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Hello! My name is Nur Nabila Natasya bt Razif. I was born on 5 th May 1995 at Langkawi
Island, Kedah. I started my early education at SK Penghulu Ahmad and continued my
secondary education at MARA Junior Science College Langkawi. I was offered to study
Pharmacy at Royal Medical College Perak but did not dare to take the risk, I chose HND in
Business Marketing at MARA Professional College. Then I worked for a year, then decided
to pursue my passion in becoming a teacher at UPM. Currently, I am an undergraduate
TESL student from University Putra Malaysia. I am an enthusiast who enjoys laughing,
interact with people, cooking, creating art and making new animal friends. I managed to
score 5A’s in UPSR, 8 A’s in PMR and 6 A’s 1 B 1 C in my SPM. I was chosen as Mara
Excellent Students Scheme to UK but unfortunately in 2015, I met an accident and had to
skip the program. I was awarded the KPMSI Co-Curricular Figure and Special Award in
2015. I also won Best Catur Bestari Player under IPMA for 2 years in a row. Moreover, I
was awarded College Outstanding Performances Ward for 6 semesters at Mara
Professional College. I am headstrong, hardworking, a natural born leader and creative. I
had organized multiple event such as Entrepreneurship Carnival of Seri Iskandar, Amazing
Race Langkawi and few others. I worked as a Temporary Teacher (GSTT) at SK Penghulu
Ahmad for 3 months and SK Ewa for 2 months and 3 weeks. Apart from that, I also worked
as a Personal Assistant at Sri Kenayan Sdn. Bhd for a year. I joined the company’s
expedition to Phuket to interview Mahsuri’s seventh descendent Wan Aisyah. Next, I also
had a couple of experiences in communication, business and marketing field, as I worked
as customer service officer at Yusri ATV Langkawi.



I had been teaching as a Temporary Teacher

(GSTT) at SK Penghulu Ahmad and SK Ewa.

I was assigned to teach English for Year 2,4,

and 5. at SK Penghulu Ahmad for 3 months.

SK Penghulu Ahmad was my primary school

and I studied there for 6 years. Going there

as a teacher makes me proud of my hard

work and achievement. In addition, I was

also selected as one of the committees for

Merdeka Celebration at SK Penghulu

Ahmad. I was in charge of the decoration of

the hall, the souvenirs for the VIP and the

gift for the singing competition. I was so

fortunate to be given such a great

responsibility though I am still new. Apart

from that, I joined the UPSR workshop and

helped to teach the Year 6. I found my

passion as a teacher here. Being a teacher

makes me feel important and I have the

strength to change someone’s future.

At SK Ewa, I was assigned to teach

mathematics teacher as the teacher in

charge was taking maternity leaves. I was

given the chance to participate in few

programs at the school. The program that I

remember the most is the Free Food

program where free food were distributed to

the unfortunate students and some pocket

money was given to the students. The

pocket money was from the collection

among teachers and staff. Some parents

also contributed money to help others. SK

Ewa is a small rural school, but I am amazed

with the spirit and motivation of the


I always thought being a teacher is an easy

work, guess. After experiencing it myself, it

far from easy. Being a teacher, need

passion, and patience. But when the student

understands the lesson, it is very rewarding.

I found my true calling and I choose this

profession for my future.


I have experienced several leadership

experiences throughout my life. During

primary school, I was elected as the

assistant-head prefect. I also one of the

commanders of ‘Tunas Kadet Remaja

Sekolah’.I joined multiple leadership camps

and programs, and I found out that I have

the tendency to lead.

At MRSM Langkawi, I was appointed as the

President of hand ball club, The Vice

President of English Language Society Club,

The Head Committee for Marketing and

Promotion under Program Usahawan Muda

(PUM). The experiences that I had gained

really helps to make me more matured in

making decision and improve my social


I was selected to join the MARA Global

Excellent Leadership (GEL), and I am the

second cohort. Each student needs to

undergo several tests and camp to get

selected. And I am one of the lucky one. I

went to the Selection Camp at Jeram Besu

Pahang. After numerous challenges, I was

selected. I will never forget this camp as the

activities and tests were another level.

One of my favorites was when we need to

confront the Orang Asli and come out with

battle strategy. All the games and activities

were surreal and very adrenaline- rush. The

camp at Jeram Besu is under Colonel

General Nik Zainin. With GEL, I managed to

polish my leadership skills. We also went to

Tasik Banding, Perak to meet with Orang

Asli community. We taught the children how

to properly washes hand and brushes teeth.

We also managed to contribute 200 books

and set up mini library over there. Even One of the activities where we need to create our
own raft using garbage and used stuff. And we
must ride it across the river.
though it was not what they really need that

time, but at it can help the children to spend

their leisure time wisely.

Under GEL MARA, I also was given the

opportunity to meet the Former World Chess

Champion and Chess grandmaster, Garry

Kasparov. It was one of the golden

opportunities given by MARA for me to learn

I went as a facilitator and trainer, so instead of ride
time management and also inspired by the raft, we ride lorry.

Kasparov brilliance. In 2015, I was selected

as one of the facilitators for the selection of

GEL Cohort III.

I also a Peers Guidance Council at KPMSI. I

also the President of Catur Bestari club. I led

the club for 2 years and we won the second

place at MARA Entrepreneurship Carnival

2014 at KPM Beranang. We also managed to

get the second place overall at MARA

I won the highest scores award and third place in
Entrepreneurship Carnival 2014 at KPM overall match at KPM Beranang Selangor.

Banda Penawar. We also organized a

workshop on ‘How to Play Catur Bestari’. We

invited students from nearby school, and we

taught them how to play Catur Bestari.

Catur Bestari is a boardgame created by

Johor Corporation which incorporates


Business skill, Investment skills and also it

cultivates Islamic Values such as when you

have a lot of money, you need to gain charity

points to win. This games taught me how to

make decision wisely and to think 360 before

making decision.

Peers Guidance Council of KPMSI had Catur Bestari team at KPM Beranang
Catur Bestari Workshop
handled multiple programs such as Di

Sebalik Wajah, Welcome to KPMSI, and Oh

My English. Joining PGC had helped me to

improve my teamwork and also learned to

tolerate with others. Moreover, I learned how

to handle self under pressure. I also learned

how to assess others personality using

personality test. I can use all these skills and

experiences in class to help my students

according to their personalities.

At University Putra Malaysia, I was elected

as The President of Drama and Theater class

and we had organized Festival Filem Pendek

UPM. It was a blast. We won several awards

there. I won the Best Director, and our team

won the Best Original Video. It took several

weeks to finish to short Film and I am so

proud with my team as they give 100%

commitment to my directing. I was blissful to

be able to lead such cooperative team. This

Festival Filem Pendek UPM

leadership style can be use in class to

manage the students.


Since I was a child, I was surrounding with

business background family. My parents

used to operate a restaurant and snooker

center. Since then, I developed some

interest in business and marketing. This is

one of the reasons that I chose HND in

Business Marketing at Kolej Professional

Mara Seri Iskandar (KPMSI).

At my secondary school, I was selected as

PUM members (Program Usahawan Muda)). I

asked my mother to make nasi lemak and

sold it every night to the student. In addition,

I sold some homemade bun with multi filling

such as mayonnaise, chicken floss, red

beans and sardine. I managed to get almost

RM150 sale per night.

For several years, my sister and I opened a

stall selling Cendol, Laicikang, and fruit

juices. We operated during Ramadhan only.

This experiences really helped me to

develop my communication skills, and

persuasive skills. I learnt how to interact

with people which definitely will help in my

career as a teacher.

We operated the stall from the Ramadhan of

2014 until 2017. We decided to call it off

Program Usahawan Muda MRSM LANGKAWI
because I was going to further my study in



I had my HND in Marketing at Kolej

Professional Mara Seri Iskandar. I had few

ups and down there, but I learned a lot

during my 3 years and 6 months study.

Being a marketer, customers are always

your main target. A good marketer knows

how to attract customer and keep them College Outstanding Performance Award (COPA)


I also gained few tricks in communication. I

managed to get 4.00 pointer for 3 semesters

and College Outstanding Performance

Award for 7 semesters straight. I also won

the 2014 Curriculum Virtues Award and

Special Award.

Marketing skills is essential in teaching

because it can help a teacher to understand

the student preference and in marketing,

communication is the most important things.

So do in teaching.

A good teacher needs to have excellent

communication skills to ensure the message College Outstanding Performance Award (COPA)

and the lesson is effective. In marketing, it is

very important to attend the customer well

and it can be applied in the teaching. If a

teacher knows the trick and tips to interact

and communicate with students, it is easier

for them to handle the students.


At 2016, I joined Sri Kenayan Sdn Bhd as

personal assistant to the CEO, Tuan Ismail

Hanapiah. I was assigned to manage all his

appointment, schedule his medical check up

and many more. Working as a personal

assistant really helped me to develop my

interpersonal skills and my time

management. I am more alert and

responsive as this works requires that a lot

. One of my duty is to accompany my boss

to buy stocks for the stalls at Makam

Mahsuri. To buy new stocks, we will go to

Hatyai, Thailand. I definitely enjoy my one-

year experiences working at Makam Mahsuri

under Sri Kenayan.

I learned how to be flexible as I need to

cover or works at the ticket counter, or

sometimes I cover at customer service

reception. Flexibility is very important

attributes as a teacher because being a

teacher, we are not only teaching but also

I had joined many cooking competitions as I

really enjoy cooking. One of the most

prestige competition that I had joined was

Laksa International Langkawi and I won the

first place for Junior MasterChef. I also won

the rising talent awards at the event. Apart

from that, I joined the cooking competition

under Malaysia Craft Annual Festival and LILAC Junior Masterchef

won the second place. Langkawi F.M Lets

Picnic also one of my favorites competitions

as I joined with my mother and we won the

first place for main course and third place

for dessert. By joining this such events, I

learned how to communicate with others,

how to do presentation and explain my

dishes to the judges, how to communicate

and also how to work under pressure. This

will help me in working with others in the

future especially as a teacher which will

always be under pressure from multiple



I had joined multiple programs that help to

develop my soft-skills, communication skills

and decision-making skills.

The program that I had Joined is Program

Anak Angkat Kampung Sementa,Klang,

Saya Anak Merdeka Program under KTDI
Selangor. We went to Kg Sementa and

helped the villagers to clean their place and

did some activities with them.

I also joined Saya Anak Merdeka under KTDI.

I was given the task to make-up and create

special effects for the actors. We won the

best costumes, makeup and effects. I am so

proud of myself for able to work under

pressure and completing my task using Saya Anak Merdeka Program under KTDI

limited resources.

In addition, I also joined Projek Cinta

Negara, where we travelled to KL and asked

the passerby to sing any Merdeka Song. It

helped me to overcome anxiety and

interview the person I never knew. Saya Anak Merdeka Program under KTDI

Next, I joined the Tanah Melayu Program

under University Malaya. It was one of the

biggest assembly gathering all local

universities students and the leaders in

Malaysia. I was amazed by the magnitude of

the event.
Projek Cinta Negara

That’s All From Me.

Hasta Lavista


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