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Recent Advances in Electrical & Electronic Engineering, 2019, 12, 494-499

ISSN: 2352-0965
eISSN: 2352-0973

A Novel Transmitting System for Electromagnetic Sounding Based on

Tri-state Boost Converter

Gang Li1,* and Binren Zhang1

Recent Advances in Electrical & Electronic Engineering

College of Instrumentation and Electrical Engineering, Jilin University, Changchun, China

Abstract: Background: Electromagnetic detection is an important method of geophysical explora-

ARTICLE HISTORY tion. The transmitting system is an important part of the electromagnetic detection equipment.
Methods: The general topologies of a transmitting system for EM instrument are analyzed. The
Received: March 14, 2018 basic principle of EM detection is interpreted. In order to improve the output power and give consid-
Revised: July 05, 2018
Accepted: July 11, 2018 eration to the dynamic performance, an electromagnetic transmitting system based on the tri-state
boost converter is proposed in this paper.
10.2174/2352096511666180718153944 Results: The principle of the proposed transmitting system is analyzed. The topology of the pro-
posed transmitting system is illustrated and the working modes of tri-state boost converter are given.
Conclusion: The simulation model is established and the simulation experiment is carried out to
verify the feasibility of the new electromagnetic transmitting system.
Keywords: Tri-state boost converter, electromagnetic sounding, transmitting system, simulation, geothermal resources, trans-

1. INTRODUCTION has been developed and its power achieves 70 kW [6-8]. The
GDC-1 transmitter, which is proposed by Central South
Electromagnetic (EM) detection method is one of the
University in China, is equipped with 200 kW power [9, 10].
most important ways of geophysical exploration. The EM Beijing University of Technology in China developed an
method has some advantages, such as high precision, good
electromagnetic transmitter and proposed precise control
stability and suitable for field use. The EM instruments can
method for output voltage [11, 12]. The HPT45-I, II and III
effectively obtain the underground resistivity structure and
type electromagnetic transmitting systems have been devel-
are popular in the exploration of the mineral resources, ener-
oped by Jilin University [6]. The transmission voltage is
gy resources and geothermal resources [1-5].
raised to 1000V (current 40A) by cascading the output H
The electromagnetic method is based on the principle of inverter bridge. In order to improve the transmitting voltage
electromagnetic induction. The EM instrument mainly in- and power, a high-power transmitting system JDD-100 based
cludes the hardware and the software. The hardware includes on rectifier power supply cascade and single H bridge inverter is
a transmitting system and receiving sensor system. Accord- developed. The transmitting voltage is 1500V, and the maxi-
ing to the requirement of EM, the transmitting system sup- mum power is 100kW [13]. The topology is shown in Fig. (2).
plies a certain current to the earth load or inductor coil to Generally, inverters drive the ac motors [14-16]. In the
form a stable or transient electromagnetic field. The trans-
transmitting system, the output of the inverter is square wave
mitting system is the source of the instrument and has an
current, shown in Fig. (3). By analyzing the topologies of the
important influence on the detection results.
EM transmitting system, they can be divided into two main
The development of electromagnetic instrument is a categories: output of the transmitter is regulated by special
hotspot in the field of geophysical exploration. The most generators with auto-transformer or adjustable switching
commercial instrument is the V8 multi-function EM instru- power supply. The second mode has higher accuracy and
ment from Canada Phoenix Geophysics Corporation. The efficiency. But in the high power applications, the topology
transmitting system is TXU-22, which is composed of a is complex. Considering the requirements of high power and
220V three-phase generator, DC power supply, H-bridge high stability of transmitting system, a novel topology is
inverter, transmitting antenna. The topology is shown in proposed in this paper. The novel transmitting system is
Fig. (1). The electrical source transmitter DEM-T70, which is composed of an AC/DC power supply with isolated full
developed by the Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, bridge converter, a tri-state boost converter and an H-bridge
inverter. The working modes of the proposed transmitter are
*Address correspondence to this author at the College of Instrumentation analyzed. The simulation results verify the feasibility of the
and Electrical Engineering, Jilin University, Changchun, China; scheme.
Tel/Fax: 008643188502382; E-mail: ligang2013@jlu.edu.cn

2352-0973/19 $58.00+.00 © 2019 Bentham Science Publishers

A Novel Transmitting System Recent Advances in Electrical & Electronic Engineering, 2019, Vol. 12, No. 6 495

Fig. (1). Topology of the electromagnetic transmitting system.




Fig. (2). Topology of high power electromagnetic transmitting system JDD-100.

i 1 Ex
, ρs = (1)
ωμ H y

 ϕz = ϕx − ϕ y (2)
7 7 7 7 W
Where, |Ex| is the amplitude of Ex, |Hy| is the amplitude of
, H y.

Theoretically, Ex and Hy Eqs. (3, 4) are,
Fig. (3). Output current waveforms of the transmitting system.
PE ρ
Ex = −
2r 3
(3cos 2 θ − 2 ) (3)
The general EM instrument system is explained in sec-
tion 2. The principle of the EM method is also discussed. PE ρ
The topology of the proposed transmitter is present in section Hy = −
2r 3k1
3cos 2 θ − 2 ) (4)
3. The work modes are analyzed in details. The simulation
results are given in section 4. With different duty cycles of Where, k1 = −iωμσ = −2i δ , σ = 1/ρ, PE = I×AB,
the free-wheeling switch, the output performance of the tri-
state boost converter is changed. Lastly, the conclusions are The received signal of the electric field and magnetic
given in section 5. field is proportional to the transmitting current and the polar-
ity distance. Amplitude improvement of the transmitting
2. MATERIALS AND METHODS current is beneficial to the enhancement of the receiving sig-
nal and the expansion of the detection area.
2.1. Electromagnetic Instrument System
In the electromagnetic soundings, the ground source 3. TOPOLOGY-BASED ON A TRI-STATE BOOST
transmitting system is used. The load includes a long wire, CONVERTER
two grounding electrodes (A, B) and geodetic impedance
This paper presents a novel topology of an
between electrodes. The EM instrument system is shown in
electromagnetic transmitter, including an AC/DC power
Fig. (4). The polar distance AB is generally 1~3 km. The
supply with isolated full bridge converter, a non-isolated tri-
receiver sensors are 6~10 km far away. In order to improve
state boost converter and an H bridge inverter. Its topology is
the efficacy of detection operation, tens of receiving sensors
shown in Fig. (5). The switch S1 can implement the third
are placed on the measuring line.
state of the boost converter. In the applications, the tri-state
The apparent resistivity ρs and impedance phase φz can be boost converter is used in the distributed generation system,
calculated, Eqs. (1, 2): such as solar photovoltaic or microgrid [17-19].
496 Recent Advances in Electrical & Electronic Engineering, 2019, Vol. 12, No. 6 Li and Zhang

Fig. (4). Instrument system of electromagnetic sounding.

Fig. (5). Proposed topology of the electromagnetic transmitting system

In the proposed transmitting system, the AC/DC power sup- This mode is shown in Fig. (6d). The switch S1 is on and
ply is a general isolated full-bridge converter. In order to S2 is off. The inductor L1 is free-wheeling. The H-bridge
achieve high voltage output, the tri-state boost converter is inverter is supplied by the capacitor C1.
used because of its simple topology and few controller com-
ponents. The tri-state boost converter has the ability to im- 4. SIMULATION RESULTS
prove the dynamic response of the system and meets the re- In order to verify the proposed electromagnetic transmit-
quirements. And it solves the problem of non-minimum ting system, a simulation model is built in matlab/Simulink.
phase characteristics in traditional boost converter [20, 21]. The parameters are shown in Table 1.
The working modes of the tri-state boost converter con-
sist of the following four stages: Table 1. Simulation parameters.

1. None boost state

Item Value
This mode is shown in Fig. (6a). The switches S1 and S2
keep the off state. DC power supply delivers the power to the E1 100 V
H-bridge inverter after an LC filter. The output current con-
trol is realized by the power supply controller. R 10 Ω

2. Boost state-stage 1 L 2 mH

This mode is shown in Fig. (6b). The switch S1 is off and L1 0.1 mH
S2 is on. The inductor L1 is charged by DC power supply. C1 1000 μF
3. Boost state-stage 2
In the simulations, the duty cycle of the switch S2 in the
This mode is shown in Fig. (6c). The switch S1 and S2 are
tri-state boost converter is fixed at 30%. And the duty cycles
off. The capacitor C1 is charged by the inductor L1.
of the free-wheeling switch S1 are 0, 10% and 20% respec-
4. Boost state-stage 3 tively. The output frequency is 100 Hz. The output current of
A Novel Transmitting System Recent Advances in Electrical & Electronic Engineering, 2019, Vol. 12, No. 6 497





0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03

Fig. (7). Simulated output current waveforms of tri-state boost con-


40 data2






0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03

Fig. (8). Simulated current waveforms of inductor L1.









 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04 0.045 0.05

Fig. (6). Working modes of the tri-state boost converter. Fig. (9). Simulated electromagnetic transmitting current wave-
498 Recent Advances in Electrical & Electronic Engineering, 2019, Vol. 12, No. 6 Li and Zhang

tri-state boost converter is shown in Fig. (7). The output cur- AVAILABILITY OF DATA AND MATERIALS
rent increases with the duty cycles of S1. The current of L1 is
The data supporting the findings of the article is available
shown in Fig. (8). The electromagnetic transmitting current
in the IEEE DataPort at: [http://dx.doi.org/10.21227/e96e-
is shown Fig. (9). The waveforms quality in Figs. (8 and 9)
is similar but the amplitudes are different.
From the simulation results, the tri-state boost converter FUNDING
realizes step-up voltage. By controlling the free-wheeling
switch S1, the current of inductance L1 can be increased, and The authors would like to thank the National Natural Sci-
the output voltage can be increased, so as to enhance the ence Foundation of China (No. 51507073) for their support
electromagnetic transmitting current. in our work.

The authors declare no conflict of interest, financial or
In this paper, a novel topology of a transmitting system
for electromagnetic sounding instrument based on tri-state
boost converter is proposed. On the basis of analysis of other
topologies, requirements of the transmitting system are de- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
duced. The tri-state boost converter is combined with LC Declared none.
filters of AC/DC switching power supply. The structure of
the transmitting system is simplified. The output voltage can REFERENCES
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