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Nebot Maite//4to A

1) it's a dramatic story

2) reading


1. Yes, the song talks about a pain, that loses control of the moment, just
like in the video.
2. they catch my attention, it's a very sad story,
3. it is very convincing, it makes you aware
4. Yes, I believe in the characters. They make the situation look like
5. music accompanies the story, creates a beautiful and also sad

4) First Person. The narrator is a character in the story who can reveal only
personal thoughts and feelings and what he or she sees and is told by other
characters. He can’t tell us thoughts of other characters.

5a) the members that are part of the band are Pierre Bouvier as the main
voice, Jeff Stinco on guitar, Sébastien Lefebvre also on guitar and Chuck
Comeau on drums.
5b) they are from Montréal, Quebec, Canada

5c) the style of music this band plays is pop rock

5d) the band Simple Plan started in 1996

5e) this band recorded five albums called No Pads, No Helmets ... Just Balls,
Still Not Getting Any ... Simple Plan, Get Your Heart On !, and Taking One for
the Team

5f) they have been nominated for various awards, Nominated for the Juno
Award, for the Kerrang! Award, for the Favorite Pop Act, for the MTV Video
Music Award, for the MuchMusic Video Award, for the NRJ Music Award, for
the Teen Choice Award, Nominees for philantropic artiste, and Nominees for
Best World / Stage Performance.

5g) Yes, they have won awards, They won CASBY Award, Juno Fan Choice
Award, They won MuchMusic Video Award twice, They won NRJ Music
Award and Teen Choice Award

6) In this video I saw a car accident, a dramatic story in which 2 vehicles

collide and the ambulance arrives, on that rainy night they take out both
drivers, then they show that the man is imprisoned for driving drunk while
they treat her revive in hospital.


A beer contains the same amount of alcohol as a glass
of wine.
It takes half as much alcohol to affect and damage the
teen’s brain
as it does to the adult brain.
Alcohol affects everyone the same way.

Many factors affect reactions to alcohol, including body

weight, mental state, and time of day or night.
Young people are more negatively affected by alcohol
and other drugs then adults because their minds and
body’s are still developing
Beer will not do permanent damage

All forms of alcohol present the same risk for the mind
and body.

Activity 1:

1) Why do people drink?

people drink alcohol to escape reality, to forget their problems or just for fun,
drink at parties, bars, or at home

2) When do young people start drinking in your country?

the sale of alcohol is for people over eighteen years old

3) When does drinking become an addiction?

when you stop drinking for fun or pleasure, when you start to feel the need
to drink more and more alcohol, that is when it is already an addiction.

4) Can it be cured?

alcohol addiction can be cured by going to a help center or gradually stopping


activity 2:


Activity 3:

Number the topics in the order they appear in the text

The possibility of inheriting the disease (5)

The number of American teens consuming alcohol (1)

The negative effects of alcohol on your body (2)

The damages caused to babies of drinking mothers (4)

The connection between drinking and violence (3)

Acerca del alcoholismo aprendi que no hay que tomar mientras manejas, o
antes de manejar, porque puede haber un accidente y alguien puede morir,
que el alcohol provoca enfermedades, que al estar embarazada el bebe
puede salir con alguna enfermedad si tomaste durante el embarazo. Los
efectos que deja el alcohol en tu cuerpo es malo, aparte de que al
adolescente que justo está en pleno crecimiento y etapa de cambios también
eso le hace muy mal al organismo. Que estando borracho perdes el
conocimiento y te olvidas de todo lo que pasa a tu alrededor, estas indefenso
y si tomas mucho mas de lo normal, podes caer en una adicción de la que no
se sale solo, podes discutir con alguien, al no estar consiente estas mas
expuesto a la violencia y podes pegarle a alguien, o lastimarte vos mismo. El
alcohol esta mal. Y no esta bueno tomarlo con consideración y moderación
como también ser mayor de edad.

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