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The world’s leading maga zine on parrots and parakeets


Important Notice Issue 199
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King Parrots
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eMag Navigation tips macaws make
Important update: best pets?
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EB Cravens
and instructions if you are new
to reading interactive PDF files.
Alan K Jones, BVetMed MRCVS
Lovebirds –
Tell us what you think tips for
Amazing volunteering opportunity coping over
Click here to tell us what you think
of our new eMag. Your comments In the Amazon Rainforest! holiday period
will be very much appreciated.

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Think Parrots Welcome
Parrots magazine After two successful shows at Woking
Leisure Centre, it was a daunting decision
I am delighted to say that Sally
Blanchard, one of the top parrot

to move away to another venue. behaviourists in the US, and writing

£3.40 pay just

But after the show at Kempton Park for this magazine on all aspects of
Racecourse, all our fears were unfounded behaviour, was a huge hit at our
as, without exception, visitors were delighted and very happy. Think Parrots Show! Sally has over 40 years’ experience
There was a wide range of exhibitors offering just about of working with parrots and as well as answering your

SAVE £5! and claim a

everything for your parrot, and it was satisfying to see Java behavioural queries in our Parrot Queries pages, she is also
trees, large cages and lots of goods winging their way out to currently writing a series of Personality Profile articles. This
visitors' cars. month she writes about Moluccan Cockatoos from firsthand

FREE CD worth £19!

experience and explains just about everything you ever
“Many thanks to all wanted to know!
at Parrots magazine EB Cravens, another top expert on parrots, writes about
for their work to put
the large macaws (and more) and explains which ones, in
together another
By subscribing for 12 months, you pay just great Think Parrots
his view, make the best pets and why. Leslie Moran writes
about the dangers of feeding sugar to our parrots and Alan

£2.98 per copy, saving over £5 on shop prices!

K Jones, BVetMed MRCVS brings us right up-to-date in a
The Masterclasses comprehensive article on feather-plucking – an article not
run by Peter Scott to be missed!
And that's not all. When you take out a 12 month subscription FRCVS, Rosemary
Low and Sally Blanchard boasted
Karen Chudley writes in her usual amusing fashion
about all the different “perching” she provides for her
for just £35.75, you can claim a CD containing a year's eMags 300 people plus in each and went mixed flock to suit their individual needs, all the different

worth £19 absolutely FREE to view on your laptop or tablet, down extremely well. Many told me
they had learned a great deal and
toys they have and their preferences, and generally gives
readers many great ideas on improving day-to-day living
or could not wait for next for their birds.
year's event! From Australia, Allen Friis sends us wonderful and
a DVD Parrots Look Who's Talking! worth £16.95 absolutely FREE. A massive free exclusive pictures of Australian King Parrots in the wild,

car park for up to 850 including pictures of two naturally occurring mutations!
These CDs are a great way to catch up on back issues for your cars was available with Svetlana Velichko has been visiting New Zealand and

laptop or tablet. The DVD Parrots Look Who's Talking! is one of Kempton's very own
railway station right
shares with us a magical day she had in the mountains
of South Island when she realised a dream and
the most amusing programmes about parrots and guaranteed alongside. Catering was greatly “An excellent effort encountered not one, but two, different groups of the
by all concerned and
improved with a much larger menu super-intelligent keas.
to entertain. for food and refreshments from jacket
cannot praise highly
enough. Next year Loads to read in this issue and I hope you enjoy it!
potatoes and salads to burgers, hot can't come quick Next month we will be celebrating our 200th issue of the

Enjoy the benefits:

dogs, doughnuts and crepes, as well enough!” magazine, so don’t miss it!
as an ice cream van on site.
Kempton Park Racecourse offered a much improved all Pauline James
SAVE on cover price round venue with ample room to spread out with picnic tables
outside. The weather was really good which added to a great

FREE delivery to your door and memorable day out for the many visitors who attended.
We have included here some pictures and visitor
If you would like to write about your parrots, and
have some good photos of them that you can
NEVER miss an issue comments and will be publishing an eight-page supplement
in our next 200th issue showing much more of this very
send us by email, we would love to hear from
you! If you would prefer not to write it yourself,
but would still like to tell your story, please
Prices AVOID trudging around the shops enjoyable parrot event.
contact us and we will write it up for you.
John Catchpole

Email us on
for UK BENEFIT from early delivery Publisher
only AUTOMATIC reminders Cover picture: Moluccan Cockatoo

 arrots magazine is published 12 times a year by Imax Visual Limited, The Old Cart House, Applesham Farm, Coombes,
West Sussex BN15 0RP (UK) Telephone: 01273 464777 Website:
Please turn to page 49 for the order form and select one of the CDs, magazine Publisher: John Catchpole – Editor: Pauline James Administration: Jean Arnold
or the DVD, when ordering your 12 month subscription. Design: David Ransom Editorial: Tel: 01273 464777, Fax: 01273 463999 Advertising: Tel: 01273 464777, Fax: 01273 463999
Marketing & PR: Laura Ball US Office: Margo Rose – Tel: 800-294-7951, Fax: (978) 246-0209
You can only choose one item. Contributors: Dr Matthias Reinschmidt, John Hayward, EB Cravens, Leslie Moran, Sally Blanchard, Allen Friis, Alan K Jones BvetMed MRCVS,
Svetlana Velichko, Karen Chudley Printed by: Warners Midlands plc, Bourne, Lincs PE10 9PH

Views expressed by contributors do not necessarily reflect those of the Editor. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any manner, in whole or part, in any other language, of editorial or
PECD 2009 (12 issues for 2009) PECD 2010 (12 issues for 2010) advertisements, text, photographs or other images, is not permitted without the written permission of the publisher. While every care is taken, the publisher cannot be held responsible for
errors in editorial or advertisements. IMPORTANT: All advertisements are accepted in good faith. Parrots magazine cannot be held liable or become involved in any
PECD 2011 (12 issues for 2011) PECD 2012 (12 issues for 2012) ISSN 1356 3386 transactions between buyer and seller. Any enquirer should take all reasonable precautions before entering into any commitments.
PDVDtalk (Parrots Look Who's Talking!)
If ordering online, please select your free gift from the drop down menu. A u g u s t 2 0 14 Parrots eMag 3
Esperanza Verde, Peru
This volunteering opportunity set in the heart of the
Amazon Rainforest involves: helping to build an already
“up and running” animal rescue centre. Carrying rocks
from the river, mixing huge amounts of cement by
hand and general carpentry are typical activities for the
18 24 34 26 strongest, but there are plenty of other tasks to be handed
out too, including baby-sitting the family’s two children.
No experience required!
In the words of one volunteer, the routine for caring for
the animals goes something like this: cutting fruit, mixing
food and placing it in their respective buckets. Visit Rincay,
the tapir, who will try to take a bite of your clothes. Cuddle
him and make sure that he and his friend Pepito, the
tortoise, are healthy. Continue to the aviary and from there

10 30 36 12 8 go to the monkeys.
Mica is the least shy monkey and will probably follow
you around for most of the trip. She tends to fall in love

Contents AUGUST 2014

with volunteer guys, but ignore her and she’s fine. At
the monkey feeding table you will also see Igor, Tika (the
coati), Camilla and Jordi, which is an amazing sight. In
magazine the evening it’s time to feed the animals, the volunteers’
favourite is Elmo, the sloth. As soon as you enter his cage

VOLUNTEERING IN PERU p.5 PERSONALITY PROFILE: MOLUCCAN COCKATOO p.18 BOOK REVIEW: THE PARROT TICO TANGO p.40 he comes straight towards you and tries to climb onto you.
This volunteering experience is getting back to nature with Sally Blanchard writes about her many years of experience A lovely, busy book for young children with an important You will be living rather primitively, as there is no
the animals and birds of the Amazon Rainforest with the Moluccans she has known and trained moral and eye-catching illustrations electricity and no hot water. The biggest city nearby
is Pucallpa (about three hours away), but the town of
Curimana is closer, (about one hour away) and you
can find most necessities there. The village of the local
Catch up with all the latest, top parrot news stories Researchers explain why planting native trees in parks, Our team of experts are here to answer your questions. community Bello Horizonte is just across the river.
from around the world gardens and along streets is so important Please email or write in with your queries The surroundings are beautiful and you will be staying

with your hosts Olivia and Douwe. Their family are the first
AMBASSADOR SPIX’S MACAW DIES p.8 LEAVING A LOVEBIRD BREEDING COLONY FOR HOLS p.24 LETTERS PAGE p.44 to settle on the other side of the river. You can swim in a
nearby river and there is a small waterfall with a small
Presley the Spix’s Macaw found living as a pet in Colorado Plan your breeding season so you are away at the The debate on feeding pellets to Green-cheeked Conures
basin for bathing.
was returned to Brazil to help save his species least vital time goes on…
Three weeks is the minimum stay and the cost is £44
per week. You can pay in local currency - 210 Peruvian
NEWS FROM LORO PARQUE p.10 ROYAL KINGS & NATURAL MUTATIONS IN THE WILD p.26 IN THE NEXT ISSUE p.45 Nuevo – or in US dollars, (approximately $75), which covers
All the up-to-date news of their 2014 breeding season, Allen Friis sends us wonderful photos from Australia of News of what is coming in the September issue. Celebrate food and lodging, and includes a contribution for materials
including many rare parrots two naturally occurring king parrot mutations with us, with this special 200th edition of the magazine for the continued development of the Centre.
For more information, including a video and reading
about the experiences of previous volunteers see the

It’s all about African Greys this month, that have been stolen, Alan K Jones, BVetMed MRCVS writes a comprehensive article Articles are not repeated so build up a library of knowledge
lost and found on all the things that can cause feather-plucking and the cures on parrots by buying back copies
Olivia and Douwe’s contact details.
Tel: +51 968 520 911 / +51 972 722 910
EB Cravens discusses which large macaws make the best Svetlana Velichko shares with us her magical day when If you would like your parrot event included
Address: Esperanza Verde, Apartado 85, Pucallpa, Peru
pets and explains why worldliness is vital to parrots she met two different groups of keas send us an email!


Leslie Moran discusses the dangers of feeding sugar to birds Karen Chudley discusses perches, toys and fun times Parrots for sale and wanted, and specialist bird societies
and explains why sugar in fruit is different with her parrots are all featured

4 Parrots eMag A u g u s t 2 0 14 A u g u s t 2 0 14 Parrots eMag 5

Parrot News


Please send any news stories you have to: amid the mangroves of Cerro questions about the birds' However, Dr Pilgrim said it or Parrots magazine, The Old Cart Blanco, located along the breeding behaviour. Based was possible the male also
House, Applesham Farm, Coombes, West Sussex BN15 0RP, UK coast of western Ecuador.” on data from earlier surveys remained near the nesting site
"We knew from notes and literature, the researchers at breeding time and while there
made on our previous visit assumed they would be is some concern, there is still a

Drive carefully, Ecuadorian

Amazon survey:
that the parrots roosted in the
mangroves and flew to the dry
monitoring the parrots during lot to do before we can make
the breeding season. However, clear and bold statements

parrots crossing!
forests to feed. The assumption the team found no proof that about what is happening there.”
More questions than was they did so to protect they were breeding at that time. But many positive aspects
answers themselves from predators that The team monitored the also came out of the teams visit
With all the successful A team of UK researchers 600, and being split into sub- were not found on the mangrove daily flights made by the parrots to Ecuador. Dr Pilgrim said,
breeding seasons in recent from Chester Zoo who spent populations of less than 250, islands. But we found they from the mangroves to the dry “The dry forest area of Cerro
years, the Bahama Parrot is three weeks in South America means that it has now been flew a long way out into the forests, and the return journey Blanco appears to be extremely
thriving in Abaco, causing the Bahamas studying the newly-classified Ecuadorian afforded “endangered” status mangroves,” said Dr Pilgrim. at the end of each day. One of well protected and there is
National Trust (BNT) to install six parrot Parrot - one of the world's rarest parrots - have and funding to protect it. "Local shrimp farms use the methods used to assess certainly a lot of ranger activity.
crossing signs on the Ernest Dean returned with more questions than answers. “The truth is there are a bird scaring devices, designed how many birds were breeding All the time we were in the
Highway, between Crossing Rocks and The parrot was reclassified from being number of things we didn’t to frighten the herons and was to count how many single forest, we did not come across
Sandy Point. a sub-species of the four-strong Amazona expect,” explained expedition shore birds to stop them eating birds were making the flight, people who could be potentially
“Due to management efforts and autumnalis group with a combined leader Mark Pilgrim, director the farms' stock and whether assuming breeding hens were poaching or tree felling. In that
breeding success, the Bahama Parrot population of around 5 million, to Amazona general of Chester Zoo. “One this is affecting the parrots’ absent as they were carrying sense, it is very reassuring that
population on Abaco has increased,” said lilacina, only in December 2013. Due to example was how the birds behaviour we don’t know.” out nesting duties and the the forest, the nesting sites and
Marcus Davis, deputy park warden for this population being estimated at only chose their roosting sites The study also raised single birds were the males. the mangroves appears to be
Abaco National Park, where the parrots Although the birds fly in well protected.”
breed. “The parrots regularly fly over the Bahama Parrot populations, for the
large groups, Dr Pilgrim said, “It Dr Pilgrim said plans were
the Great Abaco Highway and the Parrot past 10 years, and the surveys have trade it for a cashew. Apparently to this species they are the was relatively easy to spot pairs in place to repeat the Cerro
Crossing signs will alert motorists to been showing that the populations are
yummiest nut of all! within the group, but the team Blanco survey every third year
proceed with caution.” bouncing back. The Abaco population “When exchanging for an upgrade, the Goffin's acted only recorded 11 per cent of the in order to build up a long-
The BNT has been conducting is unique because it is the only ground-
with nuts
astonishingly like economic agents, flexibly trading-off birds in flight as “singles,” which term dataset that would allow
surveys in both Abaco and Inagua on nesting parrot in the Western Hemisphere between immediate and future benefits,” explained Dr would be a very low percentage researchers to monitor the
and it is also the only parrot in the world Auersperg. “They did so, not only relative to the length of of LibertaQtrAD_Raleigh_LibertaQtrAD_8324Voyager
the population reproducing. 29/10/2013
parrots' population 10:57 Page 1
In a study, published

that has adapted to fire. delay, but also to the difference in trade value between the
The Bahama Parrot was once found in the journal Biology ‘currency’ and the ‘merchandise.’ They tended to trade their
Letters, parrots have
on seven islands, but now can only be
found on Abaco and Inagua which has shown an ability to barter “so-so” nuts
initial items more often for their most preferred food, than for
one of intermediate preference value and did not exchange in
Cages for all enthusiasts
led to the protection of the parrots under for preferred nuts or foods, and in doing a control test in which the value of the initial item was higher
the Wild Birds Protection Act and CITES. so have exhibited remarkable self- than that of the expected one.”
The breeding area of the parrot in Abaco restraint - even out-performing some Dr Auersperg continued, “While human infants or primates
children. can hold the initial food in their hands, one should also consider
is protected in the Abaco National Park,
In studies from the 1970s, children that the birds were able to wait, while holding the food in their
which was created in 1994.

were presented with a marshmallow beaks directly against their taste organs. Imagine placing a

Feathered Friends
and were told that they could either eat RALEIGH
cookie directly into a toddler’s mouth and telling them they would
it now, or wait and receive a second only receive a piece of chocolate, if the cookie is not nibbled for Scan the code for
one, if they could hold out for a time information on this cage

Photo Competition
over a minute.” Aside from revealing how intelligent these birds from Mike Simmons
delay of some minutes. Those that were are, the study also shows that researchers can become very
able to wait, have gone on to be more popular with birds if they regularly feed them tasty nuts!
successful as adults than the children
We are proud to announce that who gulped down the first marshmallow.
Victoria Gage from Somerset is the The ability to strategically wait, therefore
winner of the Facebook “Feathered is very important in the course of human
Parrot enthusiasts watch .... SCAN THE CODE

Friend’s” group monthly photo development. Now we can say it’s
important to bird development too.
competition. She will receive a six Mike Simmons
Alice Auersperg, from the University
month subscription to Parrots of Vienna’s Department of Cognitive
Bird trainer

magazine. Biology and colleagues, presented

For more information on
The group is located in the UK and run by a Goffin’s Cockatoo with food snack the Liberta range of cages
Sheila Ambrose, who would love to hear from options. The best of the bunch, from with Mike Simmons
other enthusiastic parrot owners. the bird’s perspective, were pecan nuts.
Mirroring the kid-marshmallow
experiment, the researchers next offered
the birds an even better deal. If the

birds did not eat the pecan, they could

6 Parrots eMag A u g u s t 2 0 14 A u g u s t 2 0 14 Parrots eMag 7

Ambassador Spix’s Macaw dies
Presley, probably one of Presley suddenly taken ill
only two, original wild Spix’s Presley was transferred to
Macaws (Cyanopsitta spixii) the veterinary hospital at
still alive in 2014, has died Botucatu, near Sao Paulo,
aged approximately 40 Brazil, at 6am on 25 June
years old. 2014, because he was found
Presley captured the to be suffering from a loss FruitBlend © Natural
attention of the public when he of appetite the day before, With natural fruit flavours With added vitamins and minerals
was found in a Colarado living although he didn’t appear
room, kept as a pet. He then to be sick. The veterinary

Presley was in fine condition even at an estimated 40 years of age.

care, concern, and the effort passed back and forth past his
to help and preserve was aviary all day.  We truly believe A complete balanced diet for adult birds that has a natural tan colour
amazing, but on the other side, he had a very good life for his with round/oval shaped nuggets. With no artificial colours or flavours,
This complete balanced nutritional diet is made from fresh ground fruit
the greed, selfishness and lack last eight years. ■ you can feed your bird a more natural diet. Ground from fresh
and is naturally preserved with vitamin C. Contains five differently
vegetables including carrots, celery, beets, watercress and spinach.
of concern for the animal world coloured, fruit-flavoured nuggets for a fun eating experience –
was the dreadful downside. * Read about how Presley was containing delicious bananas, oranges, apples, and red and green grapes.

“ My boy loves to eat this. No mess, no waste, and much to

His carers explained, “What found and repatriated to Brazil “

we will miss most about him is
his cheery vocalisations as we
in the August 2003 issue of
Parrots magazine.

I would def recommend this product, easy his delight he can fit several under his tongue whilst eating
another lol!
Presley was featured in the August 2003 edition of Parrots magazine to use, clean and no waste.

Pupllepuma Mightmolly
went on to become a legend hospital is a high quality
when director, Carlos Saldanha institution and he was under “A perfect family flick”
made the cartoon film Rio, the care of the vet who was
about a hapless macaw and to be responsible for his
his journey to a new life, based future care. VeggieBlend™ NutBlend™
on the real life story of Presley Recent health tests
With natural carrot flavour With delicious nut flavour
being repatriated to his native determined he had a heart
Brazil, eight years ago, to help condition that required constant

save his species that became veterinary monitoring, and he
extinct in the wild in 2000. needed to undergo further tests
When Presley’s mate died his to determine his treatment.
owner said, “He lost his sparkle It had been previously
and began feather-plucking.” decided during the annual
Having only learnt in the last health check visits by Lorenzo,
two years of having him that he Micheal Lierz, Dominik
was extremely rare, his owner Fischer, Rodrigo del Rio do
decided it was time to return him Valle and Patricia Sarafini, ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ “Vibrant, VeggieBlend™ provides healthy and balanced nutrition
funny and sweetly uplifting” Heat
to his natural homeland. Here that he could be useful in the and contains all the tastes and aromas of delicious
Feel the rhythm…hear the beat…and let your spirit soar! From the

sought after vegetables plus you have the peace of Natural nut flavour and nut shaped nuggets adds variety to your bird’s diet
he could contribute to the very captive breeding programme makers of ICE AGE comes a high-flying animated comedy for the whole mind that every bite is nutritionally complete! creating an interesting meal your Parrot will enjoy. Packed full of
limited gene-pool in the captive now that artificial insemination family. Blu is an exotic pet bird who believes he’s the last of his kind. flavour plus you have the peace of mind that every bite is healthy!

breeding programme to help can be carried out in Brazil.  But when his owner learns about Jewel, Blu’s female counterpart in Rio
save the species from being lost Even if Presley was unable de Janeiro, they set out on the adventure of a lifetime. Even though he’s All of them have taken a liking to

Before Presley made the
to produce viable sperm at
his age, he could be used to
never learned to fly, Blu befriends a group of wise-cracking city birds
who help him find the courage to spread his wings and follow his destiny!
them and will eat all of the pellets

without dropping them and leave

My macaw, african grey and amazon
very little waste. all love Zupreem Nutblend!
long journey home, a veterinary stimulate a female to lay eggs catalinadee

health check showed he was for artificial insemination, as

in good physical shape even there is a preponderance of
though he was kept clipped, female Spix’s. Rio is available now on
had little exercise, was fed only To his carers, Presley was DVD from the Parrots

pellets and was unaccustomed a symbol of the best and the magazine shop – turn
to be bathed. worst in mankind.  The love, to page 48 Phone: 0800 488 0345
Northern Parrots, Unit 21 Cuba Estate, Ramsbottom, Bury, BL0 0NE, UK

8 Parrots eMag A u g u s t 2 0 14
News from the


Loro Parque Fundación

A s the breeding season progresses

so more and more young birds hatch
with their parents or are raised in the
Baby Station at Loro Parque. Our three
little Yellow-faced Parrots (Alipiopsitta
xanthops) - formerly known as Yellow-
faced Amazons - are almost fully

African Greys stolen, lost and found

feathered now and are about to fledge in
the Baby Station.

I t is very pleasing that parrot thefts are still well down for the time
of the year with only one case worthy of a mention. It concerns
thieves who broke into a pet shop in South Wales and stole three
immediately as it was about seven years old and no note had
been made of it. We did however track down the breeder who
luckily kept such records and through that information the bird
Construction site at Loro Parque where the
African Grey Parrots. Two of the birds were on display for sale but was duly returned home. Please note, The Parrot Society can
Animal Embassy will be built the third was the personal pet belonging to the owner. All three provide copies of pet parrot passports for such purposes.
parrots are identifiable, but the hand-tame Grey is particularly Another African Grey lost in Reading, Berkshire was later
Veterinarian, Nujacet Fernàndez Gallardo, from
Loro Parque checking over a young female distinctive as it has one nostril much larger than the other. found and the owner traced via its microchip. Yet another Grey
Eclectus Parrot (Eclectus roratus riedeli) There is no doubt that these African Greys were stolen for flew away from a young girl who had her bird in a harness in
re-sale purposes and we appeal for any information as to their the garden at Crawley, West Sussex. Again it was spooked and
Eclectus Parrot (Eclectus roratus riedeli),
whereabouts. In addition to the stolen birds, the thieves got slipped from its handler. Fortunately it stayed in a local tree and
reared by hand, is also close to fledging.
away with a brown rat snake, heavy duty dog leads and chains, was recovered.
Our latest project at Loro

together with other dry goods including dog chews and treats. We often say that short-tailed parrots are not usually long
Three young Yellow-faced Parrots Parque is our brand new Animal
(Alipiopsitta xanthops)
As they say on Crimewatch, “Give us a call.” distance flyers and invariably they are traced within a couple
Embassy. Here visitors will have the
During the warmer months we receive far more reported of miles or so, but this is not always the case and an African
From three clutches of eggs from opportunity to experience watching
cases of “lost and found” parrots escaping from open doors and Grey lost in Crewe flew ten miles. A Yellow-headed Amazon
Green-winged Macaws (Ara chloroptera) Loro Parque employees working
windows, especially conservatories which normally get too hot from Oakhampton, Devon travelled seven miles before being
three young birds have hatched, which with the animals behind protective
when the sun is out. It is therefore satisfying to inform readers tracked down.
are growing vigorously as a sibling group glass panels. This building will
that there are always successes in the reuniting of pet parrots Many of these cases that are resolved satisfactorily are
in the Baby Station. Just eight weeks provide a new baby station for our
with their owners. So here is the good news: due to having a positive means of identification, such as rings
old, they look very cheerful and examine baby parrots, an animal clinic and
Such cases this month include an elderly couple in Wales and microchips. We regularly advise that all birds should be

everything that is going on in their a research station for behavioural
who regularly sit in the garden with their African Grey on their chipped. This can be done quite cheaply by avian vets who will
environment. experiments. In addition, there
shoulders. As often happens, some sudden noise was heard immediately register the details on the relevant pet database.
The first Red-browed Amazon will be ample space for the Loro
and it flew off. Two days later it was found a couple of miles If you see a loose parrot, or lose or find a bird, our contact
(Amazona rhodocorytha) has also Parque Fundación to present the
away in a rural area. The finder called our office and stated the details are available on the website’s
hatched and is being hand-reared, conservation projects and efforts it
bird had a leg ring, but was correctly reluctant at first to disclose Lost and Found Register. ■
along with two young Goldie’s Lorikeets supports around the world. ■
Three young Green-winged Macaws the details. The owners could not produce the ring inscription John Hayward National Theft Register
(Psitteuteles goldiei). A young female (Ara chloroptera) Photos: Dr M Reinschmidt Tel: 01869 325699 Email:

Rings of Distinction Pet Parrot Insurance

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Fire and Weather perils
You can now • Free Lost and Found notification service
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email: Brooks Braithwaite (Sussex) Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).

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10 Parrots eMag A u g u s t 2 0 14 A u g u s t 2 0 14 Parrots eMag 11
first nervousness a chick can experience and that huge body and beak to get its They can be easily excitable and prone

Complete Psittacine By EB Cravens inside the nest-box, comes from a nervous

hen, this is a significant statistic.
Second, I would rank the Green-
own way, then they can be extremely
pushy and testy to handle.
I do note though, that the rarity and
to introspection and apprehension if
things get boring or their exercise needs
are stifled. For some individuals, small
winged Macaw. Again there are lots of expense of hyacinths often makes them flighted psittacines in their surroundings

Which large macaws make the best long family trees of these psittacines out
there, but like blue & golds, there seem to
more apt to end up in a home with an
experienced bird keeper and top quality
tend to keep them anxious and on edge.
All three in our pet shop situation were

pets, the apple seed myth and

be few really dysfunctional rebels - those environment. Certainly hyacinthine hens apt to be harder to sell to the average
birds that scream or bite or pull out their seem to be, like most macaws, slightly macaw client once they reached the
feathers in response to captive trauma easier to handle by owners. Also, it six or eight month stage. That is not to

teaching worldliness… of some type. This is even though,

greenwings get passed around a lot and
bears mention that whereas some of the
larger macaws do very well in a home
say they were past their prime "baby"
stage, but they had begun to lose some

rehomed because they can be a loud where they are the sole bird and cannot of that gregariousness which lingers in
often have topics about which there is not really enough data to merit a full magazine macaw, with a tendency to favour one form attachments or dislikes, others greenwings, blue & golds and hyacinths
piece, so I keep them filed away until I can gather several together for a “random person or one gender of human over only develop irascible behaviours when for many months after fledging. In fact,
thoughts” article. Here are a few of the latest: another. Also their beak strength makes confronted with an avian "flock" within the well-respected exotic bird store
them potentially highly destructive inside their environment. Remember, macaws that I formerly managed no longer
a household should they choose to are like conures in many of their bonding offers military’s, blue-throats or scarlets
My favourite large macaws Having raised, trained, cared for and towards "domestication” of a sort with this explore and gnaw. affiliations, and while they may be less because of the number of customers who
In my opinion the most important factor in rehabbed all the larger macaws, except species. ‘Tis not unusual to find F3, F4, Third favourite is the Hyacinthine prone to jump to attack, they are still chose to re-home these birds when they
a large macaw’s personality development red-fronts, I would rank the Blue & Gold or even F5 chicks being raised as pets in Macaw. Certainly were we to rank this keenly observant and know precisely got to be three or four years of age or
is the bird's upbringing - that is, how Macaw far and away the tops in this sort of aviculture - that is three-plus generations macaw against all the others at the baby when the affections of their favourite more, when they became suspiciously set
much life experience and training it was criteria. Perhaps that is due to the fact that of mothers living with and knowing the or fledgling stage - even up to six, eight caregivers are being shared or usurped in their ways.
given during the formative period of we are further down the generational road idiosyncrasies of humans. Since the years of age - then hyacinths might by newly arrived parrots. The reason I rank all three in a
say, the first 24-30 weeks. Macaws of make a run for the top spot, but the vast Ranking fourth, I would call a tie tie is because there are so many
nervous temperament can be created majority of pet hyacinths in this country between Blue-throated, Scarlet and exceptions to these observations I have
before and during the fledgling phase still behave like teenagers and can be Military Macaws. (This assumes that made. When a bird has a slow-paced
by pushing them too quickly, to perch very slow to develop puberty activities Great Greens or Buffon’s are basically upbringing in a loving home with human
and develop, be social, wean, or accept that affect their in-home pet behaviour. not in the pet trade.) The former three keepers who will bring it along gently,
strangers, when in fact they have not yet Once they do, they are every bit the may all have trouble coping with a then all bets are off and the macaw can
grown secure in their adolescence due to feisty macaw, and believe me, once a lackadaisical upbringing, forced 16-week turn out just as exceptional as any of the

so many continuous changes going on hyacinthine finds it can use assertiveness weaning and human benign neglect. best of the Ara species.
around them.
That said, if I had to give a pet
comparison of the most available Ara That "hard to kill" apple the same inferences are passed on Since many owners choose to
macaws in the bird world, I would have to for birds. I have eaten my apple cores be concerned about the chemical
go with the ones which seem better able
seed myth and seeds for at least two decades compounds in foods that parrots eat,
to cope with imperfect human upbringing. Apple seeds are NOT toxic to parrots. now, for the added nutrition they give then it is okay to offer all these, if you
This means, those full-sized macaws that Parrot flocks in Australia and in me. (I learned it from my conures.) wish, or don't do it if you wish. But

can cope with being incubator hatched Central America are known to go into I can see why parrots seek these out we should all stop proclaiming such
orphans or being raised in a busy, noisy, apple orchards looking for the seeds first, they are very sweet and tasty! seeds will harm our parrots. One
lighted nursery with all sorts of other inside the apples, discarding most of The same worries are true of many would have to gather and feed only the
birds calling, starting to fly and making a the pulp just like my psittacines will persons holding on to the myth that seeds of dozens of apples a week for
commotion. occasionally do. We have questioned chewing on apricot, plum or avocado many months to envision any affect to
Some Ara macaws seem to be able to veterinarians and searched bird store branches are toxic to parrots. Not true. your birds.
breeze through a somewhat poor hand- inquiries for over thirty years for one
feeding phase where they spend a lot instance of a parrot getting sick from
of time hungry when their formula feeds ingesting apple seeds, and never
are given at ever increasing intervals. found one. A single society finch
was claimed to have died from apple

Others appear well able to maintain
a calm demeanour and conform to seeds, but that was in fact speculation
constantly being moved around from nest because a postmortem examination
to nursery, pet shop to owner, all within was never done.
a period of four or five months. Such I have been allowing my parrot
macaws could be labeled, in a subjective flock apple seeds for over 25 years
manner, of course, more easy-going, with no ill effects. This myth is
adaptable, mellow, or the like. Another basically outdated aviculture that I
way to look at it would be that many large still read in local publications - an old
legend born years ago that refuses Seeds like these are full of
macaws do put up with mistakes being micronutrients and will not
made in their lives, brought on by human to die because of unfounded worries
harm our pet parrots.

caregivers, and they still do not get nippy, about toxicity effects to humans and
standoffish, neurotic, or worse.
Some of the large macaw species in our “best pet macaw” rankings

12 Parrots eMag A u g u s t 2 0 14 A u g u s t 2 0 14 Parrots eMag 13



Teaching worldliness has already gotten a bird by Hari
Much of preparing a parrot for a long that was raised with little
life amongst humans falls upon the birdlike training, then
early training by the breeders who turning it into a savvy
raise these birds and the hand-feeders pet takes a lot of time
who bring them up to be pets. When and effort. Some of the
a psittacine is taken from its nest things we do to make our
birds more worldly and
either as an egg or as an eyes-closed
self-confident are: ExTRudEd Food FoR a
neonate, it will have no contact with
its parents and hence have no role • Re-fledge the parrot to complETE balancEd diET
Total nutrition for Total Health
models upon which to base its early make sure it has a full
fledgling behaviour. Some of this can range of flying skills.
be solved by putting it in with other • Scientific blend of vitamins, minerals and nutrients
fledglings of its own kind, yet this is • Get it outside in a • No artificial colours or flavours
play cage or with a
inadequate because it still means Rich • No artificial preservatives
untrained young birds are ‘teaching’ harness or whatever
• Contains antioxidants such as Rosemary and Vitamin
to experience fresh air, in vitamins
untrained young birds how to act, E for health
and siblings have no real authority rain, wild birds, cool & minerals
to discipline each other as do adult weather, wind and yes,
parrots to fledglings in a group. even snow, a few short
Solving such dilemmas is minutes at a time.
something breeders and hand-feeders • Teach it about green
can do if they really think about it and branches and tree 100% EdiblE mix oF FRuiTs,
get imaginative with the true parrot
parents. But the emphasis has to be
limbs, either brought
nuTs and vEgETablEs wiTH
into the house, within
on producing individualistic, confident an outside aviary or addEd TRopican
birds, not just getting birds quickly Putting our pet birds into
luxurious Healthy Food
out in a safe small tree
through the hand-feeding phase so in a protected yard. outdoor cages builds
they can be wing-clipped and rushed Bathe it in greenery. confidence and worldliness. • Less Waste Means More Food

to a pet store or home. • High Quality Ingredients
• E xpose it to other birds mannerisms. Stick and towel train
The end result of correct raising • Meets the individual needs of your bird
of different genera and perhaps it, teach it about the car and pet
would be independent parrot pets
one day to a companion friend of carriers and the lawnmower and
that know they are parrots first, and
the same species, opposite gender. airplanes and whatever you can
come to like and accept humans as
You do not have to breed them, in think of that will widen its horizons.
caregivers and companions second.
fact some parrots are raised with Parrots are smart. They may not
Now, an initial thing prospective parrot
so many dysfunctions that they will repeat the word "truck" or "airplane"
buyers can do is to seek out a pet
never do so, but the most natural

raised in an advanced way - not as a but if you tell them what makes that
way to keep parrots is in twos. big noise they will recognise the
lacklustre cuddly, uneducated orphan
- and purchase only the pets raised to • Make your parrot as widely word each time it is used and come
cope with the ever changing world of experienced as possible by to realise that, "Oh, that is a truck,
people. If, as in so many cases, this is taking it on trips, getting it used to trucks don't hurt me…”
no longer possible because someone strangers with different clothing and With aloha, EB ■


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14 Parrots eMag A u g u s t 2 0 14
elevated LDL (low density into fat, causing weight gain the best choices. He explains,
lipoprotein, ie, bad right after a meal. However, “Maple syrup and honey are
cholesterol). Dr it’s the fructose that does the just glucose. While calorific and
Mercola believes that most damage. “Fructose is like insulin generating (therefore
it’s only a matter of alcohol without the buzz,” Lustig obesogenic - something that

The dangers of feeding sugar to birds

time before sugar explains. “It poisons your liver, promotes excessive weight
will be commonly and makes it insulin resistant, it gain), they don't have fructose
accepted as a forces your pancreas to make to damage the liver and do not
causative factor of even more insulin so the liver promote insulin resistance. So,
most cancers. functions properly, resulting in although they’re not perfect, they
By Leslie Moran Sugar and our
even more weight gain.” would be better than sucrose.”
This biochemical process
birds Our solution
I n May, the chatter of a female for creating good health it’s may then lead to insulin
Right now you may be According to Lustig the solution
hummingbird and the sound important to read the labels of resistance and metabolic
thinking, “What does the is very simple, “We should be
of her propeller-like wings the packaged food you buy. syndrome, the name for a
amount of sugar in the eating real foods. If a food
overhead alerted me to the As you do, you’ll notice the Say, “No,” to refined sugar in any form. group of risk factors that occur
foods I eat have to do comes out of the ground, grows
fact that she had built her nest massive number of foods that together and increase the risk
with my birds?” The answer is Different sugars for coronary artery disease,
on a tree or is from an animal
in our massive silver maple have added sugar, and you’ll
simple - we tend to feed our birds The problem according to that ate what came out of the
tree out the front. The miracle see how quickly the number of stroke and type-2 diabetes.
the same foods we eat ourselves. Lustig is “refined sugar,” such ground it’s good for us.” But, he
of being able to observe her grams of sugar, per serving, The abundance of refined sugar
Let me ask you to read back as high fructose corn syrup cautions, “If a human processed
nesting and rearing her young adds up to 25. in our diets is at the core of the
over the list of chronic health and cane sugar, which have it inbetween, either something
was such a gift! problem between processed
conditions in the preceding been stripped of all their was added - usually sugar - or
Being an avid researcher The truth about sugar foods that are eaten and the
paragraph. How many of these nutritional value. Regular table something was removed - most
I quickly found www. Robert Lustig, MD, a pediatric disease conditions it causes.
diseases have also been found sugar, cane sugar and cane likely fibre and micronutrients
worldofhummingbirds. neuroendocrinologist, is really
in parrots? Is it possible that an syrup is sucrose which is half What about fresh fruit? like vitamins and minerals. The
com, an information-rich shaking things up with his
excess of sugar in their diets may glucose and half fructose (fruit Fructose is abundant in fruit. key for most people is reducing
hummingbird website. Amidst 90-minute YouTube video,
be a factor causing these life sugar). The glucose generates Lustig explains, “Fruit is fine, but insulin and to do that you’ve got
the pages, one topic jumped “Sugar: the bitter truth.” It has
threatening health conditions to an insulin response, which we should think twice before to put the fibre back into your
out at me, “Hummingbird been viewed nearly 5m times
develop in our birds? changes the energy in the food drinking juice or offering it to diet and cut back on refined
first-aid: babies.” The very since it was uploaded in 2009.
our kids. The fibre in whole carbohydrates and sugar.”
first paragraph explains that

Now in his much anticipated
fruit contributes to a sense of
hummingbird babies should book, “Fat chance: beating the The challenge
fullness. Eating fibre (naturally
not drink the sugar water odds against sugar, processed As people around the world
present in fresh fruit) also results
nectar, fed to adults, because food, obesity and disease,” he are viewing Lustig’s YouTube
in less carbohydrate being
they need a higher protein documents the science and video many are accepting the
absorbed in the gut. In addition,
content in their food. the politics that has led to the challenge to become sugar-
fibre consumption allows the
The website continues by pandemic of chronic disease free, to stop eating processed
brain to receive a satiety signal
explaining, “In an emergency, over the past 30 years. foods that have added refined
sooner than it would otherwise,
it is okay to feed them some In his book, Lustig explains sugars and to begin choosing

Maria, a Blue & Gold Macaw enjoys a fresh strawberry. so we stop eating sooner.”
sugar water nectar, but baby why he believes that the healthier foods - real foods -
So when we enjoy fruit as
hummingbirds need protein and Eating whole fruit in chunks or slices massive amounts of sugar from nature. Will you join me
nature intended, eating it whole
after four hours without it they neutralises the detrimental effects of fructose. and processed foods people in improving the quality of the
A Green-cheeked Conure sized meal of fresh wholesome real foods.
or in chunks, this provides
become severely crippled or die. consume each day are making foods you eat? If you do, you
Main dish - bottom, sprouts topped with steamed veggies, corn, green added nutrients while also
When feeding nectar-eating Elvis, my us fatter and sicker. He states will naturally begin offering
Green-cheeked beans and carrots. Homemade eggfood and walnut pieces at the top, a neutralising any detrimental
birds experienced aviculturists that today’s generation of raw spinach leaf (centre) and orange slice for hanging on the enclosure your birds more “real” foods -
Conure loves effects of the fructose.
understand it’s essential to feed blueberries American children may end up wall. Small fruit cup dish, a mix of apple chunks, kiwi, peaches, large nature’s “medicine chest.” ■
a liquid food especially prepared blueberries - topped with a dash of greek yogurt. The best sweeteners
being the first with a shorter * Next month: Is there a link
for these birds, one that contains lifespan expectancy than their When baking healthy foods between refined sugar and
a balance of essential nutrients, parents. Lustig explains that for ourselves and our birds or hormone imbalance?

carbohydrates, complete the problem isn’t confined to looking for nutritious muffins, Sources: Sugar: The bitter
protein, essential fats, vitamins cookies or breads, which truth,
young people and children
watch?v=dBnniua6-oM Dr Mercola,
and minerals. because obesity related natural sweeteners should we
In this column we’ve talked conditions like type-2 diabetes be eating? According to Lustig, articles/archive/2011/05/02/is-
a lot about the importance of and heart disease are now maple syrup and honey are sugar-toxic.aspx
parrots receiving complete among the leading causes of
protein foods, now let’s take a preventable deaths in adults. Leslie Moran uses food as medicine for
look at sugar. creating wellness in parrots. Her natural
Other diet related health
approach is ideal for preventive healthcare,
guidelines that recommend a is equivalent to around 25 conditions linked to excessive restoring health or improving behaviours.
WHO speaks up person’s sugar intake should grams of sugar per day (6 sugar consumption include Specialising in long distance consultations,
make up less than five per tablespoons) for an adult of from Nevada (USA).
Early this year, the World kidney disease, insulin

Health Organization (WHO), cent of their total dietary normal Body Mass Index (BMI). resistance, fatty liver disease,
See Leslie’s advert on page 23.
began drafting new dietary energy intake per day. This If you’re going to use food elevated triglycerides and This dish of food has been prepared for a macaw.

16 Parrots eMag A u g u s t 2 0 14 A u g u s t 2 0 14 Parrots eMag 17

Personality Profile by Sally Blanchard Personality Profile by Sally Blanchard


Attempting to would scream as they went
out the door. They talked to
This is both, a negative
because they can be really
deceive their neighbours about it and loud, and a positive because
We humans are always promised to find help that Moluccans can be very
coming up with ways to would control the screaming. conversational.
gauge the intelligence of I advised them to start A lot of people think their

other animals. In the last whispering to each other Moluccans are just making
decade or so, one of the as they were leaving and to a noise and not talking.
criteria became “the attempt give their cockatoo a head If they listen carefully to
to deceive.” If an animal skritch while talking to him in the cadence of the bird’s
attempts to deceive another a whisper. It took a couple conversation, it is usually
animal, it is evidence that they of weeks of consistent not that difficult to pick
are aware that their behaviour whispering before the bird out words. It sounds as if
can change another animal’s started whispering when Moluccans talk on the in-
behaviour. Over the years, they left for work. The trick breath making them even
it has become evident to is to, “do unto them, before harder to understand. These
me that Moluccans can be they can do unto you” - in a majestic birds are naturally

(Cacatua moluccensis) masters of manipulation

when it comes to the people
in their lives.
positive way. This essentially
means they are taught positive
behaviours as a distraction
noisy, but allowing them to
let it all out playfully at least
once a day for a short time
will help keep them from

being excessively noisy.
have probably worked and willingness of the new
Playful, “I’m happy to be
with more Moluccans caregivers to learn the right
alive,” vocalisations rarely turns
than any other species of ways to win the trust of their
into the kind of manipulative
cockatoo. I tamed dozens of birds. Those that didn’t
screaming that can be so
wild-caught Moluccans when adapt well often ended up
irritating. The big problem
they were being imported with an array of behavioural
problems, including with their vocalisations is not
by the thousands. Some of

aggression, excessive simply that they are loud, but
these birds seemed to have
post-traumatic stress disorder screaming, feather picking that they can easily evolve
(PTSD) from the trauma of and mutilation. into excessive, manipulative
being captured, quarantined, screaming if the people in their
and placed in pet shops Instructional lives are not very careful about
setting rules and providing
or homes.
Many people who bought
interaction guidance.
these birds did so because essential Moluccans need a lot

Moluccans are large and of interactive stimulation
When breeders started
beautiful. Unfortunately, raising domestically-raised with toys and activities, but
many of the people who Moluccans, a common belief they don’t do well with an
purchased them had no idea was that if the babies were excessive amount of physical
what to do with them once given too much attention affection, mostly because
they got them home. They they would become spoiled they often form too strong
didn’t know how to tame a and develop serious Moluccans are beautiful, and that their caregivers pay a sexual bond with their
bird this size and were often behavioural problems. This demonstrative, enthusiastic, close attention to their body caregivers. This is especially
afraid of their beaks. misconception caused playful, and comical. language as a prediction of true with some males who
Some of the birds I even more problems with They can also be loving, negative behaviours. can become very protective
of a perceived mate and

worked with were hard to this intelligent species. affectionate and devoted to In regard to screaming,
reach, while others were The exact opposite is their caregivers. They are cockatoos usually show a their territory together. This
lucky and seemed to adapt true! Proper socialisation certainly much more than just great deal of body language can become a serious
well to life in captivity. The is critical and raising skills is actually what creates instructional interaction. Being Moluccans are both the a love sponge. When done as they get ready to scream. problem with such a large
Moluccans that didn’t adapt Moluccans with production independent cockatoos. It intelligent birds, Moluccan most desired, but the most “right,” by a knowledgeable It is possible to “change bird. Moluccans are strongly
well often ended up in new techniques actually creates is not too much attention Cockatoos can easily be problematic too. Moluccan and patient caregiver, they the channel” by using a cue interactive with their human
situations where the new over-dependent cockatoos that has created problems taught behaviours and tricks Cockatoos are highly can be one of the very best for a learned trick to stop a flock. Like all cockatoos,
caregivers also didn’t know with serious behavioural with Moluccan Cockatoos as that can be praised and used intelligent and it is clear to companion parrots. I worked screaming episode before it Moluccans don’t do well shut
how to work with them. problems. companions, it is the wrong as a distraction from negative me that the more intelligent with a Moluccan who lived starts. Moluccans are very away in a bird room. They
Some ended up in breeding Providing instructional kind of attention. Some behaviours. a parrot-family bird is, the with a couple in a duplex. verbally communicative, often need to live where the activity
situations. It depended a interaction by teaching babies cuddling is okay, but it should As far as companion more problems they have The people left for work very good talkers and just about is and to be a part of it. They

great deal on the patience their social and survival be accompanied by extensive cockatoos are concerned, with settling in captivity. early in the morning and he always wonderful mutterers. thrive on ambient attention.

18 Parrots eMag A u g u s t 2 0 14 A u g u s t 2 0 14 Parrots eMag 19

Personality Profile by Sally Blanchard Personality Profile by Sally Blanchard


can be destroyed fairly this can be so complex that chamber where the droppings
quickly, but may be one most diagnostics are educated collect, protrudes through the
of the best toys for such a guesses and can include vent. Some avian veterinarians
destructive beak. Being disease, hormonal overload, have had some success in
mechanically-minded, poor nutrition, insecurity from treating this problem, but it
these large cockatoos love lack of early socialisation, heavy remains one of the most serious
heavy duty metal or impact- metal toxicity, food allergies problems for some Moluccan
resistant acrylic and plastic and a negative reaction to Cockatoos and their caregivers.
puzzle toys that move around all the chemical and artificial
and make a noise. ingredients in pelleted diets, Conclusion
excessive amounts of salt in A Moluccan is not the
the diet, emotional deprivation,
She remembered, abandonment and dramatic
right avian companion for
everybody, especially if
I didn’t attention rewards for the people want to just smother
I get to see Tiwi, one of my picking behaviours. them with love. They need
favourite Moluccans, every A feather-picked bird to be loved like a “good
few years when I visit Tucson, may not be attractive but this buddy” and not like a mate.
Arizona. A few visits ago, alone is not life-threatening. Because of their intelligence,
I sat on the floor and we The greatest problem is that Moluccan Cockatoos are
played catch with a wiffle feather destructive behaviour one of the most complex
ball a few times, for up to can exacerbate into skin parrot companions. They
an hour. I would roll the ball mutilation and this can become need knowledgeable
across the floor and Tiwi a life-threatening problem caregivers who can match
would run and get it and with Moluccans if a solution that intelligence, and have

Rules and guidance didn’t like the cockatoo and

thought it was too messy. They
can create serious problems
for caregivers. Undisciplined
throw it back to me. If she
had a bad throw she would
is not found. Another serious
problem with these cockatoos
patience and perseverance
in regards to the
Due to their intelligence, sexually mature males who is cloacal prolapse. This occurs idiosyncrasies of this
married and at that point she have to get it until she got it
Moluccans have an absolute LibertaQtrAD_8040Canterbury_LibertaQtrAD_8324Voyager 30/07/2013 10:25 Page 1
demanded that the Moluccan have been allowed to bond close to me. Sometimes she when the cloaca, which is the spectacular cockatoo. ■

need for rules and guidance. live in the finished garage. sexually to their caregivers may would just bring it to me, for
Their intelligence and size Within a very short time, the become aggressive stalkers of me to throw again.
can create a challenge for cockatoo started plucking. For the best in help & advice
the people in their lives. Then she started to mutilate
Moluccans are not for a her chest. I placed her with
person who is afraid of their a new family but they had
size or people who can’t find multiple birds. Then she went
time to work with them and to another home where she

provide guidance. It is critical made some positive progress.
to establish independence I eventually lost track of her but CANTERBURY
in young birds so they do my hope was she lived with Scan the code for
not become over dependent another knowledgeable person information on this cage
on human affection. This is from Mike Simmons
who adored her.
done with lots of instructional While human interaction
interaction when they are is important, these are high
young. It is equally important activity birds which need to anyone else in their perceived A year or so later, I returned
to continue these interactions learn to entertain themselves. territory. Moluccans who and headed straight for the
throughout their entire lives.
These intelligent cockatoos
They can be headstrong and receive focused attention and rest-room. I started hearing a Improve your Parrot enthusiasts watch .... SCAN THE CODE

stubborn, and Moluccans instructional interaction from knocking on the door and then
have a serious problem with a
sudden decrease in attention
are potentially one of the
loudest birds alive. Their noise
several people in their lives
form “buddy bonds” and are
it was pushed open. There
was Tiwi with the wiffle ball
hatchability Mike Simmons

with Buddy
Bird trainer
levels. Moluccans can easily levels can be redirected into less likely to show aggressive
reminding me it was time to
suffer “broken hearts” from acceptable talking, whistling or territorial behaviour based on
play. She remembered, I didn’t. For more information on
neglect and this can lead to whispering. Screaming is not sexual bonding regardless of Buy on-line at FROM £164.50 the Liberta range of cages
serious behavioural problems. the real problem - excessive gender and/or age.
Health problems
with Mike Simmons
One of the domestically-raised manipulative screaming is the Besides quality human Buddy. The world’s only digital Egg Monitor.
Moluccans I worked with problem. Males are generally interactions, sturdy toys Many, but not all, Moluccans For peace of mind during incubation. MERCHANT OR CALL US FOR YOUR NEAREST SUPPLIER
was adored by the man she more dominant than females. are a necessity for big- also have serious problems Avitronics, PO Box 107, Truro, Cornwall TR1 2YR
lived with. Then he became Out-of-control (in control of beaked Moluccans. Large with feather destructive
Tel / Fax: 01872 262777

involved with a woman who their own lives) Moluccans chunks of untreated wood behaviour. The reasons for

20 Parrots eMag A u g u s t 2 0 14 A u g u s t 2 0 14 Parrots eMag 21

Native suburban trees vital for parrots


Best Bird Food Ever!
A world-first study in Canberra, Australia has revealed that
suburbs with more than 30 per cent native trees lining the
streets had 11 per cent more bird species than those streets
the researchers say.
“Householders can also
make a big difference by
where exotic tree species had been planted. planting native shrubs and
As native birds continue to lose their habitat due to the trees in their gardens.
spread of Australia’s cities, scientists are urging city planners and
householders to help save them by planting more Australian trees.
“Urbanisation is
unavoidable, but our The Health Food
Dr Karen Ikin and Professor David Lindenmayer from The
ARC Centre of Excellence for Environmental Decisions (CEED)
and The Australian National University explained, “More birds
studies show that there are
ways to lessen its negative
impact on Australia’s native
of Bird Foods
wildlife – we just have
Only our sprouting blends
were also found in nature reserves next to the suburbs. This
• Contain complete protein
shows how we manage our urban areas has a significant effect to think more carefully • Have compatible germination
on wildlife in surrounding locations.” about how we design our Superb Parrot or Barrabands Parakeet rate and growing needs
The researchers surveyed 66 bird species at 40 locations suburbs,” they say. • USDA Certified Organic
across Canberra and grouped native birds by their tolerance of If biodiversity is to be increased in urban areas, birds are an • Nutrient dense
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“With the exception of native birds that avoid urban areas, a brightly-coloured, charismatic Pennant’s Rosella, can improve health
• Safe, easy sprouting
significantly higher number of bird species – both feral and native human well-being. Planting more shrubs, keeping more tree method
– were found in suburbs where more than 30 per cent of the total logs and leaf litter in parks and private gardens will all help attract • Versatile - can be
number of trees were made up of Eucalyptus trees,” said Dr Ikin. native birds that currently avoid urban areas. ■ sprouted for optimum
“Exotic trees like oak trees, elms and plum trees are nutrition or cooked
the most popular choices in current street tree plans,” the
Your Birds Deserve the Best!
● The team’s paper, “The influence of native versus exotic
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22 Parrots eMag A u g u s t 2 0 14 A u g u s t 2 0 14 Parrots eMag 23



before feeding it to the birds, and should
be replaced with new, twice a day.
Tinned sweetcorn (with no added
salt or sugar), celery, broccoli and fresh
apples are easy fruits and vegetables
for a bird-sitter to supply and will suffice
for a short period. The less you leave
– leaving a breeding them to do the more likely each task will
be done properly. For instance, it is vital

colony to go on holiday all food and water dishes are scrubbed

clean each day.

The most
I t is that time of year again
when lovebird breeders,
and many others, are looking
hazardous time
The potentially most hazardous time in
forward to a well-earned a breeding colony is when the young
holiday. If you are going away, begin to fledge and if at all possible
it is essential that you make you should try to avoid being away at
adequate provisions for your this time. Plucked young are the most impaired if some of their wing or flight
breeding birds, so they are well vulnerable as their ability to fly for the feathers have been removed.
cared for, in your absence. first week or two can be significantly Other fledglings that are vulnerable
Lovebirds are generally are the odd one or two who leave the
very reliable breeders, even A second clutch is usually box in a hurry, before they are proficient
when they are nesting for the begun a week after the last at flying. This is usually done under
first time, and it can usually be chick from the first clutch pressure from the hen who is struggling
fairly accurately estimated at has fledged, which is usually to cope in an over-crowded box.
what stage the lovebirds will be at around 6-7 weeks old. It First thing in the morning, and just
at, while you are away. Ideally, takes around one week for a before dusk, it is important to check the
the best time to be away is clutch of five to all vacate the floor for youngsters in distress. Often
when the hens are incubating. box. Lovebirds are creatures all that is needed is to place the chick

This is usually the least eventful of habit, and they usually straight back into its nest-box, but if this
Publications from J. & P. HAYWARD period of the breeding season follow the same pattern each happens when a bird-sitter is in charge
(Prices include p&p. Cheques/drafts in BRITISH POUNDS STERLING ONLY
and is the easiest time for breeding season. they should not attempt to do this unless
payable to: J. & P. Hayward) Carterton Breeding Aviaries, Brize Norton Road,
Carterton, Oxon OX18 3HW, UK • Tel: 01993 841736 someone to come in and care they are very sure which nest-box the
£35 UK, £50 world • ISBN 0-9519098-0-0
for the birds. Provisions for youngster is from. A fully-feathered chick

Manual of Colour Breeding supplements:

Once the hens are
incubating, fresh willow
newly-hatched placed in the wrong box would almost
certainly be killed and it would be better
£55 UK, £65 world • ISBN 0-9519098-3-5
branches for example, need chicks to leave it on the ground.

£35 UK, £45 world • ISBN 0-9519098-4-3 only be supplied once a week, If, however, chicks are due to It is very upsetting for anyone looking
COCKATIEL mainly for the benefit of the hatch while you are away, leave after someone else’s birds, if things begin
£55 UK, £65 world • ISBN 0-9519098-5-1
males – as a therapeutic activity. plenty of dried eggfood for to go wrong. So, when away, always
A supply of cut branches can the bird-sitter to mix up, and leave the telephone number of a nearby
The ROSELLAS be left in a bucket of water, bird friend, so that in an emergency
£27 UK, £37 world • ISBN 0-9519098-1-9 leave clear instructions on how
HOW TO BREED them in the aviary • INFORMATION out of the sun, to keep them to prepare soaked seed. For they can either telephone for advice or
on the birds in the wild • ALL SPECIES of Rosellas, the
Barnard group and the Pileated Parakeet included, as fresh, ready for the bird-sitter to the first five days after a chick summon help. ■
transfer to the flight, but explain hatches it will be fed almost
that under no circumstances entirely on eggfood, and this Lovebird care: tips for summer
AFRICAN POICEPHALUS PARROTS should the bucket of water be needs to be supplied at least • Always make sure there is adequate • A big piece of willow bark hung

£21 UK, £31 world • ISBN 0-9519098-2-7 put in the flight! twice a day. It is important
FOUR COLOUR PLATES on ONE POSTER shade in an outside aviary. If at any time horizontally from all four corners,
showing ALL SPECIES, sub-species, colour variations, they have enough, it is fresh of the day the birds are in full sunshine, from the inside roof, makes a lovely
Calculating the
differences in sexes, adults and immatures
(40 examples), PLUS BOOKLET on Identification, (it won’t last so long in hot cover part of the roof with greenhouse swing for multiple birds and makes
Distribution, Aviculture, Housing, Diets & Breeding
weather) and it is not supplied shading, or as an emergency measure a great enrichment treat, as they
A Parrot Breeder ‘BOOK ON CD-ROM’:
season ahead too wet. place a wet, dark-coloured towel over will love chewing it to pieces.
Most pairs usually begin to Once each chick reaches one side of the roof. Fully-leaved willow • Always take the chicks and
£35 UK, £45 world lay their first clutch 1-2 weeks five days old, they are fed less branches can also help provide shade. nest-boxes out of the flight all at
viewable in Microsoft XP Windows: ‘PowerPoint
Viewer 2003’ or ‘Microsoft PowerPoint 2000’ program after the boxes have been eggfood, and the adults begin • Scrub water bowls daily and change water the same time at the end of the
From OVER 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE of erected. By counting 23 days to take greater quantities of 2-3 times a day in hot weather. Lovebirds season, even if it means hand-
keeping & breeding this beautiful parrot
after the third egg has arrived, soaked seed and fresh foods. tend to dunk their food in their water bowl rearing a few chicks. Otherwise
GENETICS WIZARD • ISBN 0-9519098-7-8 the expected date each clutch and at this time of the year it can quickly those parents that have finished
It is imperative to explain, that

A ‘Gene Machine’ for Generating Season-by-Season Custom Designed Breeding "sour" the water and encourage harmful breeding will start to interfere with
Programmes for Primary, Combination & Compound Varieties in Birds, Mammals, will begin hatching can be soaked seed needs to be
bacteria and fungal spores to take a hold. the remaining boxes.
Fish & Plants. Parts One & Two plus Instruction Disk • £100 UK, £130 world calculated. thoroughly rinsed in cold water

24 Parrots eMag A u g u s t 2 0 14 A u g u s t 2 0 14 Parrots eMag 25

free handout. King parrots are local to
me, but I have never seen them in large
flocks. They are mainly seen in small
parties when feeding, although several
years ago while visiting a niece on an
inland grain property, I observed a flock
of over 50 immature birds.
When feeding in the Bush, at times
I have been able to get quite close to
them to take photographs. Sometimes
when feeding, their shrill whistle betrays
their presence and if disturbed they
fly off with slow, laboured, wing beats.
They feed on fruit, nuts, berries, blossom
and various seeding grasses. In grain
growing areas, they are seen on grain
crops although their damage is minimal,
unlike the destruction caused by large
cockatoo flocks. My niece has an
Male apricot tree by her back door and as
soon as these fruits ripen she is visited

Royal Kings and

Female An immature
by both king parrots and Crimson-
Blue mutation
winged Parrots and in a short time the prefer tall trees with hollows that may be
tree is stripped of all its fruit. ten metres deep. Aviculturists who used
People in my area sometimes put up to have a problem getting these parrots to

natural mutations
feeders to get the king parrots into their breed, have found, that when giving them
yards but it does not take long for the a grandfather clock-type nest-box, their
cockatoos to find the free handouts and breeding success improves.
they become aggressive to the smaller

occurring in the wild Naturally occurring

parrots, driving them away and making a
horrible mess of their yard.

by Allen Friis
When spring comes around and the
breeding season begins, the king parrots
Some dedicated aviculturists are working

he Australian King Parrot, (Alisterus Female on producing several mutations, and if
scapularis), is to my mind well-suited successful, like all early mutations, their
to its name. When seen up close value will be very high.
in the wild these parrots take your breath I spend a lot of time in the Bush and
away. The plumage of the adult male is have seen and photographed two wild through my camera

spectacular with the scarlet of the head mutation king parrots. While walking lens I noticed one bird
and breast, combining with the vivid green through a reserve close to my home I looked different and took
wings and back. Whenever I come across saw some king parrots fly by me and land several photos although
these broad tail parrots in the wild, it is a in a tall eucalyptus tree. When I looked they were some distance
thrill. Their beauty is stunning and the king away. When I looked
parrot will always be a favourite of mine. Female at the photos on my
There are two recognised sub- computer, the odd bird
species of king parrots here in Australia. was in fact a blue king
The nominate species is seen right down parrot. I have been to
the east coast, while the smaller, darker the location many times

species inhabits the rainforest in northern since and have not seen
Queensland. I have kept both species, this blue king parrot
and seen together the difference is again.
noticeable, however when seen on their Friends of mine who
own it is difficult at first to correctly pick live on a small farm out
the smaller parrot. of town, contacted me
King parrots prefer high, timbered Blue mutation some years ago and
country and in my area they are a fairly told me that they had a
common bird. They can be attracted to yellow king parrot coming in with
feeders and do not take long to become normal ones to feed on a feeder
tame in this type of setting. At Lamington they maintained in their back yard.

National Park in Queensland, kings will After several visits, one morning
land on any part of your body to get a while photographing the normal

26 Parrots eMag A u g u s t 2 0 14 A u g u s t 2 0 14 Parrots eMag 27

Yellow female
on nesting tree
its mother. This parrot returned this year
and is gradually obtaining a full red chest
King parrots
and head. Also noticeable were the light
lime colours on its shoulders. I am going
true Royals It ’s so good
you can’t keep
to try and get some more shots of this We are fortunate in Australia in having
bird when it fully colours up. so many wonderful, colourful, parrot
species, and a lot of these birds are quite
it to yourself!
There have been attempts to trap
these parrots for the aviculture market easy to find and observe. I have a friend
and I can only hope that the people who is a keen photographer and wants
involved are unsuccessful in achieving to learn how to observe and photograph
their goal. All the residents in this small birds. I took him to a spot where I always
country area just love having the yellow manage king parrot shots and this was
kings flying about their yards and will the first time he had seen them and
make it very hard for anyone they catch identified them in the wild.
trying to trap them. It is said that natural A fully-coloured male bird landed close
occurring mutations in the wild have a to us at the top of a small bush and started
slim chance of surviving because they feeding, with the early morning sun shining
stand out from the normal birds. Seeing on its spectacular plumage. My friend
a flock on king parrots flying past with a could not believe what he was seeing
yellow one among them, nothing could and almost forgot about his camera as he
stand out more, but thankfully they are watched this royal king feeding so close to
kings, a brilliant yellow king parrot joined our position. Anyone seeing these parrots
still being sighted in the area.
them on the feeder. This parrot stood out for the first time will be stunned by their
with its bright yellow plumage and red Yellow mutation
immature male beauty and although these kings are fairly
breast and I thought it was a hen. common over their range, they will always
Over the next couple of years two have my attention, whether I have my
more yellow kings were seen in the camera ready or not. ■
vicinity and one seemed to be paired up
with a normal hen. Last year there was a
young yellow bird turning up at the feeder
with a normal hen and spent a lot of time

begging to be fed by what I assumed was

Cruel dealer practices

In early times in England, dealers told of several
importers of king parrots, who “stoved” up their
birds to make them moult their nest feathers
prematurely, and assume the adult “garb”
before the natural period comes around. This
involved keeping the bird in a small enclosure

and submitting it to hot conditions until it
moulted. A fully-coloured male king parrot was
worth a lot more to the dealer than a young Yellow mutation
Totally Organics Complete Diets
uncoloured bird. immature male These 100% Organic Pellets are made from human grade and
certified organic ingredients and are readily accepted by birds.

This all natural feed has been manufactured in a cold pressed (not
extruded or baked) process, to keep natural enzymes, vitamins
and other nutrients at the highest level possible. This ensures your
bird is receiving the finest nutrition.

Rosemary, lemon and orange peel are just some of the natural

ingredients used to carefully preserve the nutrient rich content,
keeping it fresh and appetizing for your bird.

You can be sure that you are feeding your bird a truly natural diet
with only the wholesome goodness found in nature being used to
create this diet.

llets made
100% organic pe
e ingredients
from human grad

The flock, including the yellow bird,
arrive to feed on a backyard feeder Web:
Phone: 0800 488 0345
Northern Parrots, Unit 21 Cuba Estate, Ramsbottom, Bury, BL0 0NE, UK
28 Parrots eMag A u g u s t 2 0 14
tests such as blood samples to assess minerals (especially calcium), trace

liver and kidney function and hormone elements (such as zinc), and amino
levels or to check for infectious agents acids, will result in poor feather and skin

Parrots feather-
such as Psittacine Beak and Feather quality, (Fig 5) which in turn predispose to
Disease (PBFD). (Fig 3) It may be plucking. In some cases too much of a
necessary to examine feather samples or dietary component can cause a problem
skin biopsies for the presence of bacteria, – a fat-rich diet, or simple obesity, will

viruses, fungi or parasites. produce poor feather quality. (Fig 6)

Fig 3 - Citron-crested Cockatoo with Fig 5 - Umbrella Cockatoo showing severe self- Fig 6 - Poor feather condition in an Amazon
advanced PBFD mutilation of chest parrot, with uneven coverage and persistent
sheaths on the quills. This may also be
It is perfectly normal for a bird to pluck which means more feathers are grown to linked with an inability to preen owing to beak
the head and neck feathers of its mate replace those pulled out, which means damage or arthritis
in the breeding season, or for parents more irritation, and therefore more
The bird’s environment is extremely
to over-preen their chicks in the same picking. In some cases, birds progress
important: smoke in the atmosphere, or
way. (Fig 4) It is also normal for birds to from plucking to self-mutilation, eating
fat droplets where a bird is kept, near a
by Alan K Jones, BvetMed mrcvs Fig 1 - Blue-fronted and Red-lored Amazon
parrots in immaculate feather
lose feathers over the breast area while
breeding (the “brood patch”), but both
through skin and muscle. (Fig 5)
Certain internal or systemic disease
pub kitchen for example, will be deposited
on the feathers and will cause irritation.
these may be triggers to start a bird on conditions will produce skin irritation
Handling a bird with nicotine-stained
I am now retired from general avian detailed analysis will hopefully identify the history) as to the background of the bird – the road to longer term plucking. New that results in plucking. Liver disease is
fingers, after smoking, will irritate a bird's
veterinary practice, but still write articles alternative causes. Thus skilful diagnosis where it came from, where it is kept, how feathers that grow in the normal moult will one, Giardiasis in cockatiels is another.
skin, and will start the bird pecking to
and answer questions on the enthralling is required to establish the cause and it is fed, when the problem started, how irritate as they come through, and birds This protozoal intestinal infection is well

relieve the itch. A dry, dusty atmosphere is
birds that are parrots. One of the most thereby suggest a possible cure, but the problem manifested itself, are other preen heavily at this time, but again the documented as being a cause of feather-
very bad for plumage quality - the feathers
common problems I was faced with in the there is no more frustrating condition birds involved, etc. Examination of the scales can tip easily from preening to picking in the USA, although we tend not
will become brittle and will then irritate.
course of my work was the feather-plucking for the disappointed owner and the environment is important – the presence plucking if the irritation is excessive. to see so much in the UK. The remedy
Regular bathing or spraying is essential.
parrot. It is also a very frequent question veterinarian attempting to treat the bird of parasites or irritants may be detected,
(Fig 7) Lighting is important – too long a
asked of Parrots magazine: “What do I do than the “feather-plucker.” plus one can get a general impression of
photoperiod (length of daylight) may tire
to stop my parrot pulling its feathers out?” The first point to note is that feather- the bird’s lifestyle. (Fig 2)
the bird, or stimulate breeding activity, or
Several articles have been published over plucking is a disease of captivity – it does The bird will then need a thorough
encourage frequent moulting. Light levels
the years by many experts on the subject, not occur (except as natural physiological examination, probably linked to laboratory

that are too low will result in poor quality
but it is time to provide an update. behaviour in breeding birds) in wild-living feather growth.
individuals. Many owners appear to give

he feature that sets birds apart in their birds the best of care and attention,
the animal kingdom is their feathers. and yet are rewarded by a bird that rips
These unique and complex structures out all its feathers. Other individuals can
give avian species their particular appeal live in apparently appalling environments
in terms of appearance and colour. (Fig 1) and yet have immaculate plumage.
It is perhaps the main reason why people The second comment is, no case
find birds so attractive, and therefore if any of feather-plucking will respond to a
problem occurs with the feathers, it is of miraculous overnight cure, nor can

immediate concern to the owner. the answer be given in a two-minute
Just as with any general disease telephone call. The various remedies that
problem in birds, a few displayed have been suggested in the press are not
symptoms can represent a whole range universal panaceas. What will solve the
of causes of the illness, so then there problem in one bird may have no effect
are many reasons why a bird’s feathers in another individual, because of the Fig 4 - Cockatiel baby with crest feathers in these cases is obviously to treat the
plucked by parents
may have become damaged or lost. different root cause. underlying disease, rather than simply to
These would include inherited defects, In attempting to investigate a feather- This would be the case when many try to control the picking. Fig 7 - Umbrella Cockatoo taking a bath in the
dietary deficiencies, infections and plucking problem, one has to be able to kitchen sink!
feathers are replaced at once, for Dietary problems are also highly
physical damage from the environment recognise the normal from the abnormal, example following an accident or illness. significant in feather disease. Still far Another environmental consideration
or other birds. To the inexperienced eye, and to eliminate all other possible causes But then a vicious circle is established, too many caged birds are kept on an is boredom. This is frequently cited

one damaged feather looks much like of feather disease. This will require Fig 2 - Moluccan Cockatoo kept in a dark because the large number of growing inadequate or imbalanced diet and as a cause of feather-plucking, but in
another, whereas experience and more detailed questioning of the owner (clinical environment with poor diet. Feather quality is poor feathers irritates. This leads to plucking, deficiencies of vitamins (especially A), my experience it is by no means the

30 Parrots eMag A u g u s t 2 0 14 A u g u s t 2 0 14 Parrots eMag 31

commonest cause. Parrots are extremely aviary and colony birds, such as finches, caterpillar, insect or even small fish,
intelligent creatures and do need a lot of canaries, budgies and pigeons on the so animal protein is not at all alien
physical and mental stimulation to satisfy other hand, may be affected by such to their diet.
their needs. Therefore toys, objects to organisms. One other parasitic condition
Other remedies that may be adopted
chew, radios playing, “playtime” with the that is quite common as a cause of skin
in specific cases could be the
owner, are all important for their well- disease (although rarely feather-plucking)
judicious use of hormone therapy or
being, and in many cases the provision of is the mange mite Cnemidocoptes (Scaly
the provision of a proper environment
such items where they are not present will face, scaly leg, tassle foot). (Fig 8)
in which to pair off and breed.
prevent plucking in a bird. Thus to diagnose and treat a case
Many other suggested methods
However, the opposite situation can of feather-plucking, one has to consider
really just attack the results of the
also apply – that is to say that a bird’s and eliminate or test for all of the above.
environment can be too busy. In an plucking, and do not address the
Plucking often starts at adolescence,
active household, with children playing or following some episode of stress. root cause. These would include the
and running around, dogs barking, music The time of day, plucking occurs is use of sedatives or psycho-altering
blaring, and general busy-ness from also significant. “Situation” plucking in drugs such as the much publicised
dawn 'til way past dusk, the poor bird may response to something that annoys the “Prozac.” These may have a place
get over-stimulated and have no chance bird is common. For example, being put and a short-term effect in some cases,
of proper rest. This can result in feather- away at night when he doesn’t want to go! but usually once therapy is withdrawn,
pulling, and the answer in this case is Birds are very sensitive to environment the plucking will recur if the bird’s
Fig 12 - African Grey Parrot fitted with a Perspex circumstances are unchanged. The
obviously to move the bird to a more and routine – the classic case was the collar
relaxed atmosphere! cockatoo that plucked when its owner beak may be notched or have a ball
In some cases there may be an moved a picture from one wall in the room applied to its tip to prevent damage
inability to preen. The feathers will then to another, and then stopped plucking to the feathers, alternatively collars
Fig 10 - Black-headed Caiques with plastic
look untidy, with persistent sheaths and when the picture was replaced! Jealousy chain perch/toy or vests may be attached to restrict
possibly secondarily infected, but they and stress are commonly implicated, as plucking. (Figs 12 and 13) Again, both
phenomenon, and these birds grow in the winter, for fear they may catch these methods are preventive rather
will not be plucked out. This could be are having builders in or relatives to stay,
up not really sure whether they are bird cold, but this is in fact a critical time, than curative, but may have a place
the case in a hand-reared bird that has and holiday times or other changes in
or human! When they reach those since one has heating on in the in allowing feather recovery while the
not been socialised with others, and has routine may all be responsible for starting
“awkward teenage years,” and their house, and this will make the bird’s underlying reasons are addressed.
never really learned how to preen or it a bird pulling at its feathers.
hormones tell them they need to breed, plumage very dry. Most birds enjoy The fitting of collars is a personal
may result from some damage to the The area of feathers that the bird
they are not quite sure which way to turn, a shower, but some will actively preference. In my experience many
beak that prevents grooming activity. A attacks is also significant. Hormone

and hence start plucking in frustration dislike it. Nevertheless, one should birds are adept at removing them, or
further option is arthritis in an older bird, changes and broody behaviour most
and confusion. It is also possible that persevere for the sake of the long- if they can’t, then they become even
reducing its flexibility to reach certain commonly influence chest and shoulder
the hormone changes cause direct term plumage quality. more neurotic.
areas of its plumage. pluckers, while a small local area may
irritability of the skin, just as in human
indicate some underlying internal pain.  The provision of a stimulating and
teenagers with acne. In summary
(Fig 5) interesting environment, including
A commonly suggested solution in One can repeat that there is no
In my experience, most cases of materials that can be chewed.
such cases is to “get the bird a mate,” overnight solution, and there is no
plucking that are not the result of one of There are many parrot toys available
but this is not always the answer. A single remedy suitable for all cases!
the disease processes listed above occur that are useful, but these can be Fig 13 – Roseate or Galah Cockatoo with a

companion bird of a different species knitted vest made from an old sock Detailed “psychoanalysis” is required
in adolescent birds. Hand-reared African expensive. It is just as effective
may help, but a true opposite sex of the
Grey Parrots are perhaps the worst to provide cheap replaceable for each bird (and very often its
same species may throw the bird into  The provision of a well-balanced
offenders, but eclectus and cockatoos objects such as clean twigs from owner!), and even then there will be
even more confusion. They may even diet. This is very important, and
come close. (Fig 9) non-toxic trees (fruit trees, willow, many disappointments. It will take
copy each other, and you end up with many cases of poor feather quality
hazel, chestnut, eucalyptus, etc); weeks to correct a problem and
Fig 8 - Budgerigar showing severe “scaly face” two plucked birds! will be improved with better nutrition.
cardboard rolls or egg boxes; hide establish new feather growth, but
infection (Cnemidocoptes - burrowing mite) So having identified our bird as a Fussy eaters can be given one
chews intended for dogs; or similar only a few minutes for a recalcitrant
plucker, and confirmed by the above of the many vitamin and mineral
Specific infections of the skin or items. (Fig 10) Birds need to gnaw, bird to pull them all out again! Many
examinations and analysis that it is supplements that are available, but
feathers may lead to plucking because and these items may be destroyed cases do relapse, and with repeated
not suffering from a specific disease, of particular importance to feather
of the resultant irritation. These would and replaced cheaply on a regular plucking there may well be permanent
what can we do about it? I hope I have

include bacterial infections of the skin basis, and may distract the bird from growth are the amino acids to be follicular damage that means the
demonstrated that the causes can be so found in animal protein. Many
(dermatitis) or feather follicles (folliculitis), chewing its own feathers. Leaving a bird will never grow feathers in
varied that no one single treatment could people seem surprised to be told
fungal diseases (similar to conditions radio or television playing when the these areas. Parrots are intelligent
possibly work for every bird, but there that their pet birds should be given
such as athlete’s foot or ringworm) Fig 9 - Umbrella Cockatoo showing plucked house is empty can be useful, but creatures and require both mental
areas on chest, legs and flanks. Head feathers are some general suggestions that I offer such items as hard cheese, cooked
or virus infections such as PBFD or balance this with what I mentioned and physical stimulation to keep them
are immaculate because the bird cannot pluck as background therapy in every case. egg or chicken, fish fingers and the
Polyomavirus. Parasitic infestations by them out – cf Fig 3 earlier about an over-busy fit. This they have in their natural wild
These are: like, but in fact the protein content
such creatures such as mites, lice or environment. It may help to move the environment, so I repeat that feather-
ticks are commonly suspected as causes Although birds have been kept in  Regular spraying or bathing with bird around to be with the family at of these foods is essential for new plucking is a disease of captivity.
of feather-picking, and many cans of captivity for some generations, they warm water (Fig 7) This is essential different times of day, but conversely feather growth. Most wild parrots Each case presents a challenge to
mite spray are sold in consequence. In are still far from being a domesticated for proper feather condition, especially other birds fare much better if their are facultative omnivores, which owner and veterinarian, and every
fact, single pet birds are unlikely to be species like the dog and cat. The in an indoor heated atmosphere, and housing is stable, and they can feel mean they will eat anything that attempt must be made to solve the

afflicted in this way, unless they have artificial incubation and hand-rearing should be done several times a week. safe and secure. Each case has to is available in their environment, underlying problem rather than merely
come recently from a collection. Small of parrots is a much more recent Many owners will not bathe their birds be treated individually. including the occasional grub, to suppress the urge to pluck. ■

32 Parrots eMag A u g u s t 2 0 14 A u g u s t 2 0 14 Parrots eMag 33

Although it is now an incontestable fact that intelligence is not
unique to humans (existence of intelligence in mammals such
as dolphins, whales, elephants and apes is no longer disputed),
birds, and parrots in particular, have only recently started to enter

this category. New Zealand’s Kea Parrot is one such example.
But, what sets keas apart from other parrots and what brings
these birds into proximity with the most intelligent of mammals?
Keas, like other birds, are able to live in captivity, and can

learn to become a good pet. However, just like highly intelligent
mammals, such as dolphins, in captivity keas are reluctant
to breed and, most importantly, suffer from a shortened life
expectation. Such trends are the opposite of what we expect to

with wild Keas

see in regular pets, such as cats and dogs, whose life duration is
on average higher in captivity than would be otherwise. What is
the secret of the opposite trend?
It would be insufficient to look at the physiology of animals and
birds in order to answer this question. The answer, most likely, lies
in our very understanding of the concept of intelligence, and most

by Svetlana Velichko
importantly, of the role it plays in the life of the animal or bird. The
key is not in the abilities that one develops with higher intelligence,
but in the newly-acquired needs that must be satisfied in order to
ensure the necessary intellectual ‘firewood’ for such a picky and
My first encounter with keas was at an Australian zoo. I was vulnerable thing as intelligence.
sheltering from the rain in a kea aviary, watching the parrots Keas possess an endless curiosity and drive, to learn
studying my opened umbrella. The keas’ curiosity, fast and conquer all that is new. They form attachments fast,
learning, and interaction with their caregiver intrigued me, especially towards humans, thus keas living in freedom are very
leading me to head to South Island, New Zealand to visit interested in human activity and are often the first to establish
the keas’ natural environment in the Cook Mountains. contact. Used to humans and extremely curious, these parrots
sometimes damage our cars, tents and cabins in search of not in the upbringing of the younger generation, and it looks very

S omewhere high up, almost up as far as the snowy peaks, live only food, but anything that is interesting. rough and tough. Adults didn’t think twice about kicking the
Keas are attracted to waste sites. Their hard beaks and

small flocks of parrots. Their behaviour is unique. Watch them chick when he tried to join in and eat the same food as them or
in the sky for a while and you’ll see that the birds, never alone, are sharp claws enable the parrots to tear rubber padding around was just simply in their way. They would raise their voices at him,
always in a flock. They always seem to be up to something exciting, car doors and windows to pieces and they just love to grind (sometimes it seemed as though they were chuckling), and they
calling to each other on their way - flying from one part of the and to break windscreen wipers and to pierce holes in rubber never shared their captured food with him. If anything was left
mountain to the next. They are not only in search of food, but are tyres. The keas’ favourite items are definitely rubber windscreen for the youngster, it was scrapes that the rest of the flock was no
also on the look-out for anything new and invigorating. Anything, or wipers and car door locks, which they sort and hide in the rocks longer interested in.
anyone, may become the object of amusement for the keas. crevices so particularly that one might think the birds want to All this evokes sorrow for the chick, but on the other hand,
Having climbed up the highest tourist trail, I stared up at the open up their own shop! perhaps it stimulates the individual to reflect and to understand
Evening was drawing in and there was no-one else up There are conventional signs on all kiwi roads: “Do not feed the
sky in disappointment. I saw nothing and hadn’t seen any keas what is done to him, and why it is done, teaching the naïve to

here on the mountain, at the end of the tourist trail, but me. It birds.” It is not so much to prevent tourists feeding birds something
on the way up either. That trail was my best bet, but the skies be smart, and in the long-run to outsmart the other clever birds.
was a good time and place, for a “moving meditation.” I did not nutritious, but the fact that once keas have been fed once, they
were empty. But fortunately, my luck changed and it was not Curiosity, a passion to study and trying out new things are the
not suspect, as I decided to stand there waving my arms and will decide they have found a bearer of all meals for a lifetime, in you.
long before graceful and majestic figures started to sail across main characteristics of the kea parrot.
upper part of the body around, that I would get a very unusual Being used to receiving food from tourists, parrots regard all food as
the deep blue sky. I was watching, in its natural environment, They don’t play on their own, but in a group. They share the
audience. As soon as I started behaving unlike regular hikers, their property and can easily attack an absent-minded tourist, who
a flock of the smartest parrots on earth. These birds have an rules of the game and co-operate with each other to obtain food,
keas began descending and circling around me, and finally dares to eat a sandwich in their presence.
IQ scientists compare to a four-year-old human child. Keas are which is not only common for a kingdom of animals and birds,
came in to land on the surrounding stones, staring at what they
the only parrots living in the mountains, and these were the only but also for humans. Our children play by themselves only until
mountains where the birds lived. This was the culmination of all
thought was a very peculiar and bizarre human! Chicks learn the hard way they reach three, after that they play with someone. Likewise,
my dreams, or so I thought. By the road, where tourists stop to take photographs of a gorge keas, by taking an interest in our world, discover their own.
Watching me, watching them! and a waterfall, at one end of the mountain chain, I met another Being inquisitorial in the taste of food and activities of humans,

The bravest kea made careful steps towards me, and the rest family of keas. These guys, already familiar with humans and they attempt to imitate us.
followed, after I started talking to them and they were completely not novices in inter-species communication, were rather brave in I got attached to the feathered tribe fast. Their interest was
convinced of my mild insanity. Some took pieces of tangerines their behaviour. They jumped on top of the parked car, peeked flattering. The fact that they approached me so bravely, in turn,
from my hands, others preferred theirs to be delivered to their into the opened windows and contemplated what could be predisposed me towards them. There they were, sitting on the side
feet. Exhilarated as I was, I remembered to pack my belongings extracted. mirrors of my car, peeking inside with their sharp stare, searching for
away, as an important prevention measure from ‘theft.’ Inquisitive keas stare into your eyes, not only to study you, a feast. I watched and studied them, and they studied me.
It is impossible to put in words the feeling you get when but to plan their next move. They try new foods with pleasure In two years time, I want to go back to those mountains, to
you encounter an intellectual being in nature. It feels as if it’s (especially tangerines, oranges and apples) and find a fast way those birds. My interest in them did not disappear when I left
not you watching, but you are being watched. You become an to eat them, leaving orange peel scattered all over the roof and New Zealand, but grew and grew. Learning more about keas
experimental subject, and they - the testers. Remember that bonnet of the car. has drawn me closer to nature and to its everlasting puzzle that
stereotype, that homo sapiens are the culmination of evolution, There was a young kea chick in this family which gave me refuses to unfold. No matter how far we go down the intelligence

the smartest on planet Earth, the conquerors of nature and all on the opportunity to observe how the adults communicated with ladder, into its enigmatic depths, I am sure we are never meant to
the planet? That stereotype crashed. youngsters. All the members of the family seemed to take part see the bottom. ■

34 Parrots eMag A u g u s t 2 0 14 A u g u s t 2 0 14 Parrots eMag 35



Home Entertainment System Strutting their funky stuff! Wooing dance

by Karen Chudley here. Many of our wooden

perches have been made to
fit our feet properly so they are
within our cages and Wingnut
has a special “cuddle” perch at
armchair height that he uses to
that a handsome Asiatic prince good and sturdy, which makes full advantage, we even have
like Bollywood Basil was given Basil, our Moustached Parrot is a real shredding guru
us feel very safe when we settle perches on top of some of our
to my humans in exchange for down for the night. Some of cages, which are just fantastic
a bag of spanners? I mean, our perches even have toys for dancing.
honestly, what value do some mounted on them. Basil is very
people put on a bird’s life? keen on these, that’s what I like Dance
Basil was named after the
character Basil Fawlty from
about Basil, he appreciates
a good toy as much as I do.
yourself busy
the 1970’s TV comedy “Fawlty Team Conure have got special We parrots love to get down
Towers” on account of his stepping stones, runways and to some funky tunes and
moustache and his comical walk-about perches, which is regular music sessions are a
upright walk - the Bollywood ideal when you think about how fun way to spend time with our
got added later on when he busy and active conures are. humans. Wingnut only has to
started to dance. No two see a CD and he starts with
“lads about the house” would the bobbing up and down and
be complete without a “little the “woo, groovy!” Again our
brother” figure trailing along individual tastes are catered
after them, generally being for. Wingnut has his jazz, I

annoying and we are no like the Blues Brothers best,
exception. Basil and I have especially when we do “Come
Orinoco on his Kermit, a tiny Celestial Parrotlet on Ori shake a tail feather”,
favourite clam shell who thinks BIG. Basil likes that one too, now
Kermit loves to be included that he has tail feathers to

Wingnut singing on his Wingnut has his share of toys
y name is Orinoco ABV reduced our flock. and everywhere Basil goes, favourite boing and our humans have shake. Kermit twitters along to
and since I lost my Bollywood Basil is a Kermit follows. Kermit is a provided a great assortment of We also have perches “Manamana,” Wingnut can do
best friend, Urk, to a Moustached Parrot; when he tenacious kind of guy and his it is generally accepted that contraptions to make life more made out of other materials the words to that, it’s another of
cruel disease, I have moved first came to live here he had a favourite pastime is to swing a stimulating environment is fun. No parrot here suffers the such as calcium, clay and even his “classics.”

into a large bachelor pad and damaged wing and tail but he on the end of Basil’s long tail. important to the well-being of grinding boredom of a straight bee pollen. These help keep For Team Conure “Grease”
found two new friends to hang is mended now, his feathers This annoys Basil because he us pet parrots, I thought I would dowel perch and as a bonus our beaks and nails trimmed is the word and when Rizzo’s
out with, Bollywood Basil and have grown back and he can put all that effort into growing a give you a guided tour of our our humans seem to derive down and have a good grip. smoochy solo comes on, they
Kermit; they too lost pals when fly again. Would you believe new tail only to have Kermit put home entertainment system. great pleasure from observing They also feel nice and warm all pair up and preen each
a kink in it. Kermit on the other our antics, they even find it against our feet. My favourite other like it’s a slow dance at
Best friends, Basil and
Kermit perching together
hand does not understand it It’s a jungle amusing when we “investigate” is shaped like a giant sea shell, a school disco. Purdey goes

in here
when Basil tries to “woo” him objects that are not strictly it was a bit scary when I first bananas for Janice Joplin’s
in comfort on their
specially made perch with his flamboyant Bollywood- speaking parrot toys, but we spotted it but I love it now. It’s iconic Mercedes Benz song
style dance routine. Basil From simple, joyous, hanging don’t do this often as we have got a kind of crumbly, melt-in- and Pepita favours Drunken
gets confused sometimes upside down to complicated so much else to keep us busy. the-beak texture when I chew Sailors and their sea-shanties.

and behaves like Kermit is athletic clambering A big hit with all of the birds on it, a real winner as far as I’m Maybe that is her macaw
a lady Moustached Parrot. manoeuvres, we parrots love that live here is a simple device concerned, even if it is pink! sea-faring ancestry coming
Even though we three are very to climb. Our humans didn’t called a Sisal Boing and not only Team Conure have Basil loves the fruit to the fore? Music gives us
several different perches
diverse, and our humans refer want us to turn their soft does it bounce about like a real flavoured perches and little the opportunity to showcase
to us as the “Odd Squad,” we furnishings into a gymnasium tree, it also has an interesting especially for our flock and even Kermit is very attached to the one of our foremost talents,
are buddies and when it’s time so they have created a space texture to get our beaks into. has holes drilled in it to attach perch that looks like three eggs screaming! Yes, that’s right,
to go to bed, we all huddle for us worthy of any military When it is hung close to a shredding toys to. Basil is a bit in a sock, because he’s little our humans accept that
close together – there’s safety academy by providing plenty window we can experience of a shredding Guru. I shouldn’t he can sit on the narrower bits screaming is very important to
in numbers. of climbing apparatus. I’m the Great Outdoors from a say this, but he has got a rather with Basil alongside him on a us parrots so from time to time
Since losing my lady friend, talking swings, boings, play safe distance. Ceiling or cage oversized beak, and it’s pink, so wider section, which makes they join in for a good raucous
I seem to have a lot more spare trees and interesting perches. mounted swings in any shape or he needs to keep it trim! Kermit feel like he’s one of yell and do you know what,

time for doing stuff other than The parrots that live here are form are always a hit. Basil and Perches need not be boring the gang. Our perches are we scream less the rest of the
what Urk told me to do and as all very individual characters Kermit’s favourite one was made either and we’ve got all sorts arranged at different levels time, amazing!

36 Parrots eMag A u g u s t 2 0 14 A u g u s t 2 0 14 Parrots eMag 37

hint, us parrots like to SHARE!
Food always tastes better
house rabbits and the postman
about. He really enjoys using
can make Purdey a bit fruity.
When he gets like this he does Bring me love
when it is pilfered from another his talent for speech and is his special display dance to As one of my favourite songs
bird, a human or even a rabbit. so proud of himself when he Pepita, who is not impressed goes, “Everybody needs
masters a new word or does and tells Purdey in no uncertain somebody.” We parrots are

Express yourself ones of his improvisations,

where he puts two different
terms to back off.
Fruity Amazon
capable of being complete
affection sponges if you let
It’s what we parrots are famous us. Unrequited love can be
bits of words together to make notwithstanding, the sun lamp
for, imitating human speech extremely hurtful to us and
a new word. He’s so good is a good thing and we all
and other sounds. Wingnut he can even do a bit of Cleo we need to have humans
feel better after a spell under
takes it to a whole new level, Laine’s “scoobydoobydoo” Orinoco and Basil share a fun toy or others of our own kind to
those UVA & UVB rays. We
with his amazing vocabulary scat singing. cuddle up to. From Wingnut’s
also get to sit on the back of soon as they are replenished and I have been known to
and in-context exclamations. I am gradually expanding frequent request, “Do you
armchairs and catch up with love to throw water everywhere! mistake things for toys that
Wingnut talks while he my repertoire but I talk quietly, want a cuddie?” to Purdey’s
what is going on in the sky Of course, Wingnut gets to sing are not strictly speaking parrot
plays with his toys, joins in Basil is also starting to speak more subtle big-eye, head
outside, which is quite a lot in the shower every morning toys, like the time I discovered
with music and bosses our in his mad squeaky voice and down unspoken message,
as we live in a house close too. Basil and Kermit are into a very interesting fake bell on a
humans, us other parrots, the Purdey and Pepita say “hello” Pepita’s overt march over to
to farmland. Once, a huge splashing about in water bowls toy rabbit. I see opportunities
Basil loves bathtime
all the time! They say other scary sparrowhawk with mad and under a warm shower, Basil for play everywhere, from her human and “cuddle me
I stand on my podium things too but “hello” is their yellow lamps for eyes landed shimmy-shakes after bathing. He simple bits of paper, oops, now” demands, to Kermit and
perch, high up on the top of favourite, oh yes and Pepita in the garden. This caused a does everything with panache. sorry, apparently they are Basil’s blossoming “romance.”
our bachelor pad and do my says “aaak” a lot too. Team major UBE (unexplained bird For the majority of us, bathing is things called “books,” to off-the Team Conure’s constant
crazy “dad-dancing” routine, Conure have a whole bunch of emergency) among Team another one of life’s pleasures peg toys and custom-made mutual preening and my own
shrieking at the top of my voice contact calls, some of which Conure and is one of the and something to look forward to. creations designed to help snuggle sessions with my
while Basil struts his funky stuff are very loud and little Max is reasons we prefer to stay safe initiate individual play-shy birds human, every birdie, needs
along the top of the open cage
door, down below, with Kermit
starting to imitate one of the
human’s clicking noises, which
indoors. The room that we
live in gets very sunny in the
Bring me to the joy of toys.
Purdey and Pepita used
somebody, to love and to be
loved by! ■
dodging Basil’s more energetic
moves. Wingnut taps out an
is kind of cute. They also do
this funny whispering thing
afternoon and evening and laughter to have issues with toys but
*Since writing this article we
makes our plumage shimmer. Toys! I could wax lyrical about not anymore, Purdey has his
accompanying percussion among themselves. have suffered yet another loss to
Our beauty gives our humans a toys for hours, they are just my shredder and birdie bangles, Avian Borna Virus. Our stunningly
beat with his beak on his toys great deal of pleasure. After a which he fastidiously cleans
favourite thing in the world and handsome Yellow-crowned
and perches.
Bring me

spot of sunbathing, a shower or playing with a toy is as good his beak on every night before Amazon, Purdey developed “rapid
The words of songs are bath is a great way to keep our going to roost, and Pepita is onset” neurological symptoms.
for me as laughter is for you
adapted by our humans to deeply into leather, which is He was unable to eat or balance
feathers in tip top condition. humans. It exercises my body
include our names, everybody properly and his vision became
Some parrots like to be taken Some of us like baths more and my mind. Toys, with their great because all the time she impaired. A positive ABV test
is included and we really let go Orinoco’s bathtime
out on excursions into the Big than others, Team Conure are wonderful array of shapes, is chewing on her leather plaits confirmed our worst fears. We
and kick up a racket. To wind fact the only bad thing about it Wide World but to be honest, into their clean water bowl as sizes, textures and sounds keep she’s not pulling her feathers were offered anti-inflammatory
things down a bit our humans is that it never seems to contain drugs as palliative care, but this
we find it a bit scary as we soon as it’s put in their cage, me busy for hours on end. I get out. A life without toys? I don’t
play “Music of the Rainforest,” any chips! option was for our benefit as
associate it with trips to the Purdey adores a warm shower so excited when a new parcel think so! The other thing that
which is very soothing, but I really look forward to our much as for his. Purdey was
gives us birds a real thrill, on

vet, so we get our 'sunshine' and the pleasure he exhibits arrives full of toys. I love to existing, not living, so with great
a little strange. When this food bowls being refreshed from a special solarium lamp. at bath time is quite charming. watch them being unpacked a par with laughter for you sadness we made the decision to
comes on, even us birds that and to while away the wait I Pepita, a rescue Severe Pepita is a little shy of bathing and can hardly contain my humans, is flying. It’s what we have him put to sleep on 14 May
are enjoying our out of cage entertain everyone with my 2014. His huge personality, as
Macaw with a history of feather but is coming around to it as she excitement when a new toy is were born to do and all of the
time make our way home to a loud cockatiel impression, he greeted me each day with a
plucking loves a spot of nude realises that it makes her feel less headed my way. I also sample birds that live here retain a full
comfy perch, where we sit with if there is a delay and I get cheery "Hello" and raised wings, is
sunbathing. Come to think itchy. Wingnut and I both avoid toys that are given to my parrot set of wings. Flying combined missed greatly. He will live on in
a mellow, far-away look in our impatient I simply up the of it, Pepita has become less the showers offered, and prefer friends, I can’t help myself - toys with shrieking is even better, who our hearts forever. This article is
eyes, gently swaying along to volume and repetition, which is nude since she came to live to bath in our water bowls as are just irresistible! says males can’t multi-task? dedicated to his memory.
the evocative pan-pipes. strange, because my speaking here. We all get to enjoy a
voice is soft and quiet. We turn under the sun lamp but
Food really appreciate having lots because it shows off our

glorious food
of variety in our food bowl but Orinoco just loves toys! plumage to full advantage it
that doesn’t stop us dumping it
Food is a subject very dear to all on the ground while seeking
my heart. Not only does it taste out our favourite bits. Avian Biotech is a Sub Division of Animal Genetics
good but it is another source Fruit can be very interesting Avian sex and disease testing from £14 per sample or less
of entertainment, especially if and the bits we don’t want PLEASE NOTE OUR ADDRESS For All Correspondence
we have to work for it. I have are perfect for a spot of re-
1 Mount Charles Road, Mount Charles, St Austell
whiled away many happy hours decorating, modern art without
Cornwall PL25 3LB
rummaging through screwed the expense. By the way, yes,
up bits of “chip” paper to try to we are telepathic and we can Tel: 01726 247788
find which one has the nut in tell when you have walked in

it. “Chip” paper makes a great the front door with a take-away
shredding toy in its own right, in fish and chip supper. Here’s a

38 Parrots eMag A u g u s t 2 0 14 A u g u s t 2 0 14 Parrots eMag 39

Book review Set in the rainforest, this amusing,
cumulative rhyme tells of a mischievous

The Parrot
parrot which always wants what others
have and can’t resist stealing delicious
looking fruit from each of his friends.
He grabs a round, yellow mango from a

Tico Tango
frog, an orange papaya from a leopard,
a sweet, purple fig
from a monkey and so
on. But Tico Tango
learns his lesson when
by Anna Witte greed finally gets the
better of him and he

T his brightly-coloured, rhyming, singalong book is perfect for

children aged from 2-6 years old. The text is engaging, the
full-colour artwork –
takes on more than he
can carry and ends up
dropping everything.
including attractive His companions
collage illustrations, forgive him but only on
created from fabrics, the condition he... ■
acrylics, paper, ink
and pastels - by the
author is detailed Series: A Barefoot Singalong
and vibrant, giving Paperback: 24 pages
scope to engage in Publisher: Barefoot Books; Pap/Com edition
“can you find the...” Price: US $6.99 or around £14.50 in the UK
activities. There is Language: English and Spanish
also a meaningful ISBN-10: 1846866693
moral to the story – ISBN-13: 978-1846866692
teaching, sharing Available:,
is best. Product Dimensions: 24 x 25.5 x 0.75cm (9.5 x 10 x 0.3in)

40 Parrots eMag A u g u s t 2 0 14
before dark in readiness for the night. Often chicks are not fed
first thing in the morning, but left for a couple of hours until the
parent birds have eaten enough for themselves and consumed
enough eggfood mix to regurgitate it to their offspring. Also very

QUERIES answered… young chicks normally have a parent with them most of the time,
whereas older chicks that are feathering up will be warm enough
for the parents to leave the nest-box. As the chicks get older still, PARROTS
the parents will leave the chicks for longer periods, so do not
Our panel of experts is available to answer all your queries on companion or breeding parrots.
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MURIEL BOB MANN ALAN K JONES SALLY I keep my brooder at the ready when I know I have young
BARNES, was one of the BVetMed MRCVS, BLANCHARD chicks in the nest, just in case. The common problem of chicks
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becoming cold, can be due to the weather and if it is very cold the RRP £14.99, has more breeders in the avian vet. He has working with, and
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experience in the UK’s first avian care for over extensively, nearly A similar thing happens with heat, if the nest-box gets too hot OU R W E .
keeping and Palm Cockatoo. 30 years and has 40 years ago. www
then the chicks can suffer dehydration. Obviously the general
breeding most He has over 35 been an active She now shares m id la
of the African parrot species, years experience, keeping and member of the Association of her knowledge and theories state of a chick will give clues to its well-being. If it looks weak .com
Aratinga and Pyrrhura conures, breeding Cockatoos, Amazons Avian Veterinarians for 25 years. through consultations, writing, and thin then help is needed quickly before it expires. MB
and many other species too. and Macaws. speaking, artwork and her website:
Abbreviations used: E/B = English bred, C/R = Closed-rung
Regurgitating cockatiel
Ringneck with a temper If your ringneck came to you as a
young bird you would have been able to
may take several days to a few weeks, or
more, to win her trust again.
Q I have a male 13 year-old cockatiel who over the
years becomes very amorous at breeding time, and
Q I have a five year-old Ring- keep her tame with consistent handling. Once she begins to relax with you,
then at the end of the season reverts to normal behaviour.
necked Parakeet who has a If she came to you as an older bird who start to offer her treats. Again be very
This year he has been putting his foot in his mouth to
severe temper problem and I am unable had not been handled since she had calm and don’t make direct eye contact
regurgitate. We initially thought he was being sick, and Save
to address it. We leave her out in the been handfed it would have been more with her for more than a few seconds. MANY CAGES AT OUR
open, she walks around freely and she difficult to get her to settle down and this Don’t be in a hurry and in time she
biting his foot, even though he is bright, eating well and his
droppings are normal.
likes to sit in the kitchen or on her perch. may be at least part of the reason for her should become more trusting and less
We took our bird to the vet and got medication in case
But while she is there all these places “temper tantrums.” aggressive. SB
he had a mite or infection on his foot, but on watching him DR AKE
become hostile zones, with her often Your description of her temper sounds RRP £129
closely since taking him to the vets, he is definitely making
chasing the intruder and biting them. as if she sees the areas where she Our Price £99
Sun Conures first nest

himself regurgitate the food. I have tried to find out if this is
If we stand and talk to her for a while perches as her territory and is protecting normal behaviour, as he has never put his foot in his mouth
she often fluffs up her head feathers them from you because she doesn’t have Q I have a pair of Sun Conures before. Hoping you can help!
and scratches her ear to show her a trusting bond with you. At this point she which are sitting on eggs for the Save
disapproval. Sometimes, she presents
her head in such a way, that we can pet
probably sees you trying to handle or pet first time. I know that "first-timers" can
Gillian Brown, email
her as an invasion of her territory. be unreliable and I want to be ready A The behaviour you describe in your bird is definitely related to
her, whereas previously we were always The best advice that I can give you to save the eggs or chicks if need be. breeding behaviour. Frustrated single males, in the absence of a
able to pet her despite her temper. is to change her routine. Put her perch What should I look out for and how will I suitable female bird, will regurgitate food in courtship to a favourite
There was an incident where my in a new place in your house where she know if the eggs/chicks are in jeopardy? toy, a mirror, their owner, or - as in your case - their own feet!

house was broken into and after hasn’t established such a strong territorial Ben Tilliou, email Sex is a funny thing: most individuals experience peak
this she refused any sort of contact. defence - a place where she can’t see her PALM OIL EXTRACT
activity at adolescence and young adulthood, others have Canterbury
However, if we are swift enough and Our Price £3.59
cage or normal territory. Give her several A Conures generally make good parents regular bites of the cherry throughout their lives, while others Buy One, Get One Free RRP £349
she does not see our approaching hand minutes, without trying to give her treats Our Price £269
and even first-timers usually do a great seem to reach their peak later in life. Your bird appears to be one
we can pet her and she is comfortable or win her over. job, with only a relative few falling short of those!
with that. Any object brought close to The other important thing that you of their parental duties. However, it is You say, he has always been very amorous at breeding
her (including a hand) she launches mention is that your house was broken a good idea to be prepared to try and time but has never had the foot fetish before. It is possible that
herself at it and tries to bite it. She used into. Whoever did that might have help, if necessary, but without interfering something has changed in his life, in terms of environment.
to accept treats given by hand, but now created a traumatic situation for your bird too much, otherwise they are likely to Has his cage been moved, or has he lost favourite toys? Are
she just bites our hand and does not and her increased defensive biting could forsake their nest. Once the pair has had there other birds around that may be stimulating him? Is there H A R R I SON'S BIR D FOOD
acknowledge the treat.

certainly be a result of this trauma. I a couple of attempts at breeding they will a human baby in the house or one who regularly visits? Has his A complete diet for your bird
Any sort of help would be costing less than 50p a day.
believe that more parrots bite out of fear be less likely to desert the nest as they diet been changed substantially in any way? All these things
rather than aggression. She may have will know exactly what they should do. may affect sexual behaviour. *Offers available while stocks last
Sai, email lost her trust in people if she was teased It is very difficult to predict if or when Certainly you have nothing to worry about - this is perfectly
or abused in any way. the eggs are at risk unless the hen is out normal behaviour, and as you have said it will pass at the end
A I am not sure I have enough I would recommend giving her a lot of of the box and the eggs are cold. If the of the breeding season. Simply try to distract him by providing
information to give you an answer that indirect attention away from her perceived eggs are warm then there is probably alternative toys, but do not pay him too much attention while
would totally fit your situation, but I will territories. Sit near her and calmly talk, nothing to worry about as it normally he is actually 'performing,' as this may simply encourage SUNNYSIDE GARDEN CENTRE, LEICESTER ROAD, IBSTOCK,
do my best. Parrots or parakeets in the hum or sing to her without making direct means the hen is off them just to exercise him all the more. In extreme cases I have used an injectable LEICESTERSHIRE LE67 6HL • Tel: 01530 263399
or feed herself and she will return in a few hormone therapy to useful effect if the behaviour becomes really Now also at
psittacula family can be very tame, but eye contact with her, but if you do, slowly
West Gate, Long Eaton NG10 1EF • Tel: 01159 725965
generally speaking, they need to be lower your head and look away from minutes to continue with incubation. troublesome and persistent, but probably it is advisable simply

handled gently and frequently to stay her. Spend at least 10-30 minutes doing You can keep an eye on chicks more to accept that he is a perfectly normal male and let him get on
tame and to trust the people in their lives. this on a daily basis. Be patient, since it easily, as they should have full crops with it! AKJ ■ E:

42 Parrots eMag A u g u s t 2 0 14 A u g u s t 2 0 14 Parrots eMag 43

Dear Parrots magazine Dear Parrots magazine Morley Aviaries the home of
Kind words
kept me going
AG prescribed anti-depressant
Elaine Henley's story in the news
Junglegold ®

Please send your letters and photos to: I would like to thank those readers pages of the June 2014 issue Quality Seed, Mixtures, Bird Foods and
‘Letters’, Parrots Magazine, The Old Cart House, who have written in about by articles, (198) explaining the wicked Avian Products for Serious Bird Owners
Applesham Farm, Coombes, West Sussex BN15 0RP, UK especially Rosemary Low. I felt so low treatment afforded an African Aviaries & Aviary Panels
or email: after ABV rampaged through our flock Grey enraged me, as have other
From a single panel to a complete aviary
that I came close to quitting writing tales of ill-treatment, recorded in complex. Made from timber or welded
Whilst Parrots magazine will always allow contributors the opportunity to voice their opinions
on any subject – no matter how contentious they may be – we wish to point out that these altogether. Rosemary's kind words and your interesting periodical. aluminium. Nestboxes and breeding
views do not necessarily reflect those of the Editor. positive encouragement motivated me There seem to be many people dedicated to preserving cages made to requirements.
to keep going. I write for the simple these noble birds scattered around the planet, but I have yet
pleasure of it and am I happy to hear that to read of any homing in to governments and demanding Seed and Seed Mixtures
Dear Parrots magazine With over 200 types of seed and
readers enjoy my articles as much as I laws to criminalise evil or merely stupid, indifferent behaviour
Blue-throated Conures enjoy writing them. towards caged birds. nutritionally balanced mixes in stock we
can supply all the food your birds need.
fed pellets Jane Clark from Nottingham was Perhaps Parrots magazine could begin a Movement?
Many mixes are made freshly to order.
The March 2014 (194) issue of Parrots a particular source of delight for me, Dr Trevor Artingstoll, London Our range of straight seeds is hard to
magazine included an article on in the July 2014 issue (198). The love beat. With a choice of seeds, nuts, fruits,
the Blue-throated Conure (Pyrrhura and warmth that little Magic basks in berries, herbs and softfood to give your
cruentata), written by myself. This emanates from every word. What a lucky birds the best possible diet.
Dear Parrots magazine
article focussed on my own approach little conure to have found a dedicated,
loving and creative “parront!” Great Think Parrots Show! Supplements
to the care of this species. Having
One of the best things about Parrots Thank you for the Think Parrots Show on Sunday, 22 June, We stock the full range of Aviform and Aves supplements,
been busy passing my final exams,
magazine and the annual Think Parrots shell-sand, limestone, grits, mineral blocks and charcoal.
I have only just been directed to the my husband and I enjoyed it very much! We travelled
show is that it encourages like minded
article in the June 2014 issue where down from Scotland on the Saturday night, stayed A Family Business,
some comments were made by people to celebrate their birds and spread overnight in London and then caught the train
the love. Run by Bird People for Bird People
Rosemary Low about my use of a Rosemary correctly points out that direct to Kempton Park.
Orders/enquiries can be made by phone or from our website
formulated diet (specifically Harrison’s a vitamin A deficiency is seen in all In those immortal words, may Parrots We loved all the masterclasses and
magazine "live long and prosper." it was great to meet and talk to Sally
Tel: 01953 452321
High Potency Fine) for my birds. parrots fed on a predominantly seed
Karen Chudley, email Blanchard who did a wonderful talk on parrot Email: shop@junglegold.com30/07/2013 11:00 Page 1
Rosemary publicly accused me of based diet, but what about all of the

“totally misunderstanding the dietary other deficiencies that can occur with a behaviour in the afternoon. We have six parrots
requirements” of the species and I diet? There are a plethora of vitamins, the diet. The risk is that overdoses of and Sally gave us some great advice on some of the
was surprised to see some particularly minerals, trace elements, pigments, certain nutrients will occur otherwise. negative behaviours we have been experiencing recently. The best for parrot cages
emotive rhetoric used, with Rosemary amino acids, vitamin precursors, fatty Hypervitaminosis A (too much of it) for The atmosphere was very friendly and it was lovely to
proclaiming to be “dismayed” and acids etc that are all required in a birds example can be a very severe condition. have a picnic of takeaway food outside in the sunshine. It
“saddened” at my husbandry methods. diet to some degree. To accurately I provide my birds with daily fruits really was a lovely day out and we went home loaded with
Whilst Rosemary is no doubt far more calculate that a bird’s requirement for and vegetables (carrot, broccoli, papaya goodies we had bought for our birds! Great show, we will
experienced than me when it comes each of these nutrients is being met and a range of others), on a skewer come again next year!

to the care of parrots and is someone with a variable diet is impossible and suspended from the roof of the aviary.
Stephanie McDougall, email
I hugely respect, I must stand my to achieve a satisfactory level of each The birds must hang upside down to
ground and suggest that these loaded nutrient consistently throughout the obtain the food before returning to a VOYAGER
comments are completely uncalled for. bird’s life is incredibly difficult. This is perch to chew it up. This is how my Scan the code for
A discussion and a review of the current
scientific evidence with regards to
true whether seed is fed or not.
Formulated diets on the other hand
birds “forage” and it occupies them for
much of the day. The small amount of
In the next issue information on this cage
from Mike Simmons
eggfood and parakeet mix provided Thursday, 21 August 2014
psittacine nutrition perhaps is. have been thoroughly analysed to
There are two broad areas to ensure that they provide a balanced daily adds to the variety of the diet. This Celebrate with us our special
consider when reviewing the dietary
provisions of captive parrots: nutritional
level of essential nutrients. In a nut shell
(pardon the pun!) formulated diets are
system works well for me and seems
to work well for the birds too. I fully 200th issue!
support the inclusion of fresh foods into
content and the ability of birds to specifically designed to be nutritionally Parrots don’t just turn mean! Parrot enthusiasts watch .... SCAN THE CODE

express normal foraging behaviour. balanced and birds fed on them ought the diet and have taken several ideas
by Sally Blanchard
Thus the ideal diet is one that satisfies to be well nourished. from Rosemary to further complement Mike Simmons
all of the bird’s nutritional needs and Now the enrichment issue. It is the formulated diet I provide. Eclectus: understanding body language Bird trainer
As a final note, Rosemary was by Kirsten Badham
also provides a satisfactory level of certainly true that Pyrrhura prefer softer
behavioural enrichment. Indeed, foods. My birds spend hours picking up quite keen to point out that the birds Severe Macaw: For more information on
malnutrition is the most common pellets, carrying them to the water dish, in question had not yet bred. I am happy at last and no more feather-plucking! the Liberta range of cages
with Mike Simmons
underlying disease in all pet parrots dunking them in to soften them and delighted to announce that 2014 was the by Karen Chudley
presented to avian vets. then chewing them up. I actually think first year for me and I am hoping to write CONTACT YOUR LOCAL STOCKIST OR ONLINE
an article in the near future documenting
It is a fact that most owners of that this activity is quite enriching for the
my experience with the breeding in the last two decades
parrots are unable to provide an birds. The manufacturers of Harrison’s
process for this species. by Rosemary Low

accurate nutritionally balanced recommend that supplemental food
diet without feeding a pelleted diet. stuffs only make up 10 per cent of Tariq Abou-Zahr BVSc MRCVS, email ...and lots more!

44 Parrots eMag A u g u s t 2 0 14 A u g u s t 2 0 14 Parrots eMag 45



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Parrots Calendar

 ugust 2-6, 2014 (New
Orleans, LA, USA)
Association of Avian
Veterinarians Conference
If you would like your show to be listed in our calendar section and on our website,
please submit to or call +44(0)1273 464777

09:00-17:00hrs (includes
lunch): how to train your parrot,
solve behaviour problems
and will be giving live training
■ November 2014 (Ecuador)
Wild Parrots Up Close
organised trip to Ecuador
This is a special Parrot Watching
■ March 2015 (Costa Rica)
Wild Parrots Up Close
organised trip to
Costa Rica – The Ara
Advertise your birds and accessories for FREE!
demonstrations and more. Classified lineage rates* H/R Hand-reared
For more information visit: On Sunday 10:00-13:00 and trip going to see some of the most Project and more All private ads are FREE and will also be included on the Parrots website C/B Captive-Bred
Endangered and Unusual Parrots Lineage ads will be charged at 50p per word 14:00-17:00, learn how to train This first trip to Costa Rica for P/P Proven-Pair
on the western and eastern slopes Classified boxed rates Send your ad by email, post or fax: Parrots magazine, The Old Cart House,
your own bird. Registration 2015 will go to the West, North T/T Tame-talking
■ August 22-24, 2014 fee will help Mary Rose of of the Andes. and Caribbean Coast looking One to five insertions: £6.00 per single column Applesham Farm, Coombes, West Sussex, BN15 0RP C/R Closed-rung
(Asheville, NC) Chirping Central’s conservation In the West we have the very rare for Parrots in some of the areas centimetre. Six to eleven insertions: £5.50 per Tel: 01273 464777 • Fax: 01273 463999 • Email: S/S Surgically sexed
Skills to empower people to programmes. See the website: sub-species of the Great-green where we have been exceptionally single column centimetre. Twelve insertions: or post on C/T Cuddly-tame (Buffon’s) Macaw, the unusual successful on past trips – we will £5.00 per single column centimetre H/T Hand-tame
understand parrots (Stepup)
Saturday seminar $US75.00, Rose faced Parrot and the Lilacine also visit the Ara Project’s breed U/R Unrelated
An intensive workshop, covering Amazon formerly a sub-species of and release sites for Scarlet and
All prices are subject to VAT Copy deadline for issue 200: 1st August 2014
behaviour and health to nutrition both days $US175. For more
information see: www.flight-club- the Red-lored Amazon but recently Great-green (Buffon’s) Macaws.
and enrichment. In addition to given separate species status and IMPORTANT: All advertisements
lectures, there will be hands- with a population less than 600 is are accepted in good faith. Parrots CLUBS & SOCIETIES
on training sessions, cooking certainly one to watch in the wild. E:
■ October 9-12, 2014 magazine cannot be held liable or
classes and time to discuss
issues of specific importance to
you. For more information go to:
(Sacramento, CA)
Advanced Parrot Training
In the East we will be looking for
the amazing Military Macaws, the
■ March 2015 (Costa Rica)
Wild Parrots Up Close
become involved in any transactions
between buyer and seller. Any
enquirer should take all reasonable Safehaven Leicestershire
Parrot Refuge special Spot-winged Parrotlet and
Barbara Heidenreich
the rare sub-species of the Scaly-
naped Amazon sometimes called
organised trip to
Costa Rica - The rarer
precautions before entering into any
commitments. A ‘Buyer’s Checklist’, Parrot Club
■ September 22 - 25, 2014 which includes advice and tips (Formerly Charnwood Parrot Club)
(Tenerife) Three-day training event, must the Colombian Amazon. parrots when purchasing birds, is available – Established 1986 –
understand basic training This trip explores many of the The second trip to Costa Rica on request or can be viewed on – Charity Number 1075873 –
8th International Parrot concepts, ABA principals and our website
Do you own a parrot?
habitats at different altitudes of both for 2015 which I will be running
Convention have done previous training with We offer a free specialised Would you like to meet other
Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, your bird. Hands-on training
slopes of the Andes and although
some Parrots can be seen at several
back-to-back with the previous
trip to give some extra adventure
Please send a stamped, addressed
envelope for your free copy. Parrotlets Group UK Rehoming and Bequest owners?
Spain. This event of international sessions with participants bird. places within this itinerary they may so you can join me on just one Our main purpose as a Group/ Service. Those who donate We are a friendly group of local
importance offers bird owners, Fee is $US850.00. Only a limited be more common at one than the part of the trip or the whole 4 Society in the UK is to bring together people who meet monthly for
breeders, scientists and number of slots, to ensure BIRDS FOR SALE all different kinds of Parrotlet their parrot to us are
other but it is always better to have weeks – this trip will be looking parrot related social events,
veterinarians specialising in one-to-one attention. For more more chances of seeing all the for the rarer Parrot species enthusiasts. Whether you are already encouraged to keep in touch outings, advice from visiting
parrots, the perfect opportunity information see: www.capitolbird. including Red-fronted Parrotlet Aviary birds. Zebra Finches £5. in the hobby to breed, to study them, with the Foster Carer.
species that are on the list. There experts, or just for a chat.
to discover all the latest com or email: Bengalese £7. Budgies adults have one as a pet or even just for the
developments and exchange
will be many other species of birds and Sulphur-winged Conures
joy of keeping a parrotlet(s). We would We also give help and
including lots of hummingbirds. but we will still see lots of Scarlet and babies, green, blue £10 Why not bring along your bird
ideas with friends and colleagues. ■ November 2 - 9, 2014 Macaws and most of the other each, lutino, albino, yellow wings also like to try and educate people on advice on caring for your and join us for an evening? the basic care, health and hygiene, parrot. You can become

The programme with the full list (Western Caribbean) Parrot species in the Central- £15 each, rainbows, clearwings, Make new friends with like-
of speakers is now available E: general management, purity and
and can be viewed at:
6th Annual Parrot Lover’s valleys and South-west regions creminos £20 each. Tel. (01782)
breeding of these wonderful birds. a member of SPR for as minded people and compare notes
Cruise of Costa Rica. 612295 or (07752) 609674 little as £15 per year. on all aspects of parrot keeping. ■ November 2014 (Bolivia) (Stoke/Staffs) Stefano Salles
congreso/. All the lectures will Includes onboard parrot seminars. We meet at 7.30 pm on the last
be simultaneously translated See website for Itinerary & speakers. Wild Parrots Up Close
E: Hand-reared cuddly tame For more details: Telephone 01684 850466 Thursday of every month at the
organised trip to Bolivia
into Spanish, English, German Contact: Carol Cipriano Parrots, hand-reared 2014 Co-Op Sports & Social Club,
Would you like to join me, on a tour and
and French.
E: ■ May 2015 (Brazil) tame babies, cockatiels, DNA Birstall Road, Birstall, Leicester,
of Bolivia to try to see as many sexed £75. Green-cheeked LE4 4DE
Contacts: Tony Pittman:
Tel: 001.570.470.0034 of the 50 species of Parrots as Wild Parrots Up Close
Tel: (0044) (0)1323 843748
possible. The trip is essentially organised trip to Brazil - conures and Quaker parakeets, HOLIDAY CARE Members £1, non-members £3
Mob: (0044) (0)7802 304989 range colours, from just £195. Parrot food, toys, vitamins, etc
built around finding about 10 of the South Atlantic Rainforest Rare opportunity to purchase
email: are on sale courtesy of

■ Nov 7-9, 2014 (Asheville, NC) Macaws of Bolivia including the On this trip we will be travelling the following: Plum-headed
John Wragg: endemic Blue-throated and Red- to encounter the roosting sites of Midland Parrots.
Tel: (0044) (0)1670 822789 Skills to empower people fronted Macaws and whilst touring
parakeets £250, Black-headed
the Red-spectacled, Red-tailed Parrot Holiday Home offered To see our current programme of
Mob: (0044) (0)7949447282 to understand parrots the country in search of these and Vinaceous Amazons mostly
Caiques £495. Experienced
email: private breeder. All come with for pet parrots while owners events or for more information
(Stepup)- Advanced class Macaws we should see many of found nowhere else as well as away. Experienced parrot keeper please visit our website on
An intensive workshop designed the other species of Parrots that the other usual Parrots and Birds hatch and information sheet. Free
■ October 4-5, 2014 help and advice for life. Cages at home most of the day. Large www.leicestershireparrotclub.
to give people an abundance of are found there. associated with the Atlantic
(Seattle, WA) available. Tel. (01782) 612295 or cages available on site. Tel., see us on Facebook or
information about parrot care, from Macaws we are looking for Rainforest.
(07752) 609674 (Stoke/Staffs) 01306 884569 (Surrey). call Rita on 01283 713623
Two-Day Parrot Training behaviour and health to nutrition are:- Blue-throated, Red-fronted, It is not often that chances are
Seminar at The Seattle and enrichment. In addition to Hyacinth, Green-winged, Blue and available to see 3 magnificent Rare Silly Tame Baby Parrots. For total peace of mind, our
lectures, there will be hands- Exotics Clinic offers boarding
South East Parrot Club
Parrot Expo Yellow, Military, Chestnut-fronted, Amazon Parrots in large numbers Hand Reared, Closed Rung,
on training sessions, cooking Yellow-collared, Red-shouldered without going on a trip like this at Cuddly Baby Parrots and facilities for birds. Supervised
Barbara Heidenreich classes and time to discuss by our vets and cared for by
and Red-bellied Macaws. this particular time of year. Parakeets. For more information
Hosted by The Flight Club issues of specific importance to please contact Sid on 07956 103 our experienced staff. C.J. Hall A new parrot club
Foundation, Barbara will be you. For more information go to: offering a unique
Veterinary Surgeons, London,

325 (UK South East)
presenting on the Saturday E: E: SW14. Tel. 0208 876 9696. opportunity for parrot
If you are having any trouble getting lovers to get together,
Parrot Helpline
Bespoke Parrot Care. share information, listen and learn
hold of the magazine, please contact
Advertiser’s Index Bridgit at our distribution company
Experienced parrot lover, at from other parrot owners, and
If you have a parrot problem – whether it be health, diet, or whatever – you can contact any For display advertising contact us on 01273 464777 • Warners on telephone 01778 392417 home majority of the day. Holiday make new friends of like-minded
of the advisors listed here. They will do their very best to point you in the right direction. with peace of mind, knowing your people. United, we can work and
A Australian Birdkeeper............. 14 J Jungle Gold............................. 45
Bristol: Christine Goodall – 0117 950 8059 parrot will be receiving home learn together and by increasing our
Bucks: Vicki Hammond – 01494 875641
Avian Biotech.............. 11, 21, 39 L Liberta Cages......... 7, 21, 22, 45 WANTED from home care. Cages available knowledge, will be able to create a
Devon: Kathy Moore – 01398 331157 B Best Bird Food Ever................ 23 Loro Parque............................ 40 We are Bobby an African Grey if required. Tel. 01932 569504, better and enduring relationship
07909 574245. Chertsey, Surrey. Clearance sale of parrot with our companion birds. This
East Kent: Rowan Vanmiller – 01843 447020 or 01843 223737 E EMP Soft Eggfood.................. 23 and Mikki a Yorkie who are friendly trees. Rowan,
M Midland Parrots...................... 43 club, will cover the UK’s south
Oxon: Nicole Place – 01608 811281 Exotic Direct Insurance........... 11 looking for personal help for our Toos Nest Bird Boarding. Over Elderberry, Birch, Lime, Hazel,
N Northern Parrots.......... 9, 29, BC Mum who suffers from disabling 32 years bird keeping experience eastern counties, and possibly
Surrey: Juliet Eberle – 01306 884569 G Garden Feathers..................... 41 Walnut. All approx. 5'-6'. Fifty further afield.
and painful conditions. If you are and ex avian vets assistant. At for £250. Great deal for a
Spain: Sylvia Rush – 00 34 951 041 528 H Rolf C Hagen........................... 15 P Eric Peake Avian Art............... 24
parrot and animal savvy, and home majority of day. Cages bird centre. Retail £20 each Why not call Deron on 01843 297136

Helpline volunteers can only offer advice and unfortunately are unable to help with acquisition of V Vetark Professional................. 25 think you could help, we will be available. www.toos-nest-bird-
parrots. All the Helpliners are unpaid volunteers. Do make sure your call is really necessary, and Harrison’s Bird Foods............. 10 minimum! Buyer collects. for Kent or Jayne Colgate on
unless it’s an emergency, please only call at reasonable times of the day. Thank you. Jim Hayward........................... 24 W World Parrot Trust.................. 39 very grateful. Please call Gillian Tel. 07766 Details (01993) 841736 (Oxon) 07962 028826 for Essex.
on 01903 752557 (West Sussex) 476054/01342 834591 (Surrey)

50 Parrots eMag A u g u s t 2 0 14 A u g u s t 2 0 14 Parrots eMag 51

Lucky Bird Toys


Back by Popular Demand!

Shred Master £6.99

This super strong cylinder “Bullet Proof” Time Machine £5.99
holder comes complete with
a fun to shred paper roll. Toys! As your bird plays the toy spins
and wobbles making the beads
The narrow opening allows move from side to side creating
just enough for the end of a fascinating noise. The rougher
the paper roll inside to poke they play, the more they rattle.
through, how irresistible!
A great way to keep your
bird’s beak busy and their
mind entertained.


Toys that stan
the test of tim
Jellyfish £6.99
This beak pleasing toy helps
provide soft material for your
bird to preen; which is great if It’s a hardy toy and well
your bird has a habit of over worth the money.

Customer Review
preening themselves.
The toy can be refilled with
Gear Head £6.99 more cotton rope or any
As the handle rotates the gears move other material you
in unison creating clicking sounds that know your Parrot
captivate your Parrot’s inquisitive mind. enjoys.
37744 37742

Original Lucky Bird Toys are some of the longest
lasting bird toys around. They are made of virtually
indestructible, high quality, “bullet proof ” acrylic,

for those Parrots who love to play rough.
All toys hang from an avian safe nickel-plated chain,
are easy to disassemble, and are dishwasher safe to
aid in easy cleaning. All screws are recessed away
from curious beaks and probing tongues.
The colourful intricate designs appeal to Parrots
inquisitive nature, providing your Parrot with the
opportunity to problem solve, similar to the natural,
physical and mental behaviours they would display
My African Grey loves it!
in the wild.
Fast UK
only £3.9 More Lucky Bird Toys available online at
Phone: 0800 488 0345
R E E Email:
or F
* Northern Parrots, Unit 21 Cuba Estate,
over £49 Ramsbottom, Bury, BL0 0NE, UK
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