Duane Rousselle, PHD: Phone: +1 705 492 9823

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Duane Rousselle, PhD

Citizenship: Canadian
Phone: +1 705 492 9823

PhD (2015) Cultural Studies.
Trent University (Canada).
Certi cate of Advanced PhD Studies (2012) Philosophy, Media & Communications.
European Graduate School (Switzerland).
MA (2011) Sociology.
University of New Brunswick (Canada).
BA (Hons) (2007) Sociology / Psychology.
University of New Brunswick (Canada).
Diploma (2002) Electronic Game Design/Computer Programming.
New Brunswick Community College (Canada)

Extracurricular Study
(2020) Lacanian Study Group on “Ordinary Psychosis.” New Lacanian School. Led by Dr. Ellie
(2014-current) Lacan Toronto. Regular Advanced Seminars / Courses in Psychoanalysis.
(2019) Course Certi cate. “Islam Through Its Scriptures,” Harvard University.

Academic Positions
(2021) Erudite Professor in Residence. [Typically Reserved for Nobel Laureates] Mahatma Gandhi
University. Kerala, India. [Special Summer Appointment]
(2020-current) Assistant Professor. Department of Sociology and Anthropology. Nipissing
University. Ontario (Canada).
(2019-2020) Associate Professor. Faculty of Liberal Arts. SVKM’s National Institute of
Management Studies in Mumbai (India).
(2018-2019) Visiting Professor of Sociology. Department of Sociology.
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. Grand Valley State University (United States).
(2018) Stipend Professor of Sociology. Department of Social Sciences.
Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences. University of New Brunswick (Saint John).
(2017-current) Special Graduate Faculty. Department of Cultural Studies.
Faculty of Arts. Trent University (Canada).
(2017-2018) Assistant Professor of Social Theory. Department of Social Sciences.
Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences. University of New Brunswick (Saint John).
(2017) Sessional Instructor. Cultural Studies Department.
Faculty of Arts. Trent University (Canada).



(2016) Lecturer. Cultural Studies Department.

Faculty of Arts. Trent University (Canada)
(2014-15) Co-Lecturer with Levi Bryant. “The Concept of Anxiety in the work of Jacques Lacan,”
Global Center for Advanced Studies (United States).
(2013) Co-Lecturer with Ger Zelinski. Cultural Studies Department. “Media Studies”
Faculty of Arts. Trent University (Canada).

Other Positions
(2019-Current) Private Clinical Psychoanalyst.
(2016-2017) Clinical Psychoanalyst. Trillium Hospital. Mississauga, Ontario (Canada). Full

Academic Committees & Service

(2021, forthcoming) Co-Teaching with Dr. Sal Renshaw and Dr. Renee Valiquette for
Interdisciplinary Studies at Nipissing University. Course theme: “DREAM.” My class is titled
“Waking Up from the Nightmare: An Introduction to Psychoanalytic Sociology.”
(2020) Course Design in the following areas: “Foundations in Indian Psychology,” “Social
Psychology,” “Cognitive Psychology,” and others. “Introduction to Psychology” is a course
offered in collaboration with Virginia Tech (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University,
United States of America).
(2020-current) Academic Board of Studies. Jyoti Dalal School of Liberal Arts. SVKM’s
National Institute of Management Studies in Mumbai, India.
(2020-current) Academic Coordinator (Chair). Sociology Specialization Areas. Jyoti Dalal
School of Liberal Arts. SVKM’s National Institute of Management Studies in Mumbai, India.
(2020-current) Academic Coordinator (Chair). Psychology Specialization Areas. Jyoti Dalal
School of Liberal Arts. SVKM’s National Institute of Management Studies in Mumbai, India.
(2020-current) Capstone Viva Committee (15 students). Jyoti Dalal School of Liberal Arts.
SVKM’s National Institute of Management Studies in Mumbai, India.
(2020-current) Mentoring (approximately 50 students). SVKM’s National Institute of
Management Studies in Mumbai, India.
(2019-2020) PhD Committee. Ajeenkya DY Patil University in Pune, India.
(2019) Capstone Committee for Azania Patel [work which led to an Oxford University Rhodes
(2017-2021) Doctoral Committee Supervision/Reader for Mir Hussain Madhavi. Department
of Cultural Studies. Trent University (Canada). Dissertation: “Speaking of Being: Poetry as the
Psychoanalysis of Presence; From Language to Lalangue.” Successfully Defended and

Refereed Publications
(in production) The Child, All Alone: Age, Childhood, and the Family in America. [This manuscript is

currently being written]
(2021) Real Love: Essays on Psychoanalysis, Religion, Society. New York, NY: Atropos Press. [European
Graduate School Press]
(2020) Gender, Sexuality, and Subjectivity: A Lacanian Perspective on Identity, Language, and Queer Theory.
Routledge Focus on Mental Health. Routledge Books.
(2019) Jacques Lacan and American Sociology: Be Wary of the Image. The Lacan Series (D. Hook & C.
Neill, Eds.). Palgrave MacMillan. [“Editor’s Choice” in Sociology; Nominated for John Porter Book
Award with the Canadian Sociological Association]
(2018) Lacanian Realism: Clinical and Political Psychoanalysis (Series: Bloomsbury Studies in Continental
Philosophy). New York, NY: Bloomsbury Publishing.
(2012) After Post-Anarchism. Oakland, CA: Repartee Books.
(2013) Ed., The Subject of Change: Lessons from the European Graduate School by Alain Badiou. New York,
NY: Atropos Press. [European Graduate School Press] [Also translated into multiple languages with
other presses: Hebrew, Spanish]
(2011) Ed. with Sureyya Evren, Post-Anarchism: A Reader. London: Pluto Press.

(2021) “The Truth About Coronavirus,” Coronavirus, Psychoanalysis, and Philosophy: Conversations on
Pandemics, Politics and Society (Fernando Castrillon & Thomas Marchevsky, Eds.). Routledge.
(2021) “Lacanian Psychoanalysis and the Social Sciences,” Jacques Lacan: Science and Truth (Concetta
Principe & Molly Wallace, Eds.). Palgrave MacMillan.
(2021) “Jacques Lacan,” [Encyclopedia Entry] Palgrave Encyclopedia of the Possible (Vlad Glaveanu,
Ed.). Palgrave MacMillan. https://link.springer.com/referenceworkentry/
(2014) “Imaginary, Symbolic, Real,” The Zizek Dictionary (Rex Butler, ed.). New York, NY: Acumen
Publishing. pp. 213-6.
(2011) “Preface,” Post-Anarchism: A Reader (Sureyya Evren, Duane Rousselle, eds.). London: Pluto
Press. pp. vii-ix.

(2021, forthcoming) “American Wisdom,” Special Issue of Mexican Journal of Psychoanalysis,
Philosophy, and Politics, Intempestivas (translated into Spanish), edited by Slavoj Zizek. Universidad
Autonoma de Zacatecas.
(2021) “The Lonely Anti-Racist,” Special Issue: “Race and the Signi er” (Fernando Castrillon,
Ed.). European Journal of Psychoanalysis.
(2021) “Capitalism is the Alternative: Dogmatic Marxism … Or Worse! (A Debate with Slavoj
Zizek). The Philosophical Salon, Los Angeles Review of Books. June 21st.
(2021) “Lacanian Psychoanalytic Explorations of Love Within Christianity and Islam,” European
Journal of Psychoanalysis. Issue 2020, No. 2.
(2020) “How Do Systems Love?: Lacanian Explorations of Niklas Luhmann’s Communicative
Theory,” International Sociological Association eSymposium. July 2020. <https://


(2020) “The Truth of Coronavirus,” in “Psychoanalysts Facing Coronavirus with Elisabeth
Roudinesco, Giorgio Agamben, Jean-Luc Nancy, Roberto Esposito, Sergio Benvenuto, Divya
Dwivedi, Shaj Mohan, and Monique Lauret” European Journal of Psychoanalysis. <http://
www.journal-psychoanalysis.eu/the-truth-about-coronavirus/> Translated in Russian <http://
www.journal-psychoanalysis.eu/isap/> Translated in Italian <https://www.journal-
(2019) “The Little objet a of Anarchist Philosophy,” Continental Thought & Theory. Vol 3. No. 1. Pp.
(2019) “Love Must Be Reinvented,” (translated work for Alain Badiou). Theory & Event. Vol. 22., No.
(2019) “Lacanian Psychoanalysis in the Twenty-First Century,” Psychoanalytic Discourse. No. 5.
(2019) “Islamic Ethics: ‘We Must Come to Common Terms,’” The Philosophical Salon: London Review
of Books. As Retrieved on March 2019 from http://thephilosophicalsalon.com/islamic-ethics-we-
must-come-to-common-terms [Article has been translated into Arabic at “Mouminoun Without
Borders,” one of the most popular Arabic-speaking ‘think-tanks’: <https://www.mominoun.com/
(2018) “A Portrait of Baudelaire as a ‘Man of Genius:’ Ordinary Psychosis within the Age of
Modernity.” Psychoanalysis Lacan. Volume 3.
(2017) “Reconsidering the Newest Social Movements from the Perspective of Lacanian Sociology,”
Anarchist Studies. Vol. 25, No. 2: 26-45.
(2016) “Numbers & Things: A Contribution to Number Theory within Lacanian Psychoanalytic
Theory,” S: Journal of the Circle for Lacanian Ideology Critique. Special Issue: “Capitalism and
Psychoanalysis” (John Holland, Ed.). Vol. 8: 141-72.
(2016) “Obsession & Politics: A Contribution to Lacanian Political Psychoanalysis,” Psychoanalysis,
Culture & Society. Vol. 21, No. 4: 348-67.
(2016) “On the Difference Between Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy, by Jean-Gérard Bursztein”
Psychoanalytic Discourse / Discours Psychoanalytique (PSYAD). Vol. 1, No. 2: 75-6.
(2015) “Against Understanding: Cases and Commentary in a Lacanian Key, by Bruce Fink” The
Psychoanalytic Review. Vol. 102, No. 4: 602-4.
(2014) “The Symbolic, the Sublime, and Slavoj Zizek’s Theory of Film,” Canadian Journal of
Communication. Vol. 39, No. 4: 657-8.
(2014) “Demanding the Impossible,” Information, Communication and Society. Vol. 17, No. 10: 1304-5.
(2014) “On the Names of the Father,” Interstitial: A Journal of Modern Culture and Events. (January)
(2013) “The Triumph of Religion,” Interstitial: A Journal of Modern Culture and Events. (December)
(2013) “The New Hysterical Question,” Umbr(a): A Journal of the Unconscious. Special Issue on the
Psychoanalytic Object (Joan Copjec, Chris Sylvester, Eds.): 71-88.
(2013) “Post-Anarchism and Its Critics” (Duane Rousselle & Saul Newman), Anarchist Studies. Vol.
21, No. 2: 74-96.
(2013) “Max Stirner’s Post-Post-Anarchism,” Journal for the Study of Radicalism. Vol. 7, No. 1: 157-65.

(2012) “Georges Bataille’s Post-Anarchism,” Journal of Political Ideologies. Vol. 17, No. 3: 235-57.
(2012) “Postmodern Pollution,” C-Theory: Theory, Technology, and Culture. Vol. 35, No. 1-2.
(2012) “What Comes After Post-Anarchism?” Continental Journal. Vol. 2, No. 2: 152-154.
(2012) “Scruples: Rules of Play: A Lacanian Detournement of Scrabble” International Journal of Zizek
Studies. Vol. 6, No. 3., Unpaginated.
(2010) “Symptom or Sinthome?,” International Journal of Zizek Studies. Vol. 4, No. 1. Unpaginated.

Non-Refereed & Popular Press

(Forthcoming, 2021) “An Interview with Duane Rousselle,” Philosophy Now (October, 2021).
(2021) “La invención política en Chile”, Neustra Republica (translated by Nicol A. Barria-Asenjo),
April 8th. As Retrieved on April 8th, 2021 from <https://nuestrarepublica.org/columna/la-
(2021) “La invención política en Chile,” Le Monde Diplomatique (translated by Nicol A. Barria-Asenjo).
April, 7th. https://www.lemondediplomatique.cl/la-invencion-politica-en-chile-por-duane-
(2021) “Political Invention in Chile,” in Arde 2.0 (Pablo Neruda Foundation, Eds.). Chile. [Invited
chapter with world thinkers to help inform the 155 delegates in the creation of Chile’s new
Constitution during its recent political transformation; translated as “La invención política en
(2012) “Torn from Ghostly Hands, The Object’s Property,” In Media Res. Special Issue: “Anti-
Intellectual Property” (Kris Cof eld, Ed.). Vol. 9, No. 17. unpaginated.

(2021) Associate Editor. Anarchist Developments in Cultural Studies. Of cial journal of the
North American Anarchist Studies Network. www.Anarchist-Developments.org
(2009-2021) Editor/Founder. Anarchist Developments in Cultural Studies. Of cial journal of
the North American Anarchist Studies Network. www.Anarchist-Developments.org
(2014) “What is Anarchist Studies?” Anarchist Developments in Cultural Studies. Vol. 2014, No. 0: On-
line video issue.
(2013) Ed., with Jason Adams. “Ontological Anarche: Beyond Materialism and Idealism,”
Anarchist Developments in Cultural Studies. Vol. 2013, No. 2: 284 pgs.
(2011) Ed., with Sureyyya Evren. “The Anarchist Turn,” Anarchist Developments in Cultural Studies.
Vol. 2011, No. 0. [Video Issue]
(2010) Ed., with Lewis Call. “Post-Anarchism Today,” Anarchist Developments in Cultural Studies. Vol.
2010, No. 1: 253 pgs.

Teaching Assistantships
(2015) “Literature Theory & Criticism,” English Literature 3601.
Faculty of Arts. Trent University (Canada).
(2014-15) “Introduction to the Study of Modern Culture,” Cultural Studies 1000.



Faculty of Arts. Trent University (Canada).

(2013-14) “Introduction to Modern Culture,” Cultural Studies 1000.
Faculty of Arts. Trent University (Canada).
(2013) “International Media and Development Studies.” International Development Studies 3000.
Faculty of Arts. Trent University (Canada).
(2012-13) “Psychoanalysis, Culture & Philosophy.” (Graduate Course)
European Graduate School (Switzerland; Dr. Slavoj Zizek).
(2012) “Media Studies” International Development Studies 3000 / Cultural Studies 3000.
Faculty of Arts. Trent University (Canada).
(2011) “International Development Studies and Media,” International Development Studies 3000.
Faculty of Arts. Trent University (Canada).
(2009) “Contemporary Sociological Theory.” Sociology 3000.
Department of Social Sciences. University of New Brunswick (Canada).
(2009) “The Sociology of Deviance.” Sociology 2000 / Criminology 2000.
Department of Social Sciences. University of New Brunswick (Canada).
(2008) “Classical Sociological Theory,” Sociology 2000.
Department of Social Sciences. University of New Brunswick (Canada).
(2008) “The Sociology of Crime,” Sociology 3000 / Criminology 3000.
Department of Social Sciences. University of New Brunswick (Canada).
(2007) “Introduction to Sociology,” Sociology 1000.
Department of Social Sciences. Queen’s University (Canada).

Research Assistantships
(2013) “The Union Theatre Project,” Trent University. Peterborough, Ontario.
(2008-09) “Military Kids Mental Health and Wellness Study.” In Collaboration with the University
of New Brunswick, Ryerson University, York University, and the University of Alberta. Funded by
the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council.

Scholarships, Fellowships, Honours, and Awards

2021. New Brunswick Community College. Nominated for an “Alumni Recognition Award.”
2018. Short-Listed Nomination for the Allan P. Stuart Award for Excellence in Teaching. Teaching
Awards Excellence Committee. University of New Brunswick (Saint John).
2016. Governor General of Canada Gold Medal.
Lord Dufferin, Canada’s third Governor General after Confederation, crated the Academic
Medals in 1873 to encourage academic excellence across the nation. Over the years, they have
become the most prestigious award that students in Canadian schools can receive. The
Governor General’s Academic Medals have recognized the outstanding scholastic achievements
of students in Canada. It is awarded to the doctoral student graduating with the highest average.
Pierre Trudeau, Tommy Douglas, Kim Campbell, Robert Bourassa, Robert Stan eld and
Gabrielle Roy are just some of the people who have received the Governor General’s Academic
Medal as the start of a life of accomplishment.


2008-2010. Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada. $17,500 per annum.
2009. Graduate Research Fellowship. Department of Sociology, University of New Brunswick.
2008. Tri-Council Ethics Award. Queen’s University. Merit Based Research Award.
2007. Lieutenant Governor of New Brunswick Medal for Distinction in Scholarship. Highest GPA
among graduating undergraduates in New Brunswick.
2007. Nels Anderson Research Grant. University of New Brunswick. Merit Based, Research Grant
by Faculty Decision.
2007. Queen’s Jubilee Award. ($10,000). Government of New Brunswick.
2007. Nels Anderson Prize in Sociology. University of New Brunswick. Awarded to the Major or
Honours Sociology undergraduate entering their nal year with the highest standing in Sociology
2007. Sandra Budovitch Memorial Prize. University of New Brunswick. Awarded to the graduating
student with the highest average in Honours Sociology.
2007. Norman S. Fraser Prize in the Arts. University of New Brunswick. Awarded annually to the
undergraduate in the Faculty of Arts with highest academic standing, Junior and Senior B.A.
2006. Tom & Parker Hickey Memorial Scholarship. Merit Based Award.

Conference Papers & Presentations

(2021, forthcoming) “COVID-19 and Social Nightmares,” for the “Initiative Policy Dialogue:
COVID-19 and Life Practices Beyond the Pandemic,” organized by the Department of History &
Political Science of Jawaharlal Nehru College, Cuttack Odisha and in Collaboration with the
Center for Adivasi Research and Development, Central University of Odisha, and IIM Sambalpur.
(2021) “Psychoanalytic Sociology: New Symptoms in a Sick Society,” May 31st. St. Albert’s College,
Kochi. Archbishop Joseph Attipetty Memorial International Lecture Series.
(2021) “New Epistemologies of Power,” Social Sciences & Humanities. Indian Institute of
Technology, Delhi.
(2021) “An Introduction to Cultural Studies: Three Orientations & The Future of Cultural
Studies,” School of Advanced Studies, University of Tyumen.
(2021) “A Contemporary Introduction to the Sociological Work of Max Weber,” School of
Advanced Studies, University of Tyumen.
(2019) “On Love: Psychoanalysis, Society” Ajeenkya DY Patil University. Public University-Wide
(2019) “American Wisdom: Lacan’s Fifth discourse and American Society” Lack III. Clark
University in Worcester, Massachusetts (United States). May 9-11.
(2018) “After Post-Anarchism: No Gods, No Masters, and No Fathers,” Politics of Plasticity: On
Solidarity and Mutual Aid with Catherine Malabou.” The Czech Institute Academy of Sciences in
Prague & The Department of Continental Philosophy. Feb. 23-24.
(2016) “The Aesthetics of Black Clothing,” Modernist Studies Association 18th Annual Conference,
Pasadena, CA, November 17-20.
(2016) “The Semiotics of a Lacanian Event,” Trent University. Theory, Culture, Politics
Department (MA), and Department of Cultural Studies (PhD).


(2015) “The Question of Anarchist Subjectivity,” Sixth Annual North American Anarchist Studies
Network Conference, San Francisco, CA, March 20-22.
(2015) “Post-Anarchism & Subjectivity” (with Saul Newman). Graduate Seminar. The New Centre
for Research & Practice.
(2015) “On the Good Work of the Slave: Psychoanalysis & Obsessional Politics,” Labour and the
Unconscious (Seminar): American Comparative Literature Association Conference, Seattle, WA,
March 26-29.
(2015) “The Three Logical Moments of Post-Anarchism,” Graduate Seminar. Trent University.
Department of Media Studies and Cultural Studies.
(2014) “Propaganda, Chomsky’s Media Critique,” Undergraduate Lecture (2nd year). Trent
University. Departments of Media Studies and Cultural Studies.
(2013) “The Freudian Unconscious in Dream Analysis,” Undergraduate. Trent University.
Department of Cultural Studies.
(2013) “Jacques Lacan: The Four Discourses, Borromean Knot, and Gaze,” Graduate Seminar.
Trent University. Department of Cultural Studies.
(2013) “Post-, Non-, Anarchism,” Panel Presentation at “Post-Non-Post,” (with Svitlana
Matviyenko, Drew Burk, Anthony-Paul Smith, and Dock Ramsey). York University.
(2013) “What is Change?,” Public Lecture. Trent University. Department of Cultural Studies.
(2012) “The New Hysterical Question,” Public Lecture. Trent University. Department of Cultural
(2011) “Kropotkin is Dead: A Second Order Reading of Ethics in the Philosophies of Georges
Bataille and Post-Anarchism,” Public Lecture. University of New Brunswick. Department of
(2011) “Georges Bataille’s Post-Anarchism,” Canadian Association of Cultural Studies Biennial
Conference. McGill University, Montreal, November 4-6.

Manuscript Reading
Routledge (Manuscript Reader)
European Journal of Psychoanalysis (Peer Reviewer)
Springer (Manuscript Reader, Paid)
Mosaic, An Interdisciplinary Critical Journal (Peer Reviewer)
Journal of Social Justice (Editorial Board and Peer Reviewer)
Information, Communication & Society (Peer Reviewer)
Theory & Event (Peer Reviewer)
Af nities: A Journal of Radical Theory, Culture, and Action (Peer Reviewer)
Journal for the Study of Radicalism (Peer Reviewer)
Pluto Press (Manuscript Reader)
Bloomsbury Publishing (Manuscript Reader, Paid)
Palgrave Macmillon (Manuscript Reader, Paid)



(2020) “Potential Outcomes After Self-Isolation: Interview with Dr. Duane Rousselle,” Inside the Story
(Peder Myhr, prod.). CHCH network.
(2020) “Transparent: Psychotherapist Kevin-Joel Coupland Interviews Psychoanalyst Dr. Duane
Rousselle,” <https://youtu.be/9My4f9dV8WI>
(2019) “Interview with Duane Rousselle,” The Brilliant Podcast. <http://thebrilliant.org/podcast/
(2014) Interview with Dr. Troy Bordun. “Stags, Sexploitation, and Hardcore: Moving-Image
Pornography up to 1972,” Artspace, Peterborough (Ontario,Canada). Video <https://vimeo.com/
(2013) Interview with Jacques Ranciere. “Anarchism, Para-Academia, Pure Politics, and the Non-
Human Turn,” Trent University. Anarchist Developments in Cultural Studies. 2014.0. Video/Script.
(2014) Paul Boshears Interviews Duane Rousselle. “Publishing a Video-Based Humanities Journal.”
Humanities, Arts, Science, and Technology Alliance and Collaboratory. <http://tinyurl.com/

Other Media Appearances

(2021) “Depressive Realism: Interview with Julie Reshe,” [Translated & Edited] 3AM Magazine,
Saturday, May 2nd, 2021. <https://www.3ammagazine.com/3am/depressive-realism-an-interview-
(2020) “Learning From Coronavirus and Black Lives Matter,” Miramichi Leader. Thursday June 4th,
2020. Online and Print.
(2016) “Miramichi Man is in Business of Achieving Real Change,” Miramichi Leader. Thursday June
16th, 2016. Online and Print.
(2016) “The Masjid,” TVO Documentary (Matthew Hayes, Dir.). April, 2016. <https://
(2016) CBC Radio: Tapestry. Interview conducted by Jeff Goodes.
(2015) “Media Coverage Ignored the Real Issue,” The Peterborough Examiner. December 12th, 2015.
(2014) “On the Creative Economy,” Critique of Buzz Word “Creative Economy,” The Peterborough
Examiner. October 22nd.
(2014) “Give the Anarchist an Electronic Cigarette,” Economic & Social Justice Reality Report. May 10th,
(2014) “Questions if English Language Petitioners are Heading in the Right Direction,” Miramichi
Leader. April 29th, 2014.

Other Activities
(2019) Debate on the utility of marriage in contemporary Indian society. Judge/Panelist. Ajeenkya
DY Patil University.
(2019) Fashion Show. Judge/Panelist. Ajeenkya DY Patil University.
(2015) Raised $112,000 to help residents of Peterborough, Ontario rebuild their place of worship
after a tragedy.

(2009-14) Digital Librarian, Typesetter (LaTeX) for The Anarchist Library Project. The World’s
Largest Collection of Anarchist Texts.

Professional Memberships
(2021-current) General Member. Consultant. Ontario Association of Mental Health Professionals.
(2021-current) General Member. American Sociological Association
(2021-current) Sociological Theory Section: American Sociological Association
(2019-current) Canadian Sociological Association
(2016-2017) Modernist Studies Association
(2010-current) North American Anarchist Studies Network
(2009-current) Anarchist Studies Network: British Political Science Association
General Member. Ontario Association of Consultants, Counsellors, Psychometrists and
Psychotherapists (Paid Member)
Lacan Toronto. Toronto Psychoanalytic Institute. (Paid Member)


Davide Panagia Allan Antliff

Professor of Political Science Associate Professor of Modern and Cont. Art
University of California, Los Angeles Fine Arts – University of Victoria
4289 Bunche Hall Victoria, British Columbia
Los Angeles, CA Canada – V8P 5C2
United States – 90095-1472 Phone. 1.250.721.6303
Phone. 1.310.825.4331 Email. Allan@uvic.ca
Email. DavidePanagia@ucla.edu

Saul Newman Clive Thomson

Professor and Chair of Political Theory Professor of Languages and Literature
Department of Politics University of Guelph
Goldsmiths University of London Guelph, Ontario
Lewisham Way New Cross Canada – N1G 2W1
Lond SE14 6NW Phone. 1.519.824.4120 x54891
United Kingdom Email. CThomson@uoguelph.ca
Phone. +44 0207 919 7747
Email. S.Newman@gold.ac.uk


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