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Cat Communication: 10 Tips on Understanding Cat Language and Signals

Project Name: Dubai Pet Food
Key Word: Happy Cat

Title: Cat Communication: 10 Tips on

Understanding Cat Language and Signals
As we all know that cats are irrational, iffy, and unpredictable pets. Some people often try to
communicate with pets in human language, but they tend to forget that pets have their own
language. They also express their emotions and feelings of joy, curiosity, and fear. However,
healthy communication with your cat merely not only strengthens your bond but also brings
your relationship to a completely different level.

Basic Understanding:
A better understanding of their language can help interpret the message correctly, this
eventually makes your kitty a Happy Cat. To some people learning a cat’s language might seem
as difficult as he/she is learning a foreign language. But it is not as complex as it sounds, by
paying a little attention to few things you can master the subtle art of cat language. In this
article, we will try to learn the 10 most common Tips on Understanding Cat Language and

10 Tips on Understanding Cat Language and Signals:

Cats reveal only a little bit of their behavior directly through their facial expressions, mostly, you
must decode those adorable meows and combinations of posture. Here are some simple tips
for pepping up your communication with your feline companion.

Body Language:
1. Cats show their affection by slowly blinking their eyes. It is like your kitty is giving you air
kisses. Well, your cat is adoring your presence around it, you should avail this
opportunity and spend some quality time with your cat.
2. If a cat is looking at you with constricted pupils, with slow growling or hissing it shows
that the cat is being annoyed. Look out for it, otherwise, it will take a few moments for
an agitated cat to get worst.
3. Slightly forward ears of a cat show its curiosity. Maybe your kitty is expecting a surprise,
adventure, or something else. It might be the right time to play with a new toy.
4. When a cat becomes alert to something it lifts its ears upright and straight. It could be a
strange sound or maybe a new face that alarmed your cat. Widely fanned-out whiskers
are also observed along. It usually experiences this when comes to a new or unfamiliar

Tell tail signs:

Tell tail signs comprise the major portion of communication when it comes to understanding a
cat’s mood swings or shifts in behavior.

5. A Happy Cat state – That is a perfect time you would love to spend with your cat when it
is in a pleasing state of mind. Just like human beings it also expresses a joyful mood in
different ways. There are many signs in which your cat shows pleasure, contentment,
and a strong connection with you. In one of the ways, it hugs itself by wrapping its tail
around its body. Furthermore, its ears are also relaxed and pointed up when a cat is in a
happy mood.
6. If the fur of the cat’s tail jets out in different directions giving it a puffed-up, fluffy look it
is certainly not a positive sign. Cat is terrified, frightened, and feels scared to deal with
something peculiar or doing anything in general. It is often associated with dilated pupils
and a direct stare. You need to calm down your kitty by patting it on its back, making it
feel safe and secure.
7. Cat expresses its nervousness and anxiety by tucking away its tail between legs. It is a
classic barometer of anxious behavior. An arched back also shows that the cat is anxious
and ready to attack maybe. One should attempt to make it comfortable in its


8. A chirping cat is probably seeking attention because you might be ignoring it for a while
that made it frustrated. When a cat flicks its tail in the air it shows strong disapproval
and frustration. It starts wagging its tail in the air as a sign of irritation.
9. Cat displays satisfaction by purring. Sometimes, it also purrs to comfort itself from
illness. The loudness and tone vary to show the fluctuation in the mood. In addition to
that cats also purr to greet in the feline world.
10. Cats are one of those pets who like to stay quiet most of the time in a day. But it usually
expresses hunger through its vocals, it produces high-pitched insisting meows to tell you
that it's starving. However, meows also express friendly interactions.
Just like you and I, the cat’s behavior varies from one to another. Some are very expressive,
instantly tells you their feelings and emotions whereas others might like to stay neutral most of
the time in a day. Few may like to stay quiet even if they are extremely stressed out of
something, starving, or fatigue. 10 signs explained above portrays the picture of common
features and their responses in general which can make you a true feline whisperer. Last but
not the least, a healthy diet plays a vital role in maintaining a good balance in cats' good

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