APTIS Writingpart2 3 4 1

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Đề 1

Part 2:
Please write some reasons why you are interested in computers. ( 20- 30 words)

Computers are invaluable resource to help me explore the world around. I use the Internet
to satisfy my curiosity and I am actually becoming more independent in my study.

Part 3.
In a computer club chat room.

a. What do you use your computer for?

Well, I utilize my computer to download and store a huge collection of E-books, movies
and programs on my school subjects. It’s a really wonderful machine, not to say a
magical one.

b. Can you remember the first computer you used? What was it like?

To tell the truth, my first computer was stolen just in 3 days after I brought it to home. I
couldn’t remember much about it except it was one of the small black modern ASUSs.

c. What would you like to learn from computer club?

Oh, for me it's always rewarding to know how to restore a broken unit in my laptop.
Apart from that, the computer club offers a friendly atmosphere for learning and
exchanging information and ideas.

Part 4: Computer Club

You are a member of a computer club. You received this e-mail from the club:
Dear Member,
We are writing tell you that the famous expert, Ms Tasmeen Mohammed will
unfortunately not be able to give a talk at our next club meeting club due to personal
reasons. She has requested we reschedule the talk for next year in either January or March.
Please contact the club secretary if you have a preference for one of the two months. Our
meeting will take place as usual with a discussion on the advantages and disadvantages of
learning on the Internet.

Write an e-mail to your friend. Write about your feelings and what you are planning to do.
Write about 50 wors. You have 10 minutes.

Hey Sally,
Did you get the email from the club about the delay of our next club meeting due to Ms
Tasmeen’s absence? Oh, I’m over the moon! You know, we’re terribly busy with a ton of
our class exercise. Anyway, we should join the next discussion in either Jan or March.
Write an e-mail to the secretary of the club. Write about your feelings and what
would you like to do. Write 120 – 150 words. You have 20 minutes.

Dear Sir/ Madam,

My name is Linda Bria Lemire and I have been a computer club member since 2010. I am
writing this email to express my deepest disappointment regarding the cancellation of the
following club appointment due to the absence of Ms Tasmeen Mohammed.
As I informed my regular schedule with you before, I would have to go on my business in
Taiwan from January to May in the following year. Therefore, I will not participate in any
club appointment among these months.
Furthermore, you assured that our schedule would not change dramatically despite any
It would be grateful if you could persuade Ms Tasmeen to attend to ensure our plan
occurring as usual. If not, you should invite another famous computer expert instead of the
former one.

I look forward to receiving your response if my recommendations are acceptable.

Yours faithfully,
Linda Bria Lemire

Đề 3:
Part 3: You are talking to N in a chat room about “Education for All”, a volunteer education
program you recently joined aimed at improving education opportunities in high-needs
schools throughout Malaysia. Answer N using complete sentences. Use 30-40 words per
answer. You have 10 minutes to complete all 3 answers.

1. N- Welcome to the program! I have been a member for 6 months now. Why did you
decide to join? (Write your reply in 30 – 40 words)

Hi! Thanks N. I have joined the program since 2013. After all, I had a diploma in teaching
English and it would be fantastic if I could contribute to our community.

2. N- So what type of volunteer work would you like to try first?

(Write your reply in 30 – 40 words)

To tell the truth, I’m interested in volunteering as a teacher or a teaching assistant in the
needy schools especially in the rural areas as working there makes me happier and more
satisfied with every daily life.

3. N- Apparently our program will be getting funding from the Government. How do you
think we should allocate these funds?
(Write your reply in 30 – 40 words)
I think it would be handy if we could allocate these funds to buy stationery, materials for
teaching the children as I know some of them don’t have those materials.

Part 4: You have been preparing for the annual fundraiser dinner “Education for All” for a
few months. You receive this email from the club:

Dear Member
We are writing to inform you that we have decided to cancel next month’s annual fundraiser
dinner due to lack of support. Since we are only a month away, we feel it is not enough time
to gather the necessary support in time for the event. We apologize to those who have been
preparing and appreciate your hard work. If you have any comments or suggestions, please
feel free to email the club secretary.

1. Write an email to a friend. Write your feelings and suggest possible alternatives. Write
about 50 words. You have 10 minutes.

Hi Sarah,
Today a piece of bad news has come to me. The club has just told us that the next month’s
annual fundraiser dinner will be cancelled due to lack of support. This lets me down. Do
you think we should come together to find other alternatives to fund our future program?

2. Write an email to the club secretary. Explain your feelings and make suggestions. Write
120-150 words. You have 20 minutes.
Dear Sir/ Madam,

My name is Linda Bria Lemire and I have been a club member since 2006. I am writing this
email to express my deepest disappointment regarding the cancellation of our next month’s
annual fundraiser dinner due to lack of support.

I totally agree that all of us had worked very hard to prepare for this incoming event and I
would appreciate it if the Head of the club could find other alternatives to use the resources
that have been done for our grand event.

It would be fantastic if we could have another urgent meeting to discuss the alternatives. I
strongly believe that if you could gather all of us, we would able to find many alternatives to
collect more funds for our club activities.

I would be grateful if you could take this into consideration.

I look forward to receiving your response at your earliest convenience.

Yours faithfully,

Linda Bria Lemire

Đề 4
P2: You are a new member of SquishSquash and one of the players has set up an online
group and website.
Write a short statement in reply to the post below:
Write in sentences. Use 20-30 words. You have 7 minutes.
I enjoy playing squash and keeping fit because

As a squash lover, I find playing squash truly fascinating as it can boost my mood after a
stressful day. Also, I can meet and make friends who share common interests.

P3: You are a member of SquishSquash’s online site. You are talking to Bob in the online
chat room. Talk to Bob using full sentences.
Use 30 to 40 words per answer. You have 10 minutes.
Hi there! I am also a member of the group. I joined last month as I am new to the area
and have been looking for a squash court since I arrived. Why did you join?
Well, I decided to join SquishSquash’s online site as I suppose I would have many great
chances to meet and make friends who have the same interests as me.

How did you hear about the club? I was lucky as one of my friend’s lives in the
Yeah! You know, Linda, one of my conversation partners via Skype knew that I’m a crazy
fan of SquishSquash. Thus, she herself found the SquishSquash club and she recommended
it to me.

The website that Graham has made is great! I really like the way we can organise the
mini-tournaments so easily. What do you like about it?
Um... Let me see... Perhaps, I’ve never seen any exotic website like that. Specially, images
and contents are very vivid and understandable. Furthermore, Mr Graham shared some live
videos which could guide me how to play the Squishsquash better.

P4: You are a member of SquishSquash. You have just received the following email from
Hi guys,
Look I’ve just seen this notice on my condo sports hall:

Dear residents,
We regret to inform you that due to the current refurbishments the pool and the sports
hall will be closed from February 24th until further notice. We apologize for the
inconvenience but hope that you will be very happy with the result of the work being

Freddy Kruger, housing manager, Henry Crinkle Condominium.


Write an email to a friend that you play squash with. Write your feelings about the closure
of the sports hall and suggest possible alternatives. Write about 50 words. You have 10

Hey Mike,

Listen, did I tell you about the closure of our court? This is a bit disappointment to me as
Mr. Graham isn’t sure when the court will be up and officially running so I’m going to find
another sports venue. What about you? Drop me a line soon.



Also write an email to Freddy Kruger, the condominium manager, explaining your feelings
about the closer and suggest possible alternatives. Write 120-150 words. You have 20

Dear Mr. Freddy Kruger,

My name is Linda Bria Lemire and I have been a SquishSquash member since 2012. I am
writing this email to express my deepest disappointment in connection with the closure of
the pool and sports hall due to the current renovations court.

I would really appreciate because the condo sports hall did provide us with a very good
sports venue during passing time; however, I am wondering when the court will be officially
run back.

Therefore, I will venture a couple of suggestions. The first one is that we would be very
pleased if you could offer us an alternative place where we can continue to participate in the
sport activities. Another one is that you could organize some extra activities for us while
upgrading the court.

I look forward to hearing your response at your earliest convenience if my recommendations

are acceptable.

Yours sincerely,

Linda Bria Lemire

Đề 5:
P2: You are doing a language course. Fill in the form. Write in sentences. Use 20 – 30
words. You have 7 minutes.
Please write here about your free time and interests.

I’m used to walking around our university campus whenever I have a lot more spare time.
Also, I’m eager to listen to audio books which can boost my mood while taking a walk.

P3: You’re a member of a gardening club. You are talking to some other members in the
gardening club chat room. Talk to them using sentences.
Sam: Hi! Welcome to the club. Can you tell me something about your garden?
Hi Sam! I beg you will be very surprised when you have a look at my garden because there
are such tropical fruits like limes, oranges, apples and mangoes grown there.
Miguel: Welcome! Is gardening very popular in your country?
To tell the truth, most of Vietnamese people have a tendency to use fresh fruits and vegetables
which are grown in their own gardens, so gardening may be very popular here.

Michelle: What is your favorite season and why do you like it?
To be honest, spring may be one of my most favorite seasons as it can reduce stress, boost my
mood and leave me feel more comfortable with every daily life.

You are a new member of the photography club. You have just found out that the
photograph club trip to New York cancelled.
Write to your friends to say how you feel and what you plan to do. You have 10 minutes.
* Write 50 words (+ a little bit)
Hi Sally,
Did you get the new about the cancellation of the photograph club trip to New York? This
makes me peeved off. I know that both of us are eager to go there. Should I talk to the Head of
the club about it?
Write to me soon.
Write to the club secretary Mr. White to say how you feel and what you plan to do. Write
120 – 150 words. You will have 20 minutes to do this part of the test.
Dear Mr. White,

My name is Linda Bria Lemire and I have been a member club since 2009. I am writing this
email to express my deepest disappointment regarding the cancellation of the photograph trip to
New York.

As far as you know, we had worked very hard to prepare for this fantastic trip better. However,
I do not know reasons why the Head of the club informed us that the trip to New York would
be cancelled without any further information.

Might I recommend you some alternatives? The first solution is that you could provide us with
some convincing reasons related the cancelled journey to make sure that all of the club
members are satisfied. Another one is that you could hold an urgent appointment for us to
discuss another trip instead.

I am looking forward to receiving your response at your earliest convenience if my

recommendations are acceptable.

Yours sincerely,
Linda Bria Lemire
Đề 5
P2: You are a new member of the book club. Fill in the form. Write in sentences. Use 20 –
30 words. You have 7 minutes in total.
Please write some reasons why you are interested in books.
It is said that each book can contain an ocean of knowledge which readers never cease to
conquer. For this reason, I am also keen on books, especially those books related to my field.
You are a member of a book club. You are talking to some other members in the book
club chat room. Talk to them using sentences. Use 30-40 words per answer. You have 10
minutes in total.

Sam: Hi! Welcome to the club! Can you remember the first time you read books? What
was it like?
Hi Sam! Um…Let me see… perhaps the first time I read books was 6 years ago. At that time, I
found reading books really fascinating and handy for me, especially for my entrance university
exam in 2012. What about you?

Sam: I love it. How do you feel about the club?

Yeah! I think the book club is a very good learning environment where I and other members
can come frequently to exchange and share interests as well as knowledge to each other. Do
you agree with me?

ĐỀ 6

You are a member of a sports club. On your last visit to the club you saw the notice below.
Dear Members,
We are sorry to tell you that our next month membership fees will go up by a minimum of 15%.
Also, due to maintenance the club will close from 4 pm on Wednesday for the next four weeks.
Please feel free to email us at kjmn@goodhealth.com
Write an email to a friend. Write your feelings about the notice and suggest possible
alternatives. Write about 50 words. You have 10 minutes.
Also write an email to the Customer Service Team, explaining your feelings about the notice
and suggesting possible alternatives. Write 120 – 150 words. You have 20 minutes.

Hi Trevor,
Did you read the notice from the sports club about the increasing membership fees and the
closing time? This is a little disappointment to me, isn’t it? It’d be better if the Head of the club
could hold an urgent meeting to discuss about these problems more deeply.

Dear Sir or Madam,

My name is Linda Bria Lemire and I have been a sports club member for nearly two weeks. I
have recently received an announcement from the sports club in connection with the increasing
membership fees by a minimum of 15 % in the following month and the closing time of the
court from 4 pm on every Wednesday for the following 4 weeks. Therefore, I am writing this
email to you to draw your attention related to its content.
To make issues better, I will venture a couple of suggestions. One alternative is that you could
reduce the fees for each participant at least 10 %. Another one is that you could inquire
members’ opinion in regard to the notice whether they totally agree or not.
I am looking forward to receiving your prompt response at your earliest convenience if my
recommendations are acceptable.
Yours faithfully,
Linda Bria Lemire

ĐỀ 7
Task 1: Write a thank-you letter to your friend for coming to your wedding. (with
Hi Kent,
Thank you for your coming to our wedding party! We know you are very busy working in your
company, but you can still spend your valuable time on having fun with us. Anyway, my
husband said to me that he was very pleased to welcome you at our home in the nearest days.
So, let’s me know if you can. By the way, give my greeting to your parents!
Keep in touch,

Task 2: Write a thank you letter for a wonderful dinner party you attended in your friends’
house named Marry and Tom.
Hi Marry and Tom,
Thank you for such wonderful dinner party at your house! I not only had lots of fun there but
was also enjoyed many delicious food, especially fried chicken and barbecues. I wish I could
make either of them. By the way, are you free on Sunday morning, Marry?
Write me soon,

Task 1: Write a letter to say sorry to your girl-friend for not coming to the date. (with answer)
How’re you? I hope you’re in good mood. I’m terribly sorry for not coming to the date. You know my
grandma is getting weaker and weaker, so her health isn’t really good. Yesterday, she felt hard to
breathe so I took her to see the doctor. Why don’t you visit her? I beg my grandma will be very pleased
to see you. Let me know if you can come.

Task 2. Your friend let you spend the weekend at his seaside cottage. While staying there you
accidentally stained an expensive Persian rug. Write a letter apologizing for the damage and
offering to get it cleaned.
Hi Tiffany,
How’re you? I hope you are in good mood.
Thank you for letting me spend the weekend at your seaside cottage very much! However, I’m
terribly sorry you because I can’t keep one of your pricey Persian rugs cleaner. You know it
has been started raining since last week while there isn’t any washing machine. Anyway, I
promise I’ll get it cleaned as initial.
Take care,

Task 3. Your close friend is going to have wedding party next week. Unfortunately, it is your
exam day. Write a letter apologizing for not attending your friend’s party.
Hi Thuong,
Thank you for your inviting me to your wedding party! You know I’m eager to attend your
wedding, but I suppose I can’t come because I’ll have an exam next week. Anyway, I wish you
always happy, beautiful and successful. Be the way, please give my best wishes to your honey
and your family.

Task 1: Write a letter to your friend asking him/her advice about how to earn money for your
holiday.(with answer)
Hi Jerwin,
How have you been lately? I hope you are in good mood.
Today, a piece of good news has come to me. My teacher tells me that our school is going to
hold a holiday summer in Nha Trang after our final examinations have already been finished.
You know I’m so excited with this school trip because I’ve ever dreamt of travelling to Nha
Trang for such a long time. However, I was wondering if my parents could able to give me
enough money.
You know I’m totally free in the evening so I really want to look for a part time job. Can you
give me some advice?
Thank you in advance!
Write to me soon,
Task 1: Write a complaint leter about the service of a restaurant where you ate recently. (with

Task 6: Write the following letters in appropriate style.

a. You stayed at a holiday resort recommended by your travel agent. However, you did not
enjoy your stay due to a number of difficulties. Write a letter describing them and asking for
action to be taken.
b. You have recently bought a cassette player but it does not work properly. Write a letter of
complaint to the manager of the shop where you bought it.

Task 1: Write an application letter for a job in a travel company/agency. (with answer)

Task 2: Write a letter to apply for the course Archeology MA course at Macbriney University.
(with answer)

Task 5: Write the following letters in appropriate style

a. You want to go to Winston University to do a degree in History. Write a letter applying for a
place on the course.
b. You have decided to spend some time working this summer. You have seen an
advertisement in the paper for lifeguards to work for a month on one of the most popular
beaches in Sussex. Write a letter asking to be considered for one of the positions.
Task 1: Write a letter requesting information about one-month courses in English at the Polytechnique.
In your letter, ask information about detailed informtion about the course and accomodation…(with
Task 2: Look at the following writing task instructions and answer the questions below. The
questions apply to both tasks.
a. You coach an amateur football team. Write a letter to a local school requesting permission to
use their facilities and explaining why your team cannot find facilities else-where. Suggest how
this may be arranged so that your team’s training will not interfere with the school’s activities.
b. You work for a children’s home which needs volunteers to help at weekends. Write to the
local newspaper requesting that they publicize the vacancies. You should include details of
what is required of the applicants and explain the ways in which both volunteers and children
might benefit.
1. What greeting would you use?
2. What is the main purpose for writing the letter?
3. What is the additional purpose?
4. What paragraph plan would you use?
5. What useful expressions could you use as opening and closing remarks?
6. How would you sign the letter?
7. Choose one of the writing tasks above and write a complete paragraph plan with notes.
Then, write the letter in appropriate style.
Task 3. Your school has no sport facilities. Write to a nearby club to apply for a membership.
In your letter, you
• Provide personal information
• Describe service or facilities you want
• Inquire about the fees.
Task 4. You are going to take a training course for two months. Write a letter asking the
local accommodation agency to reserve a flat for you. In the letter, you
• Provide relevant information about yourself
• Describe your requirement
• Clarify when you would arrive

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