Effect of Pellet Pressing On The Infrared

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Clays and Clay Minerals, Vol. 39, No. 3, lap. 290-292, 1991.




Engelhard Corporation, Edison, New Jersey 08818-2900

Abstract -- Diffuse reflectance infrared (IR) spectra show that pressing kaolinite into pellets for transmission
IR studies changes relative intensities of hydroxyl peaks between 3700-3600 cm -l. The magnitude of
change depends on the absolute pressure, the pressing time and whether a salt matrix is used. Pressing
with KBr causes larger differences than pressing neat. Diffuse reflectance IR does not require sample
pressing, eliminatingthis variable in kaolinite studies. This improves IR's ability to distinguish kaolinites
according to their hydroxyl group differences and may lead to a better understandingof kaolinite hydroxyl
Key Words--Kaolinite, Diffuse reflectance infrared, Kaolinite hydroxyls, Kaolinite pressing.

INTRODUCTION is the effect of pressing kaolinite when making pellets

Hydroxyl groups are a major structural component for transmission IR studies.
of kaolinite, A12Si2Os(OH)4. Infrared spectroscopy (IR) Diffuse reflectance IR does not require pressed pel-
is ideal for studying these hydroxyls because it directly lets. Using this method, we have found hydroxyl in-
detects four maj or stretching peaks at 3695, 3670, 3655 tensities correlate with several kaolinite physical prop-
and 3620 cm ~. Several research groups have used IR erties, including surface areas and iron contents. Using
alone or in combination with other methods to im- transmission IR with the kaolinites pressed into KBr
prove our understanding of the hydroxyl structure's pellets we can only distinguish the extremes of these
role in theology, defect structures, iron substitution and correlations. In this paper, we use diffuse reflectance
particle size. Much of this work has been reviewed by IR to show how pressing a kaolinite into pellets distorts
Giese (1988). Cruz-Complido et al. (1982) and Barrios its hydroxyl intensities and results in a lack of preci-
et al. (1977) used hydrazine intercalation, Aglietti et sion. This makes it difficult to distinguish different ka-
al. (1988) used acid attack, and K o d a m a et al. (1989) olinites and obscures details important in correlations
used mechanical grinding; all found hydroxyls are sen- between hydroxyl structures and kaolinite properties.
sitive to these treatments. Lombardi et al. (1987) noted
differences in hydroxyl intensities as a function of size EXPERIMENTAL
fractions of a sedimentary kaolinite. Brindley et al.
(1986) found a correlation between a series of kaolin- Pressed pellets versus diffuse reflectance
ites of increasing X R D Hinckley indices and IR hy- Transmission IR of powders is c o m m o n l y done by
droxyl peak frequencies and widths. They found no diluting the solid to approximately 5% in a halide salt,
correlation between ESR-detected structural iron im- often KBr, and pressing at 1000 to 20,000 lbs (3 • 107
purities and IR hydroxyl data. Earlier, however, Mest- to 7 • 108 N/mZ). A typical recommended pressure
dagh et aL (1980a, 1980b) reported a correlation be- for powdered minerals is 18,000 Ibs (Afremow 1969).
tween ESR detected "E" and "I" structural iron Diffuse reflectance IR as an alternative to pressing pel-
impurities and the relative extinction coefficients of lets involves no sample alterations. Commercial re-
the 3695 and 3670 cm ~ peaks. Petit and Decarreau flectance cell design has improved over the past decade
(1990) recently published work showing a decrease in (Leyden and Shreedhara, 1987) with a concurrent im-
the 3695/3620 cm-~ hydroxyl intensity ratio with in- provement in understanding of optimal sampling and
creasing incorporation of iron into synthesized kaolin- data reduction methods (Fuller and Grifliths, 1987).
ites. These studies indicate there is a wealth of infor- Although solids can be run neat by diffuse reflectance,
mation available from IR data a n d that kaolinite quantitation is complicated by specular reflectance su-
hydroxyls are very sensitive to physical and chemical perimposed on the diffuse reflectance spectrum (Brim-
changes. However, the lack of detail in the results ob- mer and Griffiths, 1986). This is minimized by dilution
tained and the lack of agreement between different lab- with a salt matrix, use of particle sizes less than 75 um,
oratories (Giese 1988) suggest an experimental variable and physically blocking the specular component of the
has been inadvertently overlooked in hydroxyl studies. reflected radiation (Messerschmidt, 1985). For samples
One variable not specified in all the above publications which are not damaged by pellet pressing, carefully run
Copyright 9 1991, The Clay Minerals Society 290
Vol. 39, No. 3, 1991 Pellet pressing and kaolinite infrared spectra 291

9 Table 1. Ratios for unpressed vs pressed kaolinite.

Aliquot LJL2 I~/L3
b Unpressed
1-7, average 1.65 2.66
t" Standard deviation 0.02 0.05
B Pressed neat at 15,000 lbs
n 8 1.74 2.66
@ 8 (rerun) 1.71 2.64
9 1.89 2.51
9 (rerun) 1.89 2.47
Pressed in KBr
10 (1000 lbs) 1.88 2.62
11 (5000 lbs) 2.06 3.29
t, 12 (15,000 lbs) 2.25 3.01
I I I I ! I I I I I
3711 3700 3690 3680 3670 3660 3~g0 3640 3630 3620 9610

Figure 1. Hydroxyl region IR of Washington County ka- 1). The lowest point between these peaks is always at
olinite aliquots 1(unpressed), 9 (pressed neat), and 12 (pressed 3636 c m - 1which we arbitrarily set to zero absorbance.
in KBr). Spectra are expanded to overlay at 3636 and 3620 We then measure the intensity of each hydroxyl peak
c m - i. above this point and compare intensity ratios, [v4/L2
and Ivy/Iv3, where v l through v4 indicate the peaks in
decreasing frequency. This method does not necessar-
diffuse reflectance and pressed pellet/transmission ily indicate the amounts of each type of hydroxyl pres-
methods give identical data. ent, merely the degree of distortion in the IR spectra.
However, using different kaolinite samples, we have
Kaolinite aliquots and infrared spectroscopy
previously compared the results to total peak areas.
All data are for a Washington County kaolinite, par- Numerical values differ but both methods rank nine
ticle size 0.5-25 vm. We did not treat aliquots 1 to 7 kaolinites in the same order for several physical prop-
in any way before diluting them to 5% in powdered erties. Our "arbitrary" method is slightly better at re-
KBr (Aldrich) for diffuse reflectance. The remaining solving similar kaolinites according to surface area or
aliquots were all pressed in a Janos 13 m m stainless iron content. We attribute this to a relative insensitivity
steel die with a Carver press. We pressed aliquot 8 neat to baseline distortions. Nonetheless, for this sample set
at 15,000 lbs for one hour. For aliquot 9, also neat, we we cannot prove our method parallels absolute hy-
quickly applied and removed pressure to 15,000 lbs droxyl intensities and therefore emphasize it is simply
four times. Aliquots 10, 11 and 12 were diluted to a measure of spectral distortion.
approximately 25% in KBr before pressing. Sample 10
received 1000 lbs for one minute, sample 11, 5000 lbs RESULTS
for one minute and sample 12, 15,000 lbs for five min- Pressing kaolinite distorts its IR hydroxyl peak in-
utes. We ground each pellet to a powder, then diluted tensities. Figure 1 shows the upper portion of the hy-
it to obtain 5% kaolinite in KBr for diffuse reflectance droxyl peaks of aliquots 1, 9 and 12 normalized to
studies. overlay at 3636 and 3620 cm -l. Table 1 lists intensity
We collected spectra on a Bio-Rad FTS-60 near-IR ratios Iv4/lv2 and IvJIv3 for all samples. The seven un-
spectrometer using 256 scans, 2 cm-] resolution and pressed aliquots give Iv4/Ivz and Ivl/Iv~ ratio averages
a Spectra-Tech "Collector" diffuse reflectance cell with of 1.65 and 2.66, with standard deviations of 0.02 and
a specular reflectance blocker. Determining a ratio of 0.52, respectively. Duplicate scans of four of the ali-
each kaolinite spectrum to pure KBr resulted in ab- quots show deviations of less than 0.01 for both ratios
sorbance data. due to instrumental effects.
Ll/Iv3 for aliquot 8 (kaolinite pressed neat) is within
Data reduction
the standard deviation of unpressed kaolinite data.
Systematic changes in hydroxyl peaks as a function However, the Iv4/Iv/ ratio differs by more than three
of pressing severity are qualitatively apparent in the standard deviations. For aliquot 9, pressed several times
raw data. However, distorted baselines in the more to the same pressure as aliquot 8, both ratios differ by
severely treated samples make it meaningless to mea- more than three standard deviations. This shows the
sure absolute intensities in the conventional sense. We importance of both absolute pressure and the pressing
therefore used an arbitrary method to monitor peak technique. For kaolinite mixed with KBr before press-
changes. The four major hydroxyl peaks occur at ap- ing, only Ivy/Iv3 for the lowest pressure aliquot l0 is
proximately 3695, 3670, 3655 and 3620 cm t (Figure within the standard deviation of the unpressed all-
292 Bell, Citro, and Hodge Clays and Clay Minerals

quots. For 11 and 12 the deviation in the ratios is much Aglietti, E. F., Porto Lopez, J. M., and Pereira, E. (1988)
greater. Both pressure and the presence of a matrix Structural alterations in kaolinite by acid treatment: Applied
alter the hydroxyl peaks. Clay Science 3, 155-163.
Barrios, J., Plancon, A., Cruz, M. I., and Tchouber, C. (1977)
CONCLUSIONS Qualitative and quantitative study of the stacking faults in
a hydrazine-treated kaolinite-relationshipwith the infrared
This simple experiment shows that IR hydroxyl peaks spectra: Clays and Clay Minerals 25, 422--429.
change irreversibly when kaolinite powder is pressed Brimmer, P. J. andGrittiths, P.R. (1986) Effectof absorbing
matrices on diffuse reflectance infrared spectra: Anal Chem.
into pellets. This may be due to optical or chemical
58, 2179-2184.
effects. Hydroxyl intensities of oriented kaolinites show Brindley, G. W., Kao, C., Harrison, J. L., Lipsicas, M., and
pleochroic behavior, i.e., changes in the peak intensi- Raythata, R. (1986) Relation between structural disorder
ties according to platelet orientation in the IR beam. and other characteristics of kaolinites and dickites: Clays
Rouxhet et al. (1977) oriented single crystals of ka- & Clay Minerals 34, 239-249.
Cruz-Complido, M., Sow, C., and Fripiat, J.J. (1982) Spec-
olinite onto a KRS5 crystal and showed that with po- tra infrarouge des hydroxyls, cristallinit6 et energie de cohr-
larized IR excitation the 3695 cm ~ peak more than sion des kaolins: Bull. Mineral. 105, 493-498.
doubles in intensity as a function of refraction angle. Fuller, M. P. and Grifliths, P. R. (1978) Diffuse reflectance
Pressing kaolinite may induce localized orientation measurements by infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy:
which is not reversed when the pressure is released. Anal Chem. 50, 1906-1910.
Giese, R. F. (1988) Kaolin minerals: Structures and stabil-
Our diffuse reflectance spectra use powdered kaolinite ities: Reviews in Mineralogy 19, 29-64.
in powdered KBr which should randomize any local- Kodama, H., Kotlyar, L. S., and Ripmeester, J. A. (1989)
ized orientation. An alternative explanation is a change Quantification of crystalline and noncrystallinematerial in
in the kaolinite structure itself such as changes in hy- ground kaolinite by X-ray powder diffraction, infrared, sol-
id-state nuclear magnetic resonance, and chemical-disso-
drogen bond lengths or orientations, or particle break- lution analyses: Clays and Clay Minerals 37, 364-370.
age which converts internal hydroxyls to surface hy- Leyden, D. E. and Shreedhara, R.S. (1987) Surface-selective
droxyls. It is curious that the changes are affected by sampling techniques in Fourier transform infrared spec-
the simultaneous presence of KBr. It is possible that troscopy: Spectroscopy 2, 28-36.
Lombardi, G., Russell, J. D., and Keller, W.D. (1987) Com-
potassium has exchanged with some of the hydroxyl
positional and structural variations in the size fractions of
groups, further distorting their intensities. Alterna- a sedimentary and a hydrothermal kaolin: Clays and Clay
tively, the plastic behavior of KBr may affect how pres- Minerals 35, 321-335.
sure is distributed in the kaolinite platelets within the Messerschmidt, R.G. (1985) Complete eliminationofspec-
die thereby affecting how the kaolinite is changed by ular reflectance in diffuse reflectance measurements: AppL
Spectrosc. 39, 737-739.
pressure. Mestdagh, M. M., Herbillon, A. J., Rodrique, L., and Roux-
Regardless of the cause of the hydroxyl intensity her, P. G. (1980a) Evaluation du role du fer structural sur
changes, valuable structural information is lost when la cristallinit6 des kaolinites: Bull. Min&al. 105, 457-466.
kaolinite IR spectra are acquired using pressed KBr Mestdagh, M. M., Vielvoye, L., and Herbillon, A.J. (1980b)
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crystallinity and iron content: Clay Miner. 15, 1-13.
the hydroxyl changes seem relatively minor. However, Petit, S. and Decarreau, A. (1990) Hydrothermal synthesis
this magnitude of change is greater than the hydroxyl- and crystal chemistry of iron-rich kaolinites: Clay Miner.
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ical properties. In light of this study, it is not surprising Rouxhet, P. G., Samudacheata, N., Jacobs, H., and Anton,
O. (1977) Attribution of the OH stretching bands of ka-
that IR/structural correlation studies have sometimes olinite: Clay Miner 12, 171.
given ambiguous results. The diffuse reflectance meth-
(Received 9 November 1989; accepted 9 January 1991; Ms.
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of understanding the role of hydroxyls in kaolinite

Afremow, L. C. (1969) lnfrared Spectroscopy; Its Use in the
Coatings Industry: Federation of Societies for Paint Tech-
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