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Name Qiying Feng

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1. Who is this BIOrhythm about?

This BIOrhythm is about Martin Luther King Jr.

2. What were some of the problems that Martin faced as a child?

Martin realized colored discrimination when he was six years old. He cannot go to public park, use
the swimming pool, and enjoy all those privileges white kids have.

3. Who did Martin study regarding “Passive Resistance?”

King studied the “Passive Resistance” ideal from Gandhi.

4. Give an example of “Passive Resistance” today.

An example of passive resistance today could be boycotting companies.

5. What was the “single event” that “changed the course of King’s life?”

The single event that changed the course of King’s life is Rosa Parks’ arrestment.

6. How many African Americans refused to ride buses until they were desegregated?

50000 African Americans refused to ride buses until they were desegregated. The boycott lasted
381 days

7. Would you be willing to give up something you really liked or needed in order to
protest against or for something you believed in? Why or why not?

Yes, I think I am willing to give up something I like to protest against for something I believed. I
do not have a specific reason, but I am good at insisting on what I think is rightful and justice.
8. What are two types of protests that King organized across the country?

Two types of protests that King organized across the country are nonviolence and march.

9. How many times was King arrested in 1964 for “civil disobedience?”

King was arrested 14 times in1964 for “civil disobedience”.

10. How many protesters were jailed May 3, 1963?

3000 protesters were jailed May 3 1963.

11. When was the Civil Rights Act passed barring segregation?

The Civil Rights Act passed in July 1964

12. Where was King assassinated?

King was assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee.

13. Do you think racism still exists today? Explain. Continue your answer on the back if

I think racism still exists today because there is still prejudice in our government. The start
of the BLM movement is proof of it. Sadly, there are no more Martin Luther King Jr. to
unite the African American community and properly lead the protest. Although the
situation becomes better, racism still exists because we are not treating African
Americans equally regarding the police department

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