04 Energy Resources and Energy Transfer

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■■4 Energy resources and energy transfer

Question Answers and guidance Marks
1 a) 1 2 1
KE = mv where m = mass, v = velocity
b) 1 1
change in kinetic energy = (2 × 60 000 × 132) – (2 × 60 000 × 102) 1

= 5 070 000 – 3 000 000 1

= 2 070 000 J 1
Total 4

Question Answers and guidance Marks

2 a) i) (gravitational) potential energy = mgh 1

ii) GPE = 4 × 10 × 1.2 1

= 48 J 1
(lose 1 mark if the unit is missing)

b) i) energy = V × I × t 1

ii) V × I × t = 16 × 5 × 2.4 1
= 192 J

iii) useful energy

efficiency =
energy put in
= 1
= 0.25 or 25%
(note efficiency is expressed as a fraction or percentage)

c) Any two correct points for 1 mark each:

The current in the motor generates heat energy 1
There is friction in the motor and pulley which produces heat 1
Some energy is transferred to sound energy 1

Total 10

26 © Hodder & Stoughton 2017

4 Energy resources and energy transfer

Question Answers and guidance Marks

3 a) A 1

b) useful energy
efficiency =
energy put in 1
= 1
= 0.05 or 5%

c) For the same energy input, the energy-saving lamp transfers 5 1

times as much light energy as the filament lamp

So they can buy energy-saving lamps which use 1/5 of the power 1
1/5 × 60 W = 12 W 1

Total 7

Question Answers and guidance Marks

4 B 1

Total 1

Question Answers and guidance Mark

5 a) 1
kinetic energy = mv 2
1 2
= × 0.0003 × 18 000 1
= 48 600 J 1

(lose 1 mark if the unit is missing)

b) The friction from the atmosphere makes the meteor very hot 1
Kinetic energy is transferred to heat and light energy 1
Sound is also produced – the meteor produces a shock wave 1

The meteor gets so hot it evaporates 1

Total 7

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Mark scheme

Question Answers and guidance Marks

6 Any two features that reduce heat loss for 1 mark each, e.g. thick 1
padding with air pockets; elasticated opening
Links feature with statement of how heat loss is reduced (named
Heat conduction is reduced through insulators
Convection is reduced because warm air in the bag cannot move
freely out of the bag 1

Total 4

Question Answers and guidance Marks

7 1 mark per line
Chemical energy stored in the firework 1

Changes to kinetic energy as rocket starts moving 1

Kinetic energy changes to gravitational potential energy as rocket

moves upwards 1

When the firework explodes, chemical energy transferred to

kinetic/light/heat/sound energy 1
Energy is conserved as it is transferred to the surroundings 1
which warm up 1

Total 6

Question Answers and guidance Marks

8 Black surface – good colour to absorb heat transferred by radiation 1
Installed on roofs facing the sun to receive most radiation from the 1
Insulation – reduces conduction heat losses from back of tile 1
Metal pipes – good conductor; transfer heat well to the water in the 1
Lots of thin pipes – large surface area to increase rate of heat 1
Inlet pipe lower than outlet pipe – so convection helps flow of water
through the tile 1

Total 6

28 © Hodder & Stoughton 2017

4 Energy resources and energy transfer

Question Answers and guidance Marks

9 a) One advantage and one disadvantage are needed for each
power station:
Advantage –
renewable energy source/locally produced/reliable 1
Disadvantage –
emits greenhouse gases/transport causes congestion and 1
Combined heat and power
Advantage –
more efficient as heat produced is not wasted/reliable 1
Disadvantage –
uses natural gas, which is non-renewable and has limited 1
supply/gives out greenhouse gas emissions

b) Answer should compare and explain the choice of power station –

the mark is for explicitly linking the choice to the reasons 1
expressed below
Biomass – reduces quantity of waste to landfill. Using biomass
saves natural gas for other uses, etc. 2

Combined heat and power – using a gas pipeline is less (2)
disruptive than lorry deliveries; both power stations produce
greenhouse gases but less fuel is used for heating by
homeowners if the combined power station is used. Greenhouse
emissions may fall overall

Total 7

Question Answers and guidance Marks

10 Using the LED lamp: less heat is produced by the lamp/less 1
electricity is needed to run the lamp
Since less electricity is used, less electricity needs to be generated 1
to light homes, which reduces greenhouse gas emissions/means
less fuel is used in power stations, etc.
Disposal/production – 50 times fewer lamps are manufactured and 1
thrown away
Less waste to landfill/less raw materials used/less transport of
bulbs from manufacturer to retailer to homes

Total 4

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Mark scheme

Question Answers and guidance Marks

11 The air (gap) between the glass layers is a good insulator 1
The plastic (window frame) is a good insulator 1
Insulators reduce heat losses by conduction 1

Air is trapped in a narrow gap which reduces heat losses by 1

(no marks for saying that glass is a good insulator)

Total 4

Question Answers and guidance Marks

12 work done = force × distance moved 1
= 2000 × 1.2 = 2400 J
The same amount of work is done using a ramp or lifting OR work 1
done depends on the start and end positions
Using the ramp means a smaller force is needed OR 1
Moving the piano 3.6 m instead of 1.2 m reduces the force needed
by a factor of 3

Total 4

Question Answers and guidance Marks

13 B 1

Total 1

Question Answers and guidance Marks

14 Choice identified with a reason linked to the Allstown site, 1
e.g. coastal so offshore wind farms are possible; area is built-up so
surplus heat can be transferred to homes efficiently; good transport 1
links for gas pipe line and biomass to be delivered

The reason is linked to requirements (all choices generate enough

electricity for stated requirements) 1

One other advantage is stated, e.g. wind power is renewable and

does not create pollution; biomass is renewable and reliable; 1
natural gas is reliable and more efficient

Disadvantages stated for the other sources, e.g. biomass and

natural gas produce greenhouse gases; wind farms are unreliable
and impact on wildlife (1 mark per energy source)

Total 5

© Hodder & Stoughton 2017

4 Energy resources and energy transfer

Question Answers and guidance Marks

15 The battery stores chemical energy that changes to different 1
forms, e.g. kinetic, gravitational potential and heat
work done = energy transferred from battery = force × distance 1
Sample calculation:
weight of person and scooter = (40 + 80) × 10 = 120 N
work done = 120 × 10 000 = 1200 kJ
On hills, work done is done moving the scooter up the hill/working
against gravity as well as along the road/working against friction 1

The range decreases since work is done against two forces:

friction (along the road) and gravity (up the hill) 1
1 1
Energy from battery = kinetic energy of scooter ( mv 2) + GPE of
scooter (mgh)
Since the energy stored in the battery is fixed, less energy is 1
transferred as KE up hills as some is transferred as GPE
The scooter travels slower as kinetic energy depends on velocity2 1

(marks for any five points but a maximum of 2 marks for


Total 5


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