Beauty Beyond Compared The Panaon Nature Beach Tour 205

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RA 9299 Republic of the Philippines June 25, 2004

Negros Oriental State University

NOPS (1907) NOTS (1927) EVSAT (1956) CVPC (1983)
Main Campus 1, Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental

(College of Business Administration)

Beauty Beyond Compared: Panaon Nature Beach

The Research to its development and its impact

A Research Study Presented to the

Faculty of Tourism Society
Negros Oriental State University

As a Requirement for Tour 205:

Tourism Policy Planning and Development

William S. Amistoso
Joana Paula Pedroso
Mary Ann Gajo
Josie Love J. Betonio
Marie Angelic Grapa
Daryll Jhon P. Dela Cruz

June 2021

The researchers want to dedicate this feasibility study first, to our omnipotent creator who gave us

life, knowledge and everything; second to our family who are our inspiration and number one supporters,

and the one who fulfill our needs; third, to our friends who are always there for us whenever we need them;

fourth, to the students of Negros Oriental State University who‘ve been part through this study; fifth, to the

citizens of Municipality of Siaton who never fail in supporting and providing us information; lastly, to the

Tourism Department of Negros Oriental State University who became our home and our partner in doing

this feasibility study


This feasibility study will not be successfully complete without the people who became a

part of it. Even though the researchers encountered challenges, all of those were surpassed with

the help of the following people;

Dr. Joel P. Limson, University President, for supporting the said study.

Ildefe T. Villanueva, for supporting the researcher of the said feasibility study.

Mrs. Stella Marie Villanueva Llera, Tourism Department Head, for unwavering support

to Tourism Students.

Mrs. Jane Bugay Leyva, Tourism Planning Development Instructor, who introduced the

knowledge of creating a feasibility study in focusing the development of a certain place.

Mrs. Lei Ann Bandoy Binas, Travel, Writing and Photography Instructor, who

understand and gave us time to complete this feasibility study without additional work loads.

But most especially to Lord Almighty, the source of wisdom and strength; who never

failed to shower His bountiful blessing and guidance.

Overview of the Study

The study determined a simple place that has the possibilities of improving its natural sight.

This is the Panaon Nature Beach that is located in the Municipality of Siaton. The researchers

conducted a study, specifically to that location in order to determine what needs to change and

improve. Majority of the findings of the researchers is that the Panaon Nature Beach is lacking of

equipment, facilities and amenities and most especially the management and staffs or what we

called organization to support the resort.

The first step that the researchers did was to figure out the destination, finding some

information about the spot. Secondly, the researchers conducted an interview to those people who

came to visit the beach. Ask what are their experiences and what feedback could they give to the

destination. Next step that the researchers did was to conduct a survey following some of the given

questions by the researchers. Lastly after gathering all the data and information, the researchers

compile all the information and interpret the result of the interview and survey.

The study has a propose management aspect that includes the organizational chart, job

description, job specification and number of employees. It also has propose marketing aspect

which determined the product and services, the logo and flyer, and tourist or excursionist. The

proposed technical aspect which is also raised on this study, under this aspect are the pre-

operational and operational materials, and proposed floor plan. The proposed financial aspect

which determined the pre-operation and operation expense, propose employees’ salary and other

benefits, production cost or expenses, projected sale and projected income. The socio economic

aspect which determined the social impact and economic impact. Lastly the environmental aspect

which determined the environmental impact and environmental program and waste management.

Based on the gathered data, the researchers found out that the area has a lesser percentage

in facilities, and lack of amenities. Accessibility and cleanliness of the destination has the greater

percentage because there are is only 14.3 km way from the highway and the road going to the area

is also accessible either motorcycle, cars and other mode of transportation. The cleanliness of the

area is maintained. Other with lesser percentage is the accessibility of food and beverage and
accommodation of the destination. Since the destination doesn’t have any restaurants that the

visitors could go and rest.

The researchers conducted this study in order to improve and developed this destination.

The proposed plan that the researchers cope up is to build a small restaurant that is accessible and

affordable for the tourists and add some amenities like the public toilet and showers. Adding also

cottages both land and water. The researchers concluded that Panaon Nature Beach has a lot to

improve and developed to offer a mesmerizing experience to both local and international tourist.

Have you ever experienced a mesmerizing place? Have you ever though a simple place

become one of the best place you could ever see? Have you seen a perfect place that is natural

made by nature? Come and let's experience the Amazing Panaon Nature Beach. Panaon beach is

a great destination for all beachgoers. This is a perfect place to stay and relax during summer.

Panaon beach offers several amenities such as boat ramps, dogs allowed and street parking. Panaon

beach is a public beach in Siaton, Negros Oriental specifically in barangay Albiga. Though this is

a public destination, tourist still have to pay for the small cottages that they will be using in an

affordable price. This is a fun place for swimming as well as picnic with family and friends. This

beach is also perfect for snorkeling, photo shooting and sightseeing with theinteresting and

amazing rock formation in the beach. There are no restaurants near this beach so tourists are

encouraging to bring their own food or snacks in the area. There are also vendors when you feel

like a snack. Cars, speedboats and motorcycle are the most common transportation to reach this


Panaon beach allows overnight but tourists must bring their own tent. The people near the

beach are also very friendly, kind and if you need anything you can just ask for help anytime you

want because there is also a caretaker on that beach.

Panaon beach is not only great for swimming but you can also enjoy sightseeing at the top

of the hill to see the whole beauty of the beach and see the beautiful sunrise and sunset. Tourists

can also try to stay at the top of the beautiful rock formation and try to relax and smell the freshness

of the air.

“Come and Let’s Experience the Beauty Beyond Compare Panaon Nature Beach”

The Problem and its Scope

Statement of the Problem

1. What are the basic needs or facilities of a resort?

2. What does a new and unique Panaon Nature Beach resort bring to both local and foreign


3. Does financial support one of the main factors why this Panaon Nature Beach resort was

not beautified and no improvements?

4. What is the profile of the local citizens of Siaton, Negros Oriental who agree to make this

one of the tourist destinations in Negros?

5. How can we promote this new and unique Panaon Nature Beach resort?
Significance of the Study

This study is significant and will be beneficial to the following:

a. Researchers- they will know and will be able to experience what this Panaon Nature Beach

could bring to their life.

b. Local Citizen- their place will be recognized and will be able to think of a business once

the destination will click and also, they will experience the real beauty of their mother


c. Tourism Office- they can add this destination to their lists of tourist spots in the


d. Local and Foreign tourists- tourists will experience a unique an unforgettable experience.
Scope and Limitations

This study is mainly concerned to those people who love to discover natural mesmerizing

tourist spots. The researcher conducted this study to find out if the Panaon Nature Beach has things

that needs to change and improve. The study gives attention on the possibilities of improving and

developing the Panaon Nature Beach. The researchers focused on how to improve and developed

Panaon Nature Beach as one of the best destination in the country.

Although this study carefully prepared, the researchers are still aware of its limitations such

as the following: (1) the participants should come from Albiga, Siaton, Negros Oriental, (2) he or

she is considered as an excursionist or love to travel and discover natural tourist spot, (3) the

researchers are aware that they must conserve the mother nature and not destroy anything just to

improve something. The study was conducted in Albiga, Siaton, Negros Oriental where Panaon

Beach is located.
Definition of Terms

Beachgoers – used in the study as the person who enjoys and loves to go to beach.

Facility – used in the study as a place or things that the tourists could use and provides convenience

to the guests.

Amenities – used in the study as any features in the destination that provides convenience and

pleasure to the guests.

Panaon Nature Beach- the area where the researchers conduct the study.

Interview – the mode of collecting information for the study.

Survey – researchers used as a means to collect data by asking questions to random people who

went to the place.

Click – this is used in the study as to promote or developed a certain destination.

Local tourist- this is used in the study as the people living locally and visits the area.

Foreign tourist- this is used on the study as the people who visits the area from other country.
Conceptual Framework

Mother Nature should be protected against from people were it is considered the real enemy

because of its ignorance and apathy. This study has the process not onlyin improving and

developing Panaon Nature Beach but also to promote its natural beauty which is beyond compare.

Interview and survey where used as the tool to seek information on how to improve and develop

the placed. Establishment of the proposed in tourism project in the destination was raised to

promote better and improve product and services.

Beauty Beyond
Compare: The
Panaon Nature Beach

Interview and Survey

Establishment of the
proposed tourism
project in the tourism
Related Literatures and Studies

Local Studies and Literature

It is located in Brgy. Albiga, Siaton, Negros Oriental, 14.3 km away from the municipality

The overall aim is the protection, preservation and to promote the unique beauty of Panaon

Beach. To ensure that the future generations will be able to enjoy and experience this destination,

we take good care of the environment; dispose the trashes well and maintain its cleanliness in the

area. Promoting this destination would help the people living locally to find a living because

through this research and study it would help attract foreign and local tourists. Promoting this

destination helps the local economy grow and gain larger income.

According to local people who came and visit the area is that this destination is not a place for

regret because what you expect is what you see and experience.

Foreign Studies and Literature

This study tries to figure out the factors that influence tourist intention to visit beaches in

Siaton and its other possibilities that can attract more tourists to came, visit and experience the

destination. Through the image of the destination could highly bring a big impact when tourist

make their decision to travel.

With the continuing uncertainty about the impact of COVID-19 Pandemic, several

scenarios are facing the tourism industry. Promoting this destination is for the foreign tourist to

came, visit and experience the beauty of the beach and with their experience they could tell and

share their experiences with their friends and came to this place as well. Giving a great and

memorable experience to the tourist will also help promote the spot internationally.

The first step that the researchers did was to figure out the destination, finding some

information about the spot. Secondly, the researchers conduct an interview to those people who

came to visit the beach. Ask what are their experiences and what feedback could they give to the

destination. Next step that the researchers did was to conduct a survey following some of the given

questions by the researchers. Lastly after gathering all the data and information, the researchers

compile all the information and interpret the result of the interview and survey.

Research Environment

The legend of the municipality can be traced back to the days before the arrival of the

Spaniards in the Philippines. There was a tiny settlement at Bokoboko between the now Canaway

and Siaton rivers who were the descendants of one of the then families that moved away from

Borneo with Datu Puti. The people were prone to constant raids by pirates and this forced them to

move out to Olambid. They further moved out to Calumpang as constructed by the Spanish

missionaries in the town under Eskong Yawa and finally in 1872, they settled in Poblacion

Siaton is one of the most delightful places to visit. Dumaguete to Siaton via Ceres Bus will

take about an hour and will cost about Php 70.00 from air-conditioned buses and about Php 60:00 for

regular buses. Riding a bus would be one of the practical choices of transportation. However, here in

Negros Oriental, we offer many ways for our visitors to travel from places to places. One way of getting

to Siaton is via a V-hire. Terminal for the V-hires going south is located next to Foodnet near the

Banica Bridge in Perdices Streets. Traveling time will be about an hour as well and will cost Php 60.00

Research instrument

Research instrument are tools that measures variables in the study and are designed to

obtained data on a topic of interest from the subjects of research (Espinosa, 2016).

Survey was used on the study to determine the things that need to be improve and

developed. On the other hand interview was a big help at the same time where it added knowledge

and information about the said study.

Data Gathering

The collected data were gathered by the researchers through research instrument which is

the survey and the interview. The survey questioners were distributed to the respondent of the

study. The researchers conducted an interview to the selected local tourist who experienced Panaon

Nature Beach.
Chapter II

The Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

The Presentation and Interpretation of Data

Figure 1

Based on the gathered data, the researchers found out that the area has a lesser percentage

in facilities, and lack of amenities. Accessibility and cleanliness of the destination has the greater

percentage because there are is only 14.3 km way from the highway and the road going to the area

is also accessible either motorcycle, cars and other mode of transportation. The cleanliness of the

area is maintained. Other with lesser percentage is the accessibility of food and beverage and

accommodation of the destination. Since the destination doesn’t have any restaurants that the

visitors could go and rest.

Figure 2.1
The percentage of this graph shows that the most needed facility are the shower area and

comfort rooms.

Figure 2.2

The percentage of this graph shows that the most needed amenities is the dishwasher units.

Figure 2.3

The percentage of this graph shows the highly recommended transportation which is the

vehicle in going to Panaon Nature Beach

Figure 2.4

The Percentage of the graph show the most of highly recommended process in making

Panaon Nature Beach clean are using garbage bags and proper disposal of waste.

Figure 2.5

The percentage of the graph shows that security personnel are most needed to obtain safety

and security of the tourist in Panaon Nature Beach.

Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation

Panaon Nature Beach is a great place for relaxation, sightseeing, family picnic, snorkeling

and swimming especially during summer. Tourists can enjoy the fresh air of the air and its clea n

and clear water of the beach. The destination is 14.3 km away from the highway and it is accessible

to any mode of transportation of the tourists. The area does not have enough facility and amenities

for all the beach goers, the researchers therefore conduct a research and proposed a plan for the

destination improve and developed which would help promote the area. To find out what are those

things that needs to be done in order to develop the area is that the researchers conduct first an

interview and survey to those people living locally.

The following are recommended by the researchers for the betterment of Panaon Nature Beach


1. The researchers highly recommend symposium once a year regarding how to improve more

and keep the area clean.

2. The law of Tourism Office should be implemented on the local area which is in Albiga,

Siaton, Negros Oriental where Panaon Nature Beach resort is.

3. Resorts Staff, management and tourist guide should undergo a seminar and training at the

same time on how to deal with tourists in the near future for better customer assistance.

4. Monitoring should be done by the local tourist office to keep or be updated about the status

of the Panaon Nature Beach Resort.

5. The staff and management should evaluate the tourists for them to know if there are needs

for improvements.

6. The local tourist office should have an activity on how to discipline ourselves, this could

help tourists to keep them in mind about caring for Mother Nature.
Chapter III

The Aspects of the study

The Proposed Management Aspect


In every organization there should be management who handles the flow of the business

on that way the business will run as efficient and effective it should be. This technique will help

the management to become consistent and everything that they do.

Organizational chart

Figure 3


Food and
Security House keeping
Front Desk Beverage
Management Department

Cashier Cook/Chef Watcher Room Cleaners

Waiter Security Guard Janitor

Doorman Bartender
Table of Designation and Number of Employees

Designation No. of Employees

Manager 1

Cashier 2

Information Agent 3

Doorman 2

Cook/Chef 4

Waiter 6

Bartender 2

Watcher 2

Security Guard 2

Care Taker 2

Janitor 4

Job Description

Designation Description

Manager The manager is an employee who is

responsible for planning, directing, and

overseeing the operations and fiscal health of a

business unit, division, department, or

operating unit within an organization. The

manager is responsible for overseeing and

leading the work of a group of people in many


Cashier A Cashier, or Retail Cashier, is responsible

for processing cash, debit, credit and check

transactions using a cash register or other

point-of-sale system in a retail environment.

Their duties include balancing the cash

register, making change, recording purchases,

processing returns and scanning items for sale.

Information agent Information Agent. Agent whose primary

task is to disseminate and explain the details of

capital transactions. Most Popular Terms:

Earnings per share (EPS)

Doorman A doorman (also porter in British English)

is a person hired to provide courtesy and

security services at a residential building or

hotel. They are particularly common in urban

luxury high-rises. At a residential building, a

doorman is responsible for opening doors and

screening visitors and deliveries.

Cook/Chef A Chef or Cook is responsible for using

their culinary expertise to create appetizing

dishes for diners to enjoy. Their duties include

overseeing kitchen staff, tasting dishes before

going to customers and restocking food

produce as needed.

Waiter Greets customers and offers restaurant or

cafe menus, answers questions about menu

offerings, processes food and drink orders,

carries food and drinks from kitchen to tables,

and prepares bills and process payments.

Bartender Bartenders, or Mixologists, mix and serve

alcoholic beverages based on customer

requests. Their duties include verifying the

identification and age of customers, preparing

and serving alcoholic beverages, accepting

payment from customers, cleaning glasses and

bar utensils and balancing cash receipts to

record sales.

Watcher A person who observes something

attentively or regularly to the tourist around the

area for safety and security

Security Guard Secures premises and personnel by

patrolling property; monitoring surveillance

equipment; inspecting buildings, equipment,

and access points; permitting entry. Obtains

help by sounding alarms. Prevents losses and

damage by reporting irregularities; informing

violators of policy and procedures; restraining


Care Taker Caretakers are responsible for looking

after assets, individuals, or properties at the

request of an employer. They care for

buildings and grounds of specific properties

and usually live on the premises in order to

provide better surveillance.

Janitor A Janitor, or Cleaner, is responsible for

maintaining a cleanly facility by completing a

variety of cleaning tasks. Their duties include

mopping and vacuuming floors, cleaning

surfaces with disinfectant and emptying trash

cans or recycling bins.

Job Specification

Designation Job Specification

Manager Should be a graduate of BS Business

Management, has at least 2-3 years of

experienced in the industry.

Cashier Should at least High School or Senior High

Graduate, Has at least 1-2 years of work


Information Agent Should be a Senior High Graduate and has

good English communication skill and has

atleast 1-2 years of work experienced

Doorman Should at least High School or Senior High

Graduate, Has at least 1-2 years of work


Cook/Chef Should be a Graduate of BS Hospitality

Management Major in Cookery and has

experienced in any restaurants at least for 1-2


Waiter Should at least High School or Senior High

Graduate, Has at least 1-2 years of work


Bartender Should be a Graduate of BS Hospitality

Management Major in Food and Beverages

and has experienced in any restaurants at least

for 1-2 years.

Watcher Should at least High School or Senior High

Graduate, No experienced needed.

Security Guard Should at least High School or Senior High

Graduate, Has at least 1-2 years of work


Care Taker Should at least High School or Senior High

Graduate, No experienced needed.

Janitor Should at least High School or Senior High

Graduate, No experienced needed.

The Proposed Marketing Aspect


The Panaon Nature Beach offers beach activities that people will surely enjoy. The

proposed activities are family picnic in the area, snorkeling and swimming. Panaon beach is open

for all the people who wants relaxation, sightseeing after a long stressful working days. The said

said destination also offers and serve delicious food that people will enjoy for Panaon beach has

its own small snack bar.

Proposed Tourism Destination

The proposed tourism project is located in Barangay Albiga, Siaton Negros Oriental. 14.3

km away from the municipality.


The Beauty beyond compare is open for all who loves beach at the same time nature. People

from inside and outside Negros Oriental are welcome to visit, enjoy and experience the beauty of

Panaon Nature Beach.

Product (Price)

Product Price


T-Shirts ₱120.00- ₱150.00

Keychain ₱20.00- ₱70.00

Other Souvenirs ₱50.00- ₱100.00


Pizza ₱200.00- ₱300.00

Burger ₱50.00- ₱100.00

Homemade Fries ₱50.00- ₱75.00

Homemade Siomai ₱5.00 each

Homemade Cheese stick ₱5.00 each

Calamares ₱80.00- ₱100.00

Sandwiches ₱50.00- ₱75.00

Nachos Fries ₱75.00- ₱100.00

Barkada Snacks ₱300.00


Fruit Shakes ₱50.00- ₱75.00

Soda ₱15.00- ₱75.00

Beer ₱50.00- ₱120.00

Special Iced Coffee ₱35.00- ₱45.00

Fresh Buko Juice ₱50.00


Special Halo-halo ₱75.00- ₱100.00

MaisConYelo ₱50.00

Mango Float ₱50.00

Homemade Ice Cream ₱50.00- ₱100.00


Figure 4


Figure 4.2

The Proposed Technical Aspect


We are experiencing shortage of cottages, also with the public comfort rooms and most

especially lacking of food servers or restaurants.

It is very advantageous if every visitors will have a smooth and relaxing stay in the Panaon Beach.

To address the above problems, we propose the following:

1. Plan in running the development phase. This will serve as the basis in beautifying the


2. Financial budgeting. This will allow us to estimate the possible financial usage including

all the salaries of the workers.

3. Purchase all necessary equipment and start the operation. This will allow us to start and

proceed in taking step by step procedures for the beautification of the establishment.

To convert the entire plan procedures, we will need to choose well-trained service personnel,

which could guarantee a fabulous outcome and could avoid any casualties that may happen during

the procedures. However, we plan to reduce that possibility by showing a transparent script

containing all the expenses spent of the said establishment.

To complete the project by the end of the current fiscal year without disrupting our current

operations, we need you to approve an increase of 500 Thousand in next quarter’s budget.

Pre-operational materials

The inventory must need some raw materials for pre-operation establishments for the

development of Panaon Nature Beach, These includes licensed (BIR, Barangay Clearance, DTI

Certificate, Business Permit, Sale Stock Permit, and Sec Registration Certificate), water and

electric lines, and internet connection (landline)

The raw Materials needed to be used for the operation of the structures such as: Bamboo, Nipa,

Styrofoam, Plastic Barrels, Rope, Woods, and Nails

The stocks for the food and drinks to be serve in the restaurant are from direct suppliers such

as: vegetables, meat, chicken, flour, frozen product, eggs, and etc.

Operational materials

Materials Picture Description No. of Units

License means permission to N/A

Licensed/documents do something, especially

formal permission from a

government or other

authority. The word often

refers to the proof of that

permission, such as a card or

certificate. ... The most

common types of licenses are

driver's licenses, professional

licenses, and licenses for


Bamboo Bamboo is a perrenial 100 pcs

evergreen that is part of the

grass family (a very tall and

woody grass that is). Similar

to grass, bamboo is

characterized by a jointed

stem called a culm. Typcally

the culms are hollow but

some species

of bamboo have solid culms.

... From the nodes grow

leaves and branches.

Nipa Nipa is made of dried 200 pcs

coconut leaves and banded

by a tree strings. It used to

protect from heat of the sun

and rain.

Styrofoam Styrofoam is a type of 20 pcs

polystyrene (a type of plastic)

foam that's light yet strong.

It's often used to make take-

out coffee cups and packing

materials. Styrofoam —

which is usually capitalized,

because it's a proprietary

name — is a type of

lightweight, durable foam

Nail Nail, in construction and 15 kilos

carpentry, a slender metal

shaft that is pointed at one

end and flattened at the other

end and is used for fastening

one or more objects to each

other. ... Nails are usually

made of steel but can also be

made of stainless steel, iron,

copper, aluminum, or bronze.

Plastic Barrels Plastic barrels are made from 20 pcs

high density, high molecular

weight polyethylene

(HDPE). ... The use of high

density polyethylene (HDPE)

as opposed to low density

(LDPE) allowed for barrels

to be created completely

from polyethylene, as

opposed to using a plastic

liner in a steel drum.

Rope A rope is a group of yarns, 40 yards

plies, fibers or strands that

are twisted or braided

together into a larger and

stronger form. Ropes have

tensile strength and so can be

used for dragging and lifting.

Rope is thicker and stronger

than similarly constructed

cord, string, and twine.

Wood Wood, the principal 100 pcs

strengthening and nutrient-

conducting tissue of trees and

other plants and one of the

most abundant and versatile

natural materials. Produced

by many botanical species,

including both gymnosperms

and angiosperms, wood is

available in various colours

and grain patterns.

Fish Net A fabric with an open mesh 2 set

resembling a fishing net.

Proposed floor plan

Figure 5

Figure 5.2

The Proposed Financial Aspect


The estimated sum of 500 Thousand pesos that will be using to beautify the said

establishment will develop not only its appearance but also to gain attraction for those who wants

to visit. The given budget will purchase directly all-important equipment that will be using for the


Pre-operational Expense

Pre-Operational Materials Cost

Licenses and Permits ₱20,000.00

Building ₱200,000.00

Water ₱25,000.00

Electricity ₱40,000.00

Communication ₱3,000.00

Marketing Materials ₱12,000.00

Total Expenses ₱300,000.00

Operational Expense

Operational Materials Cost

Building ₱200,000.00 (Projected Price)

Water ₱5,000.00 (Monthly)

Electricity ₱15,000.00 (Monthly)

Communication ₱3,000.00 (Monthly)

Total Expenses ₱223,000.00

Proposed Employee’s salary and other benefits

Employee Salary No. of Employee Total Expenses

Manager ₱25,000.00 1 ₱25,000.00

Cashier ₱11,000.00 2 ₱22,000.00

Information Agent ₱11,000.00 3 ₱33,000.00

Doorman ₱10,000.00 2 ₱20,000.00

Cook/Chef ₱18,000.00 4 ₱72,000.00

Waiter ₱10,000.00 6 ₱60,000.00

Bartender ₱12,000.00 2 ₱24,000.00

Watcher ₱11,000.00 2 ₱22,000.00

Security Guard ₱13,000.00 2 ₱26,000.00

Caretaker ₱15,000.00 2 ₱30,000.00

Janitor ₱8,000.00 4 ₱32,000.00

Grand Total ₱366,000.00

Production cost or expenses

Materials Price Unit/Quantity Total

Bamboo ₱70.00 100pcs ₱70,000.00

Nipa ₱95.00 200pcs ₱19,000.00

Nail ₱150.00 15 kilos ₱2,250.00

Styrofoam ₱180.00 20 pcs ₱3,600.00

Plastic Barrels ₱1500.00 20 pcs ₱30,000.00

Rope ₱2,800.00 400 meters ₱5,600.00

Wood( Lumber) ₱240.00 100 pcs ₱24,000.00

Net ₱1,226.00 8ft x 15 (2) ₱2,252.00

Grand Total ₱185,700.00

Projected sales

Services/Product Net Price Mark-Up Selling Target Total

Offered (150%) Price Number of


Cottages ₱300.00 ₱450.00 ₱451.00 10 ₱4,510.00

Floating Cottages ₱50.00 ₱75.00 ₱76.00 40 ₱3,040.00


T-Shirts ₱120.00- ₱150.00 ₱180.00- ₱180.00 - 10 ₱1,800.00 –

₱225.00 ₱225.00 ₱2,250.00
Keychain ₱20.00- ₱70.00 ₱30.00 – ₱30.00 – 10 ₱300.00 –
₱105.00 ₱105.00 ₱1,050.00
Other Souvenirs ₱50.00- ₱100.00 ₱75.00 – ₱75.00 – 10 ₱750.00 –
150.00 ₱150.00 ₱1,500.00

Pizza ₱200.00- ₱300.00 ₱300.00 – ₱300.00 – 15 ₱4,500.00 –

₱450.00 ₱450.00 ₱6,750.00
Burger ₱50.00- ₱100.00 ₱75.00 – ₱75.00 – 25 ₱1,875.00 –
₱150.00 ₱150.00 ₱3,750.00
Homemade ₱50.00- ₱75.00 ₱75.00 – ₱75.00 – 25 ₱1,875.00 –
₱112.00 ₱112.00 ₱2,800.00

Homemade ₱5.00 each ₱7.5.00 ₱7.5.00 50 ₱375.00


Homemade ₱5.00 each ₱7.5.00 ₱7.5.00 50 ₱375.00

Cheese stick

Calamares ₱80.00- ₱100.00 ₱120.00 - ₱120.00 - 20 ₱2,400.00 –

₱150.00 ₱150.00 ₱3,000.00
Sandwiches ₱50.00- ₱75.00 ₱75.00 – ₱75.00 – 15 ₱1,125.00 –
₱112.00 ₱112.00 ₱1,680.00
Nachos Fries ₱75.00 - ₱100.00 ₱112.5.00 – ₱112.5.00 – 20 ₱2,250.00 –
₱150.00 ₱150.00 ₱3,000.00
Barkada Snacks ₱300.00 ₱400.00 ₱400.00 10 ₱4,000.00


Fruit Shakes ₱50.00- ₱75.00 ₱75.00 – ₱75.00 – 20 ₱1,500.00 –

₱112.5.00 ₱112.5.00 ₱2,250.00
Soda ₱15.00- ₱75.00 ₱22.5.00 – ₱22.5.00 – 30 ₱675.00 –
₱112.5.00 ₱112.5.00 ₱3,375.00
Beer ₱50.00- ₱120.00 ₱75.00 – ₱75.00 – 30 ₱2,250.00 –
₱180.00 ₱180.00 ₱5,400.00
Special Iced ₱35.00- ₱45.00 ₱52.5.00 – ₱52.5.00 – 20 ₱1,050.00 –
₱67.5.00 ₱67.5.00 ₱1,350.00

Fresh Buko ₱50.00 ₱75.00 ₱75.00 20 ₱1,500.00



Special Halo- ₱75.00- ₱100.00 ₱112.5.00 – ₱112.5.00 – 25 ₱2,812.5.00

₱150.00 ₱150.00 – ₱3,750.00

MaisConYelo ₱50.00 ₱75.00 ₱75.00 25 ₱1,875.00

Mango Float ₱50.00 ₱75.00 ₱75.00 20 ₱1,500.00

Homemade Ice ₱50.00- ₱100.00 ₱75.00 – ₱75.00 – 20 ₱1,500.00 –

₱150.00 ₱150.00 ₱3,000.00

Grand Total ₱10,790.00 ₱4,998.5.00 ₱82,442.5.00

Projected income

Expences Per Month Profit from Services Per Month Income Per Month

Operational Expenses +

Employees Monthly Salary = ₱ 1,427,076.00

Expenses Per Month Service

 Cottages ₱ 108,240.00

₱551,700.00  Floating Cottages ₱ 72,960.00

 Restaurant ₱ 1,797,576.00


Services per Month – Expenses = Profit (Profit from

Services per month

– Expenses per

₱ 1,978,776.00 Month = Income

per Month)
The Projected Profit

Income Per Month Expected expenses to be paid Profit

for the ROI per Month

₱ 1,427,076.00 ROI = Income per Income Per Month –

Month/Total Expenses x 100 Expenses Per Month =


2.59 or 259% ₱875,376

The Socio-Economic Aspect


The socio-economic impact of the proposed project, beauty beyond compare: the panaon

nature beach, will be carefully examined in this chapter as a crucial aspect to strengthen its

credibility and efficacy.

Social impact

The project's socioeconomic desirability is determined by the number of workers who will

be paid by the project and the approximate annual amount of taxes that will be paid by the project

and the establishment's workers. It is also quantified in terms of the economic benefits that will

flow to residents of the town and its environs.

Economic impact
The study's goals are to assess net contribution and to improve the standard of living in the

area while taking community development and socioeconomic wellbeing into account.

The Environmental Aspect


The basic necessity of environmental quality for securing the future existence of a tourist

destination has been recognized by tourism theory. The environment's quality depends on both

natural and man-made factors.

Environmental impact

Tourism, on the other hand, encompasses a number of activities that have a negative impact

on the environment. The building of general infrastructure, such as public toilets, cottages, and

tourism facilities, such as restaurants, is linked to many of the negative environmental impacts that

occur from constructing the tourism destination. This has the potential to gradually deplete the

environmental resources on which it is reliant.

Environmental program and waste management

There aren't as many as there used to be. Raisin has the ability to have a positive impact on

the environment by helping to protect and conserve the ecosystem. It is a means of raising

environmental awareness and can be used to fund the protection of natural areas while also

increasing the economic value of the establishment.


May 28, 2021




Good Day!

We the students of Negros Oriental State University would like to ask your permission to allow us to
conduct a survey in your place. This is in view of our research study entitled " Beauty Beyond Compare:
The Panaon Nature Beach. We are conducting the survey among the chosen local officials in your barangay.

The survey would last only about 10-15 minutes and would be arranged at a time convenient to the chosen
local officials' schedule. Participation in the survey is entirely voluntary and there are no known or
anticipated risks to participation in this study.

Your approval to conduct this study will be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your interest and
assistance with this research.

Sincerely yours,

Miss Mary Ann Gajo

NORSU Student
Noted by:

Mrs. Jane B. Leyva


Approved By:
Mrs. Stella Marie V. Llera
Head of Tourism Dept.
(Local Citizens)

Name: Age:
Address: Sex:

Put a check mark on YES if you recommend that Amenities, facility, accessibility, cleanliness
and safety.
 Floating cottages
 Shower area
 Cottages
 Comfort rooms
 Restaurants

 Parking lots
 Dishwasher units
 Internet
 Convenience store
 Alcohol service

 Wheelchairs
 Vehicles
 Distance-Based Measures
 Pathway for people with disabilities
 Proper sanitation
 Garbage bags
 Clean water source
 Proper dispose of waste
 Security personnel
 Lifesaving equipment’s
 First aid kits
 Lifeguards
 Communicating equipment’s

Name: Age:
Address: Sex:

Put a check mark on YES if you recommend that Amenities, facility, accessibility, cleanliness
and safety.
 Floating cottages
 Shower area
 Cottages
 Comfort rooms
 Restaurants

 Parking lots
 Dishwasher units
 Internet
 Convenience store
 Alcohol service

 Wheelchairs
 Vehicles
 Distance-Based Measures
 Pathway for people with disabilities
 Proper sanitation
 Garbage bags
 Clean water source
 Proper dispose of waste
 Security personnel
 Lifesaving equipment’s
 First aid kits
 Lifeguards
 Communicating equipment’s











































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