Autonomy Early Material

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Autonomy – some of the past or the future” (p.


Early Material “Spontaneity means option, the freedom

to choose and express one’s feelings from
© 2017 Julie Hay the assortment available (Parent feelings,
Adult feelings and Child feelings). It means
Author’s Note: The following is extracted
liberation, liberation from the compulsion
from a workbook on Individual
to play games and have only the feelings
Development (the topic for October),
one was taught to have.” (p.160)
written by me as part of the TA training I
provide via workshops and webinars for “Intimacy means the spontaneous, game-
those seeking TA qualifications, including free candidness of an aware person, the
an MSc and the CTA. See liberation of the eidetically perceptive,
for more details. uncorrupted Child in all its naivety living in
the here and now.” (p. 160). This
In 1987, a guide to TA literature produced
definition appears to define intimacy in
by Novey (1987) had no separate entry for
terms of awareness and spontaneity,
autonomy, listing it only on page 34 under
rather than as a separate construct.
the heading of Script vs autonomy. The
following is a collection of ways in which Berne also wrote here about one-sided
autonomy was dealt with in the early intimacy, giving as an example the
literature. behaviour of professional seducers.
Within the Transactional Analysis Bulletin Berne (1970) indexed the topic in Sex in
there are occasional mentions of Human Loving as Autonomy, illusions of.
autonomy but the word appears to be He wrote that:
being used in its normal sense rather than
“man is born free, but one of the first
having a specific transactional analysis
things he learns is to do as he’s told, and
definition. The only exception appears to
he spends the rest of his life doing that.
be Mannel (1968) who refers specifically
Thus his first enslavement is to his parents.
to it as the equivalent of being in Adult ego
He follows their instructions forevermore,
state, commenting that Parent represents
retaining only in some cases the right to
conformity and Child is about social
choose his own methods and consoling
himself with an illusion of autonomy . . .
Berne (1964) did not index autonomy in the road to freedom is through laughter –
Games People Play but had a 3-page no joke magazines in slave-holding
chapter entitled Autonomy and a 1-page countries like Nazi Germany. Sun Tzu
chapter entitled Attainment of Autonomy demonstrated military discipline by
(4 pages out of a total of 173 pages in the beheading harem girls who giggled so the
book). He wrote that: rest obeyed orders. . . . This freedom to
select methods for arriving at the
“The attainment of autonomy is
predetermined goal helps to support the
manifested by the release or recovery of
illusion of free choice or autonomy. e.g.
three capacities: awareness, spontaneity
Cinderella scripted to be a winner, sisters
and intimacy.” (p 158)
to be losers but all did it in their own ways.
He described awareness as the “… capacity . . . It is built-in that the Parental
to see a coffeepot and hear the birds sing instructions will work like an electrode, so
in one’s own way, and not the way one that the person will end up following them
was taught… requires living in the here almost automatically with little or no
and now, and not in the elsewhere, the chance to decide for himself. It is also

IDTA Newsletter Volume 12 Issue 3 September 2017 16

built-in that he will think he is exercising decisions is such that it provides for
free will. . . Some people know their sufficient information, lack of pressure,
behaviour is determined by what parents and autonomy.” (p. 85). He includes a
told them at an early age.” (p. 177) chapter entitled Child-Rearing for
Autonomy, wherein he commented about
Steiner (1971) in Games Alcoholics Play did
raising children to have a maximum
not index autonomy and referred on page
amount of autonomy, bringing them up to
125 to awareness, spontaneity and
discover what it is they want, not
intimacy without mentioning autonomy.
interfering with their spontaneity,
Berne (1972) did not index autonomy in awareness and intimacy, suggesting an
What do you say after you say Hello? but example of letting the child decide its own
he referred to the uncontaminated part of bedtime and letting them learn that
Adult in his diagram of contaminations as autonomy does not include the freedom
the “true autonomous area… [which] is to cause inconvenience to others; and that
actually free to make Adult judgements raising children for autonomy requires a
based on carefully gathered knowledge larger community which is supportive and
and observation. It may work efficiently in understanding of the process.
a trade or profession, where a mechanic or
He went on to provide 10 Rules, which can
a surgeon uses good judgment based on
be summarised as:
previous education, observation, and
experience.” (p.154). • Do not have a child to whom you
can’t extend an 18 year guarantee
Berne went on to say that “Insofar as he
of Nurturing and Protection.
recognises and separates these three
areas [uncontaminated parts of P, A, C] he • Provide the child with freedom to
is autonomous; he knows what is Adult fully exercise the faculties of
and practical, what he accepts that came intimacy, awareness, spontaneity.
from others, and what he does that is
• Intimacy is defeated through the
determined by early impulses rather than
Stroke Economy.
by practical thinking and rational
decisions.” (p. 155) • Awareness is defeated through
Berne also suggested that we should
regard only the area of Adult without • Do not lie to your children, ever,
contaminations as the ‘True Autonomous either by omission or commission.
Area’ and not the area of the complete • Spontaneity is defeated by arbitrary
circle of Adult that includes the shaded rules applying to the use of the
parts of the contaminations. He described body.
dividing the smaller area of true autonomy
by the larger area that includes • Do not Rescue and then Persecute
contaminations to produce a figure that he your child.
proposed be known as the Degree of • Do not teach children competition.
• Do not allow your children to
Steiner (1974) indexed autonomy in oppress you.
Scripts People Live. He commented that
“Decisions which lead to healthy • Trust human nature and believe in
personality development must be both your children.
timely and autonomous. Thus, in proper Holloway (1974) wrote that “Autonomy
script-free ego formation, the date of can be described as the ultimate

IDTA Newsletter Volume 12 Issue 3 September 2017 17

individuation and implies that the person is encouraged, as are ‘I’ rather than ‘You’
capable of the full use of options in comments. The focus is on the person in
attaining strokes from multitudinous the chair and they are expected to respond
others and that specifically excluded is the to each question or statement; any
option of a single fixed dependent processing of transactions is done with
relationship (including a fantasised others later.
dependency). Ongoing dependency,
Goulding & Goulding (1978) wrote that
especially beyond childhood, is only
when a child makes a decision to accept
granted in exchange for obligation.
information, they forfeit their autonomy.
Obligation is accompanied by resentment
They described their goal as immediate
and resentment prevents intimacy.
[their italics] autonomy for the patient,
Autonomous functioning, therefore, is the
with patients making their own decisions
condition which permits of intimacy while
rather than relying on the therapist in the
dependency precludes intimacy between
role of the parent. In Goulding & Goulding
adults.” (p. 15-16). Holloway goes on to
(1979) they added that they ask the client
suggest two broad categories of contracts,
to claim their autonomy whenever they
for social control and for autonomy,
give it up, by owning that “Each person
referring to redecision therapy is an
makes himself feel and that no-one makes
approach to achieve the latter.
another person feel.” (p.5). They also
Baute (1975) introduced the idea of the identify on page 85 some words that deny
‘autonomy chair’. Writing of how some autonomy: try; can/can’t versus will/won’t;
clients announce they are leaving a make feel, discount when applied to
therapy group before the therapist discounting others – each of us decides
believes they are ready, Baute explains whether to consider ourselves discounted;
that confronting this may be seen as the it instead of I; you instead of I; we instead
therapist attempting to block the client’s of I; maybe, perhaps.
autonomy. The technique of the
Baute (1979) claimed that autonomy had
autonomy chair is that the group member
come to mean individualism and privatism,
sits in the particular chair and asks the
with transactional analysts being blind to
group whether they believe he/she is free
the oppressive conditions and personal
of whatever was the subject of the
alienation that mean that much of the
therapeutic contract. “The group and the
human race has no opportunity of
therapist confront the person in the
achieving autonomy. He proposed that
"autonomy chair" with observations,
two concepts, a sense of community and
impressions and questions concerning his
human responsiveness, are needed beyond
behavior.” (p. 181). Meanwhile, the
intimacy and autonomy, and commented
therapist is alert to whether any games are
that “as long as TA is a belief system that
being played around the chair technique,
does not recognize its own loopholes, it
by the group members or by the therapist
functions as a middle-class tranquillizer
themself. For instance, group members
and an endorsement of the status-
may be angry at someone getting well if
quo.” (p. 170)
they have not done so themselves, or the
therapist may not want to part with a Bary (1979) also wrote about the way in
group member who seems to be doing well which TA therapists emphasise that freeing
and for whom the therapist feels up “process, autonomy and spontaneity, is
‘Pygmalion pride’. Baute explains that the touted as entirely positive. In rebuttal,
use of the chair is voluntary. No personal many accuse TA of encouraging hedonism
attacks are allowed but challenges are at the expense of values and value-

IDTA Newsletter Volume 12 Issue 3 September 2017 18

oriented living. Much of the current This may be functional if the parents
popular press is devoted to critiques of the had good beliefs and opinions but is
“me generation” and the fads, such as TA, no help when change in the world
which contribute to the phenomenon of occurs;
the “me generation.” (p. 179). She goes on
• Moratorium – this is the process of
to explain the desirability of youthful
re-evaluating old beliefs and
hedonism and the need to relinquish it in a
weighing alternatives, which can
way that promotes stability of the life plan
occur rationally and calmly but often
and joy and satisfaction in living, which
instead involves rebellion and
requires autonomous choosing of values
upheaval because the previous
and life plans as opposed to submission to
programming needs major
others’ values. She describes how the
opposition to shake it loose. The
natural Child operates out of a me-first
rebellious adapted Child and the
orientation, tied to the moment, and that
natural Child provide the impetus
“this autonomous but diffuse and
and motivation whilst the Adult is
hedonistic orientation gradually adapts to
used to re-evaluate and re-decide.
varying degrees to others’ rules for living as
This is what adolescence so often
the adapted Child and Parent ego states
appears to be about but is a problem
are formed. In adolescence, when the
if the process occurs later in the life
cognitive machinery has matured to an
cycle or not at all;
adequate degree, making a fully functional
Adult available, the person is ready to • Achieved Identity – major choices
throw off this parental programming, re- have been made by the individual
evaluate and question old beliefs and and they are now ready to tackle the
attitudes, and after a period of turmoil and other adult life crises which will
doubt, make new, personally-derived follow, such as “the intimacy crisis of
choices about previously held who and how to love; the
positions.” (p. 179). generativity crisis of who, what, and
how to produce, create, serve, and
Bary likens this to Erikson’s (1968) ‘identity
contribute to the world; and
crisis’ or turning or choice point, of
eventually the integrity crisis of how
adolescence. She went on to refer to
to view the totality of one’s life.” (p.
Marcia’s (1964) expansion of Erikson’s
work into four categories of approach to
the situation of adolescence: Whitney (1982) challenges the use of the
concept of autonomy as if it characterises
• Diffusion – where there is no
personhood, albeit that he then went on to
identity, all decisions are in the
say that personhood is not easily defined.
moment, here-and-now. When
He pointed out that “The word autonomy
extended beyond childhood this
has its derivation in the Greek word
means that the person seems weak,
autonomia. With reference to a person it
easily influenced and immature;
means the power or right of an individual
• Foreclosure – where the person is to live according to his own will; to govern
prematurely closed off from the himself according to his own reason. An
choice process and instead autonomous individual is one who has the
incorporates and accepts their right to self-government. The biological
parents’ choices unquestioningly. connotation is that of a separate organism
The compliant adapted Child and the which is not dependent on any other. This
Parent ego states are in alliance. information is from Webster’s

IDTA Newsletter Volume 12 Issue 3 September 2017 19

Dictionary.” (p. 210). From this, he ‘Folgenspieler’ - the one after whom one
emphasised that there are two elements: models one’s life. Denton explained that
individual human rights and power; and the the child measures themself against their
person not being dependent on any other. parents or siblings, who may therefore fulfil
the role of Gegenspieler. He cautioned
In terms of the first, he argued that,
that the therapist may then become the
although the right to autonomy may exist,
Folgenspieler or ‘player to follow’ on the
it has no meaning for a new-born baby or
way to autonomy. This may be a necessary
for someone with disabilities who cannot
part of the process but it is also important
live independently of others - these do not
that the client goes beyond the need for a
have the power to be autonomous and this
Folgenspieler if they are to complete the
means that within TA we are using a term
journey to autonomy.
that does not apply to all people. In terms
of the second, this would appear to There is plenty more material on autonomy,
contradict the ways in which we need to be including my own model of the Autonomy
in relationship to others, as indeed is Matrix (Hay, 1997, 2012) this has been a
presented within TA in terms of the theory sample of what gets covered.
of strokes. Whitney pointed out that when
Berne (1964) refers to autonomy in terms
of awareness, spontaneity and intimacy, he Bary, Brenda B (1979) Values, Hedonism,
is contradicting the meaning of autonomy. Autonomy? Transactional Analysis Journal
9:3 179-181
Another example of a contradiction
pointed out by Whitney is that within a Baute, Paschal B (1975) Termination and
society that bases its values on Christian the Autonomy Chair - A New Ritual for
doctrine, no-one has a right to live Group Intimacy Transactional Analysis
according to one’s own will. This is based Journal 5:2 180-182
on the work of Jesus who, when tempted,
Baute, Paschal B (1979) Intimacy and
prayed to the Father, “not my will, but Thy
Autonomy are not Enough (Is TA a Middle-
will be done” (Mk.14:36).”
class Tranquilliser?) Transactional Analysis
Several years later, Kandathil & Kandathil Journal 9:3 170-173
(1997) also related autonomy to
Berne, Eric (1964) Games People Play, New
Christianity, commenting that “The
York: Grove Press
Christian perspective, as represented by
Protestant theologian Paul Tillich and the Berne, Eric (1970) Sex in Human Loving
ecumenical council of Vatican 11, converge New York: Simon & Schuster
in their understanding of what is meant by Berne, Eric (1972) What Do You Say After
“autonomy”. Both agree that autonomy is You Say Hello? New York: Grove Press
possible only within the framework of
God’s law written in the heart of man” and Denton, Jerry (1982) 'Gegenspieler' -
quoting the second Vatican Council (1962- 'Folgenspieler': Imprinting and Autonomy
1965) “For man has in his heart a law Transactional Analysis Journal 12:4 264-266
written by God.” (p. 24) Erikson, Erik (1968) Identity, youth and
Denton (1982) contrasted the Adlerian crisis New York: Norton
(Simoneaux 1977) concept of Goulding, Robert & Goulding, Mary (1978)
‘Gegenspieler’ - the one against whom The Power is in the Patient San Francisco:
one’s life is played – with that of TA Press

IDTA Newsletter Volume 12 Issue 3 September 2017 20

Goulding, Robert & Goulding Mary (1979) construct validity of ego identity status.
Changing Lives through Redecision Therapy. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Ohio
New York: Grove Press Inc. State University
Hay, Julie (1997) The Autonomy Matrix in Novey, Theodore (1987) An Advanced
INTAND Newsletter 5:1 November Reference Guide to the Transactional
Analysis Literature Glenview IL: TA
Hay, Julie (2012) Donkey Bridges for
Developmental TA 2nd edit Hertford:
Sherwood Publishing Simoneaux, Jacqueline (1977) Adlerian
Psychology and TA in James, Muriel (1977)
Holloway, William (1974) Beyond
Techniques in Transactional Analysis
Permission Transactional Analysis Journal
Reading MA: Addison-Wesley Publishing
4:2 15-70
Kandathil, George and Kandathil, Candida
Steiner, Claude (1971) Games Alcoholics
(1997) Autonomy: Open Door to Spirituality
Play New York: Grove Press (page refs refer
Transactional Analysis Journal 27:1 24-29
to 1974 Ballantyne Books publication)
Mannel, Sydney (1968) Sixth Summer
Steiner, Claude (1974) Scripts People Live,
Conference – Summary of Proceedings –
New York: Bantam Books
Clinical Papers: The Use of Structural
Analysis in Pediatric Psychiatry Whitney, Norman (1982) A Critique of
Transactional Analysis Bulletin 28 88 Individual Autonomy as the Key to
Personhood Transactional Analysis Journal
Marcia, James (1964) Determination and
12:2 210-212

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