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Past Continuous (Trecutul continuu)

Forma past tense continuous:

Afirmativ: subiect+to be (la past simple – was/were)+verb de conjugat+-

ing (reguli adaugare terminatia -ing)
Negativ: subiect+to be (la past simple – was/were)+not+verb de
Interogativ: to be (la past simple – was/were)+subiect+ verb de
Utilizare Past Tense Continuous:

1. o acţiune care este desfăşurare la un moment dat in trecut, întreruptă

de o altă acţiune sau un timp:
They were playing cards (when he entered the room). – Ei jucau cărţi
(când a intrat el.)
At three o’clock, I was working. La ora 3 eu lucram
Observaţie: dacă două acţiuni se petrec în acelaşi timp în trecut, se
foloseşte Past Tense Continuous în ambele propoziţii:
While Mike was watering the flowers, Jane and Luke were digging in
the garden.- În timp ce Mike uda florile, Jane şi Luke săpau în grădină.

2 Mai folosim trecutul continuu şi când este vorba de Informaţii

generale, sau pentru a oferi o anumită atmosferă unei povestiri

It was a beautiful day. The birds were singing, the sun was shining and
in the cafes people were laughing and chatting. Era o zi frumoasa.
Pasarile cantau, soarele stralucea iar in cafenele oamenii râdeau șI

3. O acţiune enervantă şi repetată în trecut, de obicei cu ‘always’:

He was always leaving the tap running. El lăsa mereu robinetul să curgă

Forma pozitivă:
I was sleeping- eu dormeam
you were working- tu munceai
he was coming- El venea

she was reading ‘War and Peace’ _ ea citea Razboi si pace
it was raining- ploua
we were shopping- noi faceam cumparaturi
they were watching a film- ei vizionau un film

Forma negativă – se adaugă ‘not’:

I was not (wasn’t) sleeping

you were not (weren’t) working
he was not (wasn’t) coming
she was not (wasn’t) reading ‘War and Peace’
it was not (wasn’t) raining
we were not (weren’t) shopping
they were not (weren’t) watching a film

Şi, la fel ca şi cu trecutul simplu cu to be, pentru a face o propoziţie

interogativă cu răspuns scurt (da/nu), punem was/were în faţa

Was I listening?
Were you working?
Was she working?
Was he living in Paris at the time?
Was it snowing when you arrived?
Were we eating?
Were they studying?

I was walking – Eu mă plimbam
you were walking – Tu te plimbai
He was walking – El se plimba
she was walking – Ea se plimba
it was walking – Se plimba
we were walking – Noi ne plimbam
you were walking – Voi vă plimbaţi
they were walking – Ei se plimbau

Atenţie: În acest timp, cât şi în orice alt timp continuu, nu folosim

verbele statice (to feel, to see, to think, to seem, to like, etc)

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