costly. new system across the entire organization take
place (either simultaneously or in stages).

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Phased Approach Strategy Conversion Plan

„ Introduces the new system in stages either by „ Provides a schedule of all activities required to
functions or by organizational units. install a new system.
„ Data from the old system must be transferred to
the new system and carefully verified for accuracy
and completeness.
„ It is a very time-consuming activity.

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Production & Maintenance Costs of Information System

„ Production is the stage after new system is „ Hardware

installed and the conversion is complete. „ Telecommunications
„ During this time the system is reviewed by users „ Software
and technical specialists to determine how well it „ Services
has met its original goals.
„ Personnel
„ Maintenance is the changes in hardware, software,
documentation, or procedures to a production
system to correct errors, meet new requirements,
or improve processing efficiency.

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Benefits of Information System Tangible Benefits of IS

„ Tangible „ Cost savings

‹ Benefits that can be quantified and assigned „ Increased productivity
monetary value; they include lower operational „ Lower operational costs
costs and increased cash flows. „ Reduced workforce
„ Intangible „ Lower computer expenses
‹ Benefits that are not easily quantified but may „ Lower outside vendor costs
lead to quantifiable gains in the long run; they „ Lower clerical & professional costs
include more efficient customer service or „ Reduced rate of growth in expenses
enhanced decision making. „ Reduced facility costs

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Intangible Benefits of IS Capital Budgeting
„ Improved asset utilization „ Legal requirements „ The process of analyzing and selecting various
„ Improved resource control attained proposals for capital expenditures.
„ Improved organizational „ Enhanced employee „ Capital Budgeting Models
planning goodwill
‹ Payback method
„ Improved organizational „ Increased job satisfaction
‹ Accounting rate of return on investment (ROI)
flexibility „ Improved decision making
‹ Cost-benefit ratio
„ More timely information „ Improved operations
‹ Net present Value (NPV)
„ More information „ Higher client satisfaction
‹ Internal rate of return (IRR)
„ Increased organizational „ Better corporate image
learning ‹ Profitability index

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Cash Flows Payback Method

„ All capital budgeting methods rely on measures of „ A measure of time required to pay back the initial
cash flows into and out of the firm. investment of a project.
„ Investment cost is a cash outflow. „ Simple to use.
„ Increased sales and reduction in costs are cash „ Good for high risk projects.
inflows. „ Ignores time value of money and the amount of
„ Difference between cash outflows and cash cash flow after payback period (profitability of
inflows is used for calculating the financial worth investment).
of an investment. ‹ Payback period = Original Investment /
Annual net Cash Inflow

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Accounting Rate of Return on
Cost-Benefit Ratio
Investment (ROI)
„ It calculates the rate of return from an investment „ Can be used to rank several projects for
by adjusting the cash inflows produced by the comparison.
investment for depreciation. ‹ Cost-Benefit Ratio = Total Benefits / Total
„ ROI ignore time value of money Costs
‹ Net Benefit = (Total benefit - Total cost -
Depreciation) / Useful life
‹ ROI = Net Benefit / Total Initial Investment

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Net Present Value (NPV) Internal Rate of Return (IRR)

„ Money received several years later is NOT worth as much „ IRR is the rate of return that an investment is
as money received today. expected to earn.
„ Money received in future has to discounted by some
appropriate rate, called the cost of capital.
„ IRR is the discount rate that make NPV = 0
„ Present value is the current value of a payment (or stream
of payments) to be received in future.
„ NPV is the amount of money an investment is worth,
taking into account its cost, earnings, and the time value of
‹ Npv = Present Value of Expected Cash Flows -

Initial Investment Cost

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Information System as a Capital
Profitability Index
„ It is used to compare the profitability of alternative „ Financial models do not express the risks and
investments. uncertainty of the costs & benefits estimates.
‹ Profitability Index = Present Value of Cash „ The difficulties of measuring intangible benefits
Inflows / Investment give financial model a an application bias:
‹ Transaction systems that displace labor always
produce more measurable, tangible benefits
than MIS, DSS or CSCW systems.

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