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Nutrition, Metabolism & Cardiovascular Diseases (2007) 17, 319e326


The link between abdominal obesity, metabolic

syndrome and cardiovascular disease
S.A. Ritchie*, J.M.C. Connell

BHF Cardiovascular Research Centre, Glasgow University, 26 University Place, Glasgow G12 8TA, UK

Received 15 February 2006; received in revised form 12 July 2006; accepted 13 July 2006

KEYWORDS Abstract Aim: The prevalence of metabolic syndrome has increased dramatically
Abdominal obesity; in recent years, and the cluster of metabolic abnormalities it encompasses results
Visceral obesity; in increased cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. The role of abdominal (visceral)
Metabolic syndrome; obesity and the underlying molecular and cellular mechanisms central to this associ-
Insulin resistance; ation have been the subject of intensive research in recent times. The aim of this re-
Cardiovascular view is to correlate data in this area, highlighting the central role of excess visceral fat
disease; and its secreted adipokines, and to review existing and emerging therapies.
Cardiometabolic risk; Data synthesis: Data were generated from a search of the PubMed database using the
Adipokines terms ‘abdominal obesity’, ‘metabolic syndrome’, ‘insulin resistance’, ‘adipokines’,
‘interleukin-6 (IL-6)’, ‘adiponectin’, ‘tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-a)’ and
‘cardiovascular disease’.
Conclusion: Metabolic syndrome is associated with a pro-inflammatory state, and
the role of visceral obesity is thought to be central to this. Visceral obesity leads
to alteration of the normal physiological balance of adipokines, insulin resistance,
endothelial dysfunction and a pro-atherogenic state. In association with this, the
presence of conventional cardiovascular risk factors such as hypertension, dyslipi-
daemia and smoking results in a significantly elevated cardiovascular and metabolic
(cardiometabolic) risk. Better understanding of the molecular mechanisms central to
this association has led to the development of potential therapeutic agents.
ª 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Introduction dyslipidaemia and hypertension) that together

lead to a significantly increased risk of cardiovascu-
Metabolic syndrome is linked with abdominal obe- lar disease (CVD).
sity and is associated with a clustering of abnor-
malities (including impaired glucose tolerance,
Definition of metabolic syndrome
* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ44 141 330 2537; fax: þ44 141
330 6997. There are currently six separate definitions of
E-mail address: (S.A. Ritchie). metabolic syndrome, these being from the World

0939-4753/$ - see front matter ª 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
320 S.A. Ritchie, J.M.C. Connell

Health Organization (WHO) [1], the European Group

BMI: body mass index; BP: blood pressure; F: female; M: male; FPG: fasting plasma glucose; HDL-C: high-density lipoprotein cholesterol; TG: triglycerides; WC: waist circumference.
 FPG 5.6 mmol/L or previously
for the Study of Insulin Resistance (EGIR) [2], the Na-

anti-hypertensive treatment
tional Cholesterol Education Programme Adult

diagnosed type 2 diabetes

 HDL-C <1.03 mmol/L (M),
Treatment Panel III (NCEP ATPIII) [3], the American

 BP 130/85 mmHg or on
<1.29 mmol/L (F) or on
specific values), plus any

 TG >1.7 mmol/L or on
Association of Clinical Endocrinologists (AACE) [4],

Central obesity (ethnic

two of the following:

the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) [5] and

specific treatment

specific treatment
the American Heart Association/National Heart,
Lung and Blood Institute (AHA/NHLBI) [6]. The main
diagnostic features are summarised in Table 1. De-

IDF (2005)
spite common features across the definitions, there
are specific parameters in which they differ. The ini-
tial WHO and EGIR classifications require the mea-
surement of insulin resistance and are primarily

or antihypertensive
used in the research environment. The mechanisms

 BP 135/85 mmHg

 FPG 6.1 mmol/L

 WC >102 cm (M),

 TG >1.7 mmol/L
used for determining insulin resistance rely on la-

Three or more of
bour-intensive mechanisms such as the oral glucose

the following:

>88 cm (F)
ATPIII (2001)
tolerance test and the hyperinsulinaemic euglycae-
mic clamp. The ATPIII criteria were developed to
be applicable in the outpatient setting (but in con-
trast to other definitions do not have mandatory di-
agnostic criteria), and have remained as the
backbone for the subsequent IDF and AHA/NHLBI

WC 94 cm (M) or 80 cm (F)

fasting insulin values, plus two

antihypertensive medication
Insulin resistance deemed by
statements. The IDF classification has central obe-

 BP 140/90 mmHg or on
sity as a diagnostic criterion, whereas the AACE crite-

 TG >2.0 mmol/L or HDL

or more of the following:
A comparison of some of the most widely used definitions for metabolic syndrome
ria do not include this measurement for diagnosis.

 Central obesity with

Abdominal obesity and insulin resistance are

 FBG 6.1 mmol/L

believed to be the main physiological forces

<1.0 mmol/L
resulting in the adverse cardiovascular profile in
EGIR (1999)

metabolic syndrome [7]. This is highlighted by

abdominal obesity being the only mandatory
diagnostic criterion in the IDF classification. The
IDF classification was drawn up to give a consensus
worldwide definition and acknowledged the ethnic
differences in CVD risk for a given degree of adi-
posity (Table 2).
 BMI >30 kg/m2, or waist to hip ratio >0.9 (M) or >0.85 (F)
Diabetes, impaired fasting glucose, glucose intolerance or

 TG 1.7 mmol/L or HDL-C <0.9 (M) or <1.0 mmol/L (F)

Prevalence of metabolic syndrome

euglycaemic clamp mechanism), plus two or more
insulin resistance (defined by hyperinsulinaemic,

The prevalence of metabolic syndrome will clearly

vary depending on the definition applied, the
ethnicity and age of the study population [8].
This is eloquently highlighted by a recent study
of American adults [9]. Based on NCEP parameters,
the unadjusted prevalence of metabolic syndrome
 Albumin excretion >20 mg/min

was approximately 35% in all participants; when

IDF criteria were applied to the same population
group, this figure rose to 39%. Interestingly, the
NCEP glycaemia parameter used in this study was
 BP >130/90 mmHg
of the following:

>100 mg/dL (5.6 mmol/L; fasting plasma glucose),

which is 10 mg/dL (0.5 mmol/L) lower than the
cut-off value in the NCEP guidelines [3]. A similar
WHO (1999)

study 11 years before, using NCEP criteria had

Table 1

shown an age-unadjusted prevalence of 21.8%,

highlighting the significant increase in prevalence
of metabolic syndrome in recent years [10]. The
Abdominal obesity, metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular disease 321

showed that the AHA/NHBLI definition for men,

Table 2 Ethnic-specific values for waist circumfer-
ence (adapted from the IDF consensus worldwide
and the IDF definition for women, were the stron-
definition of the metabolic syndrome, available at gest predictors of coronary atherosclerosis when [5] using carotid intima-media thickness as a surrogate
marker [17].
Country/Ethnic group Waist circumference
Europids (in USA, Male 94 cm
the ATPIII values Female 80 cm
are likely to be Mechanistic link between abdominal
used in clinical obesity, metabolic syndrome and
South Asians Male 90 cm
cardiovascular disease
Female 80 cm
Japanese Male 85 cm One of the most challenging aspects of metabolic
Female 90 cm syndrome is understanding the cellular mechanisms
East Mediterranean Male Use European that link the constellation of metabolic abnormal-
and Middle East Female cut-off values ities with the pathophysiological effects that later
population until more specific manifest as clinical disease. The diagnostic criteria
data are available for metabolic syndrome clearly include conven-
tional risk factors for cardiovascular disease such
as hypertension and adverse lipid profile [18].
prevalence of metabolic syndrome in an Italian co- Obesity and atherosclerosis have been hypoth-
hort (using NCEP parameters) was 18% and 15% in esised to have an inflammatory aetiology [19e22].
women and men respectively, demonstrating the Immune cells play an important role in all stages of
variation seen between different geographical the atherosclerotic process, and at a cellular level
populations [11]. their interaction with the endothelium is thought
to be a key process in early atheroma formation
[23]. Associated with this is a reduction in nitric
Abdominal obesity, metabolic syndrome oxide (NO), a key regulator of endothelial homeo-
and all-cause mortality stasis, and an increase in reactive oxygen species
and oxidative stress, resulting in endothelial dys-
Waist circumference (WC) is directly related to all- function and a pro-atherogenic vascular bed [24].
cause mortality when adjusted for body mass index The molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying
(BMI) [12], highlighting the importance of visceral the relationship between obesity, metabolic syn-
over subcutaneous fat deposits and the incorpora- drome, and its association with increased cardio-
tion of WC measurement in the diagnosis of meta- vascular risk are incompletely understood and
bolic syndrome [2,3,5]. The DECODE study, an have led to focused research on the function of
amalgamation of European data from different cen- adipose tissue.
tres, reported a significant increase in all-cause
mortality and cardiovascular mortality in individ- Obesity and inflammation
uals with metabolic syndrome [13]. The overall haz-
ard ratios for all-cause and cardiovascular mortality The link between obesity and inflammation was
in men with the metabolic syndrome compared first proposed over a decade ago with the finding
with those without were 1.44 and 2.26, respec- that the pro-inflammatory cytokine, tumour
tively, with a similar trend in women [13]. Similar necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-a), was overexpressed
data have been presented in isolated studies of in obesity [21]. Subsequent studies have demon-
British, Scandinavian and American populations strated that the plasma levels of other inflamma-
[14e17]. Direct comparison of data between stud- tory mediators (interleukin-6 [IL-6], CRP) [25] are
ies can be difficult as some groups exclude patients also elevated. Adipose tissue is able to express
with type 2 diabetes from their metabolic cohort, many of these pro-inflammatory molecules, with
whilst others include these individuals. The inflam- macrophage infiltration into white adipose tissue
matory marker C-reactive protein (CRP) has been demonstrated and proposed as a potential source
shown to statistically enhance the relationship of production [26].
between metabolic syndrome and coronary heart Intriguingly recent studies have demonstrated
disease events [15]. A recent comparison of the that high fat intake is associated with oxidative
metabolic syndrome definitions [3,5,6] and their stress and activation of nuclear factor kappa-beta
predictive value for early atherosclerotic lesions, (NF-kB), a pro-inflammatory transcription factor
322 S.A. Ritchie, J.M.C. Connell

[27,28]. A diet rich in fruit and fibre is reported to put forward as important intracellular mediators
not induce significant inflammation compared to of inflammation and insulin resistance in the endo-
an equicalorific high fat diet [29]. thelial cell, potentially working through mecha-
nisms dependent on NF-kB [42e44].
Obesity and insulin resistance Adiponectin is secreted exclusively by adipose
tissue, with plasma levels negatively correlated
Insulin has important physiological effects on the with obesity [45]. This paradoxical decrease in se-
endothelium, increasing NO availability and stimu- cretion in the presence of increasing adiposity is
lating vasodilatation, and is proposed to act in an not understood. The exact physiological role of
anti-atherogenic manner overall [30,31]. Insulin- adiponectin is incompletely understood, but it is
resistant states are associated with impaired vascu- hypothesised to have an anti-inflammatory and
lar response to insulin and endothelial dysfunction protective role against atherosclerosis, and to be
[32,33]. Obesity is associated with insulin resistance an insulin sensitizer [36]. There are several molec-
[13]. Insulin resistance is also associated with in- ular weight forms of adiponectin, and the physio-
creased cardiovascular risk, with meta-analyses logical actions of each and how they interact with
demonstrating a statistically positive correlation the two adiponectin receptors identified is cur-
between fasting plasma insulin and the risk of car- rently under investigation [34,36]. Hypoadiponecti-
diovascular death independent of conventional naemia is associated with high body mass index,
risk factors (in a non-diabetic study group) [13]. insulin resistance, dyslipidaemia, endothelial dys-
function, and increased risk of cardiovascular
Adipocytokines disease [46e48]. Adiponectin has a number of vas-
culo-protective functions on the endothelium, in-
Adipose tissue is now hypothesised to be the largest cluding stimulating NO production in endothelial
endocrine organ in the body, secreting a large cell models through the enzyme AMP-activating
number of biologically important substances kinase (AMPK), an intracellular target of the anti-
termed adipokines [34]. The best-characterised diabetic agents metformin and the thiazolidine-
adipokines are adiponectin, leptin, tumour necro- diones [49,50]. Whilst hypoadiponectinaemia has
sis factor alpha (TNF-a), and interleukin-6 (IL-6) been shown to play a causative role in atherosclero-
[13]. Other identified adipokines include plasmino- sis [51], its role as a predictive marker of future vas-
gen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1), angiotensinogen, cular events is less clear [52e54]. Intriguingly,
resistin, visfatin and glucocorticoids. These adipo- modulation of the inflammatory response through
kines are postulated as a potential link between cross talk between adipokine-initiated signalling
abdominal obesity and the vasculature, and have pathways has been proposed, with adiponectin sup-
been shown to mediate insulin resistance [31,35]. pressing NF-kB signalling in response to TNF-a [55],
A detailed account of all the adipokines are outside suggesting that the change in serum concentrations
the scope of this review and there have been sev- of these adipokines may be a key factor in the tran-
eral recent focused reviews of this area that sition from normal physiological conditions to path-
readers may wish to consult [34e36]. ological processes.
Serum levels of the pro-inflammatory adipokines
IL-6 and TNF-a are elevated in obesity [25,37]. Free fatty acids
Human forearm studies have shown that TNF-a
induces insulin resistance and inhibits endothelial- Visceral adiposity is associated with elevated free
dependent vasodilatation [38], and research fatty acids (FFA). This results in an increased car-
suggests that the main action of TNF-a in endothe- diovascular risk profile with impaired endothelial
lial dysfunction is through mediating insulin resis- function, vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) pro-
tance [39]. Increased serum and adipose IL-6 liferation and alteration of high-density lipoprotein
levels are negatively correlated with insulin sensi- cholesterol (HDL-C) and low-density lipoprotein
tivity [40]. Human studies have also demonstrated cholesterol (LDL-C) levels [56].
that carotid artery distensibility is inversely related
to visceral adipose mass, which is directly associ-
ated with increased serum IL-6 and CRP [25], while Proposed link between abdominal obesity,
animal models show reduced endothelial vasodila- metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular
tation in response to IL-6, which is hypothesised to disease
be a result of reduced NO availability [41]. The in-
tracellular enzymes, inhibitor of NF-kB kinase Obesity results in a pro-inflammatory state with
(IKK) and Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK), have been increased visceral fat deposits and alteration of
Abdominal obesity, metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular disease 323

adipokine secretion, with concomitant insulin differing effects on conduit and resistance vessels
resistance. In the vasculature, the cumulative [60,61]. There are concerns that sibutramine can
effects of these changes result in alterations of adversely affect blood pressure, and caution
NO/superoxide balance, resulting in endothelial must be taken in individuals with pre-existing
dysfunction and increased cardiovascular risk heart disease. There are limited data comparing
through atheroma formation. This problem is the effects of orlistat and sibutramine head to
further exacerbated by increased FFAs and the head [62]. Combined sibutramine and lifestyle in-
presence of ‘traditional’ cardiovascular risk fac- tervention has been shown to result in greater
tors (Fig. 1). weight loss than each factor in isolation [63]. Gas-
tric banding has been shown to significantly reduce
abdominal adiposity and improve metabolic pro-
Managing the underlying CVD risk file, providing another therapeutic option in mor-
associated with metabolic syndrome bidly obese patients [64].

Reducing visceral fat Emerging therapies

Reduction of adipose mass through exercise is well The endocannabinoid receptors are thought to
characterised to reduce the incidence of type 2 play a key role in feeding signalling in the hypo-
diabetes [57,58]. The increased CVD risk associ- thalamus and are proposed to have a major role in
ated with metabolic syndrome can be reduced to FFA synthesis in the liver. Activation of cannabi-
the level of normal weight peers with high levels noid receptor-1 (CB1) results in increased feeding
of activity/fitness [59]. Weight loss has been shown and serum lipid production [65]. Rimonabant,
to improve endothelial dysfunction [60], with a CB1 blocker, has shown significant reduction in
a loss of 5e10% of body weight conveying benefit. weight loss, WC and triglycerides, with significant
Both orlistat and sibutramine reduce visceral obe- increases in HDL-C and insulin sensitivity in obese
sity and improve metabolic parameters in obesity patients (in combination with a hypocaloric diet)
[61,62]. Orlistat has been demonstrated to have [66]. Rimonabant treatment in patients with
a higher risk of cardiovascular and metabolic dis-
ease (i.e. who are overweight or obese with un-
MACRONUTRIENTS OBESITY / treated dyslipidaemia) provided similar changes
PRO-INFLAMMATORY in metabolic parameters, with additional signifi-
cant increases in plasma adiponectin and LDL-
cholesterol particle size [67].
TNF- / IL-6 / CRP The potential role of aspirin and intracellular
ADIPONECTIN RESISTANCE enzyme inhibitors in blocking pro-inflammatory
pathways mediated by IKK/JNK is currently being
investigated [68,69].

NO BIOAVAILABILTY The association between abdominal obesity, met-
SUPEROXIDE abolic syndrome and CVD is well characterised.
The prevalence of metabolic syndrome is rising,
and new diagnostic criteria have been published
to correct for ethnic differences in determining
SMOKING cardiovascular risk for a given level of abdominal
adiposity. This takes into account the central
role that visceral fat is proposed to play in the
CARDIOMETABOLIC development of cardiovascular and metabolic dis-
RISK eases, and indicates how WC measurements may
Figure 1 Potential mechanisms linking abdominal obe- be useful in aiding patient identification in a clin-
sity, metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular disease. ical setting. Increased visceral fat is associated
TNF-a: tumour-necrosis factor alpha; IL-6: interleukin- with a shift in the normal balance of the adipo-
6; FFA: Free Fatty Acids; CRP: C-reactive protein; [: in- kines resulting in a pro-inflammatory state. Ther-
crease; Y: decrease. apeutic options in the treatment of the clustering
324 S.A. Ritchie, J.M.C. Connell

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