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1. What are the translating procedures?

- Translating procedures are steps which begin with the source text, analyses this text into
semantic structure, and the restructure this semantic structure into appropriate receptor
language forms in order to create an equivalent receptor language text.

2. What are the steps the professional follows when translating?

- Preparation
- Analysis
- Transfer
- Initial draft
- Reworking initial draft
- Testing the translation
- Polishing the translation
- Preparing the manuscript for publisher

Make notes
1. Preparation
- 2 kinds of preparation:
 Beginning the translation tasks:
+ includes training in writing, linguistics and translation principles
+ helpful if the translator has had enough linguistic study
 Preparation when the translation is underway:
+ relates to the text to be translated
+ have to read the text several times, marking any sections seem to be unclear
- Translator will want to study the background material
+ finding about author, purpose for writing, culture, linguistics matter relates to the text
and make notes

2. Analysis
- begin with reading the text to be translated:
+ purpose: understand what it is about and analyze it from author’s view
+ 2 tasks: identify the intention and identify the way text is written
+ 2 kinds of reading: general reading and special reading
- steps in analysis:
+ careful study of these key words
+ does not slavishly follow the material in the notebook and end up with pseudo-
+ the translator will need to be very careful as he looks for boundaries of units

3. Transfer
- Transfer is the process of going from sematic structure analysis to the initial draft of the
- Step: + look for good lexical equivalence for concepts of the source language and culture
+ decide whether or not the figurative and rhetorical devices will be transferable or
if some adjustments will need to b made
+ consider what grammatical forms to use to best communicate the correct
+ consider how to signal cohesion a prominence

4. Initial draft
- When begins the initial draft, should be working at paragraph level
- Things should keep in mind as translator does the initial draft:
+ thinking clearly about who will use the translation
+ have in mind the author’s purpose
+ the topic of the paragraph should be clearly in translator’s mind

5. Reworking the initial draft

- Purpose: for naturalness and accuracy.
- Steps: + read through the manuscript of this larger unit which translator is checking
+ check for accuracy of meaning, meaning of words, sentences and relation
between sentences and paragraphs and larger units
+ whether or not the theme comes through clearly.

6. Testing he translation
 Why test the translation?
+ want to be sure his translation is accurate, clear, and natural
+ add improvement in any sentence that needs it
 Who does the testing?
+ Translator himself
+ Translation consultant
+ Reviewers
 How the testing done?
+ Comparison with the source language
+ Back – translation
+ Naturalness test
+ Readability tests
 How the results are used
+ results need to be evaluated and recommended changes accepted or rejected or
modified in some way.

7. Polishing the translation

- Done when reworks the initial draft and tests the translation or when the test results have
been collected

8. Preparing the manuscript for the publisher

- Pay attention to this last steps
- Need a PC
- Do the right formatting and do not forget to observe the speed

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