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Principle of marketing

Assignment# 02

Submitted To: Sir. Jawad Tareen

Submitted By: Atia Hameed (L1F19BSAF0177)
Date: 06,21,2021

Department of Accounting and Finance

Boss: Better Product Through Research
Based on concepts discussed in this chapter, describe the factors that have
contributed to Bose’s new product success.
Basically, one of the many ideas which can be used directly to the growth of Bose today is the
latest product creation process. Amar Bose was one of the major origins of the Concept
Generation and Bose was motivated by his dedication to science. Bose's biggest strength came
from their advancement of marketing campaigns when they were able to find buyers to sell their
goods successfully if a great deal of backlash was received or their product was originally shut

Is Bose’s product development process customer centered? Explain.
In which the product production of Bose not only focuses on the consumer but also on testing.
The ideology and slogan of Bose, as stated in the case study, “Better Sound Through Research”
By beginning from scratch and looking for the best way to tackle these challenges, Bose creates
goods that fix certain issue previously faced by customers. Often because of the unusual
approach of not using product on what our customer needs. Bose product can be customer
focused, but essentially their final product demonstrate how much they are superior to market

How is Bose unique with respect to product life-cycle management?

In product life cycle management, Bose, as an outstanding company, arranges consumer needs
before considering profitability. This is what Bose companies’ praise for life cycle management.
Boss has established a unique trust relationship with customers. We believe that his life cycle is
directly affected by customer satisfaction and loyal customer relationships. Therefore, we have
to say that Bose is a very successful company and has maintained it for many years.

With respect to the product life cycle, what challenges does Bose face in
managing its product portfolio?
The challenges Bose faces in managing its product portfolio are keeping improving their
products as they keep researching and giving their customers value. In my opinion, doing
researches serves Bose in knowing their customers’ needs better than its competitors. This also
shows its customers “we are here to give you the best product”. As I mentioned, sustaining its
relationship with its customers, and keep improving their products accordingly are the two major

Can Bose continue to maintain its innovative culture without Amar Bose?
Yes, Amar Bose has managed to root his vision in the DNA of his company for many years.
Since, the DNA is kept for such a long time, it will be almost impossible to pull it out. Unless its
board of directors want to destroy the company and will start to follow other approaches.

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