Actividad 1 Reading Comprehension

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Actividad 1.
Reading Comprehension

Presentado por:

Carlos Andrés Aguirre Orozco Id 000593966

James Guevara Quebrada Id 000598097

NRC: 18604 (Psicología 7mo Semestre)


Yeny Viviana Ruiz Cárdenas

Pereira, Febrero de 2020

Answer the questions.

1. The White House has two uses. What are they?

The first is to be used as a home for the president and his family and the second is
where his office is, his workplace

2. Where exactly in the White House does the President live?

He lives witt his family on the second and third floors

3. Where does he work?

He works in the West wing of the white house, in the Oval office

4. Where do special guests stay?

The especial cuesta stay in the Queen's bedroom or the Lincoln Bedroom

5. What is in the Oval Office?

In the Oval office is the president's own office, at the West wing of the White house

6. What does each new president changue?

Each new president changes new curtains, new furniture, and especial new carpets.

7. How much does it cost to visit the White House?

It doesn't costs any dollar it is free Dollar

8. How many people work in the White House?

About 150 people work for the president and his Wife. And 100 more look after the
building day at night

9. What can the president do to relax?

He has many things for relaxing Like tennis court, jogging track, swimming pool,
movie theater, billiard room, And a library

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