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*Either print, sign, and scan this permission slip to submit on Canvas, OR have your parent send

an email to from their email address giving permission and

including the title of the podcast

Podcast Unit | Parent Permission Slip

Student Name: ___________________________________ Period: ___________

To address several of the Speaking and Listening Standards for 12th grade English, we
will be studying podcasts in this unit. In a group of 3- 4, students will choose a podcast to listen
to (3 episodes minimum) and analyze for content, structure, style, purpose, etc. To encourage
students to pursue their interests and to broaden their knowledge, students are given a choice
for the podcast they will study.

Please discuss your student’s choice with them, and either give permission, or help them
choose a podcast of which you approve.

I, _________________________________, give permission for my student to listen to

(parent name)

(podcast title)

Signed: ________________________________________ Date:______________

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