Guide To Revision 20202021

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School of Foreign Languages

Department of Applied Linguistics and British and American Studies


Format of the final exam paper

The final exam paper consists of three parts of 100 points
Part 1: 10 - 15 multiple choice questions (20 - 30 points – 2 points for each correct answer)
E.g. In theory, a bill passed by Parliament cannot become a law until it is given the ………………
A. royal order B. royal assent C. royal assignment D. royal list

Part 2: 10 - 15 items of sentence completion (20 - 30 points – 2 points for each correct answer)
E.g. The area that an MP represents in Parliament is called………………constituency
Part 3: 01 to 02 open – ended question (40 - 60 points – one half of the points for language,
another half of the points for content)
E.g 1. Taking the geographical features into consideration, where would be a place you choose to
live/study in the UK?
E.g 2. Describe the General Election in the UK. In what ways is it similar to or different from that
of Vietnam?
The first two parts require you to revise in detail all the covered parts of the chapters (with
format reference to Section A Quiz and Section B/C British words and phrases in the Workbook
To prepare for part 3, it is important to revise the following points:
Please remember that in different chapters, there are parts not covered, therefore these will not be
tested and students only need to revise parts covered in class/slides.
Your writing (200-300 words) will be assessed in terms of content and language.
1. The Commonwealth’s diversity
2. The country’s geography reflected in the place you would choose to live or visit in the UK
3. The country’s land, climate and settlement features
4. British people’s characteristics (an overview, a focus on the most impressive)
5. UK government and Parliament
6. British attitude to work

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