Computer Tecnology

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Computer tecnology

1) How much do y ou know about computers ? Work in pairs and ans wer the
ques tions .

1-What is a computer?

A computer is an electronic device.

2-What does a computer do?

A computer can accept and process data produce results, store information and programs and
show results.

3-What are the main components of a computer?

The main components are, Cpu, Ram and Storage(Hardrive, CD/DVD, Flash Memory Cards)

4-Have you got a computer at home?What type is it?

Yes, I have.Its desktop pc.

5-What do you generally use your computer for?

Working and study.Mostly study.

2) Read the text about computer components and complete the table.

Component (acronym) Full name/ description Functioons and properties

Hardware Refers to all the components you as the CPU, internal memory,
can physically see mass storage,
input and output devices and the
connecting system.
Software Comprises all the computer provide the instructions for a
programs and related data computer to work.

CPU Central Processing Unit It's the brain of a pc

ALU Arothmetic Logic Unit Carries out the instructions of

program to perform arithmetical
and logical operations.

CU Control Unit Controls the system and

coorditanes all the operations.

RAM Random Access Memory Main memory of a computer

where all data and programs
be/cannot be modified slowly
and with difficulty.
ROM Read Only Memory contains essential and permanent
information and software which
allow the computer to work.
5) Read the text again and decide if the following s tatements are true (t) or
fals e(f), then correct the fals e ones



3-(F).They just need to be plugged into a computer usb port

4-(F).the are compatible with all operating systems



7-(F).they are very cheap compared to other backup drives.


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