3 8 3rd Grade Inuit Throat Singing Lesson Plan

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Inuit Throat Singing Lesson Plan

Name: Miss Emery Grade: 3 Date: 3/8-3/10

Element: Concept Statement: Known:

Cultural Diversity -Cultural diversity provides -History of Inuit throat
Melody windows and mirrors for singing
Rhythm students within the -Melody of “Love Song”
Create classroom. -Eighth, quarter, and dotted
-Melody may go high, low, or quarter notes
stay the same.
-Rhythm is made up of long
and short sounds.
-Creating allows students to
express their own thoughts
and ideas.

Mode(s): Instructional Evaluation:

-Enactive Objective(s): -Teacher will listen for tone
-Iconic -Students will sing with quality while students sing.
-Symbolic appropriate tone. -Teacher will ask objective
-Students will learn about and subjective questions
music from the Inuit about Inuit music.
culture. -Teacher will watch and
-Students will identify listen for correct rhythm
familiar melodies. production while students
-Students will identify and perform body percussion
play eighth and dotted exercises.
quarter notes.
-Students will write their
own folk song.

Musical resource(s): Musical selections and Other materials:

-Baritone ukulele recordings: -Paper (in case students
-Shina Nova “Love Song” don’t have their own)
-Quantum Tangle “Love is
Love, pt. 2”
-QT “Love is Love, pt. 1”
-QT “Tiny Hands”

National Standards:
MU:Cr1.1.3a, MU:Cr1.1.3b, MU:Cr2.1.3a
MU:Cr3.1.3a, MU:Cr3.2.3a
MU:Pr4.2.3b, MU:Pr4.2.3c, MU:Pr4.2.3c, MU:Pr6.1.3a
MU:Cn10.0.3a, MU:Cn11.0.3a
I can statements:
-I can sing with a high, light, and pleasant voice.
-I can experience music from various cultures.
-I can identify familiar melodies.
-I can identify note values.
-I can play an ostinato pattern.
-I can write my own folk song.


● Sing “Jambo Bwana” (current hello song)
Differentiated instruction/accommodations: visual (lyrics on TEC) and kinesthetic (body
● Review agenda and objective statements

Identifying Familiar Melodies

● Review history of throat singing
● “Love Song”
○ Listen to Shina Nova’s video
○ Practice with Shina Nova’s second video
Differentiated instruction/accommodations: slow the tempo for more accurate practice.
● “Love is Love, pt. 2”
○ Review Quantum Tangle information
○ Listen to recording
■ Have students stand up when they hear something that sounds familiar.
Describe what it is. How is it different?

Practicing Note Values: The Dotted Quarter Note

● Review quarter, dotted quarter, and eighth note values
○ How many eighth notes are in a quarter note? 2.
○ How many eighth notes are in a dotted quarter note? 3.
■ Why is it 3? You take half of the note and add it to itself.
● Practice note values with body percussion
○ Clap for dotted quarter note
○ Pat thighs for three eighth notes
○ Lead a call and response of different dotted quarter/eighth note combinations.
○ Invite a few students to lead their own patterns.
● “Love is Love, pt. 1”
○ Practice body percussion ostinato patterns without music first.
■ Make sure students are using the provided spoken phrases in order to
promote accurate rhythms.
○ Add music to ostinati.
○ Since we don’t have instruments, give each student a chance to do each of the
three patterns.
Differentiated instruction/accommodations: aural (music and spoken phrases), visual (on
TEC), and kinesthetic (body percussion).

Folk Songs
● Discuss what a folk song is.
○ We’ll go into more detail after this song.
● Describe how this song is different from traditional folk songs.
● Listen to the “Tiny Hands” excerpt, focusing on the lyrics.
○ Thinking deeper: What is the story that this part of the song tells?
Differentiated instruction/accommodations: lyrics provided on board in case students aren’t
able to hear them clearly.
● Go over the process of writing a folk song.
● Write a folk song verse together as a class.
● Break into smaller groups of 3-4 students to write their own songs.
○ When finished, each group will come up to either read or sing their lyrics to the
class. If they choose to sing, I will play a chord progression for them.

If time remains…
● Have You Ever Seen a Penguin Drinking Tea
● Hey, My Name is Joe
● Alive, Awake, Alert, Enthusiastic

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