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Prepared by
U.S. Army Air Forces Tactical Center

Published by
Training Aids Division
Office of the Assistant Chief of Air Staff, Training
Headquarters Army Air Forces


This page features interesting maps, diagrams, illustrations and selected text from the
original U.S. Army Air Force Handbook of Burma and Northeastern India, used in the China-
Burma-India Theater of World War II. All text is exactly as published in the handbook.
Where indicated, you may click on the image to display it enlarged in a new window.

  This handbook presents pertinent facts about Burma, the adjacent
Indian provinces of Assam and Bengal, and the Andaman Islands.
Its purpose is to serve as a source of useful information for AAF
personnel operating in this region.

  When the Japanese took Rangoon early in 1942, the Burma Road,
vital supply route to China, was closed. Since then, the Japanese in
Burma have constantly threatened direct invasion of India, Burma
and the Andaman Islands afford the enemy bases for aerial and
naval attacks on shipping in the Indian Ocean and on ports and
important industrial centers of eastern India.

  The occupation of Burma by the enemy deprived the Allied nations

of important quantities of petroleum, tin, tungsten, rubber and
teakwood. The Japanese are not only utilizing these resources, but
they have been able also to add to their supplies of badly needed
zinc, lead and nickel.
Regional Map of the Southwest Pacific
Click to enlarge

   Northeastern India and Burma lie in southeastern Asia along the

north and the northeastern edge of the Bay of Bengal. The area
extends from 8 degrees north to 28 degrees north (approximately
the latitudes of Panama and daytona Beach, Florida, respectively);
most of it is within the tropics The longitude of the area is from 88
degrees east to 102 degrees east, or directly on the opposite side of
the earth from Central America and western Cuba. Burma covers
261,610 square miles, an area slightly smaller than Texas.

   Burma is separated from Assam and Bengal, the provinces of

northeastern India, by a series of rugged mountain ranges known
as the Border Ranges, which in September 1943 marked the
westward limit of the Japanese invasion into the mainland of Asia.
The southeastern pre-war boundary of Burma adjoined those of
Thailand and Indo-China. The northeast boundary is formed by the
Chinese provinces of Yunnan and Sikang, and in September 1943
was the approximate line separating the Chinese and Japanese
forces in this region.
Physiographic Provinces Surface Relief
Click to enlarge Click to enlarge

Surface Winds Vegetation and Agricultural

Click to enlarge Zones of Burma
Click to enlarge


Vegetation Zones along the 21° Parallel
Click to enlarge

Principal Languages Peoples and Population Density

Click to enlarge Click to enlarge
Principal Religions Mineral and Non-Mineral
Click to enlarge Deposits
Click to enlarge

Click to enlarge


  1. Avoid Mosquito bites.
  2. Treat all cuts and scratches promptly, no matter how
  3. Drink only sterilized water or a beverage known to be
  4. Take extra salt.
  5. Keep physically fit - exercise; get sufficient rest.
  6. Keep cool - wear loose clothing.
  7. Learn how to greet the local people - respect their
religions and customs. Try to speak the local language -
even a few phrases will help win over the people.
  8. Consult the headman in a village for permission to
make camp, to attend a festival or to buy supplies.
  9. Be constantly on guard with the hill tribes of the
10. Enter Kachin houses by the front door only.
11. Respect the Buddhist monks - the religious leaders and
wise men of the country. Many carry "begging bowls" - drop
in a penny.
12. Learn the Hindu caste marks - they are the insignia of
the people.
13. Treat native women with the highest respect.
14. Bargain when purchasing from Mohammedans and
Hindus, because their first price is about four times what
they expect to get. But don't bargain with a Burman - he
has only one price and you may "take it or leave it."
15. Be generous with cigarettes and tobacco. salt is an
excellent trading medium.

  1. Don't drink water unless it has been sterilized.
  2. Don't eat food sold at native bazaars and markets.
  3. Don't confuse the customs and religions of the different
  4. Don't bathe in public - the Burmans are very modest.
  5. Don't gamble with the Burmans; they're poor losers.
  6. Don't touch the food of Hindus or allow your shadow to
fall across it.
  7. Don't offer Mohammedans pork.
  8. Don't offer milk to the Naga and other hill tribes - they
regard it as impure.
  9. Don't offer Burmans or Mohammedans intoxicating
10. Don't stare at a Mohammedan woman or try to remove
her veil - her male relatives may kill you both.
11. Don't show the soles of your feet to Mohammedans and
don't touch Mohammedans with your left hand - these are
12. Don't get into political arguments or become involved in
Hindu-Mohammedan frictions.
13. Don't ask Hindus to violate their caste requirements.
Don't argue with Hindus about caste.
14. Don't ridicule those who believe in nature spirits ("nats")
and omens.
15. Don't touch anything in pagodas, temples, or shrines.
Don't disturb them even if they are in ruins. If you enter a
Burmese holy place on invitation, take off your shoes.
16. Don't enter or attempt to enter Moslem mosques.
17. Don't mutilate trees - many are considered the sacred
dwelling places of spirits.
18. Don't be boisterous at festivals. They are serious
religious occasions.
19. Don't shoot animals near Buddhist temples. Many
temples have small reservations around them where
hunting is forbidden.
20. Don't fish in pools near Buddhist temples.
21. Don't maltreat or kill the sacred cattle of the Hindus.
22. Don't treat animals unkindly, even though some, like
dogs, are so numerous that they are a nuisance - the
Burmans resent mistreatment of animals.
23. Don't go near water buffaloes - they can be very
24. Don't take photographs of citizens unless you first get

Capacity (Dry measure only; liquids are always sold by weight.)


Length and Area

RANGOON. Shwe Dagon Pagoda. This is the largest and most
famous of Buddhist temples in Burma. It is built on rising ground
and towers 370 feet above its surroundings. The huge cone is
entirely covered with gold leaf and the surmounting spire is
encrusted with gems. A myriad of fantastically carved gilded shrines
covers a large area of the base.
 Note: In the Shwe Dagon, as in most of the pagodas of Burma, the
visitor is required to remove shoes and stockings before entering.

Sule Pagoda. The Sule pagoda is adorned with curious shrines and
carvings - scarcely less impressive than the Shwe Dagon.

Reclining Image of Buddha. This figure is smaller than the huge

figure of Pegu, but well worth seeing.

Kemmedine (suburb). idol and umbrella manufacturer's shops are

located here. The Burmese umbrella is an almost inseparable item
of the Burman's costume; its manufacture is an interesting process.

PEGU. Reclining Image of Buddha. This Buddha is probably the

largest complete image of the human figure in the world. It is an
amazing piece of masonry measuring 180 feet in length and 46 feet
high at the shoulder. The huge face may be seen across the
landscape from a distance of several miles.

KALAW. Floating Islands and the Inle Lake. These are located at
Inle Lake in the southern Shan States (elevation 4,300 feet), 80
miles from Kalaw. The Inthas of this area are the only people in the
world who work their canoe paddles with their legs. The long-
necked Padaung women may be seen in the district of Pekkon, 70
miles from Kalaw by road.

PAGAN. Lacquer Work and Pagodas. Pagan is the center of the

lacquer-work trade. It is also the site of an ancient city of much
historical and archaeological interest. There are many pagodas.

MOGOK. Ruby Mines. These are reached by motor from

Thabeitkyin on the Irrawaddy above Mandalay.

MANDALAY. Golden Monastery. This monastery has beautiful

wood carving and ornamental panels covered with gold leaf.

Arakan Pagoda. This is a pagoda of the Arakanese, which differs

in some respects from the usual Burmese pagoda.

737 Pagodas. Mandalay is filled with hundreds of interesting


King Thebaw's Palace. This is the palace of the last of the Burman

BHAMO. Bazaars. Bhamo is one of the terminals of the Burma

Road and the old starting point of the great trade route to China.
There are many interesting bazaars and people.



Special Thanks to Glenna Wilding

Copyright © 2006 Carl Warren Weidenburner

08/24/2015 16:43:32

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