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Republic of Iraq

Ministry of Higher Education &

Scientific Research
Mustansiriyah University
Collage of Engineering
Electrical Engineering Department



A Project
Submitted to the Electrical Engineering Department /
College of Engineering / Mustansiriyah University In
Partial Fulfillment Of The Requirement For The Degree
B.Sc. In Electrical Engineering


Ameer Hamzah Abed

Supervised by

Dr. Amer Mejbel Ali

0202 ‫تموز‬ 1441 ‫ذو القعدة‬


Supervisor Certificate

We certify that the preparation of this project entitled

―Modeling and simulation of hydropower station using Matlab
/Simulink‖ was made under my supervision in the Electrical
Engineering Department, College of Engineering, Mustansiriyah
University as partial fulfillment of the requirements of the B.Sc.
Degree in the science of Electrical Engineering.


Name: Dr. Amer Mejbel Ali

Title: Assistance Professor

Date: 1 -7 -2020


In the beginning, I thank God Almighty for his success in

my academic career, and thank my family and especially my
father and mother because they supported us a lot and gave
me confidence to overcome all difficulties and also i thank
the professors and doctors in the Department of Electrical
Engineering who exerted all their efforts towards graduating
real engineers. In the last I thank a supervisor for my project
Dr. Amer Mejbel who stood with me and supported me and
gave me many valuable notes and I wish him all the best and
good in his life.


This project consists of an extensive review on the modeling of hydropower

station. First a background was provided on all components needed to develop
a full and comprehensive model on hydropower station including penstock,
governor, turbine and generator. The review of existing models was started
with simple analytical models that were followed by system modeling. The
complexity of modeling the dynamic aspect of water flowing through the
penstock as well as the opening and closing of wicket gate have led to the
development of complex control systems to model hydropower station. Those
complex models were rather represented as systems instead of been analytical.
They are mostly equipped with numerous feedback as well as modern control
systems such as fuzzy logic and PID control logic that improves their
performances. However, these models are most often constructed and
simulated with software of which Matlab is a fundamental one. In line with
this, the project investigated a simulation of hydropower station including a
model of hydraulic turbine, governor and synchronous machine, all simulated
under Matlab software. A three phase to ground fault was introduced in the
model at three cases .Case 1 start from t=0.2s to t=0.3s and case 2 start from
t=0.2s to t=0.4s and case 3 start from t=0.2s to t=0.5s and this shows that the
generated voltage quickly regained its stability due to the high excitation
voltage that was maintained by the PID control system incorporated in the
hydraulic turbine model. The speed of generator the also regained stability
but this cases was slower than the voltage one. In all, simulation results
showed a perfect generation of energy from hydropower station that was
robust .

Table of Contents

Supervisor Certificate .............................................................................................. I

Dedication.............................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

Acknowledgment................................................................................................... III


Table of Contents...………………………………………………………………V

Chapter one ........................................................................1

INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................ 1

1.1. General Introduction .............................................................................. 1

1.2. General Description of Hydroelectric station ........................................ 1

1.3. Enhancing Generation and Environmetal Performance ........................ 2

1.4. Reducing Impacts to Fish ...................................................................... 2

1.5. Advantages ............................................................................................ 3

1.6. Disadvantages ........................................................................................ 4

1.7. Parts of hydropower station ................................................................... 5

1.7.1. Turbine ............................................................................................ 5

1.7.2. Synchronous Generator ................................................................... 6

1.7.3. Excitation system ............................................................................ 7

1.7.4. Transformer ..................................................................................... 8

1.7.5. Load ................................................................................................. 9

1.7.6. Three phase Fualt ............................................................................ 9

1.7.7. Three phase Source (Electrical Grid ) ........................................... 10


Chapter two ...................................................................... 11

MATHEMATICAL BACKGROUND ........................................................... 11

Chapter Three ................................................................... 16


.................................................................................................................... 16

3.1. Simulink.......................................................................................... 16

3.2. Parts of hydropower station under matlab /Simulink .................... 16

3.2.1. HTG (Hydraulic Turbine and Governor) ................................ 17 Description of HTG block .................................................... 17 Description of HTG Parameters ........................................ 19 Input and output of HTG block ......................................... 20

3.2.2. Synchronous Generator ............................................................. 21 Description of Synchronous Generator block ....................... 22 Description of Synchronous Generator parameters .......... 22 Input and output of synchronous Generator block ........... 23

3.2.3. Excitation system....................................................................... 24 Description of Excitation System block ............................. 25 Descrption of Excitation System parameters ..................... 25 Input and output of Excitation system block...................... 27

3.2.4. Three phase Transformer ............................................................ 28 Description of Three phase Transformer block .................. 28 Description of Three phase Transformer parameters .......... 28

3.2.5. Load ........................................................................................... 30

VII Desciption of load block ..................................................... 30

3.2.6. Three phase Fualt ...................................................................... 31 Description of Three pase Fualt block ................................ 32 Description of Three pase Fualt parameters........................ 32

3.2.7. Three phase Source..................................................................... 33 Descripttion of Three phase Source block ........................... 34 Description of Three phase Suorce parameters ..................... 34

Chapter Four..................................................................... 38

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ..................................................................... 38

4.1. Introduction .................................................................................... 38

4.2. CONCLUSION ..................................................................... …….45

References .......................................................................... 46
Chapter One :Introduction 1

Chapter One
1.1. General Introduction
Hydroelectric power, or hydroelectricity, is basically electrical energy
that has been generated using natural forces such as gravity or flowing water.
It's usually produced by dams, because dams can store and direct large
volumes of water. Hydroelectric power is becoming increasingly popular.

Dams can generate electricity because they contain special mechanisms

designed to take the energy in flowing water and turn it into electrical power.
A power source is used to spin a turbine—basically a propeller—which in turn
spins a metal shaft, forming the equivalent of an electrical generator that
produces and stores electricity. The power source, in the case of hydropower,
is water itself. When water moves a turbine, the turbine spins, and
electromagnets in the turbine generate an electric current in the stationary
coils of wire inside them. [1]

1.2. General Description of Hydroelectric station

Hydroelectric stations work on the principle of converting the potential
energy between two water levels, first into mechanical power and later into
electrical power [2]. Figure 1 shows the main components of a station are
shown. The basic principle is that water flows from a reservoir or river
through a penstock and powers a turbine which creates a mechanical torque
and rotational speed which generates electrical power from a generator.
Chapter One :Introduction 2

Fig(1.1) Components of hydropower station

1.3. Enhancing Generation and Environmetal Performance

Until about 1980, hydropower research and development (R&D) efforts
focused mainly on improving turbine efficiency and reducing noise and
vibration that can cause damage to turbine blades. These early R&D efforts
led to a 30% increase in turbine efficiencies. In 1993, the U.S. Department of
Energy (DOE) initiated an effort to develop advanced hydropower turbine
systems (AHTS) to improve the overall performance and acceptability .

1.4. Reducing Impacts to Fish

A major focus of the advanced hydropower technology effort is on the
quantification of fish injury and mortality associated with potential fish injury
mechanisms. Researchers conduct laboratory experiments to gain a better
understanding of how fish respond to the stresses that they experience passing
Chapter One :Introduction 3

through a dam. The information they gain can then be used to define the
design criteria of future turbines and possible structure modifications. unique
combination of computer modeling, field measurements, and laboratory
bioassays are being used to develop a better understanding of how fish
respond to the extreme turbulence inside hydropower turbines and draft tubes.
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) and TVA are working together to
develop and test new sensor arrays that can be inserted inside draft tubes to
measure water velocities and stresses directly. ORNL and Georgia Tech are
developing advanced computer models that can predict velocities at very high
temporal and spatial resolution, and those models are being validated against
field measurements. ORNL and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
(PNNL) are working together to design and conduct controlled laboratory
bioassay tests of fish to define no-effect levels of physical parameters that can
be used as biological criteria for new turbine designs. This unique
combination of approaches is providing high-quality understanding that will
improve hydropower’s environ- mental performance

1.5. Advantages of hydropower station:

1-Hydropower is a fueled by water, so it's a clean fuel source.
2-Hydropower doesn't pollute the air like power stations that burn fossil fuels,
such as coal or natural gas.
3-Hydropower relies on the water cycle, which is driven by the sun, thus it's a
renewable power source.
4-Hydropower is generally available as needed; engineers can control the flow
water through the turbines to produce electricity on demand.
5-Hydropower stations provide benefits in addition to clean electricity.
Impoundment hydropower creates reservoirs that offer a variety of
Chapter One :Introduction 4

recreational opportunities, notably fishing, swimming, and boating. Most

hydropower installations are required to provide some public access to the
reservoir to allow the public to take advantage of these opportunities. Other
benefits may include water supply and flood control

1.6. Disadvantages of hydropower station:

1-Fish populations can be impacted if fish cannot migrate upstream past
impoundment dams to spawning grounds or if they cannot migrate
downstream to the ocean. Upstream fish passage can be aided using fish
ladders or elevators, or by trapping and hauling the fish upstream by truck.
Downstream fish passage is aided by diverting fish from turbine intakes using
screens or racks or even under water lights and sounds, and by maintaining a
minimum spill flow past the turbine.
2-Hydropower can impact water quality and flow. Hydropower stations can
cause low dissolved oxygen levels in the water, a problem that is harmful to
riparian (riverbank) habitats and is addressed using various aeration
techniques, which oxygenate the water. Maintaining minimum flows of water
downstream of a hydropower installation is also critical for the survival of
riparian habitats.
3-Hydropower stations can be impacted by drought. When water is not
available, the hydropower stations can't produce electricity.
4-.New hydropower facilities impact the local environment and may compete
with other uses for the land. Those alternative uses may be more highly valued
than electricity generation. Humans
Chapter One :Introduction 5

1.7. Parts of hydropower station

1.7.1. Turbine
A turbine is a rotary mechanical device that extracts energy from a
fluid flow and converts it into useful work. The work produced by a turbine
can be used for generating electrical power when combined with a generator.
Turbines are subdivided into impulse and reaction machines. In the impulse
turbines, the total head available is converted into the kinetic energy. This is
usually accomplished in one or more nozzles as mentioned previously in
Pelton Wheel experiment. In the reaction turbines, only some part of the
available total head of the fluid is converted into kinetic energy so that the
fluid entering the runner has pressure energy as well as kinetic energy. The
pressure energy is then converted into kinetic energy in the runner. The
Francis turbine is a type of reaction turbine that was developed by James B.
Francis. Francis turbines are the most common water turbine in use today.
They operate in a water head from 40 to 600 m and are primarily used for
electrical power production. The electric generators which most often use this
type of turbine have a power output which generally ranges just a few
kilowatts up to 800 MW

The reaction turbine consists of fixed guide vanes called stay vanes,
adjustable guide vanes called wicket gates, and rotating blades called runner
blades. Flow enters tangentially at high pressure, is turned toward the runner
by the stay vanes as it moves along the spiral casing or volute, and then passes
through the wicket gates with a large tangential velocity component.
Momentum is exchanged between the fluid and the runner as the runner
rotates, and there is a large pressure drop. Unlike the impulse turbine, the
water completely fills the casing of a reaction turbine. For this reason, a
Chapter One :Introduction 6

reaction turbine generally produces more power than an impulse turbine of the
same diameter, net head, and volume flow rate. The angle of the wicket gates
is adjustable so as to control the volume flow rate through the runner. In most
designs the wicket gates can close on each other, cutting off the flow of water
into the runner. At design conditions the flow leaving the wicket gates
impinges parallel to the runner blade leading edge to avoid shock losses. In
Francis turbine, a reaction turbine, there is a drop in static pressure and a drop
in velocity head during energy transfer in the runner. Only part of the total
head presented to the machine is converted to velocity head before entering
the runner. This is achieved in the adjustable guide vanes.

Fig (1.2) Francis Turbine

1.7.2. Synchronous Generator

defined as a device that converts electrical energy into mechanical energy
or mechanical energy into electrical energy. An electrical generator can be
defined as an electrical machine that converts mechanical energy into
electrical energy. An electrical generator typically consists of two are various
types of electrical generators such as direct current generators, alternating
current generators, vehicular generators, human powered electrical generators,
and so on. In this article, let us discuss about synchronous generator working
Chapter One :Introduction 7

principle parts of an electrical machine can be called as rotor and stator

respectively. The rotor or stator of electrical machines acts as a power-
producing component and is called as an armature. The electromagnets or
permanent magnets mounted on the stator or rotor are used to provide
magnetic field of an electrical machine. The generator in which permanent
magnet is used instead of coil to provide excitation field is termed as
permanent magnet synchronous generator or also simply called as
synchronous generator.

1.7.3. Excitation system

The system which is used for providing the necessary field current to the
rotor winding of the synchronous machine, such type of system is called an
excitation system. In other words,. excitation system is defined as the system
which is used for the production of the flux by passing current in the field
winding. The main requirement of an excitation system is reliability under all
conditions of service, a simplicity of control, ease of maintenance, stability
and fast transient response. The amount of excitation required depends on the
load current, load power factor and speed of the machine. The more excitation
is needed in the system when the load current is large, the speed is less, and
the power factor of the system becomes lagging

The excitation system is mainly classified into three types. They are

 Brushes Excitation System

 Brushless Excitation System
 Static Excitation System
Chapter One :Introduction 8

1.7.4. Transformer

transformer is a passive electrical device that transfers electrical energy

from one electrical circuit to another, or multiple circuits. A varying current in
any one coil of the transformer produces a varying magnetic flux in the
transformer's core, which induces a varying electromotive force across any
other coils wound around the same core. Electrical energy can be transferred
between separate coils without a metallic (conductive) connection between the
two circuits. Faraday's law of induction, discovered in 1831, describes the
induced voltage effect in any coil due to a changing magnetic flux encircled
by the coil. raday's law of induction, discovered in 1831, describes the induced
voltage effect in any coil due to a changing magnetic flux encircled by the
coil. Transformers are most commonly used for increasing low AC voltages at
high current (a step-up transformer) or decreasing high AC voltages at low
current (a step-down transformer) in electric power applications, and for
coupling the stages of signal processing circuits. In power stations uses the
power transformer which is one of other types of transformer. The power
transformers are used in the transmission networks of higher voltages. The
ratings of the power transformer are as follows 400 KV, 200 KV, 110 KV, 66
KV, 33 KV. They are mainly rated above 200 MVA. Mainly installed at the
generating stations and transmission substations. They are designed for
maximum efficiency of 100%. They are larger in size as compared to
distribution transformer. At a very high voltage, the power cannot be
distributed to the consumer directly, so the power is stepped down to the
desired level with the help of step-down power transformer. The transformer
Chapter One :Introduction 9

is not loaded fully hence the core loss takes place for the whole day but the
copper loss is based on the load cycle of the distribution network.If the power
transformer is connected in the transmission network, the load fluctuation will
be very less as they are not connected at the consumer end directly, but if
connected to the distribution network there will be fluctuations in the load.
The transformer is loaded for 24 hours at transmission station, thus, the core
and copper loss will occur for the whole day of hydropower station .The
power transformer is cost effective when the power is generated at low voltage
levels. If the level

1.7.5. Load

An electrical load is the part of an electrical circuit in which current is

transformed into something useful. Examples include a light bulb, a resistor
and a motor. A load converts electricity into heat, light or motion. Put another
way, the part of a circuit that connects to a well-defined output terminal is
considered an electrical load Three basic types of loads exist in circuits:
capacitive loads, inductive loads and resistive loads. These differ in how they
consume power in an alternating current (AC) setup. Capacitive, inductive and
resistive load types correspond loosely to lighting, mechanical and heating

1.7.6. Three phase Fualt

In an electric power system, a fault or fault current is any abnormal
electric current. For example, a short circuit is a fault in which current
bypasses the normal load. An open-circuit fault occurs if a circuit is
interrupted by some failure. In three-phase systems, a fault may involve one or
more phases and ground, or may occur only between phases. In a "ground
Chapter One :Introduction 10

fault" or "earth fault", current flows into the earth. The prospective short-
circuit current of a predictable fault can be calculated for most situations. In
power systems, protective devices can detect fault conditions and operate
circuit breakers and other devices to limit the loss of service due to a failure.
In a poly phase system, a fault may affect all phases equally which is a
"symmetrical fault" if only some phases are affected, the resulting
"asymmetrical fault" becomes more complicated to analyses. The analysis of
these types of faults is often simplified by using methods such as symmetrical

1.7.7. Three phase Source (Electrical Grid )

An electrical grid, electric grid or power grid, is an interconnected
network for delivering electricity from producers to consumers[3]. It consists

 generating stations that produce electric power

 electrical substations for stepping electrical voltage up for
transmission, or down for distribution
 high voltage transmission lines that carry power from distant sources
to demand-centers
 distribution lines that connect individual customers

Electrical grids vary in size from covering a single building through national
grids (which cover whole countries) to transnational grids (which can cross
Chapter Two :Mathematical background 11

Chapter Two
In this chapter we explain the equations of the project. This chapter
presents a mathematical model of hydro power units under different operating
condition. So the mathematical representation of power system components
is significant for dynamic and transient stability studies. Therefore, some
standard dynamic models for prime movers were introduced previously for
simulation programs and other purposes in the literature. The parameters of
these models need to be determined by operators and engineers as accurate as
possible to take into account the behavior of such elements in power system
dynamic simulations.

There are many models that are used to describe the various power system
components. As a result, the study of the dynamic behavior of the system
depends upon the nature of the differential equations.
 Small System: If the system equations are linear, the techniques of
linear system analysis are used to study dynamic behavior. Each
component is simulated by transfer function and these transfer functions
blocks are connected to represent the system under study.
 Large System: Here state-space model will be used for system studies
described by linear differential equations. However, for transient
stability study the nonlinear differential equations are used.
Chapter Two :Mathematical background 12

Moreover, there are existing models of linear and nonlinear hydro-turbine

set with non-elastic and elastic water column effects. Non-elastic water
column have been largely handled by previous works including Malik et al.
[4], Ramey et al. [5].

However, the most general model of hydropower stations start with the
determination of hydraulic power. Hydraulic power is exhibited whenever a
volume of water falls from a higher level to a lower level. The general formula
for the determination of hydraulic power is shown by [6]-[7] as follow:
Ph=ρHQg (1.1)
Ph is input power to turbine
ρ is density of water(1000 kg/m3)
g is gravity (m/s2)
Q is water flow rate (m3/s)
H is total available head at turbine inlet (m)

The hydraulic power is later transformed into mechanical power by the

turbine. Many attempt have been made in the past to come out with an
analytical model of hydraulic turbine. This has always been a difficult task
due to the nature of hydropower generation systems that exhibit a high level of
dynamism and nonlinear behavior . Based on [8], the mechanical power
available at the output of the turbine is determined as follow
Pm= ŋt∙Ph (1.2)
Where ŋt is the efficiency of the turbine
Chapter Two :Mathematical background 13

The determination of the hydraulic turbine efficiency is very challenging

and for this matter robust mathematical models are used to numerically
compute it. Some of these models were reviewed by Martez & al. [9] and
Singh & al. , [10]. According to one of the method developed in [10], the
efficiency is determined as follow:

( ) * ( ) ( )+ ( ) (1.3)

where :

( )

Q is the flow rate of water

Ω is the angular speed of turbine rotor
R is the radius of the hydraulic turbine blades (m)
A is the area swept by the rotor blades (m2)
This is pure analytical model that can be programmed and simulated with
Matlab to show the power exhibited by a hydropower plant with variation of
parameters related to water flow models.

In general, linear models are used for small signal performance of turbine
whereas non-linear models are more appropriate for large domain signal-time
simulations. On the other hand several models were not made analytical but
consisted of simulated systems under various software. For instance, the
model presented by Nassar [11] was built in Simulink and consisted of the
following dynamic sub- models: controller, hydraulic and mechanical system,
turbine regulator. Figure (3) presents the block system of the entire model
with its sub-systems.
Chapter Two :Mathematical background 14

Fig (2.1) general representation of sub-models by Nassar

Where :
Ptarget is Power set-point
ΔW is Deviation of Energy
Ytref is Set-point position governor guide vane
Yt is Position governor guide vane
PT is Power of the turbine
The Simple Power method, [12], models power, P, according to the
P=α( OH,QT) .QT .OH (1.5)
where :

α is an empirical coefficient which captures the properties of water and the

plant efficiency
QT is turbine flow
OH is operating head, given by headwater elevation minus tail-water
Chapter Two :Mathematical background 15

The Peak Base Power method determines the power and energy generated
by the entire plant based on the fractions of each time step operated at peak
flow and base flow. The other two methods also determined the maximum
operating point of the hydropower plant by considering algorithm based on the
best choice of QT and OH at given conditions.

Furthermore, [7] also works on the modeling and control of an isolated micro-
hydro power stations with battery storage system.
Chapter Three :Modeling of hydropower station by Simulink /Matlab 16

Chapter Three
3.1. Simulink
Simulink (Simulation and Link) is an extension of MATLAB by
Mathworks Inc. It works with MATLAB to offer modeling, simulation,
and analysis of dynamical systems under a graphical user interface
(GUI) environment. The construction of a model is simplified with click
and drag mouse operations. Simulink includes a comprehensive block
library of toolboxes for both linear and nonlinear analyses. Models are
hierarchical, which allow using both top down and bottom up
approaches. As Simulink is an integral part of MATLAB, it is easy to
switch back and forth during the analysis process and thus, the user may
take full advantage of features offered in both environments .

3.2. Parts of hydropower station under matlab /Simulink

1. HTG
2. Synchronous Generator
3. Excitation System
4. Three phase transformer
5. Load
6. Three phase Fault
7. Three phase Source
Chapter Three :Modeling of hydropower station by Simulink /Matlab 17

3.2.1. HTG (Hydraulic Turbine and Governor)

Model hydraulic turbine and proportional-integral-derivative (PID)
governor system

Fig(3.1) HTG block Description of HTG block

The Hydraulic Turbine and Governor block implements a nonlinear

hydraulic turbine model, a PID governor system, and a servomotor .

Fig(3.2) PID Governor

Chapter Three :Modeling of hydropower station by Simulink /Matlab 18

Fig (3.3) Typical model of hydropower station

Fig(3.4) The hydraulic turbine is modeled by nonlinear system

Chapter Three :Modeling of hydropower station by Simulink /Matlab 19

Fig (3.5) servomotor is modeling by second order system Description of HTG Parameters

 Servo-motor
The gain Ka and time constant Ta, in seconds (s), of the first-order
system representing the servomotor. Default is [ 10/3 0.07 ].
 Gate opening
limits gmin and gmax (pu) imposed on the gate opening, and vgmin
and vgmax (pu/s) imposed on gate speed. Default is[0.01 0.97518-
0.1 0.1].
 Permanent droop and regulator
The static gain of the governor is equal to the inverse of the permanent
droop Rp in the feedback loop. The PID regulator has a proportional
gain Kp, an integral gain Ki, and a derivative gain Kd. The high-
frequency gain of the PID is limited by a first-order low-pass filter with
time constant Td (s). Default is [ 0.05 1.163 0.105 0 0.01 ].

 Hydraulic Turbine
The speed deviation damping coefficient β and water starting time Tw
(s). Default is [ 0 2.67 ].
Chapter Three :Modeling of hydropower station by Simulink /Matlab 20

 Droop reference
Specifies the input of the feedback loop: gate position (set to 1) or
electrical power deviation (set to 0). Default is 0.
 Initial mechanical power
initial mechanical power Pm0 (pu) at the machine's shaft. This value is
automatically updated by the load flow utility of the Powergui block.
Default is 0.7516. Input and output of HTG block

 Wref

Reference speed, in pu.

 Pref
Reference mechanical power in pu
 We
Machine actual speed, in pu.
 Pe0
Machine actual electrical power in pu. This input can be left
unconnected if you want to use the gate position as input to the
feedback loop instead of the power deviation.
 Dw
Speed deviation, in pu.
 Pm

Mechanical power Pm for the Synchronous Machine block, in pu.

 Gate
Gate opening, in pu.
Chapter Three :Modeling of hydropower station by Simulink /Matlab 21

Fig (3.6) parameters of HTG

3.2.2. Synchronous Generator

Model the dynamics of three-phase round-rotor or salient-pole synchronous
Chapter Three :Modeling of hydropower station by Simulink /Matlab 22 Description of Synchronous Generator block

The Synchronous Machine block operates in generator or motor
modes. The operating mode is dictated by the sign of the mechanical power
(positive for generator mode, negative for motor mode).

Fig (3.7) Synchronous Generator block Description of Synchronous Generator parameters

 Nominal power, line-to-line voltage, and frequency
Same as in the pu Fundamental dialog box. Default is [250e6 14000

 Reactance
The d-axis synchronous reactance Xd, transient reactance Xd', and
subtransient reactance Xd'', the q-axis synchronous reactance Xq,
transient reactance Xq' (only if round rotor), and subtransient reactance
Xq'', and finally the leakage reactance Xl (all in pu). Default is [1.305
0.296 0.252 0.474 0.243 0.18].
 d-axis time constants; q-axis time constant(s)
Specify the time constants you supply for each axis: either open-circuit
or short-circuit. Choices are Short-circuit (default) or Open-circuit.
 [ Td' Td'' Tq'' ] (s)
Chapter Three :Modeling of hydropower station by Simulink /Matlab 23

The d-axis and q-axis time constants (all in s). These values must be
consistent with choices made on the two previous lines: d-axis transient
open-circuit (Tdo') or short-circuit (Td') time constant, d-axis
subtransient open-circuit (Tdo'') or short-circuit (Td'') time constant, q-
axis transient open-circuit (Tqo') or short-circuit (Tq') time constant
(only if round rotor), q-axis subtransient open-circuit (Tqo'') or short-
circuit (Tq'') time constant. Default is [1.01 0.053 0.1].
 Stator resistance
The stator resistance Rs (pu). Default is 2.8544e-3
 Inertia coefficient, friction factor, pole pairs
Same as in the pu Fundamental dialog box. Default is [3.2 0 2].

 Initial conditions
Same as in the pu Fundamental dialog box. Default is [0 -94.2826
0.750185 0.750185 0.750185 -24.943 -144.943 95.057 1.29071] .
 Saturation
Specifies whether magnetic saturation of the rotor and stator iron is to
be simulated or not. Default is selected.
 [ifd; Vt]
Same as in the pu Fundamental dialog box. Default
98,0.8872,0.9466,0.9969,1.046,1.1,1.151,1.201]. Input and output of synchronous Generator block

 Pm
The first Simulink input is the mechanical power at the machine's shaft,
in Watts or pu.
 Vf
Chapter Three :Modeling of hydropower station by Simulink /Matlab 24

The second Simulink input of the block is the field voltage. This voltage
can be supplied by a voltage regulator in generator mode (see
the Excitation System block) . Vf must be entered in pu (1 pu of field
voltage producing 1 pu of terminal voltage at n

 m
The Simulink output of the block is a vector containing measurement

signals. You can demultiplex these signals by using the Bus

Selector block provided in the Simulink library. Depending on the type of
mask that you use, the units are in SI or in pu.

Fig (3.8) parameters of Synchronous Generator

3.2.3. Excitation system

Provide excitation system for synchronous machine and regulate its terminal
voltage in generating mode
Chapter Three :Modeling of hydropower station by Simulink /Matlab 25 Description of Excitation System block

The Excitation System block is a Simulink ® system implementing a DC
exciter described in, without the exciter's saturation function. The basic
elements that form the Excitation System block are the voltage regulator and
the exciter.

Fig (3.9) Excitation System block Descrption of Excitation System parameters

 Low-pass filter time constant
The time constant Tr, in seconds (s), of the first-order system that
represents the stator terminal voltage transducer. Default is 20e-3
 Regulator gain and time constant
The gain Ka and time constant Ta, in seconds (s), of the first-order system
representing the main regulator. Default is [ 300, 0.001 ].

 Exciter
The gain Ke and time constant Te, in seconds (s), of the first-order system
representing the exciter. Default is [ 1, 0 ].
Chapter Three :Modeling of hydropower station by Simulink /Matlab 26

 Transient gain reduction

The time constants Tb, in seconds (s), and Tc, in seconds (s), of the first-
order system representing a lead-lag compensator. Default is [ 0, 0 ].
 Damping filter gain and time constant
The gain Kf and time constant Tf, in seconds (s), of the first-order system
representing a derivative feedback. Default is [ 0.001, 0.1 ].
 Regulator output limits and gain
Limits Efmin and Efmax are imposed on the output of the voltage
regulator. The upper limit can be constant and equal to Efmax, or variable
and equal to the rectified stator terminal voltage Vtf times a proportional
gain Kp. If Kp is set to 0, the former applies. If Kp is set to a positive
value, the latter applies. Default is [ -11.5, 11.5, 0 ].

 Initial values of terminal voltage and field voltage

The initial values of terminal voltage Vt0 (pu) and field voltage Vf0 (pu).
When set correctly, they allow you to start the simulation in steady state.
Initial terminal voltage should normally be set to 1 pu. Both Vt0 and Vf0
values are automatically updated by the load flow utility of the Powergui
block. Default is [1 1.3].
Chapter Three :Modeling of hydropower station by Simulink /Matlab 27

Fig (3.10) parameters of Excitation System Input and output of Excitation system block

 vref
The desired value, in pu, of the stator terminal voltage.
 vd
vd component, in pu, of the terminal voltage.
 vq
vq component, in pu, of the terminal voltage.

 vstab
Connect this input to a power system stabilizer to provide additional
stabilization of power system oscillations.
 Vf
Chapter Three :Modeling of hydropower station by Simulink /Matlab 28

The field voltage, in pu, for the Synchronous Machine block.

3.2.4. Three phase Transformer

Implement three-phase transformer with configurable winding connections

Fig(3.11) Three phase Transformer block Description of Three phase Transformer block

This block implements a three-phase transformer using three single-
phase transformers. For a detailed description of the electrical model of a
single-phase transformer. The two windings of the transformer can be
connected as D1 /Yg Description of Three phase Transformer parameters

 Nominal power and frequency

The nominal power rating, in volt-amperes (VA), and nominal
in hertz (Hz), of the transformer. The nominal parameters have no impact
on the transformer model when the Units parameter is set to SI. Default is
[300e6 , 60 ].
 Winding 1 parameters
The phase-to-phase nominal voltage in volts RMS, resistance, and leakage
inductance in pu for winding 1. Default is [ 14e3 , 0.0027,0.08 ]
Chapter Three :Modeling of hydropower station by Simulink /Matlab 29

 Winding 2 parameters
The phase-to-phase nominal voltage in volts RMS, resistance, and leakage
inductance in pu for winding 2. Default is [ 161e3,0.0027, 0.08 ]

 Magnetization resistance Rm
The magnetization resistance Rm, in pu. Default is 500

 Magnetization inductance Lm
The magnetization inductance Lm, in pu. Default is 500

 Saturation characteristic
This parameter is available only if the Simulate saturation parameter on
the Configuration tab is selected. Default is [ 0,0 ; 0.0024,1.2 ;
1.0,1.52 ]

 Initial fluxes
Specify initial fluxes for each phase of the transformer. This parameter is
available only if the Specify initial fluxes and Simulate saturation
parameters on the Configuration tab are selected. Default is [0.8 , -0.8 , 0.7 ]
Chapter Three :Modeling of hydropower station by Simulink /Matlab 30

Fig (3.12) Parameters of Three phase Transformer

3.2.5. Load
There are two load in station
1. 6 MVA ,14e3 kv inside of station
2. 11 MVA ,161e3 kv outside of station Desciption of load block

The Three-Phase Series RLC Load block implements a three-phase
balanced load as a series combination of RLC elements. At the specified
frequency, the load exhibits a constant impedance. The active and reactive
powers absorbed by the load are proportional to the square of the applied

Fig(3.13) load block

Chapter Three :Modeling of hydropower station by Simulink /Matlab 31

Fig(3.14) 6 MW ,14e3 kv load

Fig(3.15) 11 MW ,161 kv Load

3.2.6. Three phase Fualt
Implement programmable phase-to-phase and phase-to-ground fault
breaker system
Chapter Three :Modeling of hydropower station by Simulink /Matlab 32 Description of Three pase Fualt block

The Three-Phase Fault block implements a three-phase circuit breaker
where the opening and closing times can be controlled either from an
external Simulink signal (external control mode), or from an internal

timer (internal control mode).

Fig (3.16) Three phase Fault block Description of Three phase Fualt parameters
 Initial status
The initial status of the fault breaker is usually the default
value, 0 (open). However, you can start the simulation in steady state
with the fault initially applied on the system.

 Switching times (s)

Specify the vector of switching times when using the Three-Phase
Breaker block in internal control mode. At each transition time the
selected fault breakers opens or closes depending to the initial status.
This parameter is not available if the External parameter is selected.
Default is [0.2 0.4]
 Fault resistances Ron
The internal resistance, in ohms (Ω), of the phase fault breakers. This
parameter cannot be set to 0. Default is 0.001.
 Ground resistance Rg
Chapter Three :Modeling of hydropower station by Simulink /Matlab 33

This parameter is available only if the Ground parameter is selected.

The ground resistance, in ohms (Ω). This parameter cannot be set to 0.
Default is 0.001.
 Snubbers resistance Rs
The snubber resistances, in ohms (Ω). Set this parameter to inf to
eliminate the snubbers from the model. Default is inf.
 Snubbers capacitance Cs
The snubber capacitances, in farads (F). Set this parameter to 0 to
eliminate the snubbers, or to inf to get resistive snubbers. Default
is inf.

Fig(3.17) Parameters of Three phase Fault

3.2.7. Three phase Source

Implement three-phase source with internal R-L impedance
Chapter Three :Modeling of hydropower station by Simulink /Matlab 34 Descripttion of Three phase Source block

. The Three-Phase Source block implements a balanced three-phase voltage
source with an internal R-L impedance. The three voltage sources are
connected in Y with a neutral connection that can be internally grounded or
made accessible. Description of Three phase Suorce parameters

 phase-to-phase voltage (Vrms)
The internal phase-to-phase voltage in volts rms. Default is 161e3. This
parameter is available only if Specify internal voltages for each phase is
not selected.
 Phase angle of phase A
The phase angle of the internal voltage generated by phase A, in
degrees. Default is 0. The three voltages are generated in a positive
sequence. Thus, phase B and phase C internal voltages lag phase A by
120 degrees and 240 degrees, respectively. This parameter is available
only if Specify internal voltages for each phase is not selected.
 Frequency
The source frequency in hertz (Hz). Default is 60.
 3-phase short-circuit level at base voltage
The three-phase inductive short-circuit power, in volts-amperes (VA), at
specified base voltage, used to compute the internal inductance L. Default
is 11000e6. This parameter is available only if Internal and Specify short-
circuit level parameters are selected.
 Base voltage
The phase-to-phase base voltage, in volts RMS, used to specify the three
phase short-circuit level. Default is 161e3. The base voltage is usually the
nominal source voltage.
Chapter Three :Modeling of hydropower station by Simulink /Matlab 35

 X/R ratio
The X/R ratio at nominal source frequency or quality factor of the internal
source impedance. Default is 10 .
 Source resistance
This parameter is available only if Internal is selected and Specify short-
circuit level parameters is not selected. The source internal resistance in
ohms (Ω). Default is 0.529.
 Source inductance
This parameter is available only if Internal is selected and Specify short-
circuit level parameters is not selected.
The source internal inductance in henry (H). Default is 16.58e-3.

Fig (3.18) Three phase Source block

Fig (3.19) Parameters of Three phase Source

Chapter Three :Modeling of hydropower station by Simulink /Matlab 36

Fig(3.20 ) General model of hydropower station under Matlab /Simulink

The hydraulic turbine block described above is used in figure (3.20) to

generate the mechanical power that drives the synchronous generator. In
addition, an excitation system block is used to generate the excitation voltage
that supplies the synchronous generator. Feedback systems are used through
PID controllers to regulate both the generated excitation voltage as well as the
mechanical power produced by the turbine. The output of the generator which
is initially 14 kV is fed to a step-up power transformer that feeds 161 kV on
the transmission line. Also an 11 MW load is added at the end with a fault
stimulating block. The following settings were adopted for the simulation
Chapter Three :Modeling of hydropower station by Simulink /Matlab 37

 Machine Initialization: The type of machine selected is 'Bus type' and it is

initialized as 'PV generator', which indicates that the initialization is
performed with the machine controlling the active power and its terminal
voltage. The desired terminal voltage parameter is set to 14000 and the
active Power to 160e6
 The phasors of AB and BC machine voltages as well as the currents
flowing out of phases A and B are updated.
 The machine reactive power, mechanical power and field voltage requested
to supply the electrical power were also configured as follow: Q = 3.5
Mvar; Pmec = 160 MW ; field voltage Ef = 1.3 pu.
 Hydraulic turbine: the initial mechanical power was set to 0.8 pu (160
MW). For the excitation System block, the initial terminal voltage and
field voltage have been set respectively to 1.0 and 1.3 pu.
The type of turbine is Francis with a rated power of 160 (MW), a rated
flow of 218.5m3/s and a rated head of 151.2m
Chapter Four :Results and discussion 38

Chapter Four
4.1. Introduction
To analyze the simulation results, three graphs have been plotted: the speed
characteristic , the output voltage and excitation voltage characteristic with
respect to time. To test the hydropower station response to faults ,we conduct a
three phase to ground fault on it in three different times .The steady state output
voltage of synchronous generator is 1 pu and nominal speed about 1.5 pu and
excitation voltage about 1.5 pu as shown in figures (4.1),(4.2),and(4.3).

Fig (4.1) Output Voltage of the Synchronous for steady state

Fig (4.2) Excitation voltage for steady state

Chapter Four :Results and discussion 39

Fig (4.3) Speed characteristics for steady state

Fault ( Case 1)
During the fault from t=0.2s to t=0.3s ,A significant drops in the output
voltage of synchronous generator and drops to 0.4pu ,and the excitation voltage
increase to 11.5 pu and the speed also increase slightly to 1.01 pu .The increase in
the excitation voltage is a positive response to system because it leads to an
increase in the flux, which leads to an increase the induced voltage of
synchronous generator due to famous equation (4.1)

E = KØN (4.1)
K is a constant related to the machine.
Ø is the flux per pole .
N is the speed.
From above equation ,the induced voltage depends on two parameters ,first
parameter is the flux Ø ,which is directly proportional to the induced voltage ,the
second parameter the speed N which also proportion to induced voltage ,but the
change in the speed is not very big during the fault and we can observe the
amount of increase in speed about 0.01 p.u .
Chapter Four :Results and discussion 40

It can be seen that ,the increase in speed is not significant because it depends
on the rate of water flow that passing through the water turbine ,and the gates
takes time to close and open the passage the water through the turbine .
After removing the fault, we notice the system quickly regains stability as it
was before fault( in steady state) .After t=2.5s, the output voltage regains stability
and keeps a constant voltage as in figure(4.4). The excitation voltage after t= 4s
returns its stability as in figure (4.5) .In addition the speed after t=5s it starts to
stabilize as it was before fault and we can notice this in figure (4.6) , the speed
take a longer time to stable because it depend on the gates ,which took time to
open and close them in the governor system of turbine.

Fig (4.4) Output Voltage of the Synchronous for case 1

Fig (4.5) Excitation voltage for case 1

Chapter Four :Results and discussion 41

Fig (4.6) Speed characteristics for case 1

Fault (Case 2)

This fault is taken from t=0.2s to t= 0.4s, the output voltage drops to 0.4
p.u and start increase gradually as it tries to reach a stable state. As for excitation
voltage increases and kept increasing even after removing the fault because it
leads to an increase in induced voltage due the equation (4.1) . The speed also
increases to 0.02 p.u slightly more than the increase in the first case and increases
and continues to increase gradually, but not with the increase that leads to the
increase of the induced voltage by a large percentage ,because it depend on the
rate of flow water .
After removing the fault ,the output voltage of synchronous generator
regains the stability after t=3.5s as shown in figure (4.7) ,but with more
oscillations and disturbances than that of case-1 .While excitation voltage remain
increasing until the synchronous voltage regains the stability and then droops
Oscillated from t=0.4s to t=5s after that back to stable as it was before fault to
maintain a constant output voltage as show in figure (4.8).Also the speed remains
a little longer time after fault ,and it droops smoothly from t=0.4s to t=5s after
that became stable as show in figure (4.9) .
Chapter Four :Results and discussion 42

Fig (4.7) Output Voltage of the Synchronous for case 2

Fig (4.8) Excitation voltage for case 2

Fig (4.9) Speed characteristics for case 2

Chapter Four :Results and discussion 43

Fault (Case 3)
This fault taken from t=0.2s to t=0.5s, the output voltage of synchronous
generator also drops and takes a longer time than the dropping in cases 1 and 2.
After removing the fault ,the system regains difficultly the stability and takes
more time to stabilize more than in cases 1 and 2 .We observe the output voltage
during the period from t=0.5s to t= 4.7s suffer from many disturbances and
oscillations due to the longtime of fault and regain the stability at t=4.7s ,as in
figure (4. 10)..Whereas the excitation system remain increased even t=2.2s and
after that it starts to smoothly drop and continue till t=6.5s ,and after t=6.5s it
stabilizes to maintain system stability ,as in figure (4. 11). The speed drops
smoothly from t=0.5s to t= 6.5s and after t=6.5s it is stabilize ,as in figure (4. 12).

(4.10) Output Voltage of the Synchronous for case 3

Fig (4.11) Excitation voltage for case 3

Chapter Four :Results and discussion 44

Fig (4.12) Speed characteristics for case 3

We can summarize the faults in three cases as in table (4.1)

Table (4.1) stability time for each fault cases

Time taken to retain stability

Case Fault Time Output Excitation Speed
voltage voltage

1 0.1s 2.2s 4.2s 4.9s

2 0.2s 3.1s 5.1s 5.6s
3 0.3s 4.5s 6.3s 6.6s
Chapter Four :Results and discussion 45


In this project the modeling and simulation of a hydropower station were

achieved successfully based on MATLAB/SIMULINK.
The operation of generator in hydropower station was investigated in its output
voltage ,excitation voltage , and speed under steady state and three different time
of three phase short circuit faults.
The simulation results show that ,as the time of three-phase fault happen in the
generator of hydropower station increases ,the generator output voltage,
excitation voltage, and speed need more time to retain its stability case.
Also the simulation results will give a good illustration about the operation of
a hydropower station under both steady state and fault conditions for instructional
The model of this project can be improved and extended to taken as a base
for other studies regarding with hydropower station
Chapter Four :Results and discussion 46


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