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Autonomous Work

Name: Stive Cajas

Date: February, 22th, 2021




Now, write your essay giving your own opinion on it. (Min. 500 /Max. 800 words)

1st. Brainstorm (clustering)

2nd. Outline (example is shown in your essay practice, follow it)

3rd. Write your first draft

4th Get feedback from a Peer (Use peer editing sheet below)

5th Write your final paper. (Do not forget that your peer reviewer (evaluator) is the one

who gives you a score according to the rubric descriptors.

NOTE: Remember essays usually have four to ten paragraphs. However, this one must

contain only 5 paragraphs. The same order (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th ) shown above, are the

ones that must be presented in details in your autonomous work before uploading to the


Good luck!!!!!!

1. Winning a scholarship is my dream and personal goal since with it I will be able to

travel the world and change my quality of life. Unfortunately, education in my

country could not be compared with that of other countries abroad, despite the fact

that they have worked hard to reach international levels. It is fascinating for me to

receive a scholarship because I can learn, acquire and expand more knowledge and

borders and thus I can improve the mining level of Ecuador.

2. I could travel, study and learn from all over the world. Knowledge becomes an

addiction wanting more and more. The goals of knowledge never end because

whenever one is reached, a new one appears and with a much higher level. When a

person has a high level of knowledge, everything improves as they have a better

professional level and that results in a better lifestyle. But as simple as it may seem,

sometimes people don't know how to take advantage of life's opportunities. To be

successful, we must identify the opportunities that are provided to us and make the

most of them.

3. When we visit other parts of the world we realize the different lifestyles that exist.

In my opinion you have to work hard to achieve that lifestyle that you want so

much. The vine is full of opportunities and full of places that will teach us different

things, we must take advantage of everything that comes our way.

4. With the learning and new ideas acquired, I am sure that the mining level can be

raised to a higher level in Ecuador. Every day new ideas are born about the mining

processes and the environment trying not to affect it too much in its development.

Based on these ideas, efficient and effective processes could be carried out in our


5. An opportunity like a scholarship is nothing more than an opportunity to change our

ideas, which serves us as a person and professional, with a great opportunity to have

new ideas, new knowledge and tons of motivation to make the world a better place

to you and the rest of the people. As you get to know new places, you get to mature

and see the reality of the world and our country, and the shortcomings that it has,

which makes us aware that opportunities are not always going to be there and when

they appear we have to make the most of them.


Writer (author): Stive Cajas

Peer reviewer (evaluator): Maria Mercedes Zaquinaula

1.5 point 2.0 points 3.0 points

Content  Irrelevance and  Minor  All content is relevant to the
misinterpretation irrelevances task.
of task may be and/or  Target reader is fully
present. omissions may informed
 Target reader is be present.
minimally  Target reader is
informed. on the whole
Organization  .Production  Text is  Text is connected and
unlikely to be connected using coherent, using basic
connected, basic, high linking words and a limited
though frequency number of cohesive
punctuation and linking words. devices. (Cohesive devices
simple are words like ‘For
connectors (ex. example‘, ‘In conclusion‘,
‘and’) may on ‘however‘ and ‘moreover
occasion be etc.)
Language  .Produces basic  Uses basic  Produces basic vocabulary
vocabulary of vocabulary of isolated words and
isolated words reasonable phrases.
and phrases. appropriately.  Produces few simple
 Use simple grammatical forms with only
grammatical limited control.
forms with some
degree of
 Errors my
impede meaning
at times.

Partner’s General layout: Organization: Language: Peer Editing sheet: Total:

score: 2.5/3.0 2.5/3.0 2.5/3.0 1.0 /1.0 8.5 /10
“As a peer reviewer, your job is not to provide answers. You raise questions; the writer makes the

choices. You act as a mirror, showing the writer how the draft looks to you and pointing out areas

which need attention." - S. Williams (Univ. of Hawaii at Manoa's Writing Program)

Writer: Stive Cajas Date: February, 25th, 2021

Peer Editor: Maria Mercedes Zaquinaula

1. How many paragraphs are in the essay? 5 What is the topic of the essay?

Why am I looking for a scholarship in my area of study?

2. Is there a thesis statement?_ YES_If yes, write it here.

It is fascinating for me to receive a scholarship because I can learn, acquire and

expand more knowledge and borders and thus I can improve the mining level of


3. Read the second paragraph. Does every supporting sentence connect to the first

sentence of the paragraph (the topic sentence)?

I could travel, study and learn from all over the world

If not, circle any sentence that is not related to the topic sentence.

4. Read the third paragraph. Write all the adjectives you find in the paragraph.

Different, Full

5. Find a sentence that contains a comma. Write the sentence here.

Unfortunately, education in my country could not be compared with that of

other countries abroad, despite the fact that they have worked hard to reach

international levels

In your opinion, is the comma used correctly? If not, correct the error on your

classmate’s paper.

Yes, use correctly, because it separates matching elements from sentences well

6. Find the transition words in the essay and write them here.
- Also, but, as

In your opinion, are all the transition words used correctly?

- Yes, but I used more punctuation to be able to clearly explain my ideas

If not, suggest corrections on your classmate’s paper.

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