Tarea de Ingles (Yaicar)

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Actividad 1 cambio de voz activa a voz pasiva en:

Las oraciones escritas en voz pasiva son más fáciles de entender que las escritas en pasiva. Cambiar
de la voz pasiva a la voz activa es bastante sencillo pero requiere cierta práctica. En la tabla de
equivalencias que se muestra a continuación, podemos comprobar que el tiempo verbal de "to
be" en la voz pasiva es siempre el mismo que el tiempo del verbo principal. Para emplear la voz
activa, es necesario explicitar el sujeto que realiza la acción.

Tiempos en ingles

Tiempo verbal Verbo en voz activa Verbo en

voz pasiva

Presente Learn (aprender). is learnt (Se

Simple aprende).

Pasado Simple Learnt (aprendido). was learnt

(se ha

Futuro Simple will learn (aprenderá). will be

Tiempo Voz activa Voz pasiva

Presente Learning being learnt

Continuo (aprendiendo). (siendo

Pasado was learning was being

Progresiv (estaba learnt
o aprendiendo). (estaba

Presente have leant (ha have been

perfecto aprendido). learnt (se
Tiempo Voz activa Voz pasiva

Pasado had learnt (había had been learnt (se había

perfecto aprendido). aprendido).

Actividad N.-2 Escribe 5 ejemplos de los tiempos verbales mencionados anteriormente.

Oraciones en presente simple:

1. he works in the Church.

2.  My friend does go to the cinema.
3.  The bike is in the garaje.
4. My cousin never watches TV in the room.
5.  She does not accept my favorite team.
Oraciones en pasado simple:

1. I traveled around your town last summer.

2. They didn’t see that.
3. Did you see the new ball?.
4. Where did you eat those sandwich?.
5. The last friday, I met your friend at the square.

Oraciones en futuro simples:

1. Will she answer all questions?.

2. We will play volleyball.
3. You will change your clothes for the birthday´s fathers.
4. Thebeginning will like you.
5. I’ll be the new player..
Oraciones en presente continuo:

1. I am sleeping.
2. We are learning Biology.
3. She is reading a text.
4. Pedro and Maria are dancing in the club.
5. I am walking.

Oraciones en Pasado progresivo:

1. the dog was crying.

2. They were reading a book.
3. I was sleeping.
4. We were watching tv.
5. He was cooking.

Oraciones en presente perfecto:

1. I have meet my duty.

2. He has never been to Caracas.
3. Has she enjoyed your month?
4. You have seen what we can eat.
5. It has rained so much this day.

Oraciones en pasado perfecto:

1. She had not walked.

2. They had finished broken them homework.
3. She had go on with him.
4. My father´s had eat your breakfast.
5. You had finished all my homework.

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