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Universiti Teknologi MARA

A Proposed Framework for FTMSK Alumni

Fazleen Noorhuda Binti Abdul Majid


Thesis submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for

Bachelor of Science (Hons) Information System Engineering
Faculty of Information Technology And
Quantitative Science

April 2005




This final report is completed under the care and guidance of thesis advisor, Prof Madya
Dr. Noor Habibah Binti Hj. Arshad and has also been approved by thesis supervisor, Pn.
Romiza Binti Md. Nor. It was submitted to the Faculty of Information Technology and
Quantitative Science and was accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for degree
on Bachelor Science (Hons) Information System Engineering.

Approved by:

Pn. Romiza bt Md. Nor

Thesis Supervisor

Date: April 1,2005


I hereby declare that this thesis and the research to which it refers are the product of
my own work and that any ideas or quotation from the work of other people,
published or otherwise are fully acknowledged in accordance with the standard
referring practices of discipline.




In the name of ALLAH, the most gracious and the most merciful with Selawat and
Salam to Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. Alhamdulillah, thanks to ALLAH S.W.T for
blessing me with His mercifulness for my health, strength and life all this time. With
the help and permission of ALLAH, a lot of efforts and self-confidence in doing this
research, I was granted the opportunity to accomplish this final year project.

Firstly, I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to my

supervisor, Puan Romiza Md. Nor for her guidance, advice, valuable suggestion,
encouragement and moral support throughout the completion of this project. A
million thanks to her for being so nice, patient and kind in dealing with my queries
and problems during this semester and for gave me lots of information during
providing the implementation of this research.

Not forgetting my dearest aunty who has kindly agreed to proof-read this
report. Finally, I would like to convey my gratitude to beloved family and all my
friends. Thanks you for being so supportive, may ALLAH bless all of you always.

Last but no least, to UiTM, FTMSK, and those who have directly or
indirectly contributed in this research whom I am not mentioned. Thank you so


Providing a good online service requires access to lots of data. At most

organizations, this data is spread among different data store and in different data
formats. To solve the problem, a repository can be used as a data layer in order to
define a generic representation of a data store. Basically, the purpose of this research
is to investigate the concept of repository and propose FTMSK Alumni information
repositoryframework.Theframeworkcan be used as a guideline to develop FTMSK
Alumni website, which share a common business model and required database,
electronic document and workflow, and internet functionality. The framework is
based on information repository which store accesses and manages information
sources and/or information processes. Repository item are used to access data by
identifying the detailed object of each items. Consequently, all the related
information can be captured by the repository and most importantly, accessing data
has to be easy.





1.1 Background of the Study 1

1.2 Problem Description 2
1.3 Objectives of the Research 3
1.4 Scope 3
1.5 Significance of the Research 4
1.6 The Research Approach and Methodology 4
1.7 Overview of the Research 5


2.1 Introduction 6
2.2 Definition of Pertinent Terminology 7
2.2.1 Alumni 7
2.2.2 Website 7
2.2.3 Information Repository 8
2.2.4 Unified Modeling Language 11
2.2.5 Framework 11
2.3 Designing Framework 12
2.4 BriefDescription of Similar Project 15

2.4.1 University Alumni Association Websites 15
2.4.2 A Repository-Based Framework for Evolutionary Software 19
2.4.3 World Wide Web (WWW) Based Collaboration with the BSCW 22
2.4.4 Understanding Art Technology Group (ATG) Data Anywhere 24
Architecture^'^: Efficient, Transactional Data Access Without
Writing Code Using Dynamo Repository
2.4.5 Round-Trip Software Engineering Using UML: From 27
Architecture to Design and Back
2.5 BriefDescription of Past Project 29
2.5.1 Knowledge Repository for Pro-TRAD 29
2.5.2 DevelopmentofUiTM Alumni Website and E-Marketplace 30
2.6 Summary 30


3.1 Introduction 31
3.2 Research Model 31
3.3 Research Approach 32
3.4 Hardware and Software Required 32
3.5.1 Rational Rose 2000 Enterprise Edition 32
3.5 Research Methodology 33
3.6.1 Research Requirement 33
3.6.2 Research Analysis 33
3.6.3 Research Design 34
3.6 Summary 35


4.1 Result of Study 36

4.1.1 Classification of University Alumni 36
4.1.2 The Element of Alumni 37
4.1.3 Use Case Model 38
4.2 Inferences Made on Result Obtained 39
4.3 Propose Enhancement 40
4.3.1 FTMSK Alumni Class Diagram 40
4.3.2 FTMSK Alumni Package Diagram 41
4.3.3 FTMSK Alumni Component Diagram 42
4.3.4 FTMSK Alumni Deployment Diagram 46
4.3.5 Easy Technique of Retrieving Information 47
4.4 Proposed FTMSK Alumni Information Repository Framework 48
4.4.1 End-User Objects 50
4.4.2 System Objects 51
4.4.3 Object model 51
4.5 FTMSK Alumni Repository Item 52
4.6 Summary 54


5.1 Introduction 55
5.2 Conclusion 55
5.3 Recommendations 56



Table No. Page

Table 2.1: TheExample of Logic Model Framework for Self-Directed 14

Learning Centre (SDLC)
Table 4.1: The Percentages for Classification of University Alumni 36
Table 4.2: The Quantities and Percentage ofthe Elements of 38
University Alumni Website


Figure No. Page

Figure 2.1 Sample Repository for Art Technology Group (ATG) 10

Figure 2.2 Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS) Alumni Association 16
Figure 2.3 Rowan University Alumni Association Website 17
Figure 2.4 Association of Yale Alumni Website 18
Figure 2.5 Argo Administration (Argo) Repository-Based Framework 20
Figure 2.6 Architecture of the BSCW System 23
Figure 2.7 The Art Technology Group (ATG) Data Anywhere 26
Figure 2.8 Round-trip Software Engineering 28
Figure 2.9 Knowledge Repository Framework for Pro-TRAD 29
Figure 3.1 Research Model (Argo Repository-Based Framework) 31
Figure 3.2 Research approach and methodology 34
Figure 4.1 Use Case Diagram for FTMSK Alumni 39
Figure 4.2 Class Diagram for FTMSK Alumni 40
Figure 4.3 FTMSK Alumni Package Diagram 41
Figure 4.4 FTMSK Alumni Component Diagram 43
Figure 4.5 Dynamic Organization for FTMSK Alumni 45
Figure 4.6 FTMSK Alumni Deployment Diagram 46
Figure 4.7 FTMSK Alumni Information Repository Framework 49
Figure 4.8 FTMSK Alumni Repository Item Ontology 53



This chapter provides the background and rationale for the study. It also accounts for
the significant issues and problems that were encountered during the course of this

1.1 Background of the Study

Generally nowadays, most universities and institutions of Higher Learning all

over the world have their own websites or web portals but not all of them
have Alumni. According to Oxford English dictionary, an Alumnus is a
generic term that describes all those who have spent sometimes studying at a
particular institution. In other words. Alumni are a plural of word "Alumnus"
which means former member of group or organization.

The arrangement of data and information is very important before a

university, an institution or even a faculty develops their Alumni website. In
fact, this study identified the data and proposes the Fakulti Teknologi
Maklumat dan Sains Kuantitatif (FTMSK) Alumni information repository

Additionally, afi-ameworkis an extensible structure for describing a

set of concepts, methods, technology, and cultural changes necessary for a
complete product design. Framework provides a mechanism that guides users
through a proper order of steps, application, and data conversions via a
common interface to a process being followed. Thus, this research intends to
examine the existing University Alumni websites to investigate whether they
have attempted to do such.

1.2 Problem Description

From the study, the researcher found that FTMSK Alumni has not set up a
website yet. It also did not have a repository that store vital information about
the Alumni itself. Consequently, it is difficult for Alumni members to access
and retrieve all the directories in order to use all the data in their own right;
such as the job vacancies, online registration form, Alumni log-in form,
forum, the armouncement of latest news, and upcoming activities that will be
held. Therefore, the researcher needs to investigate the concept of the
repository and construct an Alumni information repository framework as a
guideline to develop the interactive Alumni website.

In respect of the Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Alumni, there

is some information which did not show in the website for distribution to the
students. This represents one of the problems which make it difficult for the
user to access information relating to the Alumni. Therefore, the same
problem would be encountered by FTMSK Alumni if it does not have a
proper planning for development.

Another problem faced by Alumni is that currently all the information

regarding the association is kept in Excel. It is not an easy work to update and
save all the data because it needs more time to search information. In
addition, all the operating systems are manual.

1.3 Objectives of the Research

There are two objectives to this research. These objectives have to be stated
to know whether the guidelines have been followed and the objectives have
been successfully achieved. The objectives are as follows:

a) To investigate the concept of the repository.

b) To propose the FTMSK Alumni information repository


1.4 Scope

This research focuses on identifying data and information for FTMSK

Alumni. All the information will be kept in the information repository.

Besides, for development, the scope of information repository

framework is focus on the requirement phase, analysis phase, and design
phase. The framework will be focused on fimctionality of FTMSK Alumni
which include the description of the processing that will be carried out by the
repository, details of the input into the repository, details of output that are
expected from repository and details of data that must be kept.

1.5 Significance of the Research

The significance of this research is to reduce the time for searching

information needed including but not limited to Alumni memberships,
activities and job vacancies for post graduate students. It must also be ensured
that all the information can be managed and kept efficiently by FTMSK.

In addition, information-sharing is an important component in

information repository, where all the users can share the information with one
another and improve the efficiency of information retrieval.

Meanwhile, this study also gives significance to FTMSK Alumni

itself because the website provides a more efficient and interactive method of
extracting and obtaining information.

1.6 The Research Approach and Methodology

This study employs two techniques; analysis of the secondary data and web
observation of universities which have the Alumni Websites. Firstly, all the
problem definitions and objectives will be investigated by using problem
assessment and research study approaches. Thereafter, the acquired
information will be analyzed based on secondary data or data collection.

Almost all the secondary data are provided by books, journals, articles
and online articles. Requirement analysis will be carried out employing web
observation methodology. In this approach, 50 local and oversea universities
alumni websites will be observed to collect the information required for the
website. All the information and requirement will be classified before
initiating and constructing an information repository framework. All
information, the flow of information and constraints in this approach will be
defined. Finally, an information repositoryframeworkwill be proposed.

1.7 Overview of the Research

This research is divided into five chapters:

Chapter 1

This chapter describes the background of the study; the objectives, scope,
problems, and significance of the research. Besides, this chapter also
describes the research approach and methodology that has been implemented.

Chapter 2

The second chapter projects a review of the literature that generally discuss
similar, past, current related researches and some terminologies that are being
employed in this research.

Chapter 3

In chapter three, the methodologies being used in the process of conducting

the whole research will be elaborated including the sampling research
methodology, research approach, and research model.

Chapter 4

This chapter gives the result and findings based on data gathered during
evaluation process.

Chapter 5

A discussion and conclusion derived fi-om result and findings and the
proposed recommendations for this research is presented in thisfinalchapter.



2.1 Introduction

This chapter describes the review of literature for some keywords and
terminologies related to the research including the discussion of similar, and
past research. All data are collected from existing literature and research
comprising published and unpublished materials such as books, journals,
research reports, articles, and web articles as well.

In the fiiture, this technology could be used to enable many new

applications (Vijayan, 2004). In fact, nowadays technology is powering the
transformation of education, financial, business, commerce and even retails.
One of the technologies used by majority of the people is the internet.

The Internet is the catalyst for challenging the assumptions behind the
traditional education business model, and for challenging ineffective policies,
processes and even the entire traditional organization of the past. However,
this transformation is not just about the Internet; rather it encompasses the
full spectrum of issues, including strategy, people, processes and technology
that are critical to the success of a new model of operations and service
delivery (Chambers, 1999).

2.2 Definition of Pertinent Terminology

2.2.1 Alumni

Generally, Alumni are the plural of word "Alumnus" which means a

former member of group or organization. In other words it means the
nursling or pupil of any school, university or other seat learning.
According to the Oxford English Dictionary, Alumni are a generic
term that describes all those who have spent sometimes studying at a
particular institution. Therefore, anyone who has studied at FTMSK is
registered in FTMSK as an Alumni member.

In addition, Alumni are best defined as people who have

graduated from a university, school, or college. Otherwise it is an
initiated member of a fraternity or sorority no longer enrolled as an
undergraduate student.

The relationship between FTMSK and its alumni is important

because of the academic knowledge and experience gained by the
society, helping to preserve the faculty and also university for fiiture
generation. It is an opportunity to make a personal investment a
quality education for all.

2.2.2 Website

According to the American Heritage Dictionary of English Language,

website is a set of interconnected webpages, usually including a
homepage, generally located on the same server, and is prepared and
maintained as a collection of information by a person, group, or

In other meaning by Wikipedia, website or web site is a
collection of webpages that is documents accessible via the World
Wide Web on the Internet. The pages of a website will be accessed
from a common root URL, the homepage, and usually reside on the
same physical server. The URLs of the pages organize them into the
hierarchy, although the hyperlinks between them control how the
reader perceives the overall structure.

There are many types of websites, each specializing in a

particular service and use such as Business site. Database, Information
site, Search Engine, and weblog. Commonly, many websites are a
mixture of types. For example, a business website may promote
business products but may also host informative documents such as
white papers.

2.2.3 Information Repository

Information is conveyed by messages and has meaning. Meaning

always depends on the perspective of the person who receives a
message. According to Bennett, McRobb and Farmer (2002), People
are always surrounded by vast mass of potential information, but only
some of this comes to their attention, and only some of that is actually
meaningful in their present context.

In other words, information is a defining characteristic of modem

society and itself a valuable commodity (Kalbach, 2003). According
to Thomas Davenport and Laurence Prusak in Interoperatibility
Clearinghouse (ICH) glossary, information is a message, usually in
the form of a document an audible or visible communication, meant to
change the way a receiver perceives something and to influence
judgment or behavior; data that makes a difference.

Repository means a place or container for storage. Other
definition, a repository is a data access layer or generic representation
of a data store. Application developers access data using this generic
representation by using only interfaces such as Repository and
Repository Item (Art Technology Group, 2002).

A repository is a specialized application that adds value to

database system by being customized to a particular domain such as
application development. Thus, there are several instantiation of
repositories that may in fact have different needs and different
architecture (Degrugilliers, Bretonniers and Rust, 2000).

An information repository is a computer based system which

stores accesses and manages information about information sources
and/or information processes (Mylopoules, Gal, and Kontogiannis,
1996). These information sources may be computer based files,
databases and other data structures, while information process may be
application programs or other procedures which operate on
information sources to update and retrieve information. Figure 2.1 in
the next page shows an example of a repository that stores customer
information for Art Technology Group (ATG).

£Dch item-descriptor defines the
structure of one type of mapped

ttem>descriptor "user'
Visitor Profile Repository

Repository Item "Joe" (id 101)

Repository Item "Sue" (id 102|

item-descrtptor "address"

Repository Item "15 Main St" (id 1011

Repository Item "5 Park St" (id 102)

Figure 2.1: Sample Repository for Art Technology Group (ATG)

Based on ATG, inside each repository, there can be several types of

items (called "item -descriptors") and each type there can be several
repository items. In this example, the Visitor Profile defines two types
of items (user and address).

From the developer's perspective, the available properties in a

particular repository item depend on the type of items they are
working with. One item might represent the user profile (name,
address, phone number), while another may represent the meta-data
associated with a news article (author, keywords, synopsis). A
property in one repository item can be linked to another type of
repository item which allows developers to map relationships, such as
one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-one, and many-to-many.

2.2.4 Unified Modeling Language

During the 1990s many different methodologies, along with their own
set of notations, were introduced to the market. According to Booch,
Rambaugh, and Jacobson (1999), The Unified Modeling Language
(UML) is a language which provides the vocabulary and the rules of
combining their words for the purpose of the communication. The
UML combines the best of the best from data modeling concepts
(entity relationship diagrams), business modeling (workflow), object
modeling, and component modeling. Besides, The UML is not more
than just a bunch of graphical symbols but behind each symbol in the
UML notation is well defined semantics. UML are modeled by Use
Case diagram. Sequence diagram. Class diagram. Collaboration
diagram, etc.

Otherwise, UML can be defined as a language used to specify,

visualize and document the artifacts of the object-oriented system
development. It offers standard semantics and notation for describing
object structure and behavior (Quantrani, 2000). It can be used with
all processes throughout the development life cycle, and across
different implementation technologies.

2.2.5 Framework

According to Federal Enterprise Architecture Framework, framework

can be defined as a logical structure for classifying and organizing
complex information. Besides that, framework is a formed mental
pattern that can be used to sort out and relate a variety of elements in
our experience that fit into that pattern (De Vinney).

"The computer program which is based on a model of the
circulatory and repository systems" is the appropriate definition which
can be used in this research. Furthermore, framework provides a
mechanism that guides users through a proper order of steps,
applications, and data conversions via common interface to the
process being followed. So, it also can be meant as an extensible
structure for describing a set of concepts, methods, technologies, and
cultural changes necessary for a complete product design (CEDAR

2.3 Designing Framework

McNamara (2000), proposed the guidelines in designingframeworkfor basic

logic model. According to him, a logic model is a top-level depiction of the
flow of materials and processes to produce the results desired by the
organization or program. The model can be very useful to organize planning
and analysis when designing the organization and its programs or when
designing outcomes-based evaluations of programs. It can also be useful for
describing organizations and programs (for example, in grant proposals).

In addition. Logic models normally illustrate the inputs, processes,

outputs and outcomes associated with an organization and its programs.
Inputs are materials that the organization or program takes in and then
processes to produce the results desired by the organization. It can also be
major forces that influence the organization or programs.

Then, processes are used by the orgamzation or program to
manipulate and arrange items to produce the results desired by the
organization or program. Processes can range from putting a piece of paper
on a desk to manufacturing a space shuttle. However, logic models are
usually only concerned with the major recurring processes associated with
producing the results desired by the organization or program.

Additionally, Outputs are usually the tangible results of the major

processes in the organization. They are usually accounted for by their
number, for example, the number of students who failed or passed a test,
courses taught, tests taken, teachers employed, etc. Outputs are frequently
misunderstood to indicate success of an organization or program. However, if
the outputs are not directly associated with achieving the benefits desired for
clients, then the outputs are poor indicators of the success of the organization
and its programs.

Finally, Outcomes are the (hopefiilly positive) impacts on those

people whom the organization wanted to benefit with its programs. Outcomes
are usually specified in terms of learning, including enhancements to
knowledge, understanding/ perceptions/attitudes, and behaviors or skills
(behaviors to accomplish results, or capabilities) or conditions (increased
security, stability, pride, etc.). It often specifies outcomes in terms of short-
term, intermediate and long-term. Table 2.1 gives the example of Logic
Model Framework for Self-Directed Learning Centre (SDLC).

Table 2.1: The Example of Logic Model Framework for Self-Directed
LearningCentre (SDLC)

short-term intermediate long-term

inputs processes outputs outcome(s) outcomes outcomes
- Free articles and - Provide peer- - 30 groups that - high school - fiill-time - independent
other publications assistance used peer diploma for employment for livmg for
on the Web models in models graduates learners (in job learner (by
which learners that required using salary to
- Collaborators support each -100 completed - improved high-school rent apartment)
other training attitude toward education)
-Free programs self and society - strong basic
Management - Provide free, for graduates - increased life skills for
Library on-line traming - 900 learners reliability and learner
program: Basics who finished - improved improved
- Funders of Self-Directed Basics of Self- family life for judgment of - improved love
Learning Directed family of learners life for learner
- Self-directed Learning graduates who's now in a
learners* - Provide free, - enhanced relationship
on-line trainmg - 900 learners publicity and
program: Basic who finished public relations - increased
- Volunteers
Life Skills Basic Life Skills for SDLC likelihood and
interest for
- Computers - Provide free, - 900 learners learner to attend
on-line training who passed college
-Web program: their GED to
Passing your gain high-
- Supplies GED Exam school diploma


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