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Land-use planning represents an attempt to resolve conflicts between the need to utilize land
and at the same time to protect the environment. Hence, planners have to assess the
advantages, disadvantages, costs and benefits of development. In the first instance, land-use
planning involves the collection and evaluation of relevant data from which plans can
be formulated. The policies that result also have to take account of economic, sociological
and political influences. As far as geology is concerned, sufficient data should be provided to
planners and engineers so that, ideally, they can develop the environment in harmony
with nature. Geological information is required at all levels of planning and development
from the initial identification of a social need to the construction stage. Even after
construction, further involvement may be necessary in the form of advice on hazard
monitoring, maintenance or remedial works. ➢ Attached is a detailed description of how
understanding engineering geology helps in planning and hence preventing people from
developing in areas prone to catastrophic events. You are required to study the literature,
summarize it in your own words. Take a case study of any major ongoing civil engineering
construction project within your region and find out if geological studies were made in
planning and development of that area/project.
Come up with a report of note less than 15 pages

We would like to thank the omnipotent God for guiding us during the course of
accomplishing. Special thanks go to our dedicated lecturer Mr. Zzigwa Marvin for his
guidance. The staff at the site who were also instrumental for their unwavering
support towards the entire course unit.

Geology is the study of the earth crust, dealing with the material in term of rocks, the
process regarding the running activity from time to time that changes the
characteristics of rocks (such as mineral composition, structure, deformation stage,
etc.), the product as the result of process, and time or history. Geology possesses two
groups of disciplines that play important roles for the support of land, energy and
mineral resource as the figure of Geological Wheel. Branches of geology dealing with
land resources development are grouped into Geological Engineering discipline that
consist of hydrogeology, engineering geology-geotechnics, geomechanics, coastal
geomorphology, marine geology, urban geology, environmental geology. These
disciplines play important role in areal development and infrastructure design and
construction. For supporting the successful regional design urban geology,
hydrogeology, and environmental geology are of most importance. Since the condition
of the all aspects occurring in a map unit are of geological origin, it is understood that
the map unit is of land genetic unit, abbreviated as LGU. This LGU can be delineated
or mapped, in which all the seven aspects can be rated to present their stage of
potency of the map unit in one side and/or their constraint in the other side. This
kind of map of a region, for example under regional planning program, presenting
LGU(s) of different characteristics, potency, and constraint is very helpful for the
support of successful goal of the program. Every LGU is determined by the following
three parameters: 1) the lithologic composition that construct the unit; 2) stage of
deformation by tectonic activity; and 3) the morphologic feature of the land surface.
This LGU is identifiable and can be mapped through engineering geological mapping
resulting in delineated map units in the Land Genetic Map.

Table of Contents
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .............................................................................................................................. ii
ABSTRACT .................................................................................................................................................. iii
INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................................... 1
The role of engineering geology ....................................................................................................... 3
Geological mapping .......................................................................................................................... 6
Computer modelling ......................................................................................................................... 7
Establishing a geotechnical database .......................................................................................... 7
The Katosi Water treatment plant........................................................................................................ 7
Site Investigations................................................................................................................................. 8
Engineering Geological Aspects Considered in this Case. ....................................................... 9
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS ........................................................................................................... 11
REFERENCES:............................................................................................................................................ 13

Environmental geology has been defined as the application of geological principles to
the problems created by the occupancy and exploitation by humankind of the physical
environment. However, environmental geology is not just the impact of humans on
the geological environment, it also involves the impact of the geological environment
on humans. For instance, natural geo-hazards such as volcanic eruptions,
earthquakes, landslides, and floods are usually independent of humans but can have a
devastating effect upon their environment. The activities of humans also can have
notable effects on the environment. Both of these aspects are the concern of
environmental geology. As such, environmental geology is of fundamental importance
as far as planning and development of the environment is concerned. The latter must
take due account of geo-hazards and must seek to reduce the number of adverse
environmental impacts of society on nature. Accordingly, environmental geology
needs to be intimately involved in the planning process, providing basic information
necessary to develop acceptable conditions in which people can live. In addition, the
increasing public awareness of the importance of the environment requires a deeper
understanding of the geological processes at work within the environment.

Land-use planning becomes increasingly important as the human population of the

world continues to expand. This is even more important in the context of urban
planning in that today almost half the population lives in towns or cities. Most of this
urbanization is occurring within developing countries. Obviously, the megacities of
the future must be well planned if their inhabitants are to lead worthwhile lives.
Accordingly, one of the principal objectives of land-use planning is to improve the
quality of life and the general welfare of the community, and this can be achieved by
producing better environments in which people live. Therefore, land-use planning
should provide a system through which communities can address their development,
and should address environmental management. Land-use planning, however, is not
just concerned with creating decent living conditions; it has to make sure that these
conditions function effectively. Unfortunately, this is not easy to achieve since the

changing character of land use, particularly of urban areas, the subjective nature of
what is desirable, and the conflicting expectations of people, complicate matters.
Consequently, planning involves some degree of arbitration and of compromise, and
planning action is an evolving process. Policies that develop from planning, lead to a
certain course of action and, as such, may be controversial. As a consequence,
ultimately planning policies must be the prerogatives of government, since legislation
is necessary to put them into effect.

Human activities and land uses are spatially distributed, with some locations being
very specifically determined. For instance, mineral resources determine where mining
may occur, and if a deposit is economically viable or strategically necessary.
Conversely, many land uses have no specific connection with locality and so may be
situated in different places with similar suitability.

Therefore, land-use planning must seek to establish acceptable criteria for the
location of each activity. So the problem of location of each activity may involve
competing claims from different areas in order to bring about an overall optimization.
Of course, the same area of land may be suitable for different uses, and so its use has
to be resolved by the planning process.

Land-use planning represents an attempt to reduce the number of conflicts and

adverse environmental impacts in relation to society and nature. In the first instance,
land-use planning involves the collection and evaluation of relevant data to enable
the formulation of plans. The resulting policies depend on economic, sociological, and
political influences in addition to the perception of the problem. As noted above, land
use planning is a political process, with decisions usually being taken at various levels
of government, depending on the project, after receiving advice from professional
officers. It is the planner who makes the recommendations regarding planning
proposals, but when a specialist topic is involved, then the recommendations are only
as good as the advice received from a specialist. In the geological context, sufficient
geological data should be provided to planners and engineers so that, ideally, they
can develop the environment in harmony with nature. Geological information is
required at all levels of planning and development from the initial identification of a

social need to the construction stage. Even after construction, further involvement
may be necessary in the form of advice on hazard monitoring, maintenance, or
remedial works. The importance of geology in planning physical facilities and
individual structures cannot be over-stressed, since land is the surface expression of
underlying geology. Consequently, land-use planning can only be achieved
satisfactorily if there is a proper understanding of the geology concerned. In addition,
the development of land must be planned with the full realization of the natural
forces that have brought it to its present state, taking into account the dynamic
character of nature, so that development does not upset the delicate balance any
more than is essential. Geology should therefore be the starting point of all planning.
Accordingly, it is important that the planner, developer, and civil engineer should
readily appreciate geological data. One of the principal ways of representing
geological data is with maps. Maps represent a means of storing and transmitting
information, in particular of conveying specific information about the spatial
distribution of given factors or conditions. Unfortunately the conventional geological
map is often inadequate for the needs of planners, developers, and civil engineers.
Recently, however, various types of maps incorporating geological data have been
developed for planning purposes. Such maps include morphological maps, engineering
geomorphological maps, environmental geological maps, and engineering geological
maps. Essentially they should be simple and provide some indication of those areas
where there are and are not geological constraints on development.

The role of engineering geology

The role of engineering geology in urban planning has started to be recognized in
practice only in the last 15 years. More recently an increasing general concern has
been observed. Engineering Geology can contribute significantly to the solution of
many of the urban problems, as follows:

a) Selection of the most environmentally favorable urban settlements.

b) Selection of the most suitable areas for town development.

c) As a contribution to achieve the most economical and environmentally

conservative solution for the Urban Plan.
d) Specific assistance during the development, design and construction stages of
the town.

Geology, geomorphology and hydrogeology must be known and investigated before

any engineering geological study is carried out. The kind of information they can
provide should be up-to-date, and at an adequate scale. After these basic
investigations, the following engineering geological problems should be considered:

a) Foundations.

b) Ground stability.

c) Excavations.

d) Natural resources.

e) Water supply.

f) Waste disposal.

The incidence of geological hazards in towns is limited and normally is restricted to

particular areas. However, if these occur the consequences can be catastrophic. This
possibility places geological hazards in a very special position in land-evaluation for
urban planning.

Land use planning based on zoning the area in sectors of different risk is the only way
to cope with geological hazards. A general approach could be:

a) Evaluation of the problem.

b) Zoning and rating the area as to different grades of risk.

c) Planning and development in accordance with these zones.

d) Application of special measures and the avoidance or restriction of

development where recommended.

This approach can neither eliminate nor diminish the geological phenomena, but their
effects on lives and property can be dramatically decreased.

This planning and design of site investigations to tackle the above mentioned
engineering geological problems depends largely on the purpose and stage of the
urban planning and development and on the geological complexity of the area.

An approach to presentation of maps for urban planning purposes could suggest these

a) Basic maps.

b) Engineering geological maps.

c) Influence factor maps.

d) Urban suitability maps.

e) Land system maps.

Basic maps are represented by geological, hydrogeological and geo-morphological

maps. The engineering geological maps should be presented in the way recommended
by authorities. Normally they include the information in one sheet map, but where
complex factors occur multiple maps are used which delineate special factors,
hazards and purposes. These are the influence factor maps. Tables which describe the
mapped units and their engineering properties are usually annexed. Although there is
no general agreement as to the number and type of influence factors to be included,
nor how they should be presented for urban planning purposes, the inclusion of the
following is suggested:

a) Slope Foundation conditions

b) Groundwater conditions

c) Construction materials

d) Slope stability

e) Waste disposal

f) Mineral resources

g) Geological hazards.

Land system maps are very useful when the analysis of a great number of variables or
even the whole environment over large areas is required in a short time.

The work undertaken for the study was carried out between April 1986 and March
1988, and includes: (i) geological mapping; (ii) 1:25,000 scale thematic mapping; (iii)
computer modelling; (iv) establishing a geotechnical data base; (v) identification of
sites of former mineral workings; (vi) a review of land use planning provisions.

Geological mapping
Geological field mapping IS undertaken at 1:10,000 scale with particular attention
paid to checking the lithological boundaries shown on the original 1:10,560 scale
geological maps of the area produced, clarifying structural relationships between
units and assessing geological structures in a regional context.

The field mapping was supplemented by the interpretation of Landsat Thematic

Mapper (TM) imagery, together with the use of additional information from borehole
records and previous research. The use of TM imagery allowed the identification and
subsequent integration of lineaments of structural significance, providing a continuity
of structure not apparent on the previous geological maps.

Aerial photograph interpretation, with additional field verification was carried out for
the mapping, at 1:25,000 scale of:

(1) Superficial geology; identifying the spatial distribution of the following superficial
materials: mixed estuarine salt marsh and lagoon deposits, contemporary estuarine
deposits, contemporary beach material, raised beach deposits, river alluvium,
collegial valley infill, head (per glacial slope deposits), landslide debris and landfill

(2) Geomorphology and hydrology; identifying a range of geomorphological features

including solifluction lobes, areas susceptible to soil erosion, solution hollows and
caverns in the Devonian limestone. The presence of solution features can cause
geotechnical problems, for example Brunsden et al. (1976) recorded large sediment-

filled solution pipes in a road cutting along the Kingsteignton-Newton Abbot By-pass
which caused severe problems during construction (Fookes and Hawkins 1988).

Computer modelling
A computer-based digital terrain modelling suite of programmers id been used to
produce a three-dimensional representation of the land surface based on the contour
information presented on the published 1:25,000 scale Ordnance Survey maps. Slope
steepness over the whole of this model was calculated on a 25m x 25m grid, and the
resulting map was used to define areas of land steeper than 1:5, the local guideline
for building development.

The slope steepness map indicates both the large range of slope values which occur
within the area and the presence of some very steep slopes in absolute terms. These
characteristics produce problems for those concerned with planning and
development. The steeper slopes provide well-drained conditions, in most cases,
climatic advantages when associated with southerly aspects and elevation that
provides panoramic views. On the other hand these steeper slopes may experience
stability problems, especially where slopes have been modified during construction.

Establishing a geotechnical database

Part of the study has been directed towards the collection, collation and synthesis of
all existing published and archival material relevant to the development of a
computerized geotechnical database. Archival sources have included field notes,
borehole logs, site testing reports from central and local government, statutory
undertakers, research and academic institutions and private sector mineral operators,
consultants and developers. The resultant database provides a means of accessing the
material but does not provide specific technical information. It is up to the user to
assimilate this information, assess its usefulness and negotiate with the holder of the
data for its release and use.

The Katosi Water treatment plant

The water treatment facility is under construction in the lakeside town of Katosi, in
Ntenjeru subcounty, Mukono District, in the Buganda Region of Uganda. Katosi is
approximately 23.5 kilometers (15 mi), by road, southeast of the town of Mukono,

where the district headquarters are located. This is about 53 kilometers, by road,
south-east of Kampala, the capital city of Uganda.[

Engineering geological investigations were carried out to provide information on the

physical environment and engineering geological characteristics of the urban planning
of Mukono.

Site Investigations
All the available information concerning geology, hydrogeology and seismology of the
region was collected, before carrying out any site investigation. To obtain field
information on geological, hydrogeological and geomorphological characteristics of
the area a detailed survey was carried out. At the same time a geophysical survey
using the electric resistivity method was performed to determine the thickness of the
overburden, and the composition and structure of the most geologically complex
areas. Soft samples were taken from 40 trial pits. Rock and water samples were also
collected from outcrops and the lake, respectively.

Site investigations for engineering geological purposes were carried out after the
geological conditions of the area were known. The capacity or incapacity of geological
formations underlying the recreational facilities to support loads was considered when
selecting a site. Since rock formations directly affects the excavation costs, the
absorptive capacity of underlying soils was an important site selection parameter for
the treatment system. For example, the land disposal systems required soils with high
permeability for effective treatment.

However, lagoons or other wastewater treatment processes that use earthen dikes
were not be constructed over highly permeable soils, and they were lined to avoid
excessive rates of seepage from the basins. To avoid groundwater contamination,
seepage rate should generally not exceed 0.3 mm/d (/in/d). Soil laboratory tests
consisted of classification, compaction and swelling tests. Strength and
compressibility tests were carried out on selected samples. Rock laboratory tests
consisted of density, porosity and uniaxial compressive strength determinations. The
point load test was extensively used.

Engineering Geological Aspects Considered in this Case.
The following subjects were considered in the engineering geological investigations
for the urban planning of this area:

a) Geology.

b) Geomorphology.

c) Hydrology and hydrogeology.

d) Construction materials.

e) Geological hazards.

f) Engineering geology.

g) Waste disposal and ground water pollution.

Just to give a general idea of the engineering geological conditions of the site, some
of the main aspects will be briefly described. Soil formations were covering the area.
They consist of transported and residual soils formed by weathering.

The hydrogeological conditions determined an initial high water table which has been
progressively lowered. Based upon index and classification tests it was possible to
identify ten different soil units. Average values showed that they are of fine grain
size, passing more than 80 % by the 200 sieve (ASTM), liquid limits between 35 and 55
%, plastic limits from 20 to 35 %, plasticity index from 15 to 22 %, and dry densities
from 1.1 to 1.4 gr/cm3. Over consolidated clays were formed in the higher levels of
these clays as a result of the desiccation and lowering of the water table. It was also
possible to recognize the presence of expansive clays permitting an evaluation in
terms of swelling potential and swelling pressures.

The following points were considered in the description of the engineering geological
characteristics of the area:

Classification of the area into engineering geological soils and rock units. Extent,
distribution and thickness of each unit. Characteristics of the engineering geological
units based on classification, strength and compressibility properties. Identification,

origin, engineering properties and distribution of the expansive clays. Evaluation of
foundation conditions. Slope stability and excavation evaluations.

Presentation of Data

The information was presented in the form of maps and plans accompanied by a
10,000 word report. The following list of colored maps, all at a scale of 1:25,000,
were included in an atlas:

a) Basic Maps

- Geological map and geological cross sections.

- Geological map of surface formations.

- Geomorphological map - Hydrogeological map.

- Construction materials resources map.

b) Engineering Geological Maps

- Site investigations location map.

- Engineering geological map.

- Table of engineering geological characteristics.

c) Urban Suitability Maps.

- Slope steepness evaluation map.

- Engineering geological evaluation map.

- Waste disposal and ground water pollution evaluation map.

The urban suitability maps were produced principally in order to assist planners - not
necessarily for experts in Earth Sciences - and to give a quick idea of the most
suitable or unsuitable areas for different factors. A "traffic light" code color system
was used to indicate green for favorable, yellow for restricted, and red for
unfavorable conditions.

Engineering geology can provide essential information for urban planning and
development as follows:

a) Recognition of the problem

b) Evaluation of the problem.

c) Anticipation of a general behavior of the materials in relation to the

engineering properties.

d) Prediction of general problems affecting the same engineering geological unit.

e) Zoning the area in different ranges of urban suitability or risk.

f) Planning and development according to the characteristics of each zone

Recommendation for detailed studies in order to apply remedial measures, and/or
avoid or restrict development in appropriate areas.

The complexity of the urban environment, where no factor can be considered

separately, makes it necessary to take into account some of the following questions
when an evaluation of influence factors is carried out:

Problems derived from intrinsic suitability evaluation, in which each factor is

analyzed independently, and restrictive criteria are applied, allowing the rating of
different parameters.

The evaluation of conflictive areas where there may be factors of the land in conflict
at times with each other.

Weighting different factors when considering a wide range of as- pacts; e.g.
foundation conditions, waste disposal, earthquake hazards. In these cases it is quite
difficult to establish rating systems and jointly to evaluate them as a whole. The
suggested approach is:

a) To evaluate in a first category those geological hazards which involve loss of

life, and property loss and damage.

b) To establish a second category considering those factors which can severely
affect environmental conditions.

c) To evaluate the remaining factors in economic terms when they do not

substantially affect environmental conditions.

Engineering geological investigations should be carried out in the early stages of

planning and during all the development and design stages. These investigations are
particularly important for new towns, the peripheral expansion of existing towns and

An engineering geology plan should always try to achieve the following goals:

a) To optimize the whole environment

b) To get the most economical solution for the urban plan.

Emphasis is laid on the importance of two aspects that need closer investigation and
which should be included in all engineering geological investigations for urban

I. The investigation of trends of engineering properties, and the degree of

confidence in extrapolation of geotechnical data.

II. The changes, interferences or alterations that urbanization can produce on the
geological environment.

1. ANON. (1965): Geology and Urban Development. Assoc. Eng. Geologists. Special Pub. 2.
ANON. (1972): The preparation of Maps and Plans in Terms of Engineering Geology. Eng.
Group of the Geological Soc. of London. Q. J1. Engng. Geol. 5,293-381.

3. AITCHISON G.D. - GRNAT K. (1968): Terrain Evaluation for Engineering. CSIRO

Symposium Aust. Div. S. Mech. Paper 2.

4. ALFORS J.T. - BURNETT J.L. - GAY T.E. (1973): Urban Geology: - Master Plan for
California. California Div. Min. and Geol. Bull. 198.

5. CRATCHLEY C.R. - DENNESS B. (1972): Engineering Geo- logy in Urban Planning with an
Example from the New City of Milton Keynes. 24th. Inter. Geological Congress. See. 13, 13-22.

6. GONZALEZ DE VALLEJO L. (1975): Engineering Geology for Urban Planning and

Development. M.Se. Thesis, Imperial College London.

7. GRANT K. (1974); A systematic Approach to Mapping Engi9neering Geology. 2nd. Inter.

Congress IAEG, Theme 3, PMC 2, 9 p.

8. HACKETT J.E. - McCOMAS M.R. (1969): Geology for Planning in McHenry County, lllinois,
lllinois State Geological Survey, Cir. 438.

9. KNILL J.L. - PRICE D.G. - HIGGINBOTTOM I.E. (1968): Aspects of the Engineering
Geology of the City of Bristol. 23rd. Inter. Geol. Congress. See. 12, 77-88. 10. LEGGET R.F.
(1973): Cities and Geology. McGraw Hill.

11. MATULA M. (1974): Engineering Geology in Country and Urban Planning 2nd. Inter.
Congress IAEG, Theme 3, GR, 20 p. 12. McHARG I. (1969): Design with Nature. Natural
History Press for the American Museum of Nat. History, New York.


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