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one word substitution

■ O.W.S - 01 ■

☆ One who abandons his religious faith = Apostate ( )

☆ A hater of knowledge & learning = Misologist ( )

☆ Commencement of words with the same letter = Alliteration ( )

☆ Person who does not believes in the existence of God = Atheist ( )

☆ A lady's umbrella is = Parasol ( )

☆ Story of old time Gods or heroes is = Legend ( )

☆ One who believes in the power of fate = Fatalist ( )

☆ A person who loves everybody is = Altruistic ( )

☆ One who cannot easily pleased = Fastidious ( )

☆ A person who is indifferent to pains and pleasure of life = Stoic ( )

■ O.W.S - 02 ■

☆ A disease which spread by contact = Contagious ( )

☆ The murder of Brother = Fratricide ( )

☆ A man who rarely speaks the truth = Liar ( )

☆ A remedy for all disease = Panacea ( )

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☆ International destruction of racial groups = Genocide ( )

☆ Custom of having many wives = Polygamy ( )

☆ A pioneer of a reform movement = Apostle ( / )

☆ A person who pretends to have more knowledge or skill than he really has =
Charlatan ( )

☆ A person who forsakes religion = Renegade ( )

☆ One who studies insect life = Entomologist ( )

☆ A doctor who treats skin disease = Dermatologist ( - )

☆A lady who remains Unmarried = Spinster ( )

☆ One who knows two languages = Bilingual ( )

☆ A diseases that spreads over a large area = Epidemic ( )

☆ One who has good taste for food = Gourmet ( )

■ O.W.S - 03 ■

☆ One who able to use the right & left hands equally well = Ambidextrous ( )

☆ That which cannot be avoided = Inevitable ( )

☆ Government by rich = Plutocracy ( )

☆ An independent person or body officially appointed to settle a dispute = Arbitrator ( )

☆ Murder of a man = Homicide ( )

☆ Use of force or threats to get someone to agree to something = Coercion ( )

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☆ Animal that feeds on plants = Herbivorous ( )

☆ Group of stars = Constellation ( )

☆ To examine one's own thoughts & feelings = Introspection ( )

☆ Study of sounds is known as = Phonetics ( / )

☆ The study of ancient societies = Archaeology ( )

☆ One who collects coins as hobby = Numismatist ( )

☆ Words inscribed on a tomb = Epitaph ( - )

☆ A person of obscure position who have gained wealth = Parvenu ( / )

☆ Extreme old age when a man behaves like a fool = Dotage ( )

■ O.W.S - 04 ■

☆ A person of good understanding knowledge & reasoning power = Intellectual ( )

☆ A style in which a writer makes a display of his knowledge = Pedantic (


☆ List of the business or subjects to be considered at a meeting = Agenda ( )

☆ A person pretending to be somebody he is not = Imposter ( )

☆ A person who knows many foreign languages = Linguist ( )

☆ One who has little faith in human Sincerity & goodness = Cynic ( /

☆ One who possesses many talents = Versatile ( )

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☆ One who eats everything = Omnivorous ( )

☆ The custom or practice of having more than one husband at same time = Polyandry
( )

☆ A person interested in collecting, studying & selling of old things = Antiquarian ( )

☆ A drawing on transparent paper = Transparency ( )

☆ One who is fond of fighting = Bellicose ( )

☆ A small shop that sells fashionable clothes, cosmetics etc = Boutique (


☆ That which cannot be read = Illegible ( )

☆ In a state of tension or anxiety or suspense = on tenterhooks ( )

☆ That which can not be seen = Invisible ( )

☆ To slap with a flat object = Swat ( )

☆ Habitually silent or talking little = Taciturn ( )

☆ Tending to move away from the centre or axis = Centrifugal ( )

☆ Be the embodiment or perfect example of = Personify ( / )

■ O.W.S - 05 ■

☆ A person not sure of the existence of God = Agnostic ( )

☆ A paper written by hand = Manuscript ( / )

☆ The act of violating the sanctity of the church is = Sacrilege ( )

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☆ Something that can be heard = Audible ( )

☆ A name adopted by an author in his writings = Pseudonym ( )

☆ Study of bird = Ornithology ( )

☆ A place that provides refugee = Asylum ( )

☆ A child born after death of his father = Posthumous ( )

☆ The absence of law & order = Anarchy ( )

☆ A place where bees are kept in called = An apiary ( )

☆ A religious discourse = Sermon ( )

☆ Parts of a country behind the coast or a rivers banks = Hinterland ( )

☆ Study of the evolution of man as an animal = Anthropology ( / )

☆ A person who speaks many languages = Polyglot ( )

☆ A disease of mind causing an uncontrollable desire to steal = Kleptomania ( )

☆ One who sacrifices his life for a cause = Martyr ( )

☆ A person who brings goods illegally into the country = Smuggler( )

☆ To take secretly in small quantities = Pilferage ( )

☆ To accustom oneself to a foreign climate = Acclimatise ( )

☆ One who knows everything = Omniscient ( )

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■ O.W.S - 06 ■

☆ One who cannot be corrected = Incorrigible ( )

☆ Detailed plan of journey = Itinerary ( )

☆ Giving undue favors to one's own kith & kin = Nepotism ( )

☆ A person interested in reading books & nothing else = Bookworm ( )

☆ A place where monks live as a secluded community = Monastery ( )

☆ One absorbed in his own thoughts & feelings rather than in things outside = Introvert
( )

☆ One who dabbles in fine arts for the love of it & not for monetary gains = Amateur
( / )

☆ A school boy who cut classes frequently is a = Truant ( / )

☆ Ready to believe = Credulous ( )

☆ A person who tries to deceive people by claiming to be able to do wonderful things =

Trickster ( / )

☆ A dramatic person = Masque ( )

☆ One who does not marry especially as a religious obligation = Celibate ( )

☆ That which is perceptible by touch is = Tangible ( / )

☆ Very pleasing to eat = Palatable ( )

☆ A large sleeping room with many beds = Dormitory ( / - )

☆ Continuing fight between parties, families, clans etc = Feud ( )

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☆ A building for storing threshed grain = Granary ( )

☆ Murder of a king = Regicide ( )

☆ One who is determined to exact full vengeance for wrongs done to him =
Vindictive ( )

☆ An expression of mild disapproval = Reproof ( )

■ O.W.S - 07 ■

☆ The part of government which is concerned with making of rules = Legislature ( )

☆ One who believes that all things & events in life are predetermined is a = Fatalist ( )

☆ Something that relates to everyone in the world = Universal ( / )

☆ To walk with slow or regular steps is to = Pace ( )

☆ A style full of words = Verbose ( / )

☆ Having superior or intellectual interests & tastes = Highbrow ( )

☆ A light sailing boat built specially for racing = Yacht ( - )

☆ One who is in charge of museum = Curator ( )

☆ A government by the nobles = Aristocracy ( )

☆ One who is honourably discharged from service = Emeritus ( )

☆ Present opposing arguments or evidence = Rebut ( / /


☆ The policy of extending a country's empire & influence = Imperialism ( )

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☆ Of outstanding significance = Monumental ( / )

☆ Code of diplomatic etiquette & precedence = Protocol (


☆ That which cannot be believed = Incredible ( )

☆ To issue a thunderous verbal attack = Fulminate ( / )

☆ Life history of a person written by author = Biography ( )

☆ Bringing about gentle & painless death from incurable disease = Euthanasia (

☆ Music sung or played at night below a person's window = Serenade ( )

☆ A fixed orbit in space in relation to earth = Geo- stationary ( - )

■ O.W.S - 08 ■

☆ A small house with all rooms on one floor = Bungalow ( )

☆ Part of a church in which bells hang = Belfry ( )

☆ The short remaining end of a cigarette = Stub ( )

☆ Large scale departure of people = Exodus ( )

☆ Voluntarily giving up throne by king in favour of his son = Abdication ( )

☆ A government run by a dictator = Autocracy ( / )

☆ One who despises person of lower social position = Snob ( )

☆ A person who believes that pleasure is the chief food = Hedonist ( )

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☆ A short, usually amusing story about some real person or event = Anecdote ( /

☆ A man of lax moral = Licentious ( )

☆ A person who has no money to pay off his debts = Insolvent ( /


☆ A song embodying religious and sacred emotions = Hymn ( )

☆ Practice of a married women having extra martial relationship = Adultery ( )

☆ Child bereaved of one or both the parents = Orphan ( )

☆ One who always runs away from danger = Timid ( )

☆ Gradual recovery from illness = Convalescence ( )

☆ A person who does not believe in any religion = Pagan ( )

☆ A small enclosure for cattle, sheep, poultry etc = Pen ( )

☆ The act of killing one's wife = Uxoricide ( )

☆ The place where public, government or historical records are kept = Archives ( )

■ O.W.S - 09 ■

☆ One who is well-versed in any subject; a critical judge of any part, particularly fine arts =
Connoisseur ( )

☆ One who loves all & sundry = Philanthropist ( / )

☆ An entertainer who performs difficult physical action = Acrobat ( /


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☆ A workman who fits & repairs pipes = Plumber ( )

☆ A post without remuneration = Honorary ( )

☆ To send an unwanted person out of the country = Deport ( )

☆ A poem written on the death of someone loved & lost = Elegy ( )

☆ One who is determined to exact full vengeance for wrongs done to him = Vindictive
( )

☆ An office or post with no work but high pay = Sinecure ( )

☆ Mental Weariness for want of occupation = Ennui ( )

☆ A person living permanently in a certain place = Domicile ( )

☆ One who is unrelenting & cannot be moved by entreaties = Inexorable ( )

☆ Person who believes that God is everything & everything is God = Pantheists ( )

☆ Words different in meaning but similar in sound = Homonym (


☆ A person who regards the whole world as his country = Cosmopolitan ( )

☆ The cessation of warfare before a treaty is signed = Armistice ( )

☆ Having no beginning or end to its existence = Eternal ( / / )

☆ Belief or opinion contrary to what is generally accepted = Heresy ( )

☆ A disease which ends in death = Fatal ( / )

☆ Line at which the earth or sea & sky seem to meet = Horizon ( )

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■ O.W.S - 10 ■

☆ Person who claims to have great love for & understanding of what is beautiful in nature, art
etc = Aesthete ( / )

☆ The art of cutting trees & bushes into ornamental shapes = Topiary (

☆ A formal written charge against a person for some crime or offence = Indictment
( )

☆ A person obsessed with exclusively one idea or subject = Monomaniac ( )

☆ A person who kills somebody especially for political reasons = Assassin ( )

☆ A person who rules without consulting the opinion of others = Autocrat ( )

☆ Acutely affected by external impressions = Sensitive ( )

☆ An associate in an office or institution = Colleague ( )

☆ A person who makes love without serious intentions = Philanderer ( / )

☆ A girl or woman who flirts, that is, tries to attract people & make advances in love simply to
satisfy her vanity = Coquette ( / )

☆ To change shape, nature or substance of = Transmute ( )

☆ A story in which ideas are symbolised as people = Allegory ( )

☆ Paying back injury with injury = Reprisal ( )

☆ Regard for others as a principal of action = Altruism ( )

☆ Person who pilots or travels in a balloon, airship or other aircraft = Aeronaut ( )

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☆ Simplest & smallest form of plant life, present in air,water & soil; essential to life but may
cause disease = Bacteria ( )

☆ Relationship by blood or birth = Consanguinity ( )

☆ A child of unusual or remarkable talent = Prodigy ( )

☆ Walking in sleep = Somnambulism ( )

☆ Language difficult to understand because of bad form = Jargon ( / )

■ O.W.S - 11 ■

☆ One who loves mankind = Philanthropist ( / )

☆ Study of statistics of births, deaths, disease to show the state of community

= Demography ( )

☆ Not conforming to ordinary rules of behaviour = Eccentric ( )

☆ A man who starves body for the good of soul = Ascetic ( / )

☆ A place where a wild animal lives = Lair ( )

☆ One who compiles dictionary = Lexicographer ( )

☆ A person with full discretionary powers to act on behalf of a country = Plenipotentiary

( )

☆ Medicine which lessens pain = Anodyne ( )

☆ One who uses fear as a weapon of power = Terrorist ( )

☆ Dungeon entered by trapdoor = Oubliette (


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☆ A person with a beautiful & elegant hand writing = Calligrapher ( / )

☆ An unexpected stroke of good luck = Windfall ( / )

☆ Stealing from the writings of others = Plagiarism ( / )

☆ A person who is reserved in talks = Reticent ( )

☆ To talk much without coming to the point = Circumlocution ( / )

☆ A person who looks on the bright side of things = Optimist ( )

☆ Which can be easily believed = Credible ( )

☆ A woman whose husband is dead = Widow ( )

☆ Design made by putting together coloured pieces of glass or stones = Mosaic (


☆ The school or college in which one has been educated = Alma mater ( )

■ O.W.S - 12 ■

☆ The science of judging a person's character,capabilities etc from an examination of the shape
of his skull = Phrenology (

☆ One who pretends illness to escape duty = Malingerer ( )

☆ One whose attitude is: ' eat, drink & be merry '= Epicurean ( )

☆ Loss of power to move in any or every part of the body = Paralysis ( )

☆ The original inhabitants of a country = Aborigines ( )

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☆ To take one to task = Rebuke ( )

☆ Time after twilight & before night = Dusk ( )

☆ Animals living on land & in water = Amphibian ( )

☆ Place where birds are kept = Aviary ( )

☆ A political leader who tries to stir up people = Demagogue ( / )

☆ Atonement for one's sins = Repentance ( / )

☆ To deprive a thing of its holy character = Desecrate ( )

☆ Woman trained to help other women in child birth = Midwife ( )

☆ One who lends money at high rate of interest = Usurer ( )

☆ A short stay at a place = Sojourn ( )

☆ Short descriptive poem of picturesque scene or incident = Idyll ( )

☆ A sudden rush of wind = Gust ( )

☆ One who is interested in the welfare of women = Feminist ( )

☆ One desirous of getting money = Avaricious ( )

☆ A person who is always dissatisfied = Malcontent ( )

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■ O.W.S - 13 ■

☆ Use of more words than are needed to express the meaning = Pleonasm ( /

☆ Course for chariot races = Hippodrome ( / )

☆ Man whose wife has been unfaithful to him = Cuckold ( )

☆ A think or person behind time = Antiquated ( / )

☆ A person who is made to bear the blame due to others = Scapegoat ( )

☆ A person without manners or polish = Rustic ( )

☆ Person holding a scholarship at a university = Bursar ( )

☆ An instrument for viewing objects of a distance = Telescope ( )

☆ A general pardon of political offenders = Amnesty ( )

☆ A house for storing grains = Granary ( / )

☆ One who totally abstains from alcoholic drinks = Teetotaller (


☆ A man who pays too much attention his clothes & personal appearance = Dandy
( )

☆ Contempt of God = Blasphemy ( )

☆ Member of a band of robbers = Brigand ( / )

☆ Responsible according to law = Liable ( / )

☆ Wistful longing for something one has known in the past = Nostalgia ( )

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☆ A man of odd habits = Eccentric ( )

☆ Science of printing = Typography ( )

☆ The power of reading the thoughts of others = Telepathy ( )

☆ One filled with excessive & mistaken enthusiasm in cause = Fanatic ( /


■ O.W.S - 14 ■

☆ One who promotes the idea of absence of government of any kind, when every man should be
a law unto himself = Anarchist ( )

☆ A field or a part of a garden where fruit trees grow = Orchard ( )

☆ A slow-witted & incompetent person = Duffer ( )

☆ One who is neither intelligent nor dull = Mediocre ( / )

☆ Present opposing arguments or evidence = Rebut ( / )

☆ Careful in performing duties = Punctilious ( )

☆ Cutting for stone in the bladder = Lithotomy ( )

☆ A low-area storm with high winds rotating about a centre of low atmospheric pressure =
Cyclone ( )

☆ A room leading into a large room or hall = Anteroom ( / )

☆ The list of courses at a meal or of dishes that can be served in a restaurant = Menu (

☆ One knowing everything = Omniscient ( )

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☆ Changing one's mind too quickly = Vacillation ( / )

☆ Shining, brilliant & magnificent = Resplendent ( / )

☆ Decision made upon a political question by the votes of all qualified persons = Plebiscite
( )

☆ A speech by an actor at the end of a play = Epilogue ( / )

☆ Of unknown & unadmitted authorship = Anonymous ( )

☆ That which can be interpreted in any way = Ambiguous ( / )

☆ Person who has long experience = Veteran ( )

☆ A person who maliciously destroys by fire = Incendiary ( / )

☆ A person claiming to be superior in Culture & intellect to others = Highbrow ( )

■ O.W.S - 15 ■

☆ The branch of medical science which deals with the problems of the old = Geriatrics
( )

☆ A person who travels to a sacred place as an act of religious devotion = Pilgrim ( )

☆ A story in verse = Ballad ( )

☆ just punishment for wrong doing = Nemesis ( )

☆ To break of proceeding of a meeting for a time = Adjourn ( / )

☆ One who is likeable = Amiable ( / )

☆ Something which is not thorough or profound = Superficial ( / - )

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☆ Equal in rank ,merit or quality = Peer ( )

☆ To mediate between two parties in a dispute = Intercede ( )

☆ A man who dances to the tunes of his wife = Henpecked ( / )

☆ A heavy unnatural slumber = Stupor ( )

☆ To do away with a rule = Abrogate ( / / )

☆ Food which agrees with one's taste = Palatable ( )

☆ A person sharing responsibility for a political party's discipline & tactics = Whip (

☆ One who loves books = Bibliophile ( )

☆ Printed notice of somebody's death = Obituary ( )

☆ A person who has just started learning = Apprentice ( )

☆ A fault that may be forgiven = Venial ( )

☆ Using of new words = Neologism ( )

☆ A person who makes & sells ladies hats etc. = Milliner ( ,


■ O.W.S - 16 ■

☆ A person pretending to be somebody he is not = Imposter ( )

☆ A person 70 to 79 years old = Septuagenarian ( )

☆ Science of bodily structure = Anatomy ( )

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☆ Person who gives written testimony for use in law court = Deponent ( )

☆ A think liable to be easily broken = Brittle ( )

☆ One who specializes in the study of birds = Ornithologist ( )

☆ A man who is having the qualities of woman = Effeminate ( )

☆ The period between two reigns = Interregnum ( / )

☆ Interested mainly in a small group, country etc = Insular ( / )

☆ Yearly celebration of a date or an event = Anniversary ( )

☆ A written declaration made on oath in the presence of a magistrate = Affidavit ( /


☆ A style in which a writer makes a display of his knowledge = Pedantic ( )

☆ Person who makes love for amusement without serious intension = Philanderer ( /

☆ Allowance due to a wife from her husband on separation = Alimony ( /


☆ The doctrine that human souls pass from one body to another at the time of death =
Transmigration ( )

☆ To come as a settler into another country = Immigrate ( )

☆ A person who is very fond of sensous enjoyments = Epicure ( )

☆ People in a rowdy scene = Rabble ( )

☆ A person working in the same place with another = Colleague ( )

☆ Property inherited from one's father or ancestor = Patrimony ( )

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■ O.W.S - 17 ■

☆ A person who pretends to have more knowledge or skill than he really has = Charlatan
( / )

☆ A person who sneaks into a country = Infiltrator ( )

☆ Creature having both male and female organs = Hermaphrodite ( )

☆ That which makes it difficult to recognise the presence of real nature of somebody or
something = Camouflage ( )

☆ A physician who delivers babies = Obstetrician ( / )

☆ One who eats human flesh = Cannibal ( / )

☆ The act of violating the sanctity of church = Sacrilege ( / )

☆ Lack of enough blood = Anaemia ( / )

☆ A person who enters without any invitation = Intruder ( )

☆ Connoisseur of choice food = Gourmet ( )

☆ Official in charge of a museum = Curator ( )

☆ The caretaker of a public building = Custodian ( )

☆ Giving undue favours to one's own kith & kin = Nepotism ( )

☆ One who does not know how to save money = Spendthrift ( )

☆ One who thinks that human nature is essentially evil = Cynic ( / )

☆ Public building where weapons & ammunition are made or stored = Arsenal ( )

☆ A person who lives by himself = Recluse ( / )

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☆ A word no longer in use = Obsolete ( / )

☆ The loop of rope with a running knot used to hang a person = Noose ( )

☆ One who has suddenly gained new wealth, power or prestige = Parvenu ( )

■ O.W.S - 18 ■

☆ One who speaks or understands many languages = Polyglot ( )

☆ One who comes from a country area & is often considered to be stupid = Bumpkin (

☆ Thing that can be felt or touched = Palpable ( )

☆ One who talks continuously = Loquacious ( )

☆ Run away from home with lover = Elope ( )

☆ Murder of a new-born child = Infanticide ( )

☆ Murder of a king = Regicide ( )

☆ A person who readily believes others = Credulous ( )

☆ A person who is skilled in horsemanship = Equestrian ( - )

☆ A place of good climate for invalids = Sanatorium ( )

☆ A book containing summarised information on all branches of knowledge = Encyclopaedia

( )

☆ To atone for one's sins = Expiate ( )

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☆ A list of explanation of words, especially unusual ones at the end of a book = Glossary (

☆ Room with toilet facilities = Lavatory ( )

☆ Place which provides both board and lodging = Inn ( )

☆ The normal abode of an animal or plant = Habitat ( )

☆ The rule of a person who is tyrant = Despotism ( )

☆ That which can be carried = Portable ( )

☆ Place where bankers exchange cheques and adjust balances = Clearing house (

☆ One who can use either of his hands with ease = Ambidextrous ( )

■ O.W.S - 19 ■

☆ Extreme old age when a man behaves like a fool = Dotage ( / )

☆ A paper written in one's own handwriting = Manuscript ( )

☆ Of outstanding significance = Monumental ( / )

☆ A statement which cannot be understood = Incomprehensible ( )

☆ To talk without respect of something sacred or holy = Blasphemy ( )

☆ A dramatic performance = Masque ( )

☆ A violent and bad-tempered woman = Virago ( / )

☆ To congratulate someone in a formal manner = Felicitate ( )

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☆ A small, named group of fixed stars = Constellation ( )

☆ To remove the skin of a potato or an orange = Peel ( )

☆ Incapable of being explained or accounted for = Inexplicable ( / )

☆ Land so surrounded by water as to be almost an island = Peninsula ( )

☆ A perception without objective reality = Hallucination ( )

☆ Open rebellion of soldiers and sailors against lawful authority = Mutiny ( )

☆ That which cannot be rectified or made good = Irreparable ( / )

☆ Something which can be taken for granted = Postulate ( / )

☆ Words used in ancient times but no longer in general use now = Archaic ( / )

☆ One who eats everything = Omnivorous ( )

☆ A person interest in reading book & nothing else = Bookworm ( )

☆ A place adjoining kitchen, for washing dishes etc = Scullery (


■ O.W.S - 20 ■

☆ A tube filled at one end with mirrors and pieces of coloured glass which shows many
coloured patterns when turned = Kaleidoscope ( )

☆ A person who studies the formation of the earth = Geologist ( - )

☆ A sea abounding in Islands = Archipelago ( )

☆ Ridiculous use of words = Malapropism ( )

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☆ Joint sovereignty exercised over country by two or more countries = Condominium (

☆ A cure for all disease = Panacea

( )

☆ A short walk for pleasure or exercise = Stroll ( )

☆ One who resides in a country of which he is not a citizen = Alien ( )

☆ Story told to illustrate a moral or spiritual truth = Parable ( - )

☆ Stage between boyhood and youth = Adolescence ( )

☆ Unreasoning enthusiasm for the glorification of one's country = Chauvinism (


☆ One who draws maps and charts = Cartographer ( )

☆ A person who collects coin = Numismatist ( )

☆ A person who hates woman = Misogynist ( )

☆ Part song for several voices without instrumental accompaniment = Madrigal ( )

☆ Word for word reproduction = Verbatim ( )

☆ A person who is more interested in himself rather than anything that is going on around him =
Introvert ( )

☆ Elderly woman in charge of a girl on social occasions = Chaperon (


☆ Anything which destroys the effect of poison = Antidote ( )

☆ The form of madness which gives a person the idea that his importance is very great =
Megalomania ( )

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■ O.W.S - 21 ■

☆ A person who betrays a friend = Traitor ( )

☆ One who travels from place to place = Itinerant ( )

☆ A song sung at a burial = Dirge ( )

☆ Virus is a biological entity which lives on another organism = Parasite ( )

☆ Submarine operate below the surface of the seas = Subterranean ( / )

☆ A soldier who fights for sake of money cannot be branded as courageous & patriotic =
Mercenary ( )

☆ A book or a work art whose author is not known = Anonymous ( )

☆ A child with unusual or remarkable talent = Prodigy ( )

☆ A citizen of the world = Cosmopolitan ( )

☆ A collection of slaves = Coffle ( )

☆ A disease which spreads through air & water = Infectious (


☆ A drug or other substance that induces sleep = Soporific ( )

☆ A former student of a school, college or university = Alumnus ( )

☆ A group of girls = Bevy ( )

☆ An insect with many legs = Centipede ( )

☆ An official call to appear in a court law = Summon ( )

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☆ An unmarried women = Spinster ( )

☆ Animal with two-feet = Biped ( )

☆ A box or cage for keeping rabbits = Hutch ( )

☆ A building for keeping & feeding horses = Stable ( )

■ O.W.S - 22 ■

☆ A body of persons appointed to hear evidence or judge & give their verdict = Jury
( / )

☆ A doctor who treats children = Paediatrician ( )

☆ A four footed animal = Quadruped ( )

☆ Amount of money demanded by kidnappers = Ransom ( )

☆ Chanting of magic spells = Incantation ( )

☆ An act of missappropriation of money = Embezzlement ( )

☆ Belief that war & violence are unjustified = Pacifism ( )

☆ In a state of tension or anxiety or suspense = On tenterhooks ( )

☆ A study of sounds is known as = Phonetics ( )

☆ One who can think about the future with imagination & wisdom = Visionary
( / )

☆ One who does not marry, especially as a religious obligation = Celibate ( )

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☆ One who believes in that gaining pleasure is the most important thing in life = Hedonist
( )

☆ Intense & unreasonable fear or dislike = Phobia ( )

☆ One who destroys images or attacks popular beliefs = Iconoclast ( /


☆ Living together of a man & woman without being married to each other (live in relationship)
= Concubinage ( - )

☆ Murder of a brother = Fratricide ( )

☆ Instrument to measure atmospheric pressure = Barometer ( )

☆ Dry weather with no rainfall = Drought ( / )

☆ Meaningless language with an exaggerated style intended to impress = Rhetoric (


☆ One who does not follow the usual way of life = Bohemian ( / )

■ O.W.S - 23 ■

☆ Animals that live in a particular region = Fauna ( )

☆ Animals without backbone = Invertebrates ( )

☆ Long poem based on a noble theme = Epic ( )

☆ Act of mercy killing = Euthanasia ( )

☆ Money paid to employees on retirement = Gratuity ( )

☆ One who is always doubting = Sceptic ( )

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☆ Stealthily done (something done in a quiet & secret way in order to avoid being noticed) =
Surreptitious ( )

☆ Soldiers who fight on horseback = Cavalry ( )

☆ Person leading a life of strict self-discipline = Ascetic ( / )

☆ Science of human mind & behaviour = Psychology ( )

☆ Person who eats too much = Glutton ( / )

☆ Quibble (to avoid giving a direct answer to a question in order to hide the truth) = Prevaricate
( )

☆ One who is all powerful = Omnipotent ( )

☆ Relationship by blood or birth = Consanguinity ( / )

☆ One who loves or supports his or her country & is willing to defend it = Patriot ( )

☆ One who studies election trend by means of opinion polls = Psephologist ( )

☆ One who secretly listens to talks of others = Eavesdropper ( )

☆ Related to moon = Lunar ( )

☆ Something kept as a remind of an event = Souvenir ( / )

☆ A place where Jews worship according to their religion = Synagogue (


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■ O.W.S - 24 ■

☆ Something which is imagined to be real but actually does not exist = Figment ( /

☆ Place where wine is made = Brewery ( )

☆ Simple, fast - spreading plant without flowers or leaves which can often cause diseases =
Fungus ( )

☆ Study of the nature of Gods = Theology ( / )

☆ Release of a prisoner from jail on certain terms & condition = Parole ( )

☆ Science regarding principles of classification = Taxonomy ( )

☆ The art of delaying = Procrastination ( / )

☆ Thing that can be felt or touched = Palpable ( / )

☆ Word that reads the same as backward or forward = Palindrome (


☆ Those who do malicious damage = Saboteurs ( / )

☆ The use of many words where only a few are necessary = Circumlocution (
/ )

☆ The first model of a new device = Prototype ( )

☆ The study of the origin and history of words = Etymology ( - )

☆ To free completely from blame = Exonerate ( / )

☆ To remove an objectionable part from a book = Expurgate ( )

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☆ The essential or characteristic customs, habits and conventions of a society or community =
Mores ( - / )

☆ The production of raw silk = Sericulture ( )

☆ The study or practice of dancing or composing ballets = Choreography ( )

☆ The murder of parents or near relative = Parricide ( )

☆ The firing of many guns at the same time to mark an occasion = Fusillade (

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☆ One who considers the happiness and well-being of others first is an = Altruistic ( /

☆ An endocrinologist deals with = Glands ( )

☆ A person of outgoing nature is known as = Extrovert ( )

☆ A preparation for killing insects is = Insecticide ( / )

☆ The specialist who handles problems in the human body related to bones is = Osteopath (

☆ A manicurist takes care of = Nails ( / )

☆ Love for the whole world is called = Philanthropy ( / )

☆ A person who makes his journey on foot is called a = Pedestrian ( )

☆ A collection of poems came out to felicitate the poet = An Anthology ( / )

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☆ A market where old and used goods are sold is called a = Flea market (

☆ Political crime against one's own country is called = Sedition ( / )

☆ The trees which shed all their leaves at a particular time of the year are called = Deciduous
( )

☆ A seller of cakes = Confectioner ( / / , )

☆A dwelling in which soldiers live = Barracks ( / )

☆ When an animal’s sleeps through the winter it is = Hibernating ( )

☆ Ichthyology is related with = Fish ( )

☆ Part of the examination should be conducted by word of mouth = Orally ( )

☆ Centre of attraction = Cynosure ( )

☆ One who goes for a secret official mission = Emissary ( )

☆ One not concerned with right or wrong = Amoral ( )

☆ The act of producing beautiful handwriting using a brush or a special pen = Calligraphy
( )

Prepared by: Abir Hasan

Edited by: Tanjia Hossain Nijhum

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